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PAPER SERIES 2003-01-1043

Multi-Dimensional Modeling of Direct-Injection

Diesel Spray Liquid Length and Flam
Lift-off Length using CFD an
Parallel Detailed Chemistry
P. K. Senecal, E. Pomraning and K. J. Richards
Convergent Thinking, LLC

T. E. Briggs, C. Y. Choi, R. M. McDavid and M. A. Patterson

Caterpillar, Inc.

Reprinted From: New Diesel Engines & Fuel Injection


2003 SAE World Congress

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March 3-6, 2003

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Multi-Dimensional Modeling of Direct-Injection Diesel Spray

Liquid Length and Flame Lift-off Length using CFD and
Parallel Detailed Chemistry
P. K. Senecal, E. Pomraning and K. J. Richards
Convergent Thinking, LLC

T. E. Briggs, C. Y. Choi, R. M. McDavid and M. A. Patterson

Caterpillar, Inc.

Copyright 2003 SAE International

ABSTRACT To further validate the chemical kinetics model,

simulations of a heavy-duty direct injection Diesel engine
Recent measurements by Siebers et al. have shown that were conducted. The results indicate that the detailed
the flame of a high pressure Diesel spray stabilizes chemistry model is able to accurately predict ignition
under quiescent conditions at a location downstream of delay and cylinder-averaged pressure for a range of start
the fuel injector. The effects of various ambient and of injection timings.
injection parameters on the flame "lift-off" length have
been investigated under typical Diesel conditions in a INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND
constant-volume combustion vessel. In the present
study, the experiments of Siebers et al. have been It is well known that the optimization of Diesel engine
modeled using a modified version of the KIVA-3V engine operating parameters is critical for engine manufacturers
simulation code. Fuel injection and spray breakup are to meet upcoming emissions mandates. With the current
modeled using the KH-RT model that accounts for liquid status of CPU speed and model development, multi-
surface instabilities due to the Kelvin-Helmholtz and dimensional engine simulations have become an
Rayleigh-Taylor mechanisms. Combustion is simulated important and useful tool to aid researchers and
using Convergent Thinkings recently developed detailed designers in the understanding of the complex in-cylinder
transient chemistry solver (SAGE) that allows for any combustion and emissions processes that occur in
number of chemical species and reactions to be engines. In addition, automated design tools, such as the
modeled. While detailed chemistry is believed to be an KIVA-GA code, have proven successful for efficient
accurate methodology for modeling Diesel combustion, exploration of a large number of engine operating input
in the past the extensive run times rendered it parameters and combustion chamber geometry [1] - [5].
impractical. To expedite the calculations, SAGE has
been implemented into KIVA using the Message-Passing While the accuracy of multi-dimensional engine modeling
Interface (MPI). This implementation allows for the has significantly improved over the last two decades, the
chemical reactions to be simulated in parallel on multiple present state-of-the-art in modeling is not entirely
CPUs. An n-heptane mechanism was used to model predictive due to simplified sub-models and limited
Diesel fuel ignition and combustion. availability of fundamental experimental data for
validation. However, recent work by researchers such as
The improved KIVA-3V code was used to simulate the Dec [6] and Siebers [7] has provided detailed information
spray-bomb cases over a wide range of injection on the behavior and structure of Diesel sprays,
pressures, nozzle hole sizes, ambient temperatures, and combustion, and emissions. In particular, the liquid
ambient densities. In general, excellent agreement was length and flame lift-off length measurements of Siebers
obtained between the measurements and simulation et al. [7] [11] supply modelers with critical information
results for liquid length and flame lift-off length. regarding the behavior of combusting fuel sprays for
verification of multi-dimensional models. Their data is

Currently, Research Assistant at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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used in the present work to validate a set of spray and Seven species (fuel, O2 , N 2 , CO2 , CO , H 2 , and
combustion models for use in Diesel engine simulations.
H 2O ) are included in the CTC model.
Current practice in Diesel engine modeling is to specify
separate models for the auto-ignition and combustion While simplified combustion models such as the CTC
processes. A transition criterion, which is typically a model have proven successful for a range of engine
temperature value, is used to switch between the conditions [16], it is becoming evident that the use of
models. For example, in the study of Patterson et al. [12], detailed chemistry is critical for accurate prediction of
a temperature of 1000 K was used to switch from the combustion and emissions. Although its use with multi-
Shell ignition model to the Characteristic Time dimensional modeling has been computationally
Combustion model. prohibitive in the past, several researchers are beginning
to integrate kinetics into engine simulations. For
Diesel ignition models are generally based on either example, Kong et al. [17] interfaced the CHEMKIN code
simplified kinetic mechanisms or empirical formulations. with KIVA for computation of Homogeneous Charge
For example, the empirical model of Hardenberg and Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine strategies. The
Hase [13] correlates ignition delay with parameters such premise of their model is that the species reaction rates
as mean piston speed, temperature, pressure, and are based on a combination of a chemical timescale and
cetane number and was derived from a wide range of a turbulent mixing timescale, similar to the CTC model.
engine conditions. On the other hand, the Shell model
[14] attempts to account for low temperature chemistry While the present study also links a detailed chemistry
using three generic species and a reduced mechanism solver (SAGE) with the KIVA-3V CFD code, the species
comprised of eight kinetic reactions. With this model, concentrations are unmodified from the kinetics solution
Diesel engine ignition delay has been reproduced for and a turbulence timescale is not used to slow down the
various operating conditions with the adjustment of combustion rate. In general, excellent agreement
reaction rate constants [15]. between the calculations and the measurements was
obtained for the spray combustion and engine cases
A number of models have been proposed for simulation simulated. The following section describes the SAGE
of high-temperature Diesel combustion. For example, a chemistry solver and its implementation into KIVA-3V.
relatively simple and efficient technique is the so-called
Characteristic Time Combustion (CTC) model. The CTC SAGE CHEMICAL KINETICS SOLVER
model accounts for both chemical and mixing timescales
and simulates the rate of change of concentration of As described by Turns [18], a multi-step chemical
species j as [15]: reaction mechanism can be written in the form:

Y j* Y j
dY j
= (1) ji j ji j for i = 1, 2,..., I (4)
dt c j =1 j =1

where ji and ji are the stoichiometric coefficients for

where Y j* is the local and instantaneous thermodynamic
the reactants and products, respectively, for species j
equilibrium concentration value and c is the
and reaction i , and j represents the chemical symbol
characteristic time to achieve equilibrium given by:
for species j . The net production rate of species j is
c = chem + f turb . (2) given by

chem is a chemical kinetics timescale based
In Eq. (2), j = ji qi for j = 1, 2,..., J (5)
on an Arrhenius-type reaction rate and turb is a i =1

turbulent timescale given as where

k ji = ji ji
turb = C2 (3) (6)

and the rate-of-progress variable qi for the ith reaction
where C2 is a model constant, k is the turbulent kinetic
energy, and is the turbulent dissipation rate. In
addition, f is a delay coefficient that simulates the
increasing influence of turbulence on combustion [15].
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ji which kinetics are not solved. This cutoff temperature
qi = k fi X j kri X j . (7) was chosen as 600 K in the present work.
j =1 j =1

Simulations for typical Diesel-like conditions have

In Eq. (7), X j is the molar concentration of species indicated that the majority of the calculation time is spent
solving for combustion when detailed chemistry is
j , and k fi and kri are the forward and reverse rate included. As a result, SAGE has been implemented into
KIVA-3V using the Message-Passing Interface (MPI). As
coefficients for reaction i . In SAGE, the forward rate
shown in Fig. 1, MPI allows for the chemistry to be
coefficient is expressed by the Arrhenius form:
solved in parallel on multiple CPUs while the fluid
dynamics is still solved on a single processor. This is
k fi = AT
exp ( Ei RuT ) (8) accomplished at each computational time-step by
determining the subset of KIVAs cells that meet the
where Ai is the pre-exponential factor, bi is the temperature cutoff criterion for detailed chemistry
calculation. These cells are next divided evenly among a
temperature exponent, Ei is the activation energy, and number of processors (including the CFD processor)
Ru is the universal gas constant. In addition, the reverse for computation of the kinetics. Note that since the
chemistry calculation in any individual cell is independent
rate coefficient can either be specified in an analogous of all other cells, each of the detailed chemistry
fashion as Eq. (8), or calculated from the equilibrium processors only needs to know information about its own
coefficient K ci : group of cells. In addition, since this implementation
conforms nicely to a distributed memory cluster of PCs
kri = k fi K ci . (9) (see Fig. 1), it provides an inexpensive alternative to
shared memory systems. When the detailed chemistry
calculations are complete, each of the processors
It should also be noted that SAGE allows for the solution passes its information back to the CFD processor and
of pressure dependent reactions with third body the simulation continues.

With the above information, the governing equations for

mass and energy conservation can be solved for a given
computational cell. The equations are:

d X j

Detailed Chemistry Processors

( h j j )
dP Processor

dT dt
= j
(11) Figure 1: Schematic of the KIVA-3V/SAGE simulation
dt ( X j c p , j ) methodology. In the present formulation, one computer
j performs all of the CFD calculations, while a domain
decomposition is used for parallel solution of the
j is determined by Eq. (5) and h j and c p , j are combustion on multiple CPUs.

the molar specific enthalpy and molar constant-pressure
specific heat of species j , respectively. The above
equations are solved at each KIVA computational time- Figure 2 illustrates the maximum theoretical speed-up
step and the species are updated appropriately. It is that can be achieved when multiple processors are used
important to note that the temperature obtained from Eq. for the chemistry calculations. Each of the curves in Fig.
(11) is used to update the rate coefficients as SAGE is 2 represents a different percentage of overall run-time
solving the system of equations and is not used to required by the hydrodynamics computations (i.e., all
update the KIVA cell temperature. The cell temperature computations other than the detailed chemistry
is updated after the detailed chemistry calculation has calculations). When the detailed chemistry computations
converged using the computed species concentrations. are divided among np processors, the simulation speed-
In order to expedite the detailed chemistry calculations, a up can be calculated with the expression
minimum cell temperature, Tcut , is specified, below
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1 To simulate Diesel conditions, Siebers and Higgins filled

Speed up = (12)
X + (1 X ) np
the combustion vessel with a premixed, combustible
mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and acetylene.
Spark plugs were used to ignite the mixture, resulting in
where X is the fraction of the total time spent simulating a high-pressure, high-temperature environment which
the hydrodynamics. Note that Eq. (12) assumes that a cooled over time due to heat transfer to the combustion
negligible amount of time is spent passing messages chamber walls. Fuel injection was initiated when the
between the CFD processor and the detailed chemistry desired pressure was reached in the vessel. A mixing fan
processors. Equation (12) was used to generate the was used to maintain a uniform temperature in the vessel
curves shown in Fig. 2 for different hydrodynamics up to the time of fuel injection [9]. As described by
percentages. As shown in the figure, a linear speed-up is Siebers and Higgins, this technique allowed for a wide
achieved when all of the simulation time is spent variety of temperatures, densities, and gas compositions
performing kinetics calculations (i.e., the 0% hydro case). to be studied. Table 1 summarizes the range of
As can be expected, as the amount of time spent conditions considered in the experimental study.
performing detailed chemistry decreases, the amount of
speed-up also decreases for a given number of
processors. Typical hydrodynamics percentages for the
present simulations are between 5 and 10 %, resulting in Table 1: Parameter ranges considered in the study of
a speed-up of between 4.7 and 5.9 for 8 processors, for Siebers and Higgins.
example. Thus, realistic runtimes can be achieved with
detailed chemistry when multiple processors are used. Parameter Range
Ambient Gas Density 7.3 to 60.0 kg/m
Ambient Gas Temperature 800 to 1300 K
18 0% Hydro
Injection Pressure 40 to 190 MPa
16 2% Hydro Orifice Diameter 100 to 363 m
14 4% Hydro

12 8% Hydro
10 16% Hydro
In order to determine the flame lift-off length for a set of
8 conditions, Siebers and Higgins acquired time-averaged,
6 line-of-sight images of light emission at 310 nm
4 corresponding to chemiluminescence emitted as excited
2 *
state OH ( OH ) returns to its ground state. More
0 details of the experimental setup and diagnostics can be
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 found in [9].
Number of Processors
Figure 2: Effect of the number of processors used for
Engine combustion measurements for a Caterpillar 3400
detailed chemistry on simulation speed-up for various
Series single-cylinder DI Diesel engine were made by
hydrodynamics percentages.
Montgomery [19] for a 75% load, 1600 rev/min operating
condition. The engine specifications are summarized in
Table 2. These cases feature a single injection with a
start of injection timing varying between 9 deg. BTDC
EXPERIMENTS FOR COMPARISON and 7 deg. ATDC. The measured cylinder-averaged
pressure traces are used to compare to the results of
This section provides an overview of the spray detailed chemistry simulations in a following section.
combustion and engine experiments used to test and
validate the present KIVA-3V/SAGE code.


Siebers and Higgins [9] conducted their spray

combustion experiments under simulated Diesel engine
conditions in a quiescent, cubical, constant-volume
vessel with a length of 108 mm on each side. A common-
rail, solenoid-activated injector with a top-hat injection
profile was used in the experiments.
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Table 2: Engine specifications and operating conditions The area contraction coefficient accounts for cavitation
for the Caterpillar engine case. or hydraulic flip effects which can lead to a reduced flow
area at the nozzle exit. As a result, the effective flow
Parameter Value area Aeff is given by
Bore 13.716 cm
Stroke 16.51 cm
Aeff = Ca A 0 (14)

Connecting Rod Length 26.16 cm

where A0 is the geometric area of the nozzle. To
Displacement 2.44 L
preserve mass flow rate, the effective fuel velocity U eff
Compression Ratio 15.1:1
must also be modified via
Nozzle Hole Diameter 0.026 cm
Intake Surge Tank Pressure 183 kPa U eff = CvU b (15)

Intake Surge Tank Temperature 309 K

where U b is the Bernoulli velocity. From the above
Intake Valve Closure -147 deg. ATDC
discussion, it is clear that only two of the three
Swirl Ratio (nominal) 1.0 coefficients are needed to characterize the injected fuel
mass and momentum flow rates. In the present study,
Engine Speed 1600 rev/min
the measured Cd and Cv values [9] are used to
Injection System Common Rail
determine the area contraction coefficient (see Eq. (13))
Injection Pressure 90 MPa for a particular experimental condition. The nozzle
coefficients are then used to calculate the effective
Mass of Fuel Injected 0.1625 g/cycle
nozzle flow area and velocity via Eqs. (14) and (15)
Injection Duration 21.5 degrees which are used as boundary conditions for the spray


Accurate predictions of spray droplet dynamics and

CFD MODELING METHODOLOGY breakup are essential for modeling subsequent
vaporization, ignition, and combustion. Details of the
The spray combustion experiments of Siebers and spray models used in the present work are described in
Higgins and the engine experiments of Montgomery have the following sections.
been simulated with a modified version of the University
of Wisconsin's KIVA-3V CFD code [20]. KIVA3V solves Liquid Breakup
unsteady, compressible, turbulentreacting flows on
finitevolume grids. In the present work, sub-models for The present simulations employ the "blob" injection
turbulence, fuel injection, spray breakup and dynamics, method of Reitz and Diwakar [21]. With this method,
vaporization, and combustion chemistry are employed parcels of liquid (blobs) with a characteristic size and
for simulation of the experiments. In particular, in the velocity given by Eqs. (14) and (15) are injected into the
present work the recently developed SAGE kinetics computational domain. The breakup of the liquid blobs
solver has been interfaced with KIVA-3V for parallel and subsequent droplets is modeled with the KH-RT
computation of detailed chemistry. Descriptions of the (Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor) model. The KH-
sub-models are presented in the following sections. RT model assumes that aerodynamic instabilities (i.e.,
KH waves) are responsible for liquid breakup within the
FUEL INJECTION dense core region of the spray, and that both
aerodynamic and RT decelerative instabilities form
As described by Siebers [8], three orifice coefficients can
droplets beyond a breakup length Lb given by
be used to characterize the liquid fuel flow from a fuel
injector nozzle: the discharge coefficient Cd , the area
contraction coefficient Ca , and the velocity coefficient Lb = C d eff (16)
Cv . The three coefficients are related by the expression

Cd = Ca Cv . (13)
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where l is the density of the liquid fuel, g is the Table 3: Spray breakup model constants used in the
present study.
density of the ambient gas, d eff is the effective nozzle
hole diameter, and C is a model constant [1]. Spray model constant KIVA-GA Optimized Value

B1 39.6
As described by Reitz [22], the predicted KH liquid
breakup time KH is calculated with the expression: C 19.8 (= B1 /2)

3.726 B1r C 1.0

KH = (17)

where B1 is a model constant, r is the liquid radius,

KH is the growth rate of the fastest growing surface
Drop Collision and Coalescence
wave and KH is its corresponding wavelength. In
addition, the RT liquid breakup time is given by The No Time Counter (NTC) collision and coalescence
model of Schmidt and Rutland [23] is used in the present
RT = C RT (18) simulations due to its increased speed and accuracy
over the standard KIVA-3V collision model. In general,
the NTC model has a computational cost that is linear
where C is a model constant and RT is the growth with the number of spray parcels, while the standard
rate of the fastest growing RT wave. The predicted RT model has a cost that increases with the square of the
model drop size is given by number of parcels. As a result, the NTC model allows for
a better statistical representation of a spray since more
rRT = CRT RT (19) parcels can be used for a given amount of injected fuel.
In addition, the use of a "collision mesh" in the NTC
model significantly reduces the mesh dependency known
where CRT is a model constant and RT is the to occur in KIVA's standard model. For more information
predicted RT wavelength. on the NTC collision model, see [23].

From Eq. (17), it can be shown that in the limits of very Additional Droplet Sub-models
high gas Weber numbers (i.e., high-speed Diesel sprays)
and an inviscid liquid, the KH breakup length In addition to the breakup and collision models described
LKH = U eff KH for an injected blob of diameter above, models are also included for drop drag [24] and
drop turbulent dispersion [25]. These models are
d eff = 4 Aeff is simplified to adequately described in the literature and thus are not
described here.

LKH = d eff . (20)
2 g
The standard KIVA-3V single component vaporization
model was used in the present calculations. The basis of
Note that if the injected blobs represent the spray's this model is the Frossling correlation which calculates
"dense core" region, activation of the RT model should the time rate of change of drop radius due to vaporization
occur when the blobs have undergone complete based on the laminar mass diffusivity of the fuel vapor, a
breakup, which is approximated by Eq. (20). As a result, mass transfer number and a Sherwood number. Details
the breakup lengths defined by Eqs. (16) and (20) should of KIVAs vaporization model are provided in [25].
be equal, requiring that C = B1 2 .
The KH-RT spray breakup model presented above
includes four main model constants that are typically As described above, the SAGE parallel detailed
tuned to match experimental data. The KIVA-GA chemistry solver is used for ignition and combustion
optimization code of Senecal [5] has been used to modeling in the present study. A reduced chemical
determine appropriate values of the constants for typical mechanism for n-heptane ( C7 H16 ) is used to model
Diesel engine conditions. The optimal values, which are
Diesel fuel [26]. This mechanism includes 42 species
used in the present study, are shown in Table 3.
and 168 reversible reactions representing hydrocarbon
combustion and NO formation. This mechanism has
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been previously validated by Nordin [26] for engine

applications and ignition delay studies and used by Kong
et al. [17] for Homogeneous Charge Compression
Ignition (HCCI) combustion simulations. Note that n-
heptane is often used as a surrogate for Diesel fuel due
to its similar cetane number. In addition, the low
temperature chemistry and two-stage ignition
phenomena are captured by this mechanism [17].


The present study utilizes the RNG k turbulence

model [27], which was modified by Han and Reitz [28] to
account for variable density flows. In addition, the
present wall heat transfer model uses a modified
temperature wall function to account for the density
variation in the boundary layer [29].

This section provides simulation details for the flame lift-

off and engine computations conducted in this study.

Flame Lift-Off Study

The spray bomb experiments of Siebers and Higgins are

simulated using the computational grid shown in Fig. 3.
The dimensions of the computational domain match
those of the experimental combustion vessel (i.e., 108
mm in each of the three directions). As shown in the
figure, increased mesh resolution is used in the center
(see Fig. 3(a)) and top (see Fig. 3(b)) of the grid, as the
nozzle is oriented in the middle of the computational
domain and injects straight downward. The resolution
decreases in all three directions for cells located away
from the nozzle, allowing for an overall relatively small (b)
number of total cells. The mesh in Fig. 3 has a resolution
(nx,ny,nz) of (50,50,35) for a total of 87,500 cells. Figure 3: Images of the (a) top view and (b) side view of
the computational mesh illustrating the enhanced
The start of the spray bomb simulations corresponds to resolution near the center and top of the domain.
the time of fuel injection in the experiments of Siebers
and Higgins. As a result, each of the simulations was A top-hat injection profile was used in the spray bomb
initialized uniformly with an ambient gas temperature and simulations as in the experiments. Injection durations
density specified by the experimental conditions (i.e., the were chosen such that all cases achieved quasi-steady
initial pre-mixed combustion event used by Siebers and liquid and flame lift-off lengths well before the end of the
Higgins to achieve the desired temperature and pressure simulations. A typical injection duration was 5 ms. The
was not simulated). The initial gas composition for each injected fuel mass for each case was chosen to achieve
of the combustion simulations is presented in Table 4 [9]. the desired injection pressure for a given injection
In addition, it is assumed that the combustion vessel is duration, liquid density, nozzle diameter, and contraction
initially quiescent. As described by Siebers and Higgins, coefficient. As described above, use of the NTC collision
this assumption is reasonable since the velocities and coalescence model allows for a large number of
induced by the mixing fan are insignificant (~1 m/s) parcels to be used to represent the injected fuel mass.
compared to the velocity of the liquid fuel spray [9]. As a result, the number of injected parcels in the present
simulations is on the order of 50,000, depending on the
amount of injected fuel mass.
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Table 4: Initial gas composition for the flame lift-off length RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
This section presents results from a number of constant-
Species Percent by volume volume spray bomb and engine simulations. The
behavior of the present spray model is first described
O2 21.0 and qualitatively compared to recent findings regarding
Diesel spray liquid length. The predictions are next
N2 69.3
compared with the flame lift-off length measurements of
Siebers and Higgins [9] in order to validate the spray and
CO2 6.1
combustion models described in previous sections.
3.6 Finally, global combustion results from engine
H 2O simulations are compared to cylinder-averaged pressure
traces from a heavy-duty Diesel engine.


Engine Simulations
Espey and Dec [31] and Siebers [7] have shown that in a
In the present engine simulations, sixty-degree symmetry
Diesel spray, while the liquid fuel initially defines the
is assumed due to the six-hole injector used in the
penetration, the liquid eventually reaches a maximum
experiments. The computational sector mesh at top-
"liquid length." At this location the fuel evaporation rate is
dead-center is shown in Fig. 4. Note that a typical engine
equal to the fuel injection rate, and hence the tip of the
mesh resolution is used in this study. For example, the
liquid stops penetrating and starts to fluctuate around a
piston bowl includes 16 cells in the radial direction, 9
mean axial location [7]. After the liquid length is reached,
cells in the axial direction and 30 cells in the azimuthal
the fuel vapor defines the penetration. The spray models
used in this study reproduce the maximum liquid length
behavior as found in the measurements. Images from an
example spray simulation are shown in Fig. 5. As shown
in the figure, the liquid fuel reaches its liquid length of
approximately 15 mm by about 0.8 ms after the start of
injection. After this time the vapor fuel continues to
penetrate as time progresses. Note that the predicted
liquid length is in agreement with the measurements of
Siebers for the same conditions [7].

The present spray model has been extensively validated

by Beale [32] against the liquid length measurements of
Siebers [7]. In general, the predicted liquid lengths
agreed with the measured magnitudes and trends. For
example, the variations of liquid length with orifice
diameter, injection pressure, and ambient density agreed
Figure 4: Computational sector mesh used in the engine well with the measurements. It was found, however, that
simulations at top-dead-center. the spray model tended to over-predict the liquid length
for larger values of orifice diameters and also under-
predicted the sensitivity of liquid length to ambient gas
The engine simulations were initialized at intake valve
closure (IVC) with uniform temperature, pressure, and A number of non-combusting spray simulations were
species mass fractions based on the results of a one- also performed in the present study to further validate
dimensional cycle simulation code [30] used previously in the spray model with the constants presented in Table 3.
the study of Senecal [1] for the same cases. A set of example calculations are shown in Fig. 6, which
illustrates the trend of increased liquid length with
The present KIVA-3V/SAGE computations were increased orifice diameter, as found by Siebers [7]. As in
performed on 8-node clusters of 1.4 GHz PCs running the study of Beale [32], computed liquid lengths agreed
the Linux operating system. Typical simulation run-times reasonably well with Siebers measurements giving
ranged from 30-60 hours for the spray bomb simulations confidence in the current spray models for use in the
and 16-24 hours for the engine simulations when the flame lift-off study.
chemistry was solved in parallel. Obviously, even faster
run-times could be achieved if more processors were
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(a) (f)

(b) (g)

(c) (h)

(d) (i)

(e) (j)

Figure 5: Example Diesel spray calculation for (a) 0.2, (b) 0.4, (c) 0.6, (d) 0.8, (e) 1.0, (f) 1.2, (g) 1.4, (h) 1.6, (i) 1.8, and (j)
2.0 ms after the start of injection. In the images, black dots represent the location of the liquid spray parcels, while the grey
contours represent fuel vapor. The images illustrate the limited penetration of the liquid fuel, which reaches a quasi-steady
liquid length of approximately 15 mm by 0.8 ms after the start of injection. The images also illustrate that the fuel vapor
continues to penetrate beyond the liquid length as time progresses. This simulation is for a nozzle diameter of 100 m, an
injection pressure of 54 MPa, an ambient density of 14.8 kg/m , and an ambient temperature of 1000 K.
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(a) Ignition locations

Temperature (K)

(b) 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000





Figure 6: Effect of orifice diameter on liquid length. The

simulations are for an injection pressure of 54 MPa, an
ambient density of 14.8 kg/m , and an ambient
temperature of 1000 K. The orifice diameters are (a) 100,
(b) 180, (c) 246, and (d) 363 m. The images illustrate
the trend of increased liquid length with increased orifice


Figure 7 shows images from a typical detailed chemistry

flame lift-off simulation at four different simulation times
from 0.56 (approximate ignition time) to 3.2 ms after the
start of injection (note that as in Figs. 5 and 6, the
images have been rotated so that the injection is from left
to right). The grey scale contours in Fig. 7 show
temperature values on a single plane. It was found that
the axisymmetric nature of the liquid spray and resulting
combustion allowed for visualization on a cut-plane
through the center of the fuel jet. Each of the images in 23.10 mm
Fig. 7 also includes the flame lift-off length location as
measured by Siebers and Higgins (indicated by the
vertical line and numerical value in Fig. 7(d)), as well as
a temperature iso-line of 2200 K. Wall
Figure 7(a) indicates that, for this set of conditions,
ignition occurs at approximately 0.56 ms after the start of Figure 7: Illustration of ignition and flame development
injection. By this time the maximum liquid length has for an ambient density of 14.8 kg/m , ambient
been reached, and the ignition zone is located temperature of 1000 K, orifice diameter of 180 m, and
downstream of the liquid fuel spray. As time progresses, an injection pressure of 185 MPa at (a) 0.56, (b) 0.6, (c)
the flame develops and continues to propagate 1.2, and (d) 3.2 ms after the start of injection. The
downstream (see Figs. 7(b) and 7(c)). The flame reaches images show spray droplets, temperature contours (grey
the combustion vessel wall by about 2 ms, and by 3.2 ms scale), an iso-line of 2200 K (black outline), and the
(Fig. 7(d)) can be seen to propagate along the wall. location of the measured flame lift-off length (vertical
Downloaded from SAE International by Stony Brook Univ, Friday, December 09, 2016

Note that, as shown in Fig. 7(d), the most upstream

location of the temperature iso-line of 2200 K agrees well
with the measured flame lift-off location of 23.1 mm.
Figure 8 shows additional images of this case at four
different simulation times from 3.6 to 4.8 ms after the
start of injection. The full extent of the flame is not shown
in these images to emphasize the flame lift-off region. It Temperature (K)
is clear from the images that the most upstream location
of combustion (i.e., the lift-off length) has reached a
1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000
quasi-steady value, consistent with the measurement of
Siebers and Higgins indicated by the vertical line in each (a)
of the images. As stated above, the location of the
temperature iso-line agrees well with the measured lift-off
length value of 23.1 mm and is a good indicator of the
predicted combustion location.

In the following sections, results from a number of flame

lift-off simulations are presented and compared with
experimental measurements. In each comparison, the
computed flame lift-off is indicated with a temperature
iso-line of 2200 K as shown in Fig. 8. In addition, the (b)
experimentally measured lift-off location is indicated with
a vertical line and its numerical value (see bottom of Fig.

Orifice Diameter Effects

Siebers and Higgins examined the effect of orifice

diameter on flame lift-off length for a range of ambient
temperatures and densities. From their measurements, it
was found that the lift-off length increases with increasing (c)
orifice diameter [9]. Figure 9 presents simulation results
for four orifice diameters ranging from 100 to 363 m for
an ambient temperature of 1000 K, an ambient density of
14.8 kg/m , and an injection pressure of 185 MPa. Also
shown in Fig. 9 are the measured lift-off lengths
(indicated by the numerical values and vertical lines) for
the same conditions. From the images, it is clear that the
predicted lift-off lengths agree well with the measured
values. The simulations also predict the increase in both
liquid length and lift-off length as the orifice diameter is 23.10 mm
increased from 100 to 363 m. (d)

It is also important to note that the present simulations Figure 8: Illustration of computed liquid and flame lift-off
predict the crossover between liquid and lift-off lengths lengths for an ambient density of 14.8 kg/m , ambient
as orifice diameter is increased, which was also temperature of 1000 K, orifice diameter of 180 m, and
indicated in the measurements of Siebers and Higgins an injection pressure of 185 MPa at (a) 3.6, (b) 4.0, (c)
[9]. As shown in Fig. 9, the smallest orifice diameter of 4.4, and (d) 4.8 ms after the start of injection. The
100 m has a lift-off length that is downstream of the images show spray droplets, temperature contours (grey
liquid length. On the other hand, the 180 m case has a scale), an iso-line of 2200 K (black outline), and the
lift-off length that occurs at a similar location as the liquid location of the measured flame lift-off length (vertical
length, while the 240 and 363 m cases have lift-off line).
lengths upstream of the liquid length. As a result, the
crossover between a longer lift-off length and a longer
liquid length occurs around 180 m for these conditions.
As described by Siebers and Higgins, no interaction
occurs between the fuel vaporization and combustion
processes when the liquid length is shorter than the
flame lift-off length, as in Fig. 9(a), since vaporization is
complete before the combustion zone is reached [9].
Downloaded from SAE International by Stony Brook Univ, Friday, December 09, 2016

although the injection pressures for Figs. 6 and 9 are

different, Siebers [7] showed that the liquid length is
essentially insensitive to injection pressure. On the other
hand, as will be shown in Fig. 10, it is evident that the
liquid length can be over-predicted for very low injection
pressure. Finally, Fig. 9 indicates that the present model
correctly predicts the smaller sensitivity of lift-off length
20.70 mm compared to liquid length on orifice diameter. As
(a) described by Siebers and Higgins, liquid length depends
linearly on orifice diameter, while lift-off length is
proportional to orifice diameter to the 0.34 power [9].

23.10 mm

24.98 mm

27.66 mm

Figure 9: Effect of orifice diameter on flame lift-off length.

The simulations are for an ambient temperature of 1000
K, an ambient density of 14.8 kg/m , an injection
pressure of 185 MPa, and orifice diameters of (a) 100,
(b) 180, (c) 246, and (d) 363 m.

On the other hand, when the lift-off length is shorter than

the liquid length, as in Fig. 9(d), vaporization cooling will
likely influence the rate of combustion and in turn, the
high temperature combustion will enhance the rate of
vaporization which will result in shorter liquid lengths.
Evidence of the effect of combustion on liquid length can
be found when comparing the simulation results in Figs.
6(d) and 9(d) for the same orifice diameter and ambient
conditions. The non-combusting liquid length in Fig. 6(d)
is approximately 55 mm, consistent with the
measurements of Siebers [7], while the combusting liquid
length in Fig. 9(d) is approximately 49 mm. Note that
Downloaded from SAE International by Stony Brook Univ, Friday, December 09, 2016

Injection Pressure Effects

Figure 10 presents simulation results for three values of

injection pressure for a 100 m nozzle hole diameter, an
ambient density of 14.8 kg/m , and an ambient
temperature of 1000 K. As described in the previous
section, while the insensitivity of liquid length to injection
pressure is predicted for pressures of 110 and 185 MPa 12.3 mm
(see Figs. 10(b) and 10(c)), the liquid length appears to (a)
be slightly over-predicted for an injection pressure of 40
MPa (see Fig. 10(a)). However, the trend of increasing
lift-off length with increasing injection pressure is
accurately predicted by the present model. Siebers and
Higgins showed that lift-off length is linearly dependent
on injection velocity which is in agreement with
observations of atmospheric pressure gas jets [9].

The effect of injection pressure on lift-off length is also 16.73 mm

illustrated in Fig. 11, which shows simulation results for a (b)
nozzle hole diameter of 180 m, an ambient density of
14.8 kg/m , ambient temperatures of 1000 K (Figs. 11(a)
11(c)) and 850 K (Figs. 11(d) 11(f)) and injection
pressures of 40, 138, and 185 MPa. For both ambient
temperatures it is evident that the simulations agree
reasonably well with the measured lift-off lengths.

Finally, Fig. 12 presents results for a nozzle hole

diameter of 246 m, an ambient temperature and density 20.70 mm
3 (c)
of 1000 K and 14.8 kg/m , respectively, and injection
pressures of 40, 138, and 163 MPa. Once again, the
Figure 10: Effect of injection pressure on flame lift-off
predictions are in close agreement with the measured lift-
length. The simulations are for a nozzle hole diameter of
off lengths.
100 m, an ambient density of 14.8 kg/m , and an

ambient temperature of 1000 K. The injection pressures

are (a) 40, (b) 110, and (c) 185 MPa.
Downloaded from SAE International by Stony Brook Univ, Friday, December 09, 2016

15.39 mm 25.83 mm
(a) (d)

21.85 mm 41.02 mm
(b) (e)

23.10 mm 45.62 mm
(c) (f)

Figure 11: Effect of injection pressure and ambient temperature on flame lift-off length. The simulations are for a nozzle
hole diameter of 180 m and an ambient density of 14.8 kg/m . The images are for injection pressures and ambient

temperatures of (a) 40 MPa and 1000 K, (b) 138 MPa and 1000 K, (c) 185 MPa and 1000 K, (d) 40 MPa and 850 K, (e)
138 MPa and 850 K, and (f) 185 MPa and 850 K.

Figures 10, 11 (left-hand-side), and 12 reproduce the This is also the case in the predicted results presented in
crossover trends presented in Fig. 19 of [9] for an Fig. 12 for an orifice diameter of 246 m.
ambient gas temperature and density of 1000 K and 14.8
kg/m . In particular, for a 100 m nozzle, Siebers and

Higgins showed that the crossover point is at

approximately 60 MPa, with a longer liquid length than
lift-off length below this injection pressure, and a longer
lift-off length than liquid length above. The results in Fig.
10 are in agreement with the measured crossover
behavior. In addition, Siebers and Higgins showed that
for a 180 m nozzle the liquid length is always longer
than (below an injection pressure of approximately 160
MPa) or equal to the lift-off length (above approximately
160 MPa) for the range of injection pressures
considered. Again this behavior is captured in the images
on the left-hand-side of Fig. 11. The predicted liquid
lengths are longer than the lift-off lengths for injection
pressures of 40 and 138 MPa, while they are essentially
equal for an injection pressure of 185 MPa. Finally,
Siebers and Higgins showed that the liquid length is
always longer than the flame lift-off length for a 246 m
nozzle for the range of injection pressures investigated.
Downloaded from SAE International by Stony Brook Univ, Friday, December 09, 2016

images, it is clear that the liquid length decreases with

increasing ambient density, as shown by Siebers [7]. In
addition, Fig. 13 shows that, in general, the computed lift-
off length is in good agreement with the measured values
and that the models predict the trend of decreased lift-off
length with increased gas density. Furthermore, the trend
of decreased lift-off length with increasing gas
16.67 mm temperature is also predicted. Note, however, that
(a) Siebers [7] showed that there is a strong dependence of
liquid length on ambient gas temperature which
apparently is not accurately captured by the present
spray model. This may be the reason for the over-
prediction of lift-off length in Fig. 13(i) which has the
shortest measured lift-off length of all cases considered
in the present study.

The effect of ambient temperature on flame lift-off length

22.64 mm is also illustrated in Fig. 14 for a nozzle hole diameter of
246 m, an ambient density of 14.8 kg/m , an injection

pressure of 138 MPa, and ambient temperatures of 850,

1000, and 1300 K. Again the trend of decreasing lift-off
length with increasing ambient temperature is captured.
Note, however, that while the measured and predicted
lift-off lengths in Figs. 14(b) and 14(c) are in excellent
agreement, the lift-off length in Fig. 14(a) for 850 K is
under-predicted. In addition, as for orifice diameter and
injection pressure, the results in Figs. 11, 13 and 14 for
23.79 mm
(c) ambient density and temperature are consistent with the
liquid and lift-off length crossover trends presented in
Figure 12: Effect of injection pressure on flame lift-off [9]. Siebers and Higgins showed that for low ambient gas
length. The simulations are for a nozzle hole diameter of temperatures, the liquid length is shorter than the lift-off
246 m, an ambient density of 14.8 kg/m , and an
3 length. As the temperature is increased, the lift-off length
ambient temperature of 1000 K. The injection pressures decreases at a faster rate than the liquid length until the
are (a) 40, (b) 138, and (c) 163 MPa. two lengths are equal. For higher temperatures, the lift-
off length decreases past the crossover point and the
Ambient Gas Density and Temperature Effects lift-off becomes shorter than the liquid length [9]. Siebers
and Higgins showed that the crossover point occurs at
The measurements of Siebers and Higgins indicate that lower and lower temperatures as density increases. For
both ambient gas density and ambient gas temperature a 180 m orifice diameter and an injection pressure of
have strong effects on flame lift-off length. They found 138 MPa, the measured crossover points were shown to
that as either density or temperature increases, lift-off occur at approximately 960 K and 1080 K for ambient
length decreases in a non-linear fashion. This trend is densities of 14.8 and 7.3 kg/m , respectively. As shown
illustrated in Fig. 11, which includes simulations with in Figs. 13(a) 13(c) for an ambient density of 7.3 kg/m ,
ambient temperatures of 850 K (right-hand-side) and the lift-off length is longer than the liquid length for an
1000 K (left-hand-side). The top row of Fig. 11 (Figs. ambient temperature of 982 K, similar to the liquid length
11(a) and 11(d)), for example, shows that the predicted for an ambient temperature of 1100 K, and shorter than
lift-off length increases as ambient temperature is the liquid length for a temperature of 1300 K. In addition,
reduced for a relatively low injection pressure of 40 MPa. as shown in Figs. 13(d) 13(f) for a density of 14.8
This trend is also predicted as injection pressure is kg/m , the lift-off length is longer than the liquid length for
increased to 138 MPa (middle row of Fig. 11) and 185 a temperature of 862 K, similar to the liquid length for a
MPa (bottom row of Fig. 11). temperature of 1000 K, and shorter than the liquid length
for a temperature of 1300 K. Thus, the approximate
Additional comparisons between the measured and crossover temperatures of 1100 and 1000 K are in
predicted flame lift-off lengths are presented in Fig. 13 for excellent agreement with the measured values of around
an orifice diameter of 180 m and an injection pressure 1080 and 960 K for densities of 7.3 and 14.8 kg/m ,
of 138 MPa. In Fig. 13, ambient gas density increases in respectively. Note that additional simulations with
any row from left to right, and ambient temperature ambient temperatures between those in Fig. 13 would
increases in any column from top to bottom. From the need to be conducted to more accurately determine the
predicted crossover temperature.
Downloaded from SAE International by Stony Brook Univ, Friday, December 09, 2016

48.23 mm 41.02 mm 29.84 mm

(a) (d) (g)

21.85 mm
26.17 mm 12.19 mm
(b) (h)

15.22 mm 9.17 mm 5.45 mm

(c) (f) (i)

Figure 13: Effect of ambient temperature and density on flame lift-off length. The simulations are for a nozzle hole diameter
of 180 m and an injection pressure of 138 MPa. The images are for ambient temperatures and densities of (a) 982 K and
3 3 3 3 3
7.3 kg/m , (b) 1100 K and 7.3 kg/m , (c) 1300 K and 7.3 kg/m , (d) 862 K and 14.8 kg/m , (e) 1000 K and 14.8 kg/m , (f)
3 3 3 3
1300 K and 14.8 kg/m , (g) 808 K and 30 kg/m , (h) 1000 K and 30 kg/m , and (i) 1300 K and 30 kg/m .
Downloaded from SAE International by Stony Brook Univ, Friday, December 09, 2016

From Figs. 15 and 16, it is clear that the detailed

chemistry model accurately predicts ignition delay for all
of the injection timings, while the Shell+CTC model
significantly over-predicts ignition delay for the later
timings. In addition, the magnitude of peak pressure is
more accurately predicted by the SAGE model, even for
the more advanced start of injection timings. Note that
the SAGE simulations required approximately 16-24
56.35 mm
(a) hours of wall-clock time on 8 CPUs compared to 6-8
hours with the Shell+CTC model.

22.64 mm

10.75 mm

Figure 14: Effect of ambient temperature on flame lift-off

length. The simulations are for a nozzle hole diameter of
246 m, an ambient density of 14.8 kg/m , and an

injection pressure of 138 MPa. The ambient

temperatures are (a) 850, (b) 1000, and (c) 1300 K.


The KIVA-3V/SAGE code was next applied to engine

simulations representing a start-of-injection timing swing
for the single-cylinder Caterpillar 3400 engine described
above. These cases were previously simulated by
Senecal [1] using the Shell ignition and CTC combustion
models. In that study, the models were tuned to match
ignition and combustion for the earliest timing (-9 deg.
ATDC) and the same values of the model constants
were then used for the additional timings. As shown on
the left-hand-side of Figs. 15 and 16, the ignition delay is
over-predicted for the later start-of-injections timings,
resulting in poor agreement with the measured pressure

The same cases were simulated in the present study

using detailed chemistry in place of the Shell and CTC
models. The results for these calculations are presented
on the right-hand-side of Figs. 15 and 16.
Downloaded from SAE International by Stony Brook Univ, Friday, December 09, 2016

14 14
Measured Measured
12 Shell+CTC 12 Detailed Chemistry
Pressure (MPa)

Pressure (MPa)
10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

crank angle (deg. ATDC) crank angle (deg. ATDC)

14 14
Measured Measured
12 Shell+CTC 12 Detailed Chemistry
Pressure (MPa)

Pressure (MPa)
10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

crank angle (deg. ATDC) crank angle (deg. ATDC)

14 14
Measured Measured
12 12 Detailed Chemistry
Pressure (MPa)

Pressure (MPa)


8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

crank angle (deg. ATDC) crank angle (deg. ATDC)

Figure 15: Comparison of predicted cylinder-averaged pressure traces with the Shell ignition and Characteristic Time
Combustion (CTC) models (left) and Detailed Chemistry (right) for start of injection timings of 9 deg. ATDC (top), -5 deg.
ATDC (middle), and 2 deg. ATDC (bottom).
Downloaded from SAE International by Stony Brook Univ, Friday, December 09, 2016

14 14
Measured Measured
12 Shell+CTC 12 Detailed Chemistry
Pressure (MPa)

Pressure (MPa)
10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

crank angle (deg. ATDC) crank angle (deg. ATDC)

14 14
Measured Measured
12 Shell+CTC 12 Detailed Chemistry
Pressure (MPa)

Pressure (MPa)
10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

crank angle (deg. ATDC) crank angle (deg. ATDC)

14 14
Measured Measured
12 Shell+CTC 12 Detailed Chemistry
Pressure (MPa)

Pressure (MPa)

10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

crank angle (deg. ATDC) crank angle (deg. ATDC)

Figure 16: Comparison of predicted cylinder-averaged pressure traces with the Shell ignition and Characteristic Time
Combustion (CTC) models (left) and Detailed Chemistry (right) for start of injection timings of +1 deg. ATDC (top), +4 deg.
ATDC (middle), and +7 deg. ATDC (bottom).
Downloaded from SAE International by Stony Brook Univ, Friday, December 09, 2016

CONCLUSION 4. Wickman, D. D., Senecal, P. K., and Reitz, R. D.,

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