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Unit 4 Due:

Name:______________________________ Handout # Start of class

19AB Friday 3/10

Early US History Writing Assignment Guide (WAG)

Writing Portfolio Assignment #4:


Writing Prompt How democratic was Andrew Jackson?

Type of writing
(Argumentative writing is designed to convince your audience of your position/argument on a
topic/issue, providing them with a detailed analysis and explanation of claims and evidence that prove your
To evaluate and argue how much Andrew Jackson promoted democracy during his presidency
(Using your background knowledge, you must inform the reader what you will be writing about with
specific details)

A scholarly adult that knows about the time period, but does not have all the details
about specific events.
5-6 paragraphs (it can be longer if necessary)
[A paragraph can vary in the amount of sentences but should have a complete idea]

You must include an introduction (with thesis statement), body paragraphs, a

rebuttal/counterargument paragraph, and conclusion
Length o for each piece of evidence, you must analyze it by explaining HOW it shows
Andrew Jackson was democratic or not
o Criteria for being democratic:
branches of the government must follow and listen to the wishes of the
a democracy is meant to support social, political, and economic equality
for all (including equal OPPORTUNITY)
Style: Formal language (No Slang)

Along with your final draft, please pass in the following essay materials:
Document Analysis two-column notes (Handout #15)
Document packet (Handout #14)
Planning Sheet (Handout #16--the one with the buckets on the front)
First draft (Handout #17)
Second draft packet (Handout #18)
Your final draft should follow the structure below:

Background Information: Who was Andrew Jackson? What is he famous for?
Thesis: Andrew Jackson ___________ democratic because
Was or was not

PARAGRAPH 2: Claim #1
Topic Sentence/Claim (First reason WHY he was/was not democraticits in your thesis!)

Evidence from one of the documents

ANALYSIS of evidence Depending on your argument (i.e., whether or not he was democratic), you need
to explain how the evidence shows he did or did not meet at least one of the criteria for being democratic:
o Government actions reflect the voice wishes of the People
o promotes social, political, and economic equality for all (including equal OPPORTUNITY)

Transitional Statement:
o 1. Look at topic of next paragraph
o 2. Create a statement that connects topic of this paragraph to the next one

PARAGRAPH 3: Claim #2
Follow the same structure as Paragraph #2, but for Claim #2

PARAGRAPH 4: Claim #3
Follow the same structure as Paragraph #2, but for Claim #3

PARAGRAPH 5: COUNTERCLAIM (found on page 5 of second draft packet)

o Counterclaim
o Evidence to support counterclaim
o Rebuttal to counterclaim:
o Evidence
o Analysis

o Restate your thesis
o Clincherwhy is it important to have democratic leaders?
o How democratic is our current government? Explain!

Portfolio Sample #4

Using your planning sheet and the WAG, respond to the following prompt:

How democratic was Andrew Jackson?

Ask your teacher for lined paper if you need more room

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