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1 Key Components of communication process

Need for communication

2 Perception and communication

1 Perception is the activity of processing the physical unit of message so that the
understanding is modeled as so.
2 Perception is shaped by the beliefs and attitude of a person
3 As perception affects understanding, the success of communication is largely
depends upon perception.

Lecture 2
3 Barriers to communication:
1 Distortion
2 Inadequate communication skill
3 Lack of listening ability
4 Attitudes
5 Incorrect Information
6 Perceptual bias
7 Information overload
8 Contradictory non verbal message
9 Barrier caused by noise (Outer influence)
4 Overcoming the Barriers:
1 Defining the purpose of communication
2 Timing and means of communication (When and how to communicate)
3 Understanding the receiver
4 Personal communication skill
5 Message, Medium and channel:
1 A message is the encoded information
2 A medium is the nature of expression (Written, Oral etc)
3 A channel is a physical means (Post, Tel, Graph etc)
6 Types of written communication
1 Informal note
2 Memo
3 Letters
4 Forms
5 Questionnaire
6 Notices
7 Reports
8 Press release
9 Training or module documents

7 Merits and demerits of Written communication:

Merits Demerits
Permanent Record Lack of personal touch
Controlled and selective expression Words can be misinterpreted
Unattached personal feelings Lack of feed back
Time saving (No meeting is require) Unwanted recording of message
8 Usage of written communication
1 To have a formal communication process
2 To have proper record of messages
3 To summarise a meeting
4 To respond an communication
5 To acknowledge
6 To invite
7 To mention corporate interest (History, Mission, Vision etc)
8 To state rules
9 Types of Oral communication
1 Unplanned conversation
2 Planned informal conversation
3 Meeting (individual / group / committee / staff meetings)
4 Interview
5 Telephone call
6 Lecture
7 Presentation
10 Merits and demerits of Oral communication
Merits Demerits
Immediate Feed back No written record
Personal expression Time consuming
Completion of task Emotional
Courtesy No time to think
11 Usage of Oral communication
1 Meeting makes decision faster
2 Several opinion can be considered
3 While introducing
4 While negotiating
5 While informing detail developments
6 To invite
7 To convey any fact
12 Importance of non-verbal communication
1 It can communicate approval or disapproval
2 It can be contradictory
3 Reading non-verbal expressions are unavoidable in any business

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