Considerations For Operating Pressure Vessels Below - 20°F PDF

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Considerations for Operating

Pressure Vessels Below -20F

MAY 2-3, 2012

Rowe Bansch RVS Corp.

ASME Section VIII Design

Standard Design Parameters for NH3
Refrigeration Pressure Vessels
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP)
of 250 PSI
Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)
of -20F

ASME Section VIII Design
Design for MDMT to -20F is governed by
Paragraph UG-20
Impact testing is not required for carbon
steel pressure vessel materials up to 1 thick
at design temperatures as low as -20F

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

ASME Section VIII Design

Design for MDMT below -20F is
governed by Section UCS
Fig. UCS-66 shall be used to establish impact
testing exemptions for listed carbon steels

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

ASME Section VIII Design

Figure UCS-66
Impact testing is required for a combination of
MDMT and material thickness below the curve
When required, Charpy V-notch impact tests
shall be made on weldments and all pressure
boundary materials

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

Charpy Test Apparatus

NIST Charpy Verification Rig

University of Leeds

Charpy Test
The falling pendulum weight
strikes a 10 mm square
notched specimen
When struck, the specimen will
be broken or severely deform.
The pendulums travel distance
after striking the specimen is
measured on a gauge.
The difference between the
initial pendulum height and the
height after strike is related to
the energy absorbed by the

Charpy Impact Test Results

FATT - Fibrous (shear) Appearance Transition Temperature

Here is a technician performing a Charpy impact test

ASME Section VIII Design
Figure UCS-66
Standard materials (Curve B) are only exempt
to -20F
SA516-70N, SA333 Gr6 (Curve C & D) are
exempt to -55F

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

ASME Section VIII Design

Figure UCS-66.1
When the coincident ratio (trE*/tn) is less than
one, Fig. UCS-66.1 provides a basis for a
further reduction in MDMT to as low as -55F

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

ASME Section VIII Design

Paragraph UCS-66(b)(3)
When the coincident ratio (trE*/tn) is less
than or equal to 0.35, impact testing is not
required for MDMT as low as -155F
This is primary basis for what we often refer
to as dual stamping

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

ASME Section VIII Design
Dual Stamping
Primary Rating of 250 PSI
MAWP @ -20F to 300F
Secondary Rating of 87.5
PSI (35%) @ -60F

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

ASME Section VIII Design

Dual Stamping
Accepted practice for refrigeration vessels in
which the operating temperature is a function
of the pressure
Relief valve setting is based on the most
severe condition of coincident pressure and
temperature which is the 250 PSI @ -20 to

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

ASME Section VIII Design
Specify dual stamping for all low side vessels
MAWP 250 PSI @ -20 to 300F and 87.5 PSI
@ -60F

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

ASME Section VIII Design

Existing vessel operating below MDMT?

Often discovered during Mechanical Integrity
Operating temperature has been lowered to
increase production or product quality
Original MDMT was not consistent with actual
operating temperature

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

Reducing Original MDMT
National Board Inspection Code (NBIC)
Provides rules for inspection, repair and
alteration of vessels in service
Provides rules for decreasing the MDMT of
vessels in service

Reducing Original MDMT

NBIC Requirements
Revise calculations verifying the new MDMT
in accordance with the R Certificate
Holders Quality Control System
Re-ratings shall be in accordance with the
original Code Addenda to which the pressure
vessel was built

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

Reducing Original MDMT
NBIC Requirements continued
Current inspection records verify the pressure
vessel is satisfactory for the proposed service
All NBIC requirements have been met to the
satisfaction of the Authorized Inspector and the
Jurisdiction at the location of the installation

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

Reducing Original MDMT

Re-rating Documentation
R Certificate Holder Nameplate
Specifying new MDMT and coincident pressure rating
Attachment to pressure vessel witnessed by Authorized

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

Reducing Original MDMT

Re-rating Documentation
Form R-2 Report of Alteration
Documenting new MDMT and coincident pressure
Design Certified by R Certificate Holder and
Authorized Inspector
Certificate of Inspection by witnessing Authorized

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

Reducing Original MDMT

Operating temperature complies with MDMT
Complete documentation for Mechanical
Integrity or Jurisdictional Inspection
Minimal cost compared to replacing pressure

Considerations for Operating Pressure Vessels Below -20F

Considerations for Operating
Pressure Vessels Below -20F



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