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Consolidation is an operation for strengthening soils.

It includes
pressing the soils to tighten their bond and improves its effective stress or
strength. This process is applied in the experiment in which the sand in the
bottle must hold the metal wire to carry the weight of about 18 kilos. The
sand to be used must pass on sieve no. 8 and retained on sieve no. 50. The
metal wire is placed about 1/3 the height of the bottle on the upper part and
be formed in hook. By means of compaction, the sand is compressed and
strengthened to hold the metal wire. The compaction must be well done so
that the voids or air will be removed so that the sand will attain greater
strength. Our experiment failed to carry the loads due to the property of our
metal wire. Our compaction is well done but the metal wire is thin and weak
that the hook is deformed. Compaction and the kind of wire are the ones
need to be considered in this experiment.

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