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New York lawyers serving the public good.





99-CV-4934 (LAP)






Having conferred among themselves and with the Court pursuant to Rule 16 of the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure, the parties adopt the following statements, directions and agreements as the Joint Pretrial Order:
I. Trial Counsel

Trial counsel for Plaintiff is Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, 520 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, 10022,
212-230-8800 (Adam M. Abensohn and John v.H. Pierce appearing). Trial counsel for Defendants is the New
York State Attorney General, 120 Broadway, New York, New York, 10271, 212-416-8576 (Assistant Attorneys
General Lee A. Adlerstein and Marc Konowitz appearing).
II. Subject Matter Jurisdiction

This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1331, 1343 and 42 U.S.C.
1983. The subject matter of the Court is not contested.
III. Claims And Defenses To Be Tried

(1) Whether Mr. Perry was beaten by Officers Bennett and Barnes, under the supervision of
Sergeant Hunlock and Lieutenant Magwood, in June 1998.
(2) Whether Mr. Perry was slashed by another inmate at the direction of Officer Hughes in July
(3) Whether any beating and/or slashing of Mr. Perry by Defendants, whether directly or under their
supervision, constituted excessive force in violation of Mr. Perrys Eighth Amendment right against
cruel and unusual punishment.
(4) Whether Mr. Perry has satisfied the requirements of Section 1983 by a preponderance of the
(5) Whether the doctrine of qualified immunity operates in this case at all, and, if so, whether it
operates in such a way as to limit the liability of the Defendants.
IV. Jury Trial

Plaintiff has demanded a jury trial of all issues and Defendants accept Plaintiffs demand for a jury trial. Trial
in this matter is expected to take three days. The parties have not consented to trial of the case by a magistrate
V. Stipulations
Plaintiff and Defendants have entered into the following stipulations of fact:
A. It is hereby stipulated and agreed, by and between the parties, that:
1. Lieutenant Magwood was on duty as Watch Commander on the 3 pm to 11 pm shift on
June 18, 1998;
2. Sgt. Hunlock was on duty, and assigned to the A Block, on the 3 pm to 11 pm shift on
June 18, 1998;
3. Officer Bennett was on duty, and assigned to the B Block, on the 2 pm until 10 pm shift
on June 18, 1998;
4. Officer Barnes was on duty, and assigned to the B Block, on the 2 pm until 10 pm shift on
June 18, 1998; and
5. Officer Belizario was on duty, and assigned to the A Block M Gallery, on the 3 pm until
11 pm shift on June 18, 1998.
B. It is hereby stipulated and agreed, by and between the parties, that a custodian of records from Sing Sing
Correctional Facility, if called, would testify as follows:
1. That he is knowledgeable about written logs maintained in connection with drug testing
performed on inmates at the Sing Sing Correctional Facility,
2. That Plaintiffs Exhibit 1 is a urinalysis log maintained by the Sing Sing Correctional
Facility in its ordinary course of business,
3. That Plaintiffs Exhibit 1 reports that Mr. Perry underwent a urinalysis test on June 24,
1998, that Lt. Magwood and Sgt. Hunlock requested that the test be performed on the basis of
their suspicion of drug use by Mr. Perry, and that Mr. Perry tested negative for drug use.
C. It is hereby stipulated and agreed, by and between the parties, that Mr. Perry was housed at the
following locations during his incarceration at the Sing Sing Correctional Facility:
1. Mr. Perry was housed in cell J80, in A Block, from May 1, 1998 until May 28, 1998,
2. Mr. Perry was housed in cell M-63, in A Block, from May 25, 1998 until July 6, 1998,
3. Mr. Perry was housed in cell 70B, A gallery, in Five Building, from July 6, 1998 until
July 13, 1998, and,
4. Mr. Perry was housed in cell P-6, in A Block, from July 13, 1998 until September 23,
D. It is hereby stipulated and agreed, by and between the parties, that Plaintiffs Exhibit 8 is the Job
Description that was in effect for the M Gallery as of June 18, 1998.
VI. Witnesses

A. A list of Plaintiffs witnesses is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

B. A list of Defendants witnesses is attached hereto as Exhibit B.
VII. Deposition Testimony

VIII. Exhibits[1]

A. A list of Plaintiffs Exhibits is attached hereto as Exhibit C.

B. A list of Defendants Exhibits is attached hereto as Exhibit D.

IX. Modification Of Order

IT IS ORDERED that the Court may, in order to prevent manifest injustice or for good cause shown, at the trial
of the action or prior thereto, upon application of counsel for any party made in good faith, or upon the Courts
own motion, modify this Joint Pretrial Order to the extent that the Court may deem such modification to be just
and proper.
Dated: New York, New York
April 18, 2001
Loretta A. Preska
United States District Judge


Attorney General of the
State of New York

By: By:
Adam M. Abensohn (AA-8810) Lee Alan Adlerstein (LA-7897)
John v.H. Pierce (JP-2870)

520 Madison Avenue 120 Broadway

New York, New York 10022 New York, New York 10271
212-230-8800 212-416-8610

Attorneys for Plaintiff Kareem Shamel Perry Attorney for Defendants Magwood,
Hunlock, Hughes, Bennett, and

Plaintiffs Prospective Witness List

1. Kareem Shamel Perry. He will testify about a range of events alleged in the complaint,

2. Officer Belazario. He will testify about prison record-keeping relating to movements of guards and
inmates, as well as his own record-keeping on June 18, 1998.

3. Nurse Campbell. She will testify about Plaintiffs emergency room treatment on the evening of June 18-
19, 1998.

4. Douglas McKinney. He will testify regarding his knowledge about attacks on Plaintiff.

5. Sergeant Hunlock. He will testify about events on June 18, 1998.


1. CO Barnes: activities of June 18, 1998 in escorting plaintiff to and from interview.

2. CO Belazario: record keeping in plaintiffs gallery on June 18, 1998 and surrounding conditions.

3. CO Bennett: activities of June 18, 1998 in escorting plaintiff to and from interview.

4. Kim Capuano: medical records authentication (if necessary).

5. Nurse Campbell: examination of plaintiff during the evening of June 18-19, 1998.

6. Nurse Conklin: examinations of plaintiff on July 6, August 20 and August 25, 1998.
7. Dep. Connolly: conditions surrounding interview of June 18, 1998.

8. CO DeLoach: authentication of log books, CO postings material and inmatep-related disciplinary

material (if necessary).

9. CO Ferebee: escort of plaintiff to and from clinic on evening of June 18-19, 1998.

10. CO Hughes: concerning plaintiffs allegations about July 6, 1998 incident.

11. Sgt. Hunlock: activities of June 18, 1998 in interviewing plaintiff.

12. Mary Jo Kerry: examination going into report of inmate injury of July 28, 1998.

13. CO Luther: concerning plaintiffs allegations about August 20, 1998 incident (if needed).

14. CO Mayfield: contacts with plaintiff in period prior to events in June, 1998.

15. Lieut. Magwood: events leading up to interview of June 18, 1998 and surrounding conditions.

16. CO OBrien: escort of plaintiff to and from clinic on evening of June 18-19, 1998.

17. CO Reuter: OIC A block log book and surrounding activities on evening of June 18, 1998.

18. Investigator (now Sgt.) Riester: statements made by parties concerning interview incident.

19. CO Shibah: OIC A block log book and surrounding activities on evening of June 18-19, 1998.

20. Nurse Kovadis Smith: examination going into report of inmate injury of June 19, 1998.

21. Sgt. Snyder: interview of plaintiff and investigation going into misbehavior report and disposition of
August 24-26, 1998.

Plaintiffs Proposed Trial Exhibits[2]

Ex. Description Stipulations[3]

1. Urinalysis Report for Mr. Perry dated 6/24/98 **

2. L&P gallery log, 8/20/98, 3-11 shift **

3. Letter from Mr. Perry to Superintendent, 6/20/98 *

4. Letter from Mr. Perry to Superintendent, 8/20/98 *

5. M gallery log book, 6/18/98, 3 pm-11 pm shift[4] **

6. A Block OIC log book, 6/18/98-6/19/98, 11 pm-7 am shift **

7. A Block OIC log book, 6/18/98, 3 pm-11 pm shift **

8. B-Block OIC log book, 6/18/98, 3 pm-11 pm shift **

9. Job Description, M gallery, 1998 **

10. Report of Inmate Injury and Medical Report, 6/19/98 **

11. Ambulatory Health Record, 7/3/98 (redacted) **

12. Mental Health Self-Referral, 7/3/98 *

13. Officer location summary chart prepared by Sing Sing **

14. Ambulatory Health Record, 6/19/98 **

15. Transcript of proceedings before Sergeant Snyder, 8/26/98 *

16. M gallery log book, 6/19/98, 7 am-3 pm shift **

17. Photograph of Mr. Perry after slashing, 7/6/98 *

Perry v. Magwood, Defendants Exhibit List 1*

A. Statement of Ronald Hunlock, October 29, 1998. *

B. Statement of Michael Barnes, October 29, 1998. *

C. Statement of Dwayne Bennett, October 29, 1998. *

D. Ambulatory Health Record for August 29, 1997 and other dates. **

E. Report of Inmate Injury, April 10, 1998. **

F. Ambulatory Health Record, June 19, 1998 and other dates. **

G. A-block OIC log book for June 18-19, 1998. **

H. Report of Inmate Injury, June 18, 1998. **

I. Report of Inmate Injury, June 19, 1998. **

J. Ambulatory Health Record, July 3, 1998 and other dates. **

K. Ambulatory Health Record, July 7, 1998 and other dates. **

L. Refusal of Protective Custody, July 6, 1998. **

M. Ambulatory Health Record, July 9, 1998 and other dates. **

N. Ambulatory Health Record, July 28, 1998 and other dates. **

O. Report of Inmate Injury, July 28, 1998. **

P. Ambulatory Health Record, August 25, 1998. **

Q. Disciplinary Hearing Records, August 25, 1998 and surrounding dates. *

R. Ambulatory Health Record, September 11, 1998 and other dates. **

S. Ambulatory Health Record, September 28, 1998 and other dates. **

T. Ambulatory Health Record, March 26, 1998 and other dates. **

U. Ambulatory Health Record, February 28, 1998. **

V. Statement of Kareem Perry, October 20, 1998. *

W. Memo from Kareem Perry to nurse administrator, September 2, 1999. *

X. Unsigned and Undated Affirmation, one page. *

Y. Transcript of Tier III Hearing for Kareem Perry, July 13, 1998. **

Z. Excerpts (pages 47 through 51) of Tier III Hearing for Kareem Perry,
July 14, 1998. *

AA. Transcript of Statement of Kareem Perry to Sergeant Snyder,

August 26, 1998. **

BB. Affirmation of Kareem Perry, June 1, 2000. **

CC. Declaration and Statement of Kareem Perry, January 22, 2001. **

DD. Amended Complaint. **

EE. Rules of Inmate Conduct. *

FF. Photograph of interview room.



: ____ Civ. _______ ( )
Plaintiff, :
Defendant. :


A brief non-adversarial statement of the basic nature of the case.
State the statutory basis of federal jurisdiction and venue.[5]
Prisoners Civil Rights:
Statutory basis: 42 U.S.C. 1983; venue: 28 U.S.C. 1391(b)
Employment Discrimination:
Statutory basis: 42 U.S.C. 2000e-2; venue: 42 U.S.C. 2000e-5(f)(3)

State designation of case as Jury or Non-Jury.


State any undisputed or stipulated facts: any facts which the parties agree exist.


If this is a joint pretrial order, there will be entries for both the plaintiffs assertions of disputed facts
and defendants assertions of disputed facts

As a pro se litigant, you may not be required to provide this information.

State each witness name, title and a short summary of his/her testimony. In this section, you should list
those persons whom you may call as witnesses at trial to testify about facts relevant to your case. You
may have identified such witnesses in your complaint, or you may have learned about them during the
discovery process. Potential witnesses may include, for example, yourself, any eyewitnesses or persons
familiar with the events or issues in question, your adversary, or persons who wrote (or are responsible
for maintaining) documents that you want to introduce at trial.

Identify the documents to be offered at trial. Whenever possible the parties should stipulate (an
agreement by both parties) as to the authenticity and admissibility of proposed exhibits. Plaintiffs
documents must be identified by number, defendants documents by letter. In this section, you should
list any document or other piece of physical evidence that you intend to use as an exhibit at trial. You
may have identified relevant documents in your complaint or during the discovery process. Potential
exhibits can be any type of physical evidence that has relevance to your case, and may include, for
example, letters, contracts, specific rules and procedures, written statements, reports or forms completed
by your adversary or others, photographs, medical records or tape recordings.

Describe the nature of the relief sought, such as the amount of monetary damages, injunctive or
declaratory relief. Your complaint should contain a similar section and you can simply restate that
here. You generally cannot seek damages or other type of relief at trial that you did not ask for in your
complaint or amended complaint.


State the number of trial days required for presentation of your side of the case. Both parties are
generally required to estimate for the Court how much time they will need to present their evidence at
trial, including cross-examinations. If an estimate is not required in the pretrial order, be prepared to
answer this question at the pretrial conference or at the beginning of the trial. In calculating the
estimated length of your case, be respectful of the Courts time or you may be limited by the Court in the
amount of time you will be allowed for trial.

Dated: New York, New York




Name of Pro Se Plaintiff or Plaintiffs Attorney
Telephone Number

Name of Pro Se Defendant or Defendants Attorney
Telephone Number

The following are other matters or entries which may be part of a (joint) pretrial order:


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Court may, in order to prevent manifest injustice or for good
cause shown, at the trial of the action or prior thereto upon application of counsel for either party, made
in good faith, or upon motion of the Court, modify this Pretrial Order upon such conditions as the Court
may deem just and proper.


List all previous substantive motions: for example, motions to dismiss, summary judgment motions,
motions for separate trial of issues, for consolidation of cases, for change of venue, or for pendente
lite relief and the disposition or status thereof.


Witnesses or exhibits not listed in accordance with the terms of this Pretrial Order shall be precluded
at trial.


Describe requested evidentiary rulings: objections to admissions of any anticipated testimony or

statement with citation to the applicable Federal Rules of Evidence.

Name, address and telephone of person who will try the case for the party (e.g., yourself and your
adversarys attorney).


State any requested amendments to the pleadings, dismissals as to any unserved parties, additions or
substitutions of parties, or disposition as to defaulting parties. Proposed amendments should include the
basis for the amendment, the reason why the amendment is being raised at this time, and any objections.


A brief, one-paragraph description of the case which may be read to the jury.


Deposition testimony to be read at trial should be provided to the Court at least one week prior to
trial. The relevant testimony should be underlined and copies should be provided to all
adversaries. Any objections should appear in the margin after bracketing the testimony to which the
objection refers.

Bench Trials

A bench trial is a trial without a jury. If you have chosen to have a bench trial, no jury will be selected and
the judge will decide both the facts and the law of your case. In a bench trial, you should be prepared to wait
for a decision on your claims because judges presiding over bench trials often reserve decision and wait until
sometime after the trial has concluded to decide the case. Although this manual was written primarily for
parties in jury trials, the majority of information contained herein also applies to bench trials.

When appearing before the Court in a bench trial, you do not need to prepare jury-related documents such as
proposed voir dire questions, a proposed jury charge and a verdict sheet. Therefore, you may skip the sections
on Jury Selection (pp. 16-22) and Sending a Case to the Jury (pp. 77-91). Unless otherwise directed by the
judge, all the remaining chapters in this manual, including the rules of evidence and civil procedure, still apply
in bench trials.

Consent to Trial by Magistrate Judge

Each case filed in the District Court is assigned to a District Judge. However, the District Judges may refer
portions of your case, usually pretrial matters and discovery proceedings, to the Magistrate Judge, who then
reports to the District Judge. A Magistrate Judge is appointed by a panel of District Court Judges to serve for a
term of eight years. 28 U.S.C. 631.

A United States Magistrate Judge may, upon the consent of all the parties, conduct any or all proceedings in a
civil case, including a jury or non-jury trial, and order entry of a final judgment. 29 U.S.C. 636(c). Consent
forms are available from the Pro Se Office. The decision to consent to proceed before a Magistrate Judge is
totally voluntary. The District Judge to whom your case is assigned must approve the reference to a Magistrate
Judge for disposition.

The advantage to having a Magistrate Judge preside over your case is that s/he can often schedule your trial
much sooner than a District Judge would be able to because the District Judge must preside over criminal as
well as civil cases in the District Court. A trial before a Magistrate Judge proceeds in the same manner as a trial
before a District Judge.
An appeal from a judgment entered by a Magistrate Judge may be taken directly to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit in the same manner as an appeal from any other judgment of a District
Court. 28 U.S.C. 636(c)(3). See pp. 101-107. However, the parties may also choose to have the appeal heard
by the District Court at the same time the parties consent to trial by United States Magistrate Judge. In that
case, an appeal taken to the District Court may only be reviewed by the Court of Appeals upon permission from
the District Court. Fed. R. Civ. P. 73(d).

The Strategy (or Theory) of Your Case

At various points during the trial, you will make strategic decisions on a variety of issues, including the order of
witnesses, the questions to ask and not to ask, and on what evidence to use. It is important for you to know that
there is no single correct way to present a case. Even experienced trial lawyers will differ on how to present a
case. The goal, of course, is to put forward the most coherent, logical, and persuasive case that you can.

You should decide on your theory of the case as early as possible. The theory of the case should be logical and
tie all of your evidence together so that the jury will understand what happened. Generally, your theory of the
case will explain motive, causation and damages. After explaining the facts in your opening statement and
presenting the facts through your evidence, you will be able to argue your theory of the case to the jury in your
closing argument. It is very important that you create a theory of your case that you can prove to the jury and
that is logical.

Example: The defendants claim that they did not strike the plaintiff, yet the plaintiff has medical records
or pictures revealing that s/he had bruises following the incident. The plaintiffs case should focus on
this evidence.

Example: The defendant denies that harassment occurred, but plaintiff has a witness to the alleged
harassment who is employed by defendant and lacks an incentive to lie. The plaintiffs case should
highlight this witness because the employee does not stand to gain from testifying against his/her

Note: Other strategy suggestions appear throughout this manual in the form of Practice Tips. As with
strategy generally, lawyers will occasionally differ as to the timing or appropriateness of some of these tips in
particular cases, and ultimately you must decide what is best in presenting your case.

[1] Exhibits with one star indicate that no party objects to the exhibit on grounds of authenticity. Exhibits with two stars indicate that
no party objects on any ground with the exception of relevance.
[2] Plaintiff reserves the right to use as exhibits mental health records that have not been produced as of the date of this order.
[3] With respect to all exhibits, both parties reserve objections as to relevance.
[4] May use as demonstrative exhibit.
* Includes materials marked by Defendants for cross-examination only
[5] If you raised any state law claims in your complaint, you must also describe the statutory basis for the those claims. For
example: N.Y. Exec. Law 296 et seq. (McKinney 1993 & Supp. 1995) (unlawful discriminatory practices); N.Y. Labor Law 740
(prohibiting retaliatory personnel action by employers).

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