Evaluation 2 PDF

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We have ensured that our main charac-

ter conforms to the stereotypes of the

horror genre as much as possible. This
will help our horror film to seem more
realistic. Also, other teens may be able
to relate to the victim and compare
themselves to what they wear and the
way they act. The film Final Girls also
follows the main conventions of the
horror genre and uses a teen girl as the
main character. This shows how similar
our opening is to a real media product.
The main character comes across as
very physically strong because she is
wearing sporting gear. However, when
put into the situation of being followed
by an unknown presence, she becomes
very vulnerable.

These shots were both taken from a low

angle. This helps to make the villain look
powerful and dominant. Our shot (top
image) and the shot from When a
Stranger calls (bottom image) are similar
as they both dont show the main fea-
tures of the killer, giving a sense of mys-
tery. We have conformed to the stereo-
types of the horror genre; this unknown
presence makes the audience feel on
edge as the unfamiliar is something that
most people fear. This also helps to build
suspense and an intense atmosphere be-
cause the audience are waiting for the
revealing of the killer. The black costume
is effective, the colour black has conno-
tations of darkness, death and evil.

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