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Learning Record

Our topic : J.K. Rowling (rag-to-rich story)

Our product : Prezi Presentation

Plan : Choose a successful person who wasnt rich before, research about the person,
and make a Prezi presentation

1. We decide to choose J.K. Rowling because shes the author of Harry Potter and
we both like the series a lot. Also, we are interested to know more about her.
2. We research about her history from many websites on the Internet
3. Weve learned her profile and early life and her hard and difficult path to
becoming one of the biggest authors in the world.
4. What weve learned from our research in summary: She faced the sudden death
of her mother, six months after she started writing Harry Potter. She married a
man and had a daughter but her marriage was a failure. She had to raise her
daughter alone and she struggled with money problem. After years of writing, the
first edition of Harry Potter was finally completed but the struggle continued.
Harry Potter got rejected from 12 publishers. After sometime, one publishing
company gave her a chance and bought the rights of the book for $4,000 which
wasnt a lot at all. But now, she has become one of the richest authors in the
world and proved everyone who had rejected her with her success.
5. We put her story into a Prezi presentation:
Mind Map


We find her story to be very inspiring. We think its hard for authors to be very
rich and successful when there are many authors in the world and not many people read
books anymore, but J.K. Rowling achieved it even though she struggled through a lot of
things. Her strategy is the willpower. She believed in her Harry Potter, and she wanted
her daughter to have a good life. She worked hard, invested years into this book, hoping
that it would succeed. She never gives up. Although she had been rejected by 12
publishers, she still continued to find a publisher because she believed in her book. We
think thats very impressive and we learn a lot from it. We should try hard and never give
up, and most importantly, we should believe in our work.

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