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Timet Herald, Carroll, la.

, Wednesday, October 10, 1979 - Pag* 11

3 Aortmirrt Wanted Used CarsftTrucks 71 SUNDAY. OCTOBER 1 4 -

I P.M. Furniture, antique &
LET US do your homework. M It
N Real Estate. 7*2-5355.
n o r t h side.
W A N T E D on
125-M50 mo
1977 MKHCURY Cougar XR7
Dove gray. AM-KM stereo,
household goods snlc -4th & TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE
792-4264 66-197 5tp Dakota Street. Glidden.
mwtfc tape, tilt! power windows,
one-owner. 29.000 miles. Mc- Caroline Petersen. Owner
TO BUY or tell homes, farms, Want Ads Work! Knsperhauer. Kcrkhoff &
Carville & Son Motors
acreage*, c o m m e r c i a l 71-199-Hc Kerkhoff. Auctioneers
Wilton Real Estate. 712-3174 "arms Per Sale 7 SUNDAY. OCTOBER 1 4 -
. M-IWtfc 1971 FORI i Econolinc Super Van 3 P.M. 5 room house & lot 120
K100 65.000 m i l e s . C a l l
Insurance Insure with con
FOR SALE 6D9-2500 after :00p.m.
South Carroll Street Frances
Irlmeier. Owner McCarville. ACROSS 50 Make do
fidence 7WSI71 MI23tfc
160 ACRES 1977 COUGAR wagon 9-pass .
R u p i p e r Si S c h a r f c n k n m p .
r T"3 * 1 w 1 Boutique
5 Cake topping
51 Sparse
53 Primo
UNITED Feature Syndicate
Tuesday's Puzzle Solved:
SERVING T H E Carroll area SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 4 - 10 Aqo 57 Arranges
ever SO years. P u d e n z - Pleasant Valley Township stereo & sharp 1995 00 Olid-
14 Scotia
den Auto Sales 71 199-ltc I P M. antique & household 2 words E D D C DDOGD QOOG
Kunecke Real Estate. Hwy. 30
West. E r v Pudent. 7*2-1440: %
W r i t e Box F-6
Daily Times Herald 1974 F O R I ) ton pickup
goods sale Lawrence iHudi 17 i 15 Rajah's wife 61 Singer Ed o o c c o a n o G G D O D O
Gary Kunecke. 712-3231. 792-2117 71199.11c H e s s l i n g h . O w n e r 1014 16 S A Indian 62 Burn ntiiiDDD nooonnrt
7-t*lMp Salinger Ave.. Carroll Schar- 55 17 Church area 64 Bill of fare GDOOO DBG
M 22) tfc 1973 PONTIAC LcMans sport 2 words 65 Range cooGnnQD o o n o D Q
fenkamp. Uupiper & Johnson.
CALL US to buy or sell your Misc. Real Istate 70 coupe. Low mileage Almost Auctioneers 19 Musial 66 Always noon onoon noo
home, farm or commercial new tires. Best offer 792 4585 20 Lavaliere 67 Brace nnn a o o o n n n o a a
SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2 1 - onn n n n n n nnnn
property. Fleshner Family FOR SALE or 792-9572 7l-l99-5tp 1 P.M. Furniture sale. 1101 76 V 21
21 Corroding 68 Despiser
nnnonn n n o o o n n n
23 Propose
Realty. 7W1513 M- 137 tfc 110'x143' LOT 1975 DOIX1F. Colt station wagon llighridge Rd . Carroll. Iowa
25 Sgt . e.g.
69 Others nnn nnooo
BIERL REALTY Co. Commer Lot 3 block 2. Fac air. 39.000 miles Mint Mr & M r s ( i r e g o r y F. i* Gonao Dooaaa
cial, residential, rentals condition. 792-5789 after 6 p m - Schroeder. Owners McCar
26 Looker DOWN aorj Q Q o o n a a p a
Alta Vista Addition. 29 Supine 1 Photo O D D OQCIOD ODOCI
7W-5655 U-55-tfc 71 I99.1tp v i l l e . Rupiper & Schar-
Call 792-5617 fenkamp. Auctioneers
34 For 2 Hearth DDDD OOQDO 0000
COMES R E A L Estate. 712-4285 FORD OALAXIK 500 - 4 dr . tolly 3 Kiln
after 2 p.m. ;o wnu SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2 1 - 71
or 7 M I 6 7 I to buy or sell air. power steering, automatic 35 German river 4 First woman: 22 Gaels 45 Provider
Inspected 656-2350 71 l98-2tc I I ' M House & lot in llalour. 37 Gist Gr. myth 24 Kldders
homes, acreages, farms. 4 7 Die
GOT A HILL Iowa L a w r e n c e N e p p l . 4* 38 Guile 5 Non-magnet 26 Beam 49 Nine Pretix
S3 m tfc 1974 CIIEVELLK wagon Good
YOU'RE NOT USING? condition. 792-5530 after 6 p.m.-
Owner Mescher & Rupiper. 39 Ocean fish ic 27 Earth 52 of Plas-
Auctioneers 2 words 6 Ala 28 Flower sey
Young couple looking for land 71 !9B4tc MONDAY. OCTOBER 22
FOR SALE BY OWNER to build a new under-ground
6:t0 P M 3 bedroom house al it 41 Numeric pre 7 Roadhouse 30 About 53 Army base
home. 1972 DOIXiK Polara 4 dr . 400 cu fix 8 At no time: 31 Inward: Anat. 54 U S A
PRICED TO SELL in. engine. Good condition lot 307 Fast 5th. Carroll 42 Refrigerant Poet 32 Norwegian 55 Nevada city
ChermMt * *. m w m walking C a l l 792-5023 after 6 p . m . Full power $30 792-597B M e r l e l l a l l i n a n . O w n e r 1 44 Sure thing: 9 Verb form 33 Estayer 56 Column
etiUfttt te cfMrcft ani Khaalt. lt 70 196-5lt
7l-198 3tp Kasperbauer. Kerkhoff & Slang 58 Hoard
10 Old gold coin 36 Filigree
fir. ftatarat L* w/flrtfMect; formal Kerkhoff. Auctioneers 14 45 Event 59 Early Colora-
Oft w/fNllt-M chMa; sunny mostrn 1974 FORD Pinto 3 dr Runabout. 11 Opposed 39 .Sieve
kitchen; kuin-ln even, eitftwatfwr; Used CarsftTrucks 71 Good condition Call after 5:30
46 Sheathing: 12 Glance 40 dans
mm**. MfMrtta Mnt arts and </> 1:30 P M 4 bedroom home in 2 words 13 Flavor 43 Unlocks: 60 Saucy
a**) aft MtchM. SeceM fir. ha* i 1974 CHEVY -'i ton pickup 1200 p m 792-2367 71 198 5tc
Itrcda. Conrad Tiefenthaler 48 Peruser 18 Bistro 2 words 63 Bed
kaarssrwt, fuH aatn. M i of tfarat*. Call 792-9325 or 792-4812
eenafae ana caraafae family room in 7l-197-4tc
1972 CIIKVKI.I.K SS. PS & PH. K s t a t e Orote \ Rupiper. PEANUTS
fewer wsift^ut kasamont to laraa AM KM. 8 track 792 5290 Auct ioneers
/earetn aaaca. Entire Mm* 1974 OI.DS 98 I Gilded and clean 71-198-2tc MONDAY. OCTOBER 29
0 trap**. Ctnlral air and 24(H) Call 792-9.125 or 792 4812 6:30 I ' M I ix'droom liome HERE'S THE FIERCE SLOWLY HE BE6INS
71197-4tc 514 Granada D r u e Gary I D SLITHER UP A
1973 HL'ICK USabre 2 dr . PS. Geister Owner .lack Kasper
Phone 792-2660 b a u e r . Dave K c r k h n t f \ AL0N6 THE 6R0UNP... HU6 JUN6LE TREE
PH. air. clean & priced to sell
1320N. Watt M, 1972 I I A R I . K Y Chopper Mervl Kerkholl. Auctioneers
m i > C
792-3.188 before 1 or after
Overhauled motor and trannv SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4 -
5:30. 71 I955tc
659-3179 73-l97-3tc
1.30 I ' M All lired club calf
1976 DOIX'iE Colt 2 dr hdtp . 4 sale Carroll Livestock Sales.
LARGE 3 bdrm. home on nor cylinder, automatic, bucket Calendar of Carroll. Iowa Merle Witt. Ar
thside. Close to school and seats, air. vinyl roof, new rub
church. Immediate possession bcr plenty of dependable Sale Dates c a d i a . Sales M a n a g e r
Rupiper \ Scharfeukamp.
7*l-4tBI 641M3U s e r v i c e l e f t h e r e 1978
P l y m o u t h V o l a r e station Claimed Auctioneers
uaKon 318 V 8 . automatic and
Just redecorated. Call Dick I P M House, lot household
power stecrinK & brakes. 60 40
Happe. Heires Electric
7*3 2112 Mitotic
divided front seat, speed con Auction Sales goods & antiques 1218 North
trol. air. IUKR.-IKC rack, double All types of auctions will be run Court Kvan |unc lloell.
IN AUBURN. 2 bedroom brick sharp inside & out Wittrock in this Auction Calendar FRF.F. if Owner Rupiper. Schar
house new furnace, at Motors 7I-I9.1lfc we have the advertising copy of lenkamp \ McCarville. Auc
tached garage. George N your ad in our office tioneers
TO FINANCE your new or used
Wernimont. 72-42 4 176 tfc F R I D A Y . NOVEMBER 2 . 1 -
car see Personal Lenders
EVKRY THURSDAY 1 I* M Farm machinery auc
Thomas Plaza. Carroll Call
AeiSffment for Bent 65 792 2555 71-23.1-tfc 7:00 I ' M Carroll l.ivvstix-k tion From Itrcda 2 miles
s o u t h vt- ' m i l e F a s t
G R I F F I T H FORI)-MEHCCKY Clarence Schapmau. Owner
apartment. Available Oct IS Inc Authorized sales & ser Grote ,v Gerki'ti Auctioneers
7K4WS2 65l99 3tr vice Jet. Ilwv. 71 * .10 - Car E V E R Y SATURDAY
roll 792 1505 71 16-tfc I I* M Farmer's Livestock
3 B E D R O O M apartment I m
mediate possession. Phone Auction
evenings 7*2-1407 6518* :nc authorized G M dealer in Car
roll Top dollar paid for used
3 bdrm. older home.
2 B D R M . upstairs apartment
7K-4M3. 65198 :c cars 792-9238 71 124 tfc Good condition. Immediate possession.
Possible 9 ' / 2 % contract a v a i l a b l e with
qualified credit.

Realty & Insurance

(Ray Beck Insurance)
would like to announce that the
agency insur.iiKi'

V04 w, iii>jliw.iy U)
telephone number has been changed
BobGreteman 792-2435 Helen NiuLind
from 792-4575 (American Family In MikeGreteman 792-4938 Lou G r e t e m a n
surance) to W a y n e Chandlee 792 4599

OK M y . . . W H W R E you GREENHOUSE
( B M I L o v e l y 3 b e d r o o m r a n c h near Rec Center. L i v . room
We have just listed an i m m a c u l a t e 2 story 3 b e d r o o m c a r p e t e d . L a r g e k i t c h e n & d i n i n g a r e a . Built in stove.
home "good size b e d r o o m s " . N e a r no. side churches & B a s e m e n t p a r t f i n i s h e d . G a s f u r n a c e . C A, g a r a g e .
schools. Features include l a r g e l i v i n g r o o m , f o r m a l
( 5 3 I O Close i n . 4 b e d r o o m b r i c k h o m e . A t t a c h e d g a r a g e .
dining room, first floor d e n or f a m i l y r o o m , l a r g e
One owner home.
closets, rec room in b a s e m e n t , d b l . c a r g a r a g e , nice lot.
Must be seen!!! A very good b u y . O n l y M4.9S0. isni I n S c r a n t o n . 3 b e d r o o m r e m o d e l e d h o m e . Lovely kit
(Member Carroll Multiple Listing) c h e n . G a s f u r n a c e . N i c e lot. O n l y 18,950.
4 b e d r o o m older h o m e . Needs some r e p a i r . Includes

jHUilson ^Rrnl Jzsintt g a r a g e . L a r g e lot. O n l y 14,000.

W h y not start out w i t h a m o b i l e h o m e ? W e have two to
choose f r o m . Both in fine location.
H w y . 30West, Carroll O f f i c e P h . : 792-3974 FRANK AND ERNEST
<a/i) 1978 t w o b e d r o o m . 14,850.
A f t e r 5 p.m. J e r r y or D o r i s W i l s o n 792-9605
Ron fticrtordson 792-1161 Rheta Fi&cus 792-4203 (872) 1972 3 b e d r o o m . C A & s t o r a g e shed. 13,800. ^
JoAnn Richardson 792-1161
Keith Chapman 659-2202
loren Roiger 792-9261 H a r v e y F l e s h n e r 792-1513 or P a t Johnston 792-2305 . FOR 5Me fteAMM x
63 19 l>t
HEftP TtHNflNa f THE
T t X T O R R E . A L T Y <Mt#T TV
It Belongs on Your Home
Stops Costly Painting
Saves Fuel, Outside Repairs
There is o difference. If you don't
know siding Know your local WORLD SERIES WINNER
dealer. Talk to a reliable local com H e r e ' s a " h o m e r u n " h o m e ! H a s e v e r y t h i n g you
pany. n e e d a t a p r i c e t h a t ' s a " w i n n e r " too! A l a w n -
s u r r o u n d e d 3 B R r a n c h on h i g h oversize lot gives
We are inured with hundradt All Types f e e l i n g of s e c u r i t y a n d w e l l - b e i n g . F e a t u r e s
of MtitJied customtft at Vinyl Steel Aluminum s t r e a m l i n e d k i t c h e n for " M o m " , l a r g e L - s h a p e d
our bell totei periom. l i v i n g - d i n i n g r o o m s , rec r o o m w i t h wood b u r n i n g
Door* Windows
Check with u t . . . We will f i r e p l a c e , t w o " e y e " doors in double g a r a g e , 2
NOT K UNPCRSCXP. Awnings Cuttsrs Shutters
p a t i o s , l o w , low heat cost, & m a n y o t h e r f i n e
features. >m>
Aluminum Products T F X T O K N I A I T Y
Call collecLnow for o FREE ESTIMATE T H O M A S P L A Z A 792-1540
611 N . Main Carroll Evenings: Dale Textor 792-3232 or Doris Boes 792-3245

Cement is made mixed with crushed rock,

M A M PP0r*Z" A
from a mixture
of lime, clay,
silica, iron and aluminum
sand and water. When the
mixture hardens, the mate
rials are bound together in
minerals. To make cement, a solid, rock-like mass
the materials are fed into a good for constructing such
large oven called a kiln. long-lasting things as con
DAVID Q r t M O N ,
Heat from the kiln changes crete sidewalks, highways,
the materials into marble-
sited lumps called
"clinker." The clinker is
bridges, and skyscrapers.

You can win j World Ainu-

si "Km
then ground into a fine MC if your question u select
ed Send your name and age
cement powder. To make to JOHNNY WONDEK. c o
thil newspaper. i'.O Box
l*7 U M M fMlura Syndic*!*. Inc concrete, the cement is 111! Santa Crui CA tsotl
TJI.WM usrm. e*t //,

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