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Sand is probably the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about beach.

However, this is not the case with the Panjin Red Beach in China, which is, actually,
red, and not covered in sand at all. Such phenomena is caused by a type of sea
weed Sueda. It starts growing during April and May, then stays green during the
summer, but starts turning vividly red in autumn.
Location: Panjin City lies in the southwest of Liaoning Province at the central area of
the Liaohe River delta. It neighbors Anshan and Jinzhou and is separated from
Yingkou by the Liaohe River in the southeast, facing southward to the Liaodong
(Eastern Liaoning) Bay of Bohai Sea.

History: Administrative history of the area can be traced back to 195BC during the
Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD). The Tang Dynasty (618AD-907AD) brought the region
back from the Koguryo Kingdom to the regime of Central China. Panshan is the
earliest county established in modern Panjin.

Physical Features: Panjin is situated in the alluvial plain area. Its terrain slopes
downward from the north to the south. The land of the city is flat. Paddy field makes
up about eighty-five percent of the arable land.
The Red Beach is located in the biggest wetland and reed marsh in the world, and
actually hosts the most completed ecosystem that can be found: the area has
become home to more than 260 kinds of birds and 399 kinds of wild animals. You
can find the endangered Crown Cranes and Black Beaked Gulls there, which is why
the area is even called home of the cranes.
In order to keep the whole ecosystem safe, the area was granted state-level
protection back in 1988. Even though most of the Red Beach is closed to the public,
there still is a small section thats open for tourists. We can assure you that the
photos below are not an example of infrared photography, its just one of those
places that are hard to believe really exist!
You can visit the read beach in one day from Shenyang, as I did it. Take the CSR
train from Shenyang to Panjin, 1and 1/2 hr ride. Outside the train station, a lot of
taxi will offer you to take the taxi. One way cost about PMB 120, Its better to charter
the taxi inclusive of return. Otherwise once you reach there, it a long long walk to
view the beautiful area. I was there on 20th Sep 13. Beautiful. Request the taxi to
bring you around. they should know where is the best part to view it. If you bargain
the price too low, the driver will just bring you to a place and telling you this is the
best. AS for the boat ride, nothing much, can just skip the hour return trip costing
RMB40.Oh yes if you want to travel cheap, take bus 30 from the railway station and
inform the driver that you want to go to Red Beach. Fare is RMB 6. The bus will stop
you at the main road near Red Beach, there you take a three wheeler scooter to Red
Beach,cost RMB20 per person. and you will have a long long walk there. Back to
Panjin station, you can have a nice cool drink or meal at JinJiang Inn, just next to the
station. Clean coffehouse. Advisable to buy a return train tickets, if you intent to do
it in one day,

Bamboo Forest, Japan

Growing tall on the edges of Kyoto, the Sagano Bamboo Forest is a once tranquil
nature spot that is now a series of tourist-packed pathways, but if one can escape
the sounds of camera shutters and boorish visitors, they can hear the rustling,
creaking, and swaying of one of Japans governmentally recognized soundscapes.
Only 30 minutes or so from the bustling Kyoto city center, the towering bamboo
forest is an almost shocking contrast to the urbanity surrounding it. Wooden paths
weave through the dense thicket of tall bamboo stalks that reach dozens of feet into
the sky, creating a canopy. The absolutely gorgeous forest of skinny bamboo trunks
is the heroin chic of wooded glades. As the wind passes through the tightly packed
plants, the wood bends and creaks, the leaves rustle, and the trunks knock
together, creating a peaceful sound like almost nothing else. That is when the
hordes of tourists arent drowning it out.

The meditative natural noise is so lovely in fact that Japans Ministry of the
Environment voted the locations aural pleasures as one of the countrys 100
Soundscapes of Japan, an initiative designed to get the local population to get out
and appreciate the wonders of the ears. If visitors can find a time to visit the
bamboo forest when it is relatively empty the combination of visual beauty and
auditory calm may be one of a kind. There is no word however on how the place

Street in Bonn, Germany

Intrduce :
When this friendly, relaxed city on the Rhine became West Germanys temporary
capital in 1949 it surprised many, including its own residents. When in 1991 a
reunited German government decided to move back to Berlin, it shocked many,
especially its own residents. More than 15 years later, no-one need feel sorry for
Bonn. Change brings opportunity, and rather than plunge into the dark depths of
provincialism, the ex-capital has reinvented itself with creativity and vigour. Its
cosmopolitan openness has attracted an international cast of businesses, students,
scientists and even such world organisations as the UN.
For visitors, the birthplace of Ludwig van Beethoven has plenty in store, not the
least the great composers birth house, a string of top-rated museums, a lovely
riverside setting and the nostalgic flair of the old government quarter. Bonn can be
seen on an easy day trip from Cologne but also makes for an excellent jumping-off
point to the Siebengebirge nature reserve and other attractions that can be found in
the area.
Location :
The street is found in hip Nordstadt neighborhood, in the city center, only 5 minutes
from famous Beethovens House. The ornamental japanese cherry blossom trees
were planted in the 1980s. Every spring it becomes another popular attraction in
the beautiful historic city of Bonn.

Nature is a wonderful artist. Throughout the world sometimes mundane and

otherwise ordinary things come together to create something so striking and
beautiful that beholders have no other option but to stand and stare. One specimen
of this phenomenon can be observed every spring in the stunning Cherry Blossom
Street (locally known as Heerstrae ) in the old town of Bonn, Germany.
Bonn is a quaint little town in Germany that has he proverbial old world charm
about it. The cobbled stone pathways, streets shaded with pink cherry blossoms, old
houses and a characteristic old world feel make this place a warm destination. Bonn
used to be the old capital of Western Germany and hence one can conclude without
mistake that the town is rich in historic legacy. Moreover it is from this town in
Germany that the Musical Genius Beethoven hailed. The three storied house from
where hailed Beethoven is open for public view and visitors from distant parts come
here to pay their tributes to the Maestro. One can opt for a traditional German meal
at the Bonn market square for an authentic culinary experience.
The thing about Bonn is its tranquility that pervades the spirit of everyone in the
town. It has Neo Classical style buildings with colourful facades lining the streets.
The city is immaculately maintained and that adds to its charm. Bonn sits on the
Rhine River and is about 30 minutes by train south of Cologne. Bonn is much
smaller in area than Cologne and is home to about thirty thousand people. The old
town is called Alstadt and can be navigated on foot.
Bonn is in its natural best in the spring season when the overwhelming number of
Cherry Blossoms lining the city streets are in full bloom. Cherry Blossoms are
beautiful pink blossoms that have a soft exuberant presence about them. The
Japanese cherry blossom is called Sakura. When the blue of the sky plays peekaboo
with a thick cover of pink-purple cherry blossoms in full bloom, it is a wonderful
sight. It is astounding how nature and man made architecture can beautifully blend
in together to create visual poetry, the beauty of which can hardly be justified with
Thus if you want to get away for a spring weekend from the daily worries of routine
life, the Cherry Blossoms of Bonn are calling you. Every Spring the cherry blossoms
are in bloom for three weeks. Hence if you want to catch the beautiful spectacle you
have to make sure that your visit is within this small window. A thing of beauty, after
all, is indeed fleeting in nature.

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