Realignment Design of 4Km-Uape-Inturo - v1 - Misc Exp

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Financial Proposal Design and Supervision

Country : Republic of Mozambique

Client : Highland African mining Company (HAMC)
Project : Consultancy Services for Detailed Engineering Design
for Realignment of R 646 Uape - Inturo Road (Approx 4km)
Miscellaneous Expenses - During Design

Item No Description Unit Qty Currency Unit Price Total Amount

1 Communication
1.1 Telephone plus internet services month 2 US$ 200.00 400.00
1.2 Courier Services month 2 US$ 100.00 200.00

2 Drafting and reproduction of reports and drawings

2.1 Inception Report L-Sum 1 US$ 100.00 100.00
2.2 Design Report month 2 US$ 100.00 200.00
2.3 Construction Drawings A3 L-Sum 1 US$ 100.00 100.00
2.4 Tender Documents and Engineer's Estimate L-Sum 1 US$ 100.00 100.00
2.5 Finalised Tender Documents L-Sum 1 US$ 100.00 100.00

3 Equipment/Office Supplies
3.1 Provide computer, printers, camera etc for use by consultant L/Sum 1 US$ 1,000.00 1,000.00
During the Design

Sub Total US$ 2,200.00

Scott Wilson Ltd

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