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Chapter XII: Source-state: law from the state of the

TRANSBOUNDARY POLLUTION source of pollution;

Adjoining and neighboring countries:
I. Problem of Pollution law of a state where the pollution
Cuts across national boundaries. passes through;
Effects and impacts are not localized in one Affected state: law of the state where
place or within the borders of the source- the impacts are felt; or
state. International treatises or conventions
May originate in one place and travel to the specifically governing haze problem,
territorial boundaries of another state/s. providing remedies for affected parties
Source-state may not feel its harmful effects or a foundation from which the
because pollution could migrate, hence, a pollution may be abated for the well-
grave concern for those suffering the being of Member-states and their
impacts of pollution. people.
[International Perspective] major issue
among countries, especially among adjoining II. Climate Change
countries. Poses as a more pressing problem of today.
o Haze could easily travel to neighboring What is Climate Change?
country/ies in Southeast Asia. o Change of climate that is attributed
o Joint concerted effort among affected directly or indirectly to human activity
countries to contain the pollution. that alters the composition of the global
o What is haze? atmosphere and that is in addition to
Type of pollution whose origin is easy natural climate variability observed over
to locate as it could be caused by comparable time periods (United Nations
forest fires or from polluting factories Framework Convention on Climate
in a particular area. Change [UNFCC]).
May serve as a private cause of action o As any change in climate over time,
for affected people and entities. whether due to natural variability or as a
Hence, the need to ascertain and result of human activity
determine the applicable law. This (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
is where conflict of laws arises. Change [IPCC]).
o Ascertaining applicable law:


What is IPCC? 2. Reduction in snow-cover extent,
An international body established by the UN 3. Earlier spring melting of rivers and
Environment Programme (UNEP) and the lakes,
World Meteorological Organization (WMO). 4. Accelerated rate of rise of sea
Composed of scientists from around the levels during the 20th century
world. relative to past centuries.
Purpose: To study climate change. Complex progressive problem in need of a
Regularly publishes Assessment Reports, solution since its effects are universal and
which provide policymakers solid options irreversible leading to severe crisis for
and recommendations concerning climate humanity and the world, ecological balance,
change in the areas of science, adaptation, resulting in the extinction of several species,
and mitigation. and the disappearance of several small
countries from the map.
These reports are not a gospel of
Priority to solutions which may reduce
destruction, but a foundation for sound
policymaking that gives governments carbon emissions, such as fossil fuels.
several alternatives in approaching climate
change. Fossil fuels have high carbon emissions that
o Example: the option to use dirty fuel contribute to global warming leading to weather
disturbances, change in weather patterns, and
with the consequent effect of a
fierce storms.
warmer environment and more
destructive storms, or to shift to Stronger storms cause devastating floods
cleaner technologies that may be severely affecting small and poor nations;
costly. most of whom never caused climate
change, and yet suffer more than the
generators (source-states) as they could ill
Judicially recognized.
afford the impacts of climate change.
o Massachesetts v. EPA the harms
CLIMATE JUSTICE: Element of injustice in the
associated with climate change are
serious and well recognized. Upholding a effects of climate change for affected states.
National Research Council (NRC) Report o Principle penalizing the source or cause
of the effects of climate change, which of the pollution: not the principle of the
consisted of: polluter pays; but instead, proposed
1. Global retreat of mountain glaciers, accords on climate change aim to make


the large industrialized countries Georgia v. Tennessee Copper Co.
somehow responsible by putting up a 206 U.S. 230 (1907)
green fund for the benefit of victim-
countries/affected states. State of Georgia sued Tennessee Copper Co. and
CONFLICT OF LAWS: Ducktown Sulphur, Copper and Iron Company,
o Climate change has public and private Limited for injunction seeking to enjoin defendant-
international law aspects. companies from discharging noxious gases to its
Public International Law those territory.
involving relationship of nations,
such as the well-founded desire to Is Georgia entitled to injunction? Yes.
preserve its sovereign territory with 1) Suit by the state in its capacity of quasi-
a sufficiently concrete interest for sovereign in this particular capacity, the state
judicial determination. has an interest independent of and behind the
Private International Law those titles of its citizens, in all the earth and air within
involving the citizens of different its domain, notwithstanding just compensation.
countries, such as a citizen of a 2) Fair and reasonable demand on the part of a
Victim-country devastated by a sovereign that the air over its territory should not
violent storm caused by an oil be polluted on a great scale by sulphurous acid
company from the Source-state for gas, including whatever domestic destruction they
damages to life and property. have and would have suffered by the act of
o In Private International Law, it will be persons beyond its control.
difficult to assess the applicable law 3) Proof requires mere preponderance of
because climate change may be caused evidence.
in one country, and the effects thereof
are felt in another country. III. Approaches to Transboundary Pollution
Liberal Interpretation of environmental laws. a. Governmental interest analysis
This approach indulges the courts to
Applying the traditional approach utilized in
consider governmental interests when
torts (concepts of causation and
two or more states have conflicting laws
redressability) would weaken the system of
and interests.
compensation provided in environmental
laws. Courts compare the laws and interests of
two states to determine if there is a real


If a real conflict exists, apply the law of subordinated to the policy of the
the state whose interest is more other state.
impaired. b. Lex loci delicti
Purpose: Important to consider the Application of the law of the place where
interest of other states since commercial the damage is suffered or inflicted.
transactions involve people located in Looks to the domestic law of a state
several jurisdictions, which may have applied to polluting activities whose
conflicting interests in a transaction, sources are foreign.
where such interest may have been a So long as the effects are felt locally,
motivating factor in the agreement of the domestic law may be applied to govern
parties. the act complained of, notwithstanding
In torts, a state may have an interest in that the source came from outside the
the dispute due to its closer connection country.
to the parties. Its laws shall be favored
over those of another state. Pakootas v. Teck Cominco Metals, Ltd.
Steps: 452 F.3d 1066 (2006)
1) Court determination whether the
relevant law of the affected Teck operates lead-zinc smelter in Trail, British
jurisdictions with regard to the Columbia, generating and disposing hazardous
issue in question is the same or materials into the Columbian River located in the
different; US. The Environmental Protection Agency issued
2) If there is a difference, the court an Order directing Teck to conduct a Remedial
examines each jurisdictions Investigation/Feasibility Study under the
interest in the application of its own Comprehensive Environmental Response,
law to determine whether a true Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) for site
conflict exists; contamination. Teck did not comply. Pakootas filed
3) If there is a true conflict, court shall a citizen suit to force Teck to comply with the
evaluate and compare the nature Order.
and strengths of the interest of
each jurisdiction to determine Teck moved for the dismissal on the ground that
which interest would be more CERCLA has no extraterritorial application, and
impaired if its policy were that US has no jurisdiction over Teck, it being a


Canadian corporation not operating in US. Motion polluting entity can be held liable. The principle
to dismiss was denied. provides that it can be held liable because if its
operations extend outside a countrys boundaries,
Does the application of CERCLA involve an it is reasonable for it to expect that it will be held
extraterritorial application of a domestic law of the liable for its polluting activity. This is a multi-state
US? NO. event and not an extraterritorial application of
1) Location where a party arranged for disposal or domestic law.
disposed of hazardous substances is not
controlling for purposes of assessing whether c. Most significant relationship approach
CERCLA is applied extraterritorially. CERCLA An examination is made as to the state
imposes liability for releases or threatened that has the most connection to a case,
releases of hazardous substances, and not merely and the law of such state shall be applied
for disposal or arranging of such. The actual or in the resolution of the conflict.
threatened release triggers CERCLA liability. In the Points of contact, as enumerated in the
case at bar, the leaching of hazardous substances Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws:
from slag that settled at the Site took place in US, 1) Place where the injury occurred
hence this case involves a domestic application of 2) Place where the conduct causing the
CERCLA. injury occurred
2) Applying CERCLA to the Site as defined by the 3) Domicile, residence, nationality, place
Order issued is a domestic application of CERCLA. of incorporation, and place of
Extraterritorial application cannot be upheld business of parties, and
because CERCLA liability does not attach until 4) Place where the relationship, if any,
there is an actual or threatened release of between the parties is centered.
hazardous substances in the environment (in this Point of contact in most significant
case, the Site, which is the Upper Columbian River relationship is the place where the injury
within US). occurred. The state with the most
3) The argument that extraterritorial application significant relation to a claim is usually the
shall be upheld because of the fact that an act state in which the tort (and therefore the
which is sought to be regulated has a foreign injury) occurred. This state has the
source but whose effects are felt locally, is greatest interest in striking a reasonable
untenable. There is now a link that allows balance among safety, cost, and other
domestic law to regulate a polluting activity which factors pertinent to the design and
is coming from outside the border, such that the administration of a system of tort law.


ABC Co. operates a polluting factory in Whether Maryland law or District of Columbia law
State X, adversely affecting residents of governs plaintiffs claims? District of Columbia
State Y. applies.
o The laws of State X and State Y may be 1) State-law claims under diversity or
applied, depending on other points of supplemental jurisdiction federal courts shall
contact with State X or State Y. decide and apply the choice-of-law rules of the
The laws of the state with the most jurisdiction in which they sit. The District of
significant relationship to the case Columbia adopted the substantial interest
may be applied in determining the approach to choice-of-law questions, where it shall
damages to be awarded or in balance the competing interests of two conflicting
resolving the cause of action. jurisdictions, and apply the law of the jurisdiction
with the more substantial interest in the
Nnadili v. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. resolution of the issue. District of Columbia
435 F.Supp.2d 93 (2006) consider the factors listed in Section 145 of the
Restatement (Second) Conflict of Laws to
Plaintiffs are current and former owners/residents determine substantial interest.
of Riggs Park neighborhood in Washington, DC. 2) District of Columbia has the greater interest in
They sued Chevron for having operated a gasoline the outcome of this litigation. While Chevrons
station in Chillum, Maryland, which is near the conduct occurred mainly in Maryland, where its
border between Maryland and Washington. The former service station and underground storage
gas station was alleged to have contaminated the tanks are situated, and a handful of plaintiffs are
air, soil, and groundwater of the properties currently residing therein, it was proved that all of
currently or formerly owned, or occupied by the alleged contamination occurred in the District
plaintiffs, which resulted in the diminished values of Columbia, and the overwhelming majority of
of the subject properties. plaintiffs reside therein.

Chevron filed a motion for summary judgment.


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