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Sen Sotescm itso toon oT ere Teese eS Css ee ben Pee nt vee stars 3 Sia ae Tenens Tt Sta S cr TR Tr isubutin rneesyesro eo ae Chapter 1; Describing Motion 1.1 Average Speed 1.2 Identifying and Solving Problems “with New Technologies 1.3 Average Velocity 14 Graphical Description of Uniform Motion 1.5 Graphical Description of ‘Accelerated Motion 1.6 Calculating Displacement During ‘Accelerated Motion 1.7 Determining Stopping Distance x 18 A Cover Lok at Bring sy 1.9 Newton’ First Law of Motion Chapter 2: Collisions 2.1 Momentum 2.2 Change in Momentum 2.3 Impulse 24 A Closer Look at Forces and Newton's Third Law 25 Conservation of Momentum 26 Designing a Helmet ‘Wen plncing a ettogthr wit group o fiends, some ofthe things to censde ae whee you ae going to meet af ‘ow youre goin fo get tee Its awarm ener day, ou mighinlne ate, cycle, fede « Ba, deve anor walk your cestnaion Wisk would you prefix? Tor mary peopl, the mde of vel at mica decision sboif excise una healt lietyleas ts abou geting there on ite. 17y0u ve been nei nd incoors al dy it els ret o hee the vind in your ba: and Be out racing athe fe ait Formos people, belly choces extend beyond choosing inne skating deciding 0 wear 8 ‘okoevand othr promeive eae ‘Some mig sy at woud be much air osc hop fn car and rive wherever you yi og. Pat even is ‘yon involves nig nny holes ners oF sai The diver us Fist ecu tat belle os ben the dvs wale Gores of sions in tere of mond merying 20 wali etering ifeceions when the pres Tigicha jt cage ysl. it get 0 Ath Her of el bese decision ite physics of mation. By Ge and of tir chair you willbe alle we droite motion in erat of deplacerent, ins, eos and tcoslerto. You vb abetoenpsa these eas by refering to Newton’ inv of tion and apply chem Gee Ic easntal whan veg on tora, can aiect adver reacton tine the tne [kes to cv te eepond tthe charges sound ht eer Te rab 0 rast ally can cause clin. Purpose Yomi detomine your reaction tine unde caret prortances. Metoils ‘meee cick * eatnhore ‘eseltor Procedure Tem sien waionrp naatbe wea cnet Hop 1 St nose a dook or tablet your am rating on te tabletop ans your west actanda ‘over the edge at ehown n Faure 1). ‘ap 2 Have yeur parr holds mee-sck so that the end of he meee evan wth tho tops yourthumt ard ‘orenger Wh are separa 2 sbout 30. ep 3 Once you say you ae rs, you parter ‘wl lene th mot wth here 20 Aeconde, Aa eoon as you note the matte {ating fy fateh R Between your mb ard ‘erage Te «Recon now mary cantmatres the mete fat bal you cst AD & Fanct saps 1 to 4 tees tne, and ctorino ‘he verge dtnoe the mate-ck fl tap 6 Cae your reaction tre ung ms tatlowing (oma asa pase: aera stp 7: Tce ace wit your pra, nd repeat ‘aos 1108, stp 8 Acaphore sa commen aacton or eres Holds calpnone (or escaeton youn ‘halls et eb on the tbl shown nga on stp 0: Repsat stepe 1107 tania the oct a ‘spe as on resto et, Aa soon ao You ‘3 faty fr your parne to depth mereallk, ‘bgh entering yourhoretlepons uber nto the ctphone, eeO 1 Racker eee ay rg cere ‘Anatysis 1. dracon tinea change whan you war antag ha {eleghora rurbe? 2. Can you rink of moter cer dracton at would ‘acta ee tat sub tated Nw, ey & speed ee of sprain te See ed et mb sree eso re "This induc todiferencesinaverngeapeca, | Use he endpoint ofthe graph ofthe splits to pedis equal theta distance welled ermine heir average speed ‘one bythe elapsed ine. to a Ts ern pec be \| ese | a gue B15 uses the effet of average pest onthe A ‘The yeas average pend wat 16k, se te tomato prasria In Figure B15 to erawer questions fo. | eran agree ieeiees) | ieseumr aes ce eens Ut souaak these eye whrethyeegoms,hey ight ‘5x Were ping Wa homenead car Vary, abot ela ae {woand-ehlfious fom Lee” A drier thee ‘ator ave Hw canbe vig Waray be desebeds aioe? Pioneer Travel 1 1907, this sre journey too an erly pincer named Joka Anderson abot ten ously anes Atta time this part of Alberta was covered by tora estan he ony ‘route was rough ri carved Uscugh he woods, seams, nd seas. This is why Anderon took co much lenge ovr he sme dstnce Historical Travel "you went back in ime even fret, porto the ava of European setlersto Albert, a goupof lity equiped Salawinowak (Woodland Cre) hunersmight have bees Able otrave this same route on fon tough eden Fors in bout nine hous. Uniform Motion Figure BI dows that ath made oftnsporatian covered the same dance ‘but ith ittrent elapsed times. The graph also dows ober dels boat the ep. ‘Nate tate car lyon raise onto isthe ony ane that produced sgt line. he sections fhe highway tht wire sigh—secont where theca at | tevelling in a stig line the ea we moving wih uniform eeton (Dentorn notin oto ani neat cont peed Non-uniform Motion {| x "Non-unifm motion is illus Wy te other modes ef ranportation in Figure BI. They show cages in ped directo, or bok. sentra well uniforms main ira, Hmot cases, an abject pede up. slows down, or tums. The eats aon anifora motion, (Pron unr motor nator wiv canes speed, dan oboe 168 unto charges toon chapter t:0sscDigNeoion 169 spieay sone at onl ple where alr quanti peat. They se ao fequedy found onpckagesof goes because people want to know how much sin the package, You wil also see sealar quite wed “4 Which of obpten Figure Bt shows no-unlrm melon? xpi your ewes ie eapsdiime, vl, er anyother easurmen tht doe nit inci dieton Cente) oars ICU aed tis ees Ron ate Joa ONG A Pe NE ES pO ae SP Instantaneous Speed LEG Although alte ata werd nats ave rete etna haan move with niform man, ‘can crave conral caelig na sag, vel etn of ih god xan Thee std along ighvay remind drivers of ie maxima sped they ee Allowed to tel witha breaking he aw. Speed tints esto aight Pitan ova. nn rare Arvin nical condos. Drivers are pected o reduc teirspeeds f A when conditions ae idea is ho impo tote ates pod Knits oot refer othe Ea Imac age sed of th veil; eer o he mania inaaancons peed ‘Scalar Quantity [Driver eeivng «speeding tice might argu hat they were travelling under the posted speed tit fer st ei tp “Hower, tat fect dean" mater ifthe patil moment they exceeded he speed lit waste same tne the peed was monitored ‘A sped limi sign ies x meximum sped permite at ny moment long roadway, butt does ot dow wich ‘war you are traveling. When you tin about the read determines your dieson becuse you ae flowing Since the speed printed o the sig does nat contain any efron about deen, at ds Rasa Sore ofthe tems dort show scalar. Wha do theae ans haven common? We fur stators ta conta a scala quay. Ly : =n | Conversion Factors elie highway signs that sty sealer quagties often dr nchde units Since this inion the amour of Information tht a rivercansfly 2d fora sign while ving, not omen init onthe siz fe sg, Rha ‘ss ofen ke ct details ke unit, So, i wdesiood arong drivers in Cans unless hers tied Ct highnay ‘signs always give dances in tlometes and speeds in ilomatrs er bots Cm) ‘Buaple Problem 12 ilusaes how conven facto can be Sedo hep sort out ier nis while problem saving “Anu irae drop 1.30 m in 0801 capris prey. Determine the ov average epee ring i descnt rors pe econ and lomees per hour Solution Ad= 130m, a1=0805,v=7 Determine the average spendin metres pe second, Fur Buk on peso in 3600% Renomder Wc wing vat fu nn Ha TS" Geqrer aunt weet omeconunan “The avernge apse ofthe ul drag its desea 16 mor 5.9 ah. ‘id you noice how the answers in Example Problem 1.2 were rounded too significant digit? Real the rales oF significant digits In this care, abowgh the dntane measurement has thee sgiat dg ime bs only tw iniicant ‘ig. There the answer tat be rundod tot grin digi Fr adios information repeting iin ‘ig and rounding, ead "Clelaons wil Siglieant Digs” on pages 524 to £36.Try keeping al thee things in mind ‘you do the Prtice questions. (6. Devi eves hs quad 2.5 km no the back county tog te hs evourt lake to eh for trout Rakes 251 te getto the lake, delemine Davis average Speedin klortes per hour and metres pr second. 17 The sourd waves rom thunder can vel 20. kn In 1.0 min. Detain the epwed of sound inmates persona 18. Dating rack most, Klee en the 80-m huss event 1228. DetenineKel’s average speed in mates ar second ae tomate pot hour. gizem sin frmovemen’ t constant ped ins rit ie the stra wor nfo motion rae beni most Veeenuniorm. Average speed end isiansneou peed ae eseflquuties wien desebing motion. As the ames py eves eda veg cle oe a nef ie, whee tines ped ihe ped jms, Both ar examples of clr quantiestey have magnitude bu o direction. Speed exkevation often require ering is which a be conveniently dane using comerion fe 1D ouestions 1 4 for motion 1 non-uniform mosion intanaeoes sped | sear quantity fe, camesion itor 12. Use ene or ore conversion fists to comert at ofthe floning mesatenet it cont, 00min 30s wT yeas Usa conesion foctr to convert cach of the folowing meanuemets ino nets. 23pm 3mm Bem. 285m “Aaplving Concepts of 0h, You sre moving ata sage section f level hight. 1 Sate the typeof motion demonstrated bythe xt 1a Suppets you pane at the speedomser very few stcon, Wha scalar quntty doe the speedometer spay? ‘Wold you exact the reading ofthe speedometer o change ring this at ofthe i? Explain © Usknoun to bath yu andthe ver sal plane ying ver your seston of he ghey was messing he ime ittok your vile to uate! between to pated seps om th pavement 250 apt fan RCMP ofc ithe ‘irra determined th ime be 100, calenle the verge sped of hs ain llomees pe how, 11.2 toentitying and Solving Problems with New Technologies Fer 350 ungap esc evesb at rgovde nongeni aE A surrsing sine rem modem avomotive esians is that vies have become so comfort vers ans thet ‘seme of tow fst hey ae actly teling tn ths ae, ecology desiged to sole nest of prolems—dJecresing ‘oe coie ad providing «more comiorablerde—has creed a whole new se of urniended problems. Improves io ‘soindproefing and suspension system have mide divers So comforable atin some cases, they become cisconveced (277 mi)(003) + enon ss omations okay words to ro he saech engine. Copy and compet he allowing ae by ting laa fou deren combinations of key word, {fare te resis of youresearch by condseyomnizng your focings bh as-bene analy. Revi your ets 6st and benas How would each ofthe stakehcdors fact ote erties on your Exe? Record teractions of the your Bakeholers fo fe data yout rk-benet anal, 19 Stand and Defending Your Pesition 4 snculc #0 heacights be tannic? Tak a cles posten on this es by wring 8 ow coisa pararas Your [ssn sho! be supported by yourraserch and shoul inet ha you have coke the aati fom more than 8 pontot ven. ‘alvaton tle hop at i tage to share your Frings with othr. How do the pons fviw cil: om yours? Ar the ‘s9uniis made o suppor hase views conten with the ntraton You researched Oi ther etude _ndicralItomation urknown to you? How has your colon changed sca you stare? ou haa kee {acs again, what woud you have doe cforerty/?Evauste your polio andthe proses you see to develop Your pant of vaw by wing 2 few cence pargrape, Your responso shoud heats tha youve conaicare the oslo of oe tudnts and that hoo atemave ponte of ew have ben adesed etaoogy designed i vole nese of problems can sometimes crete «whole nes of tinted problems. The ese FRID hadi cetainty laste this oie Was many people wondeing whee this ew wel rire father “triton. The proces of sorting oul these issues sometimes requires a matherata analy that eles upon alge ‘specao he sees can be analyzed by listing the rks and benefits related we of aw ecko. ” ‘Applying concepts, 3. Although is cue tat cw ies we often pcbenate when they are Fit rode ‘oasy of hil rubles ae often worked out as more refined ter versions ofthe technology fre troduced. For each enti detrei he folowing ube, desedbe the reaemens made sr versione ofthe technology. Youmay edt ae he Intent orsore ter sures of eeroce material to awe this question. ‘Dang the 2002 Obie Winer games in Sle Lake ity, Carian Le May Doe of Satlatoon wor the god medal for Casadei the S00 sped skating event She won with a combined tine of 74.75 fc ber tuo SO-m ial What vas Cason average speed fr her to wil ia nots pe socondand lames pe hou? ‘Competitors in his race skate sound an oval-shaped rac, ‘Daring whic pers ofthe rage do the competitors travel with ogeuiform maton? Spin ete weeny peed ater ar deseo improve performance by reducing ar resistance. When pei patches nd ‘tip that firereuce ac resistance vere ad ces improved forthe 500m exert by about 015. Usisg your answer to quesion ‘4, determine he distance Caiona Le May Don als wile sped eating for (15 6? The wore ast nae track en Feld athletes runt 400-0 cash in just under 50s Ung your naver ro qustion 4, dterine thw mir seconds would tke Catriona Le May Doan ote '40.m, Cam ou account forthe dere ihe ines fre Wo sublets o race hs same distance? 178 uniew:chanes ia Moon Jone people, he rode of rael is sefproplled: roscounry ling, hiking, “otng, mauinn biking, snowshoeing and 0. Others prefer total ty Sancack, srowmobile, gad or motorbot In al cases, if hee isto each rence acon, sls in reading 2 map are osetia. Figur B.S shows 3 seg al tht eats trough an are ofthe Rocky Mownitins.The main base Sap isthe orgn—the place wher all the day rps rigint. Some people cal ‘te ference point eae BL.15 is eferenced throughout ths ston. To oi ping ack fort you can obtain the aout Figure BI.1S: Rocky F Mosnsss Adventie” from the Science 20 Textbook CD. 4 bow 9:00am, and Rs just gen cu of his seeing bag. He Spelt lem hat t¥0 of hs companions, Melisa and Usha, fe 2.0 Ago explore seam tha crosis tetra somewbere, Whee Raj aks ures, anther member hs group, whore Melita aod Us went, ney epi, “Theyre about 5 km om here” % Use ruler nd the cal tthe bottom of Figure BLS tidal where ‘Meliss and Un cul be, | 2 Ray and Harvey wantt joe Males and Usha, ‘that nfrmason ote han the km dstanc wi they need? Fare sLie ti oa rpom ees mo ‘Sowers Chapter Descringoten 179 ‘Sohition 1 Since the stl onthe mop is 1 em = 10 km and ‘Melisa and Usha ae 5.0m fo bse camp, ‘meat .0 cm fem base campo the map ko determin hei lction.Accordig to he map, “Melsa and Usha are eter at oka Cesk of Seaao Cesk. 1 In adn te he San, aj and Harvey wil ued ‘2 mow te direction. Position you want Finda locaton using aap, you wil eed ‘more thas ust the dance 6 ms: hep lo Krow the rection ofthe ation eve othe arting pace ‘reference pot You'l need posi, Fetion the Aitance te decton of oestlon eave toa reterence point. So, if Metis and Usha are athe Jona Grek ‘rssag ther poston i 5.0 km noth of base amp. ‘hey are at Salo Crest coaing, however, the pation s 3.0 km south of ase emp. Notce that he base camp is the reference ott (ponte: vcr amy deta tion sort rdetie eee (vec ame coring of npc te een Since ach ofthe poston measurement icles a Acton, peston is called voetr. A vector ix quoity ‘with maoitde and costo, To keep fom mining wp isance end psi, te symbol for pesos icadcs an row ovetep the varie This is shrhand way © 55y ‘hat is quate inclades recon, 050m) Notice hat he distances fe the Bae cap Jobs ‘Gece and wo Sealo Crease the same, bat the postions ot, advenaer leave bse camp and valk long the tri one ofthe creck crossings, here re oly two ‘hale a dietion oth and south. asians Uke thi its often convenient to we lg comreton, eine oie represent one dein and nega represent ppt destin, (Dig cretion: an arnt abt wih ‘recon peat dws age ‘This is how he poston of loha Crk and Sean crossings oul be expressed with sign convention, aso ims} 3-04 [Noe tha the sign cowvesion i writen beside the spaced vie. Alka, tice tha te jbo or not is replced by «positive sign andthe symbol for sou replaced ya eopatv sin. (Faxes) 14. Use anf and Fgue 81.1 6 catering the poston ofeach croak coal giver. Conor tne cmp tobe the rfronos pin. each cate ‘escribe th drecton etme of nator sth {and sing sgn convantan, whee north Is potive and ech negate. ‘Tory Brook eroseing 1 Kalegh Creek cecing © Nek Breck eresing an Oona ten eg aay MS yecement the poson of wo cations whic ihr race oi, ou ned tue dnlacment. Te ei deplacenemt itd, where he ek leer ay aabo for"changein"So, when ye dy as dpbcorst. “charge in postion” or dla Inyo ast ape Problem 6 oplsenent ‘anon sing portion vee ory mesentingdtly item. Ieoumant voc pry terra targa dct earn rom {fe Garg oan tobe tral pont ‘Use aruar an Figure 61.1 to daterin tho ‘placement faich ot folowing, nach ome, ‘ecco the rectonIntes ofnath and eth ‘dung sgn convertion, where nevis oatko sd enuth te nepaiva fra he Nick rook crostng fo the Jo Crk coe ‘fa ho Kathy Creek crossing tthe Tery Brook eoting ‘1 daylong tp staring tom base came te the ‘Cemara yeu answer toque 16.410 y00" nivee to quotton 14a, Oe the mide orton ‘the tip fe the Mchsel rock cosing make ay derenc othe inal anew? What can yosconcce? Average Velocity {you wan wo know bow fst an cbjot i moving, he erage peed of the object sf But overage speed oes ot evel eaything about te Girton of motion The em hae Page wae describes both he magne of svects uot ae ‘Repos time average veloelty. The werd sped and eect ae used invarchangzably in everyday spesc; bt as you wil ein ‘he ollowing ble, hey are signin alee. render for you ste symbofr displacement it has a ‘eetor symbol (-+) overtp becnie ined decom. 11 Ra eaves along te tai fom te John Cre _rosting to the Nick Bok oosing in 3.5, wat | Ra Saverge velocity for is pin loess. perbour? ‘Solution ‘On the map, he Nick Brok crosing is 13.5 om eo | | 49-1355} taj avenge vey fr i 39h | Meliss leaves the Nick Brook erssing and raves ow the trai 31230 Nor 1.25 CCaelate Melita displacement rom the Nick Brook raring 1 Use e mapa aru to dteamin wher she key stopp. 9.0 knvh)(1.25 8) 4113 ‘Molina 11.3 km] om the Nick Brook ersing 1b inFigue BLAS, 1.3 kan =11.3 om. Therefore, ‘Suppose Usha and Mesa sata dy-ong rip long, thot by taveling fom the Kay Cros crosing ‘othe Nick Bron crossing, This lego the tp akes 25h Thy tay athe Neck Book rossing fr 1.75 before deciding o head othe Michel Cesk crssng ‘The ee journey takes 300, ‘a Determine Usha and Mesa verge speed forthe cent wip. 1k Detrsine Usa and Metises verge velo fo the emt dy tp. Account forthe diferent values obnine for vege speed and average: velit, ‘solution ‘Usha and Mei average speed ert entire wip swat 474 kh 89 =160 kn(3}+172 of] ($160 km) + (+173 tm) sH12km arma2sh+17sh+3.00 54017 eh ‘The average velocity ofthe inp was 0.17 wh Distt s sed clelate he sealer quantity sverage speed. Displacement is sed in clelite ‘sor quay average elect. Combining nee nd postive ves produced wall cisplaenea (bis eed ina lover average velocity vate ok ie inet lin to pat. nh in Een 19 Te eeepc om inst Ly te aos nar sonn pat yuan th pce emi hg St he ern pts gp es tg ae soe Sis be peo Se Ieee cing ony 1h ot Kay Crest cig ale ee a ge ely eck i oct dl nea 70h Te ae 2 iN need ree seit te nt dng i Sten tom eho nding Resultant Displacement with Scale Diagrams jaar Probl 1.9 yo ned to dtermie the resent dspace by iad the hage in potion btcen 0 Avo ppoach sto daw scale agro, This mand resets es ofthe postin vce with an aMOW. peponnin Fg BI? teens he arrow ees the magaiade the mmr of klomees andthe deton foro cont represents the diet of motion “Teematod of Finding the Usplacenenl forthe entire joarey ialves padi mata mated whee ‘raving oe vectoro se ena the ra ofthe ist eso satthe ta cstng vero ac bg Sei eclecawing—the wilmof te snd vector For thisreason tis someties 82nd! ta race acre toa the beabtoa method. herent displacements then resented bya tied row drawn fromthe of the Ft var (sarin poi oF ‘ota othe head ofthe second vet ening point of the min). As sown Fg B11 he eukantdsplacenen Soot xen by wsing the deci tne artow points and he ale. Remerber his nrpeaton of duplatemest at Peet tenex st of Pratce queso Drennan Irian pcre Head-to-Tal Method d= 12 en om oma | | ‘eyo | ne bos rok Bak || ent cae 13-180 bn} | a= v.20) Nome 2k awe tir aay perenne Pati ox coray ema ‘Ver eer ane Figure 31.15 oanewer qunstons 17 and 18. “17, eecaueethefah werent btng st Seatzo Creek Rand Marvy vaveled north for 2.50 ty ther uct Joh ‘Grok Te fang wes good at Job Crek, 2 ey stayad ines for 30 nbeforececkingtoretrnto bas cup, “The pt base camp ook anche 1.5 ‘Determine the dsplacement rom the Scalzo Gros cosing the Jbon Crk crossing wn rom tha John Ca crpesing to aso exp, Use the needo-al method to deorine th estantcsplacarant Vary your naner for questo 17. by deleming he resutant apieconert using sgn convention. ‘Cleulat he average epocd fr to ents jury. Cates he average veo forte ert Journey. 48, Moissa ana Usha lowe Tory Brook wih an average veloc of 4.0 kv). hey rave wh hs vty fo 2.75, ‘selteta plcaret fom Tey Brook, Where ic Masa and Usha or uP? | yu ha tel 40 hn in one day hough wiKomes erin, what wou be your prefered mode of tansperton [Asounig tat you ave novssry ining. you might chose ster a quad or om, depending on te tea a, "How would people without the we of tir leaner tis queston? You tight be surprised 10 know that they woud ily boone ud or x snowmcbeto. “As ameter ofthe Canadian Fumpegle Associaton, Rick Lengltcmbins his i-hand experience with his oowingecf these vehicles to ake modieston tht abe people with sable to exjoy voor purus. As Rick ‘demonsrics inte folowing photos eichng fom awheeeha oa qual isnot bie deal at lL ick explins: “Quads that rfl so}omai require cima modiiions... Ok my some jut hd te ds i straps and some foo boda that my os stay ls tote machine... People ar aba amaza at how inexpensive hse modifications can yometimes be” ‘Gncof Ricks cece projects horse-re carte desinod tt his wheelchair When comes enjoying the ‘on bis acreage jt west of Edmonton, this hs become his aur mode of tnsportaon. 18k ue: craresin sion ps thane ané recon of nestionrinive a raf. Wher desing chang pono, placement ‘coped time aa aw veage velocity = amesment 9h sum othe edie displocemens, Force sed Bot ofthe quite a call veins cee thy bo he gna ition. frescoes mg eh nity ig sty ep ine ‘or, sch as placer, can be determined using a scale diagram andthe headiosilmthed. The eso ‘Define each tm, sd provide an example postion be displacement sreage velocity B19 shows some ofthe details ofa snowmobile The reference pont isthe pcs where ho ober par thir trucks to begin their outing. They ‘om the reference point eset the direction in rma asad west and by using he sign convention, 2 Bird reek ek crese the pipeline corridor 4 the sat of Lake Trail srmeling 2008 ok Crock. 4. Determine Tery’resulant epsesent by ang, Indi! displacements aed by ung alert comple the eas met. ‘Cite Ter’ average spent and verge veloc, 4. Monica lemes the place where theta meas the Pipeline (Cetior an vel fr 175 to Ele rok. She esa! Fk Crook fe 0.75 then aves 2S 0 Bid Cock ‘Determine Monica estat ispoceret by adding Individual isplacens aed by ung aero comple the ato std. by, Cleve Moca average speed and average locity forthe et tp. ‘5, One snowmobiles ef the reference eit ad mellad 240 keh es for 300 in 5 Caen te seowmobierdplesment ser 300 min, 1 Deceit hay loan of he smb ia Mesure computer mode wal happens {pins uaran oye proves automabte sally fears wil & power foal es aw designs (erat o0g% ste acvartsges ten acca ete del he ane es woud prove feauomobisalely experts. ‘computer Models of Collisions peti colisins are the ruber ae aus of een ad inary in Cams By uring compur fo sits celisions with te cya well with et damn, reseuches are ang bow to iaprve ag of i bags end ihr sty equipment to ecice core fe ijries in autmabile colisias. Graphs Describe the Details of Motion Given he dalicacy othe wok, esearch now bing done {sng robotics and oter compete techanoges to eotrl the motion ofthe instruments sedi microsurgery. In is research, graphs are wed lo give prciedeerption of the maton ofthe instruments. Graphs ar exesptorlly useful because tey give very detalled accounts of aw the dierent vaabes change fn elation each he. ‘When youth of our ive sete, which one probably the must essa for driving awhile? Most people wen! ikely say sight et ipartnt because ie hrough the ee tht = deer gathers he mast information shout the meton ofthe ‘ehh an the conditions ofthe rad. Unforunaely ia colsien shoud ocur eines are alaye a posit ct, etemebileclisions are one af te leading eaves of ee nurs, ISS Cans nines Ifa presen’ ee is damaged a the elf collision, yb recesary for surgeons perform micsurgery. Wises t sues hve peste contre of hie ‘asrwnents. In some procedures durag eye serge he Arne re requed w move with ifr motion at ew nts familie per second Peed Strawn rem ‘Look a Figure B12 rom tho ofthe stead ind robot arm. How was the robot arming during the Iter tom when movin began =O and ending st ‘21.05? What ed of motion sng doerbed curing the eral beeen = 4.0 and = 603? In othe words, zaptel ar, how does th pap esrb te hole motion of the rebtarn? Toanswe these questions, You bie o kaow how tana bek an for teen writen seri hat desebesmocion ad the corresponding ‘gph The follwing actives are Sesigred tobe you ‘evap thes kl ‘The int atv eo avtignon in which you wil ave o know bow tose up and atl gripe, propery let ata, draw abet iting and fd the slope of at ine oe ‘quick review on graphing tr topoges 537 to 59 and ork ough‘Graphig Sills and Graphical Analysis” Chapter :oectanguoton 187 r — Investigation ene Purpose ‘You detarrne the shape of th veloc raph for an jet movig wit rifors maton. By he ord ot ‘his irvectater, you shoud be ale oanaver hese aunt: * How 30s the vloty-tine graph corp to ‘he shape ofthe posion-time grag? + Hew 3 yu dati the average vty from sch ra? ‘How co you dating the dplaceent rom ceschgraph? Prediction Make sets fort quis eed inte purpose, Procedure, ‘Data es coactes y ung a toy Dudoze 3 8 ‘able motion device (UMD). Th buldozer moves at 2 ‘Sonalat speed la alg eed pul tp throu ‘lke ape tr. Th ker tape ter rade 60 dls per eecond, W very int ot was beled showy the costion of hw UMD wry 0.505 as chown in Figure 1.20). Ug rrr, im postin of ha UND every 0.5 swat ‘measure end rcordedin he data ble. Vn 35 ges Ba Mews yor cy ee unt eectangesin nen eta ‘2opy fe Donn be no your netabook orto a soreaceheot yu a using a speadshes me! a blank ne setaoen aoc pa of vs. ° ° |-——| =| ae 700 |e zo | mr a zo | _oer aco |r | oe ‘arta be ipo tne foreach in neva, Serer I th ale You wil ter reph weonty ‘rues; S, Is easonsle to mat the average eran terval wt the midpoet tine for at host wo eure of he table :o plot a 9h, Farnam: sce te the arabe goes onthe herzotal ae rc poston, te espendirgvarasie, goes on be Fr oxo, Aso, daw about nw you us oot celataoro praacshoot he Bea i {be pretos by te receae of rear reveal. (itz the tne of fe best ne one raph Bo ure to ede une teeth vues be ast two ocr of he table 0 an average wiely-tine gach Age, ca pee oe, (Gaba #ope of he bes no on the average ocotyine graph Be sto need units, ‘esate th she ace by the cet plas tid onthe peaton-ne graph , How would you deterinethe avorig vty of fe UMO utr the data shown on Ba gre? 1 ls oss to detainee ttl lpinceront tthe lapse tna? 1 Deseo the shape of he avrape velety-tine anh. 1, let ponte to daterne the svrape voit, fomte gaph? 1 Hon woud yu detains the total pce {ore eipsed tine? % AGraph Tells a Story am im] + 8 ir a) Looking apositon tine graph can you desrte Row location changes? Even thosgh it mothe varible on ether ani you ca determine average velocity by eluting te slope ofthe postion-time graph, Examine Fire B27 to sce how hiss done. ENE epoca aed Recall thatthe slope always involves choosing two pints nthe ine and then subtracting ales odaterine ese and the run Ia Figure B27, the UMD vas moving the left So, acceding to he sign convention, the position vals ‘esa ceasing he ely ve ‘You can ind out how n object's veloc change with 8 ‘seocitytime grap Since dlplscemuet fot the able ‘en thor ai, deteising the displcement fom thisgeph eit, a oN displacement = (length) (width) chapter t:Descibrgaacton 189) ‘When the equation forsvecage velocity isrewrange the diplcemers equal the velo nip bythe ‘lapsed ime Ar show i igure B28, velocity lied by elapond ine coespondso the length meld by the withthe ares betwen the wast graph andthe viol +0 line on the velcty-time graph Aispacement = aes lective graph Ad=fow (16 2n8)(008) == 48x10 on eas Dap GE ae TEE REI TA Age snc he UMD was moving Fe, the negative recto, tbe vlosy value is naive. THs 1B, ‘rested in he UMD having icon thats 480 om fater ef during 30 0f mason his important ‘orealze ht he ate extends fom the neon he graph 0 the horizontal ine where veloc is 2ro~tbe ae doesnot centordbeyedtbe ¥ =O Tine ‘eweb ta Racy rte en TE Fests rece cra wetze temo ‘oe ctcaty oes nop uc weit, 190 unk: crurgesin nota utilizing Technology ‘Th applet ocd on he Ganon 20 Tetb0oK CD, ‘Preparation Before staring te act, ella yourself ‘he appt fate y clesirg the Show bution sd working freugh the eines tht sppeas Sounead tthe alatance, elk he Help tion {o mrewor spasiis questons. This ppt provid « ‘onder recu fr Yuta with he cocapts, ‘ou wl be more comfenable ug the sts you bend eome ne now alerting random values anc ‘ang wh haere. ‘Procedure and Analysis 4, Prefouby, you wetgatad tho uno mation fora doves at moves wh wlecty ‘xproniafy 030 m/s ver an elpeed ine of 1.50, Add thows value 0 te appropriate cos to rate a maton se*pt fr The UND. ‘Play the sot, nd observe tha motion. Not {het you witha to use the Zoom neat. ‘ecuse the mnxoum pesto asthe 20 kets unfor motor? ‘View the posten-tme gragh fr the motion on you erp Note tat you wll nave to slot {ine e the vari fr the ronal ert poston i) aa th variable for tavern mis. “ou il al aly nave to use tho Zoom fears fo edt the cle on raph, sce You ony noes about 2m oo te pestlon axe ‘dies tna 80 ¢0n Ow Ue ae. Cows ts postlon-im raph atch te om you Hated thugs prevaus eweetpator? Wal stin Graph mod, use the ope 20 {ete the sop othe pstio-tne ger Inert the ering of his slope vue. & constant wh your erer WOR? ‘4. View tha vlooty-te graph othe moten on your sit Note hat you wi have tore ‘elootyy)—the vara or th os, Aga tine te 00m otros to nt re eal on he (F20h, Does the veloaty- ine graph mate te (re you cretas in he provous tection” “Whe sl in Gh roc use te res took to deerine the ea under te velocy-tre ‘Beph, ert ha meaning otis re val {candor wth your eatr wor? G PCTs for Understanding fp svqp0°03 rir lef bso camp and aves north f008 at 5m Lat tort be he pute crecton. feng lpia, cteine he depacement of he wom bare carp. ps Seon the poston. ta an valocty-tme graph fermismstin. «erty be to grap you shachad by generating ‘hem with he eoplet Gamiment on any ereno8s, 1: Use the vochy-tine graph you setched te (earring te placement of tha der bor bas cam. Can the ape be sed to vert your nsw? Is0,explan how. Compare tis U0 our srawsr to queton 2a Kany any sedate traiewnses. Sugposo soho dre bese camp and waved oun for DOs al 18 mvs, _& rine 8 postive, sat the signposts or agate ol ha velo and placer values ‘er ticqusston. 1. Using agra determine he rer dspcement ‘om basecaro, | Sater poston-tine and velcty-me grap or Se ~etlon. 4. Vary nat te grat you sate ee cat by comparing tha hate withthe ame rach ‘roduc by hear. 1 eo the velocty-tine graph andthe ntersctve ‘apes ofthe appa fo ceterine the ‘Sslacerant of tha nae fom base comp. Compare is va to your arawer to auction 3b, se ne ntomation presented on page 187 rogeding ‘he stedy-hand robe! arm and Figure B26 sree enters 21 nd 22 21. Carty examine Figure 81.24 ovr the tne Intnl? 010¢= 505, |& Describe now you would usa tbe graph to ‘elemine te sverege vac of te rob arm. 1. Use ne matted ceszrbed questo 21.819 ‘temo te average rey of ho rbot arm. ©. Suppotetheexpetmertrs dckied to esebs tra maton of throb an dur ths interval vita vlty-tne graph Sketch the conesponding vost graph fr tis nee, 22, Carty exarine Figure 91.24 over the time Imtoval!=208t0¢=60 2. Expan wty ths part ofthe graph does not descr unter mation »b, Deve how the robot am woul hve to move to produce tis parton of the rah. cota tsvesctongmnocon 194 sewing capram sows a scale used to rack the motion ef surgi tool ring mierosurgry. Note how this is set op unde ine—theoigin (or ference pin) is beled x, postions othe rit are considered postive, nd positions et ae coniered neal Usiform motion can be ested with oson tn a velsty-time grap. For example, UMD sels 9708 ag 4 emi foe ot of 7205 (Microsurgery Track Tr ens oo the rightdsebe he motion othe ol aos the micesargery ack in ees Seaton: ond ties. 1. Fecc gap wi concn deseipson te mtn, Be sie irelde he aig ston ening poo, and whote the el Gre mving ef (se opt Scon)o ik {Ge pone dain ts Fercach gph, sla he vege voy afte notin placement = area unde velosty-sine graph ‘d= re ofrcnge =tew = (14.0 cmt}(70 6) 298 om This is cosine wih he endpoint onthe pesto tine “This consent with the horn ie on te ‘Tbe gaps on he ight desi the motion of the sul tol acres th micosargery tack in ems fyeciy andues ' Foreach gmph, writen conse dessption of 1, Demontate our understnding of he flowing tes by using each int tt motion. Be au o state bow fat the to ‘sinoving and whether the eton was to complete sentence. i verge velocity tte right (he postive deedon) ote lett . oes (enegatve dieton). conversion fetor 1 Forcac mph, clea the daplcement of 4. veeor ‘he ol ding tis al, ‘Applying Concepts 2, Feople witout the use of tir legs ae sil able to drive chicks hand ceil, Hand contol ike Use shown e Figure B13 allow “vers to con! the rake ad gs eda with hei left band while stesng with ha right han, ‘4 Metty some desirable fetresin a handcoatl system. -b People who wi hand contrasts vel oan fom tec vehiles inwheleie. Explain why paiting spaces for peple wih bilities sr designed wide thn eventorlyorking pace nd why these spacer ac octed sea entree. Four biatheceanes wens wel ‘Seancoegeonoawe on 192 mies: crengest ctor eet apse ata arenes rare hes Eaerereeres FRprethan Aesteyariaieh prc aches onion ee, “hinktock he sine you nade ash eipins eile Mabey wore unig uk cnn eng «DVD renlororte you were noe Way ou prime job ackey pce, of mai sn, Wha pr orp cone {eds big worm ot? Taner is question, sou woul hav Wink abou pet a ep Oat ‘Solved emeling aa constant seed ina gh ie {nfo modon asl occas during ghey évng becuse the ody tesa lng, stip etn it sic te vet eting st sens: ped So, ho poe ren tn mine f vel on ih, frm motion key eure {Unfor motion mere cific o mani in opal ets Gu tote inceaed mune ofinerecion. Sine ster rue may mele taming ineston te aight etn of ovay tend tobe mic shor, revening 8 ae tne oman on he poston gap overly ate veo as Ins Surg ep of nem ‘Ser fom tmelingn aright ine, The mostigueat foc of need muir ones sa roton “ered oso comm ad spend p much nae Hoque wile ving 0 ah 0 1. ani onan on ib otter vert you tated 80m aut the pao fom "He nogyed stan inet one ig tne ren you tvs to peed up fom ett same ew ton ‘pect You may te le wchieve wien maton our nen spec bt is woud Tel aston {ev scene Wis evil tht you wil veo aft ou sed ea mie and oer , eotion, Hk coeng om fp see ig ofa so san. Rp tical Description of Accelerated Motion of hex ways ner th eons poe byte previous raps calla dt fr no ati pest > Flv a and thes aul bul he gph our Te beri of is ppronch that yo wi be alt pase [iis deerpin of main tothe shape of raph, Ths metod wil ao csublgh a oundaion for be equations hat ose graphs: The nex ies le outa opory ws vestigation ea Purpose ‘You wil colet dat fora dyrarics cart rong down & ramp. Wi the veocty of he eat be constant? Wr we bo the haps ofthe postion-tme gp? What wis the shape othe veloc raph? Prediction Ma preons tothe questions pose inte purpose. Materials “Nika tap ter ane char tape for mation senso} + demic ct + mastng'ane + mete “table wth two books of wood under te lags oe ed (era2 mboad witne end ized) Procedure “wo procecres ar giver: oe for ung ticker apo ‘ier and anther for usng amen seen Fotow the ‘propriate procedure or your spouts, ‘Using a Teka Tope Timor step tz Selup the apparatus ex shown in Figure 81.20. prs aS Onn gia t ca we ue Uae Enns {Performing and Recording Analyzing and Interpreting stop 2 Remove alert tote ipa tha = Shy sho ‘han he lenath of tbe path fe yranics car en ‘Re alter Carly uae the ker 0 end ‘tren ttre th tne. the aoe ee og ‘ae bie te ter ‘top 3: Hev eparne tad at aon ote tble 8 tha ‘art dover athe toe ‘sep 4: Rasaoe the oat than turn an Herp te, ‘Tum of tm rar once ts ct reaches heer ot spain top: Stroh ou the ker ape on he abe, nd tape own bot ers Select a dor dat the boghing to be the retrence pb. Libel hs dot wi en fron and markt a 0. ‘Bye B13e owe oo rs pad wy 00: Your metal maken 60 dot "scone therfore, every iit tw used 10 Incest ha-secon. (Crd tie with your teacher Stat counting he doom terete Pott Label he hte ot wit an aro, ‘mark itas 050, Contiue tis proce nt yo haw able averted on eck eo (oo shown a Figure 8:3 ‘op 2: Folow the mansctrr recommendations ‘or your farctiar motor sensor soe 35 © cole deta fom te cart Remember have your parr cath the carte the nd fhe tabla 0 topos fate the nec stop: Set up a able emlario re sara edie rvced. Te eancor willy colect more daa ‘nan you can use, 20 yu wi Fave to sari the ‘ta by recording tres and ne cerrporcing oars a 030" eras rr Ue uae at Anaiysis 11 Use he same precede fmm the anya of he UMD ‘tai Lesson 1.410 cuit the average vac {ard tha mcport ime or ach .50-time erva, 2. Use ie ett cohen of you ti oot a ‘ostion-time gph. Draw asmecth curate she a dove 3. Use ast vo cour of yur tate plat ‘8 velecity~ie grep Use ariel daw fo Destine. ‘4 Caleuate espe othe beste on th velooty-be graph Beau onus uit, ‘8 Detorbe tw shape ofthe estion-ame raph, What ‘characters of tw shape ofthis graph daccrbe the ‘mole ef car cow te rar? (©. Devore the shape othe oocyte graph. How ose ne cope eins gapn dese the maton of {he ort cow ramp? Eeatuation 7, Dota rents ofthis expariment support the shapes ‘ofthe graphs you peetedin ourmyponoss? ‘ewwer by cerroaing th predetud shapes ofthe {oo raphe wih he acta shapes of test, “The ecnigns for erongng emiations canbe spied to he acceleration equton However, when solving for cena casks tn op a aco noe Ti ci Abas erntion _mulipleatcno divin of verre gos bayandigh choot provides otowieg septs. ‘mathematics The eto tation can alo be dropped ithe E eno ergaty tomas mente i Acceleration Chess the graphs that describe a jet hats peeing pare qu ferent om the graphs tht desc am objost that snowing wit uniform motion, Both position-ime raps an veacy-tine graphs san esr motion ht moles nereaing velocity However, hey tel hs try fa lighl diferent ways. Figur B36 provides sample of ‘tat he praphs fom the previous iavesigaton might ve loka ike, inthe sane detonate queso ot peta -wsking you to determine a direction. — These ins for poem singe sued nthe example roth ew Position-Time fora car Rating down a Ramp ‘olooy ‘Aca tevallng 70 av at changes its veloc 2 90 ah est 4.5, Determine the magaitude tad ‘ection of te everage assertion ofthe cat in mi? Solution Sine thi question ais fora dton,fchide vector notation and sign convention. = 704mg) Notice thal the velety-time graph sass ines 9, ‘ui posible to deve the anern of hanging veloc ithe single ope calolrion The slope of velocity time [Baph iscalled wecloratin. Calculating the is of his garb ‘ll says equal he diference beewee the velo athe begining of time trv (ite velocity) and the velosity tithe ed ofthe dine lateral (na veloc). Thera will. shy equ the ime literal (eye ine). Tas why the Deeselernto te charge vl ‘equation sus writer lke te one on he ih in tine Sal velity— iil velocity, change tie | ‘Cae the scelerton om te smpl dat displayed inthe graph a Figure B36 Solution “To daemioesccleraton fom the sample i, you most choose two pints othe bet fit ie. Hoe, chosen are (1.205 15.Dem's) and (5.00, 39.0 em), eo pois Hz al The average acceleration ofthe cas 1.2 mF, = 632 ends 632 ons! Note that nthe oltion othe sample problem, th units fo aeelertion can be writen as cm/s! or as emi hg pp ia ‘acceleration may not be perfectly uniform all nese, eer ene eceleon ‘Nall nen-anforn motion produces a velacty-me grap ike he one om he previous vsti. Tis a example of aapeial ype of motion cle uorm® 2cHlTH00. ayn scart: codon etn Toopngsraghtee na vlt-tne gee 198 unt: Caesin soon cotter Way to Think About Accoleration ‘Astron Nigh school tack ean can acne ‘mn averg:accnleraton of 3.0 frm est is ‘unimam velocity of 1.0 mi. Calculate time taken bythe itr to reach hi maxima velo. 1b Threat plained daring ining at the pit cam improve his performance ite san ners is {eclertion during he Fit phase af he ace, Even ithis maximum velocity remained the same, higher ‘ae of aecaeration woul giv him beter resus. Explain his hiking by fering othe clelation ‘om pata Solution Since solving for ne motves iviieg final ‘elety by selertion the veer nation should be aeopped. Seer prose ul work lh paras edn a procecre 0 Tene tefolowing qunstone: = What the sane ofthe poon-me graph {oran objet tats lowe dow? ‘What the shape fhe vlacin-ine raph foriscaaa? er. Shdnglan geo hy at aan [tun atewocd ope prc friar wet? ‘A sroop of cont ing an nfitabe tube ar fom et ‘nd tnvel doom ail soslerting oan average rtf Sv, Dotersine he spend reach hy the teens er traveling for 0% 2230 mis % n20 ts Solution ca ‘Sino the velocity and aeelerstio vectors both pann ¥, 21.0 ms a the same dietion and the question i asking for speed ae? aret (Gaza he yetor nation not ces Moms 30s 37 takes 27 forthe pce to each is smaxinin veloc, = (.ism?)(605) = 69 ms “Te ees rach a sped of 6.9 mis ater tvelng down the hil for 50. 1% Aste wltiono part incts a higher rate of ‘cceleratin means ate pint wil reach his ‘rmx veloiy i ess ne. This means tht this alte woud spend mere ne acing wis ‘maximum velocity, alowing him nish 25, Atacrag ace, to Grogetere ear fram eet ania down ‘Scour abou 400 m ng. on ace, compator ‘ove vith an average sccsleaton of DB reaching stop spoed f 50 awh al he endothe seseeation ithe change in Yelcity divided byte change in time, ecleraton also occurs when snes ng do". What willbe the spe ofthe rap in is as? Inthe next nsesiaton you wil design a experiment A RCTTOS « tossing and Phasing Ef / Performing and Recording Y Analyzing ond Interpreting 17 Communication and Teamwork Procedure, Fow your rocedure, and colec he necessary ts. Use a tabi srfarto thn ora on page 17, ‘Anabysis ‘Caleta ha average vl and the pant ina {foreach 0.25 tral ‘4. Use the fet two ootirn of your table to ot a postin-tme graph raw a sath curve that athe ata does, 8 Use te at two cobrrrs of ou tablet plot a elem grep’. Use sre raw x bert ho 1 Coletta na lon af tha aston on the ‘wlesty-tine gph. 7, Describe te shape ofthe postions raph How doo tha shape this rch desrbe ow mction of ‘he cartup the ae? {8 Descrbe the shane af the vtocy-te graph. How os the shape ofthis graph describ the motion of ‘he ca up te rag? Evaluation ©. Dota reste ote expatiment support your typatesi? Answer by comparing ha prectes ‘apes othe to graphs withthe actual shapes othe gach, 201 Negative Acceleration ‘As you sw in the preceingimestignion “Acedertd Matin Slowing Dowe," iis posible fora veocity-time gph o havea nepatve slope, eulting ina negative aeeeleraton, 280 emis 720.ews Us=0308 2-Msemst ‘The eloiy vues wer all pose, bu you en tl thatthe eat was lowing down because the aceon sea agave faing that it ws polatng in the poste ‘net. A bjt wl slo down if te aecelerton and ‘oct vectors point in oppite dete. An objet wl peed up the veloc and acceleration vectors pon inthe sme drction. Ar youl ae in Example Problem ‘ease aeceltion ean mean tht an bet is spending up ‘ihe veloc valae are ako sepa, Assuring he ffs ar esistance re ignored, objets accelerates 981 mis? ‘oy ex fils rom He Matra of five ‘ory balding itwoultavel the 1S) Aistancem abou 75s, Us the ‘conveation of dowa being te negative dire and up being the rosie direction as you anew the text questo 202 unit eschanges Woden fe HFthe car ward from rs, dtrmine te mapige “The crs finn! vlacy ater 1.78 is 17.2 widow) ‘or 6.8L dona, Note:The dlacraent val: 24 Provided bt at needed in the olton tnd vin ofthe ears ina eect aer (Gust before siking the ground. State your answer jg ‘aces pe second an kilometes per out 1, nissan, the ear was seeing up ba the sceleraton wa negative Sketch graph ofthe ‘mates op expt ow it possible to hae = ‘egaiesceleraton ns stuntion where the obec, isepeeing ip. Solution 4. 3291 me [sown] wae =-981 mi 3 15 [down] i Se Areas i= “The assertion vale of 9.8m meas that 8 every second he cc was going 981 ls faster 9 downward dren, = 931 mis =9.81 mista Soy asthe cr ill its velocty became more eps moter woud, as speeding up ‘ecco, the negaive Par BL se wc eg ee ‘Time Tie) ‘A motorist taveng on gay ws rose onthe ead bognstn brace. A ne eta the braking ‘gs, te velo of the vehicle 100 yn anh vb stan 80 sate Cla the mage ‘scene accelraton of te vile nm Hfyeu wore oiving&carrearthe oe fhe rot fe ulang, you woul take great care rat ogo over the edge because a he posslty ofa ioc pact vt he greund Yt come crime do not seam have te sara cogs of oton wen thy ar operating ‘ot ves onthe hiv at the amo weloay, evn thou tho ngact whan obec scone par svgooting an overrae) sus as hezarous: let the lfbaalion om ear is nap oexpin he cnr omen 208 | Itt lope Fe vleiy- sie graphs negate tbe secelration sega, Neptiveseeerton ea ave erent meanings Negative Acceleration ‘Use the flowing information io answer questions 1103. Recall te cerpion on page 195 ofthc waeling ‘etree nenesons. The cxraceleied fom toned 9 op fre ere gt “Te flowing sketches how aly the par of ‘motion whe he ar was tearcling a costa speed ae Jaa o_O 0 7e m0" arom f ¢ Aen See, Fo stunionn where the nally seo the coe ontonequaion ean be rearanged into he foowing. "Natee how th vector attic is opped wen eerinng time. The vero notation sould ss be ropes wher velocity andeccelerason vecters pint in {Ge oame destin or wheathe question ass you to ale for salar quay, ke see. Knowledge 1 Copy the postin tie graph into your notbook. A gone tala rhage ety arden. Addn ge enh seh ee 9h A sai i Bet Lene Drives Hanon hls fe Roa” es you would ai your inte i ; ‘enc Tis ewe meus ea) What be ame pry ow hee epg orig ae ee 1b Add tothe graph by sketching the shape ofthe grap r:ticn ofa driving coach, who will help you deveiop the skills to become a safe driver. ~ sntsian 50 ‘Tefen lo ly els wit easing th vel set pala onc hen you pores to 2. Copy te vee graphite your ots ig iy vgn ea wns On yr dS ih tg oh | Cogn mietr "re derets al 7 fstghwry vg Ie be alien wracking a cps wen Yo ee ee ‘hate gag by skrhig te ae of ee cto merino dese tai sad tavelng high speeds Dirty on higher eg oes th ght seni em at . | Adie hy tin ete te "ate beeneagihethny When nse and om, i ‘tease crys moe ef un ee ghee rer ai oem It , Hsp nme eo hy Sl open ea | 1 Refer te vey tine gop oa 1 Demin econ oe crite i828 Dette etn fcr a 3% Te dip fhe ot a at ea ried amines Ue eae ting the sm ort wi wat dese fm ve. ve gah cof a ieee of nigh, Dh we max of een aot trices ai (Dee ound meng ns ap ae The ae mpg eck ise ote wera wlosy ine gel he be nate Meh ost cn ot ene 4. Thetis athe mao es trvced2$ mine ats Used et fren Svein go of at Scincnrne a ham 205 ‘Use the folowing hiomaltn ror adver tang handbook egaing merging ta anewer queslors 20 and 1 Merging gig regio tat you tine your approsch and smooth Bend i wth ‘he tara Th ray ree acjsing your speed so hat whan you ‘wach thew oftheacclraton lane, youve a gep Inthe vale, which 230, Why th et ane you ertr ena Highway caled th acaleaton lane? ‘31. Tha folowtig raph rpresents pla dat fora vac nan acolo ae. ‘Velociy-Time for a Vehicle in an Reoaleration Lane ‘Time () ‘2. Detenire be itl vabcy andthe ft vlecy ofthe vehicle n mares per second and Klass 26 Fo ', Uso th dts onthe graph, clout tna magitte of acceleration of tis whic nm. ‘, Hyouwee reveling in anothec veil that wes indorpowerec he acelrton cou be sa han te a8 YR ‘aud nqueaton 21. the nil vaccty wd the final vecety were sl the sama, describe how to 2 ‘ofthe graph woule be dierent. «Exon wy t's impotant or the acceleration ane obs ong enough oeeconmoduis wid ange of posse ‘etic srderations. ‘Traffic Safety Engineering A tren acclernon lan every carefully designed race iter] that his lane be the ight length 6 ‘commodal the wide range of vehicles tha wil vehi efrance to aocosthe highway. Who dees how Tong the os shoul be? How dathey éoide how log hs ane shouldbe? Tithe samc ugh flor every highway? Gite he infos ‘reente in the revius Practice questions, you shuld ke ale to determine th issn length of te aeeleton I= ‘Aktoug profesional engineers would wes more indepth approsch, the concepts of dslacemen, velit, ed ‘ecleration re important vrabes inh nkealations, ining the Minimum Length of an Acceleration Lane tin lan mst accommodate a vehicle fem the ine it tr wth tinal elo othe mei eaves with velocity Sa, itmukes sens tt by clelting te dplaceent ofthe voice wl acess, Since Ue Tap SoLupihevelocty-time graph wo ince bes fori veo (15.0 mi), Fal velocity (600 min, and ine (5.005), exp 2: Cake the sverag ofthe tro east, and shiva othe gph sre ty trot teste enh hy ch {+150 ms)o(+200 4) pe ee aoe 7 etoment =v nder puph =(erage wociy) time) =(+225 m'}(5.008) marry step 6: Express dislaeent in terms of ial ed inal ‘eoctis. Noize al ang he atively tothe ral veloc and dviting by 2 wl aay unl the average of he 0 veloties. Aiplecene = wenge veloc) tne) a(S as Using the Displacement Equation Intl velosty fnaiveloctyThinequton is very wef too or analyzing, Sy ascelerned rion beans you don't have © ee ‘sar wih Veloiy-time gph. AS lathe cast 2 ‘wih al probim solving is good ident at ‘ist te dau with unit conversions and then ve for de mising vale {52. Acer omar the eccelsaton aa wit anita vlooly f 65.08 NE “ho areata a fal velocity of 100. rin 4.00. Calevato ‘ne daplaarent fre or nats. Acceleration Due to Gravity ‘The displacement equations not only uel for solving problems inolving the motion of abies on 3 highway, it can be applied in any crcamstance deseabing scclersad mation, Some of the mos itresting examples have to do withthe motion of obec hroogh ‘hemi sch ar peron diving from high platforms inthe pool Ifthe distances srt oo gest ands resitance can be ‘ignore, the diver ils throogh the a near Enh surface wih anaverage scsestion of 93] ms decd tight dows tovarde the cei ofthe pant. When problem clvng, thi aes sometimes not inched with the dara given beaut itis expected that you will now hs vale and now when lo shiva, Problem Involving object tht moe though tear nar Earth’ srfoce frequently involve ieplasemen, velit, nd acceleration ‘vectors tat do otal pin in the ame direction. nthe case the veto atte of tase quales must be ordered ‘A bushel! eaves abt and waves stright up ino thea, eaching ts highest pon: 1.9m shore he bat in ju 18 ‘& Determine the ntl velocity ofthe all sing he doplaement equation ‘6 Verify your mover ty clelting the nit] velocity wing aother equation. ‘Solution © ad=159 mf) =+59m arise 0 Theiler ‘bgt ae 7 tango salto aay = testy =-(-981me (89) asl ‘The initia woos ofthe al 18 mifap ‘The initia eos ofthe alls 18 sop (Dut votnyonl ouramen, a layer cies Yo prvet the bl fom Nit the foo: The bal lave he ‘usetched ploy’ ams wit anil voi of 14.5 mvs, ected ersgh up, and ops il bao the cll, 107 mabove he players era, alot he veered fr Bibel to travel om ma payers em tothe ling using the caplet austin. bs ery your ane by causing the ee using acter ection ing Another Vehicle on the Highway soars rivera surprised the firs time they pase another vehicle onthe hgh by the tne and dance equiedo asp [the hghway ia two-lane highway wih ore Ine ota going in each econ errs jgemsexe, las driver in asitstion that results in head-on olson, The nox example prose iets the distance bya vbile ding atypia posing manesute. ‘carting 30 kwh ecserates nt 050 ms while pusing anoter vile. Ht ekes $0 0 passe vehicle, ine thedsance traveled bythe vehicle rng tis tine 100m =4050 mi! “10m, “36008 eer Now ae 3-2) Baise gy +110 = 413x10% m = (+030 ms"}(50.0)+(425 018) 105m The castes 13% 10m while passing Building a New Equation In Brarpl Problem 116, thcaleulton oft eitancetaveed by an acsterting vehicle bene quite complex the Fnl velocity ws ot given inh origi daa Problems Re this ao common ht itis wate to develop a ee equation simplify slving stain just Ike hi. The flowing steps sow how a mew equation canbe developed en veocty-time graph descrting Exanple Probl 16 ‘sep 1 Rearange the seselermion equation ielte (Fy). This quar wi eoresgond tay feanze ne graph hows nthe nxt sep. ari, —¥, step 2: Th velc-tine graph cide ib fo be ini elt, 7S ode tne 9.0510 inh te craton valve a nb on ‘ook ots th bei oe enguar ancctite raphe » (7, This ‘5 also equal to the accelention multiplied by. tine sho instep ‘Subtitsthe vale rom Example Fob 1.16 ino the ‘equation shown instep 4to confi this ecb canbe ‘aed eaoulatedgplacemen i a4280.0% ‘am 40.50 mis arnsos ait ad=iarshalah =(+250:m8)(50 8)+1(+050 m)(S06) at13a0 step 3: Displacements equl ote area under the ‘elocty-time graph. As you ean se, his is tothe sam ofthe area of orange andthe sea Tigh, A= { (bx). Apply hoe om, nd substi aise fom he op adm ampere) [7 )(4)+4 (an far) 1 ee 53a) Using Another Displacement Equation. ‘Toe only cations hat you have tbe careful 0 remember to equre he ae itera is he scond bal ofthe equion ja eves the surae of trampoline with an nial velocity of 11.8 ml rcted straight op, Determine the son ofthe gems afer D808 58 a (dwn) ~SeTc ny n mon bg S ‘ees ster ii noi 11850] ‘Om below te inital veloc of he diver 2, cxmine the tne fort tok he diver to ‘94 Avehte rating 69 im acoltng {Lvl for 2.0. Ocean te depcament ofthe vole dg this 8. tne ara. 25, Te overt vehicle traveling kmh on a our rnd is treo ga Soestnng the miele of head. By appjeg he brates, the ‘er abla te slow down wa na of 4 Sr ‘le eourdng the hen. Lucky the dose bois betee a clin secured. Excty 8.0» pastes {fom the moment to brakes are ppc tothe Ineiant the dour bound tom hood, Cale hapte :oescring Wotan Deceleration In Pratcequeion 35, he vile had postive inl vlosity anda negative scceleraton Tas me tithe magetoe ofthe velocity vector wou be reduced a tie veice wold slow down nthe eantext of vehicles moving om ronda, hs might be tefted wn everyday language a deesleration Aldough tis tr ie resent ed deserve the motoe of which De decalacation: the slowdag ctl dn atheros’ Sonica Sree ‘oma rudy, is no erm tae generally sed pure cence application. f you encour a problem tht describ toto fave moving the pntve eso at dseleraing a4 "You cD we iso mean 8 Rep dceteaton-4.3 105 Displacement canbe calubted wing te area under 1 yelocity-tme gop, Finding the are under ‘oct te eragh els ito ne! equations Each of thes unions oan be errand 1 sae forthe oher arb. Ain since it gors beyond high soo! ‘matberatcs vo multiply o divide to vcr, the ‘vector ntton dropped whan solving forthe time ineral, Tf ai resstanes can be ignored wien an objec fl though the sir near Ears suru, itocclemtes 9.81 m/c sight down toward te eae of Earth. The displacement pation cn be ie 1 solve problems whee jects ill iough the srt special eae mast be taken wit the proper us of the sign convention. ‘Decelraion ia erm tht ees othe slowing doy of an objet dete sceertion vector pointing inte rection opposite tothe velocyy ‘tor. When solving problems wit postive eos ves is prefabs owns ist sean x negative acceleration, Knowledge 1. The following graphs ypc fr wear seating up with iormly sosented motion. Copy this raph ino your owbook, and add the following ibs +a +b satis, owe hou eo ow ie abled varies fom the graph ae asembled fo reste his equation. cme led dampion sewing gi othe pation AZ =i. (4) fm a veloty-sine gph ‘os fiwshart hu show how Ge eed varie om the gph rambo ae isan. Jats an sceleration ane provide a ny to enters highoay lane cle the deceleration ne provides a vehicle wid safe wey to exit highway. The following diagram shows the layout of «typical doceleation lane fra or highway. Suppose vehicle eotes the declan lane a1 95.0 kv and mut slow down to $00 kn before raving around eure of he exit ramp Assume ha mos psengecars nk 5.0 0 cnet ever in 4 Deteine he vehilesdecleion. “Use ina velocity Final velocity, and value forte to determine te deplacerent ofthe vehicle during he 5.0 itera see intl velocity, vale forte, and yor ae forthe deceleration fam queton 3, clculate the placement of vehicle dig the $003. 4 Compe your answers to quesions 3. and 3.6. Aretha he same? What do your answers suggest aout he ‘inn eng of te deceleration lar for i ase? tfc hghnay wore we a veice sgh only be abl to manage a decelerton of 1.50 a tslows down frm $5.0 ah o $0.0 ia, Deterine he minimum length fr te decleation ire forthe cee. 1. Compare your anowers to queso 3 en 3. Elan why the toll engi ofthe deceleration Ine woukd bal be designed tobe me han 170 mong fe this exit A Dang» beschall game ball lees 2 bat and inves sight up int the i. ATV camer eco thal when he ball aches is highet pin, ith tavelld 12.5 m rom wher ite the bt ' Consider the prt ofthe balls ction whea i fll fom it highest pint back down toward the bate. Detemine he ine takes the bal oe ti dtc, lencring al resisancs, wen lings el hough th i, her motions symmetrical —the second hal of motion ior the rst aff motion, Use his Mes ocetermine the te fr he bal ove fonts release okt on the tr wi ghost pon. © Use your answer 'o question Abt determine the mmsitue nd direction of the inal veloiy ofthe ball ‘mmecaey afer is eaves the tet

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