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High-pressure Boilers:

A boiler is called a high-pressure boiler when it operates with a steam pressure

above 80 bars. The high-pressure boilers are widely used for power generation in
thermal power plants.
In a high-pressure boiler, if the feed-water pressure increases, the saturation
temperature of water rises and the latent heat of vaporization decreases. The feed
water can be heated to saturation of temperature in the economizer with the help of
waste heat. Recovery from the exhaust gases is escaping to the chimney. Then the
boiler supplies only latent heat of vaporization and superheat. Thus, a boiler operation
at high pressure will require less heat addition for steam generation.

High-pressure boilers have the following functions:

1. Forced circulation of water in all modern high-pressure boilers, the force
circulation of water is maintained with the help of pumps. It increases the help of
pumps. It raises the mean temperature of heat addition and evaporation capacity if the
2. Large number of small diameter tubes the surface-area-to-volume-ratio (area
density) increases with the use of small-diameter tubes. It helps in a high rate of the
heat transfer to water flowing inside the tubes. Therefore, a large number of small
density tubes in a zigzag manner are used for water circulation in forced circulation.
Further, use of a short tube reduces the pressure loss and gives the better control the
quality of steam.
3. Higher steam pressure and temperature the steam is generated at a pressure of
80 to 300 bars and temperature of 450C to 585C with two superheaters in series. The
use of such stream is very suitable for power generation. It increases the thermal
efficiency of the plant and reduces the moisture contents in low-pressure stages of
expansion in the turbine.
4. Improved mode of heat transfer modern high-pressure boilers use the heat
transfer by radiation along with conduction and convection. The total heat-receiving
equipment is divided into several parts. So they can easily be located in various zones
of the furnace for most efficient heat transfer to the water circuit.
5. Improved mode of heating the high-pressure boilers use the following methods for
improved heat transfer rate:
Evaporative of water above the critical pressure of steam.
Heating of water by mixing superheated steam for high heat transfer
Increasing the combustion of air velocity over the tube.
6. Pressurized combustion for increasing the combustion rate and thus heat-release
rate, pressurized air is used in the furnace. It gives a large amount of heat in a small
7. Compactness the high rate of heat transfer inside the boiler reduces the overall
size of the boiler, and the boiler becomes compact.
8. High efficiency High-pressure boilers have better firing methods, monitoring,
furnace conditions, control flue gases and water velocity.
9. Intensive heating the furnace temperature in high-pressure boilers is high enough
and therefore, 70% of heat is transferred to water by radiation. This is a faster way of
heat transfer.
10. Once through construction in high-pressure boiler operating at and above the
critical pressure, the water directly flashes into steam in the tube itself. It eliminates the
need of a boiler drum.
Advantages of High-pressure Boilers:
High-pressure boilers use the forced circulation of water which ensures the positive
circulation of water and increased evaporative capacity.
They require less heat of vaporization.
They are compact and thus require less floor space.
Due to the high velocity of water, the tendency of scale formation is minimized.
All parts are uniformly heated and the danger of overheating is minimized.
The steam can be raised quickly to meet the variable load requirements without the
use of complicated control devices.
The plant efficiency is increased.
With the use of high-pressure boilers, the steam generation is economical.

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