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V/M Reports V/M Documents

Document List


The Document Listing Report primarily displays financial detail contained in a

document, but does include limited employee and equipment detail where

Use the filtering options explained below to include or exclude detail as required.

If a simple (one line style) report with minimal detail is required, it is recommend
that additional options on the right of the Include section of the form below be
left unchecked in order to save space..

Report Interface
Document List Field Descriptions
Optional Details Document Type - Use the drop down menu to select a document type.
Available options are: Job, Sale, Quote, Template, Meter Agreement, Site
Agreement, Warranty Agreement, Historic Job or Recurring Job

From Document - Specify a document range to be printed or use the default

zzzzzz to specify all.

From Site - Select a Site range to be printed or use the default zzzzzz to specify

Entered By Check this option and enter an employee code, to print

documents for the Entered by employee specified in the header of a document

Show Only Jobs With Outstanding Billing Check this option to print only
documents where outstanding billing exists. That is to print documents where
items and/or services have not yet been invoiced.

Show Jobs with Job Type Override GL Accounts Only - Check this option
to print documents where GL accounts have been overridden as specified in Job
Type setup.

Show Rotation Items Only (Select Billing -> Item) Check this option to print
documents that have items on Rotation status (see properties of item for item
status). Be sure to select the Include options and specify Phase, Billing, Items or
this option will not function as intended).

Service Center Check this option to limit documents printed to the Service
Center specified or leave blank to include all Service Centers.
V/M Reports V/M Documents

Include Options Check options in the include area to display information relating to the selected
tree nodes as required.

Phase Check Phase to include Phase code and description, phase

status, commission employees and totals for the accumulated Billing
Groups which themselves contain services and items on the report.
Equipment Check Equipment to include additional equipment details
such as Model, Manufacturer, Serial Number, Warranty, Faults, Install
Date, Last Service Date, Logged Date and moreon the report.
Billing Check Billing to include Billing Group information on the report
such as Standard Lines/Group Totals, and Totals for the accumulated
services and items in that Billing Group.
Service - Select Service to include standard, labor or contractor
services on the report. Sell and cost values are displayed, as well as
supply quantity, posted quantity, and accumulated totals.
Item - Select item to include items on the report Sell and cost values are
displayed, as well as supply quantity, posted quantity, and accumulated

Additional Doc Details - check this option to include additional

document details such as Price List, Entered By Employee, Site
Contact and details, Terms, Posting Method, and Outstanding
Billing flag.
Addresses Check this option to include Site and Customer
Address detail.
Detail Line Tax Check this option to include default tax authority
and class detail from the master item or service record.
Document Notations Check this option to print any notations
included on the document.
Custom Fields Will print any custom field information linked to the
Header of the document.
New page per document Check this option to have start a new
page for each new document being processed.

Guide name 3
Status Status Check available status options to limit printing of documents to the
selected statuses only.

Priority Priority Check available priority options to limit printing of documents to the
selected priorities only.

Printing of large Crystal reports can take time in large databases. A warning
message like the one below may appear from time to time when printing a
report. This does not mean a report that has been filtered will take long to report,
but cautions the operator to expect delays if printing all records in the database
for example.
Document List (VM5010)
Sample Company Limited

Document Type [Job] Include:

Document Range [JOB00008] - [JOB00008] Document Details Yes Billings Yes
Site Range [1100] - [1100] Addresses: Yes Services Yes
Currency Range [ ] - [ZZZ] Agreement Details No Items Yes
Entered By Employee [All] Phases Yes Detail Line Tax No
Job Type Override GL Accounts No Equipment Yes
Outstanding Billing Only No Priority [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Show Items on Rotation Only [No] Status [Pending, Active]

Document Number Site Number and Name Curr. Costs Invoiced GP GP % Total Total
To Date Costs Source Functional

JOB00008 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego USD 56.00 0.00 -56.00 0.00 71.45 0.00
Document Details
Type JT3 Description: Copier Printer Repair
Reference: Status: Active Terms Code: N30
Price List: WHS Posting Method: Standard Date Entered: 7/30/2001
Entered By: ADMIN - Administration Manager Bill To Customer: 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego
Outstanding Billing: Yes
Site Contact: SITE Bill To Contact: Mr. Jose Grange
Site Address: Bargain Mart Plaza Bill To Address: Corner 182nd and 34th Street
Corner 182nd and 34th Street Anytown
Anytown CA
CA 45112
45112 USA
(R) Phase: P07 - General Service 71.45 0.00
Status In Progress
(R) Equipment: 000127 Entry Type: Equipment Installation Date: 7/30/2001 Problem: No power
Logged: 7/30/2001 - 04:23:33PM Logged By: ADMIN Last Serviced: 8/31/2001
Manufacture: Oki Model: 12i Description: OKIPage 12i
Serial Number: abcv12356 Warranty Start: 7/30/2001 Warranty Expiry: 7/30/2004
Symptom Fault Solution Duration: 0 Days
(R) Billing (Equipment): Billing Type: Standard Lines 71.45 0.00
Service/Item Detail Line Qty UOM Unit $ Ext $ Less Add Qty Unit $ Ext $ Less Total Net Total Net
Description Employee Sell Sell Sell Discount Tax Cost Cost Cost Cover Source Functional

(R) LABOUR S 1.00 Hrs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 30.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
General Labour P 0.00 Hrs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
T 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

11/17/200 04:24:33PM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5010.RPT Page 1 of 2

Document List (VM5010)
Sample Company Limited
Document Number Site Number and Name Curr. Costs Invoiced GP GP % Total Total
To Date Costs Source Functional

Entry Method: Supply

Service/Item Detail Line Qty UOM Unit $ Ext $ Less Add Qty Unit $ Ext $ Less Total Net Total Net
Description Employee Sell Sell Sell Discount Tax Cost Cost Cost Cover Source Functional

(R) A1-103/B S 1.00 EA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fluorescent Desk Lamp (AVE) P 0.00 EA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
T 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Entry Method: Supply
Purpose: None
Service/Item Detail Line Qty UOM Unit $ Ext $ Less Add Qty Unit $ Ext $ Less Total Net Total Net
Description Employee Sell Sell Sell Discount Tax Cost Cost Cost Cover Source Functional

(R) CALLOUT S 1.00 TRIP 66.00 66.00 0.00 5.45 1.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 66.00 66.00
Callout Charge P 0.00 TRIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
T 1.00 66.00 0.00 5.45 25.00 0.00 66.00 66.00
Entry Method: Supply 1.00

Auth. Class Base Reg. Number Included Excluded Excluded

STATE 1 132.00 18-87819 0.00 8.26 8.26
COUNTY 1 132.00 0.00 2.64 2.64
Total Posted Tax 0.00 0.00
(Document) Less Discount 0.00 0.00
(Document) Less Cover 0.00 0.00
(Document) Total 71.45 0.00
Document Posting for:JOB00008
Type Number Date Time Due Associated Quote Associated Invoice Invoice Total

Report Totals: 71.45 0.00

1 Document(s) Printed

11/17/200 04:24:35PM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5010.RPT Page 2 of 2

Posting List


The Posting List report prints details of specific Invoices, Credit Notes or Cost
Only entries that have been processed in Service Manager. Note this report is
not designed as a form and cannot be used to reprint invoices. It is designed to
list the invoice, credit note or cost only detail. To reprint an invoice, visit VM
Reports, VM Forms, and select the Invoice form.

Report Interface

Posting List - Field Descriptions

Posting Header Posting Type Use the drop down menu to select the document type to list.
Available options are Invoices, Credit Notes or Cost Only entries.

From Posting Specify a Document range to be printed or use the default

zzzzzz to specify all.

From Site Specify a Site range to be printed or use the default zzzzzz to
specify all.

Check options in the include area to display information relating to the selected
tree nodes as required.

Phase Check Phase to include Phase code and description, phase

status, commission employees and totals for the accumulated Billing
Groups which themselves contain services and items on the report.
Equipment Check Equipment to include additional equipment details
such as Model, Manufacturer, Serial Number, Warranty, Faults, Install
Date, Last Service Date, Logged Date and moreon the report.
Billing Check Billing to include Billing Group information on the report
such as Standard Lines/Group Totals, and Totals for the accumulated
services and items in that Billing Group.
Service - Select Service to include standard, labor or contractor
services on the report. Sell and cost values are displayed, as well as
supply quantity, posted quantity, and accumulated totals.
Item - Select item to include items on the report Sell and cost values are
displayed, as well as supply quantity, posted quantity, and accumulated
Additional Doc Details - check this option to include additional
document details such as Price List, Entered By Employee, Site Contact
and details, Terms, Posting Method, and Outstanding Billing flag.
Addresses Check this option to include Site and Customer Address
Detail Line Tax Check this option to include default tax authority and
class detail from the master item or service record.
Document Notations Check this option to print any notations
included on the document.
Custom Fields Will print any custom field information linked to the
Header of the document.

New page per document Check this option to have start a new page
for each new document being processed.
Posting Listing (VM5020)
Sample Company Inc.


Posting Type [Invoices] Include:

Posting Range [INV000000001] - [INV000000001] General Details No Billings Yes
Site Range [ ] - [ZZZZZZZZZZZZ] Addresses: No Services Yes
Currency Range [ ] - [ZZZ] Phases Yes Items Yes
Equipment Yes Detail Line Tax No

Posting Number Type Site Number and Name Date Curr. Posting Total Total
Posted Method Source Functional

INV000000001 JT3 1100 - Bargain Mart - San 5/22/2010 USD Standard 75.00
Equipment000001 Entry Type: Equipment Installation Date: 11/28/2000 Problem:
Logged: 5/22/2010 - 03:37:06PM Logged By: 000001 Last Serviced: 1/22/2001
Manufacture: NEC Model: PM500 Description: NEC PIII 500Mhz Computer
Serial Number: 123456789 Warranty Start: 11/28/2009 Warranty Expiry: 11/28/2012
Billing (Equipment): Billing 74.89

Service/Item Detail Line Qty UOM Unit $ Ext $ Less Add Qty Unit $ Ext $ Total Net Total Net
Description Employee Sell Sell Sell Discount Tax Cost Cost Cost Source Functional

A1-103/0 ANA Ea. 59.99 59.99 0.00 4.20 1.00 42.43 42.43 59.99 59.99
Fluorescent Desk Lamp 1.00 Less Cover: 0.00
Entry Method: Supply
Purpose: None
FREIGHT ANA Ea 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.70 1.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00
Freight Chages 1.00 Less Cover: 0.00
Entry Method: Supply

Auth. Class Base Reg. Number Included Excluded Excluded

OTHER 1.00 69.99 0.00 4.90 4.90

Report Cost Total 42.43 Report Totals 75.00 75.00

1 Posting(s) Printed

11/3/2004 01:08:07PM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5020.RPT Page 1 of 1

Aged Documents


The purpose of the Aged Documents report is to provide an Aged listing by

period of all outstanding revenue and costs on Jobs or Sales Orders. This can
be a useful report to determine the value of outstanding billings, or costs applied
to jobs, or simply to identify if open items exist that may have been overlooked or
that require follow-up.

Report Interface

Aged Documents Field Descriptions

Aging Header Document Type - Use the drop down menu to select a document type.
Available options are: Job or Sale Order.

From Document Specify a Document range to be printed or use the default

zzzzzz to specify all.

From Site Specify a Site range to be printed or use the default zzzzzz to
specify all.

From Service Center Check this option to limit documents printed to the
Service Center specified or leave blank to include all Service Centers.
Optional Details

Method Select a Method to filter results. Available options are listed below.

To Supply - Lists only those items or services left to supply. i.e. the difference
between the posted and the estimate quantities.

On Supply Lists only those items or services actually on supply. i.e. ready for

Both To Supply and On Supply Lists all items or services on the document.

Age As/Periods Specify a date to age from, and aging periods required. Data
will be sorted according to the age periods specified. Data falling out of range
will be displayed in the last age period specified together with data for that
period. Defaults are set in VM Setup, VM General, Options on the Default tab
but can be change manually to suit.

Print in Contact Information Prints additional contact information on the


Print Costs and GP Check this option to also print cost and gross profit detail
in addition to revenue values. This option has the propensity to increase the
size of the report by adding additional rows of detail for cost and gross profit
Aged Documents (VM5030)
Sample Company Inc.

Aged as of [7/7/2010] 25 50 90 Include:

Document Type [Current Jobs] Contact / Phone [Yes]
Report Contents [Both To Supply and On Supply] Cost & GP Amounts [Yes]
From Document [JOB000000004] To [JOB000000007]
From Site Number [ ] To [ZZZZZZZZZZZZ ]
From Currency Code [ ] To [ZZZ]

Ageing Period

Document Number Site / Bill To Entered Curr Posted To Date 1 to 25 Days 25 to 50 Days 50 to 90 Days Over 90 Days
JOB000000004 5/22/2010 USD Revenue 674.10
1240 - The Courtyard Cost
1240 - The Courtyard Gross Profit 674.10
Contact: Phone:
Email: Fax:

JOB000000005 5/22/2010 USD Revenue 1,607.50

1580 - Break-Away Designs Cost 1,260.00
1580 - Break-Away Designs Gross Profit 347.50
Contact: Phone:
Email: Fax:

JOB000000006 7/8/2010 USD Revenue

1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Cost
1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Gross Profit
Contact: SITE - Bargain Mart Phone: 454788889999 Ext.
Email: Fax: 454657586868

JOB000000007 7/7/2010 USD Revenue

1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Cost
1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Gross Profit
Contact: SITE - Bargain Mart Phone: 454788889999 Ext.
Email: Fax: 454657586868

Report Totals: Revenue 674.10 0.00 1,607.50 0.00 0.00

Cost 0.00 0.00 1,260.00 0.00 0.00
Gross Profit 674 0 348 0 0

4 Aged Document(s) Printed

Outstanding Entries


The Outstanding Entries report is designed to print services or Items that are
outstanding or on backorder respectively.

Outstanding Entries Field Descriptions

Outstanding Header Report On - Options include Services or Items

Select Services to print a report indicating documents with services outstanding.

Select Items to print a report indicating documents with items on back order.

Document Type - Use the drop down menu to select a document type.
Available options are: Job, Sale, Quote, Template, Meter Agreement, Site
Agreement, Warranty Agreement, Historic Job or Recurring Job.

From Document - Specify a document range to be printed or use the default

zzzzzz to specify all.

From Date - Specify a Date Range to limit documents printed to the specific
date range specified.
V/M Reports V/M Documents

Service Center - Check this option to limit documents printed to the Service
Center specified or leave blank to include all Service Centers.

Show Outstanding Entries Only - This option is checked on by default, and

reports will display outstanding or back order entries only. If this switch is
unchecked (off) reports will display a list of all items and services regardless of
their back order status. Quantities displayed include Supplied, Estimated,
Posted and Backorder quantities.

Note: This report can take some time to produce if the database is large as all
services and items on all documents are scanned.

Guide name 3
Outstanding Entries (VM5050)
Sample Company Inc.


Report Type [Item Back Order] Location Range [ ] - [ZZZZZZ]

Order By [Item] Item Range [ ] - [ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ]
Doc Type [Job] Show [Backorder Only]
Date Range [7/7/2009] - [7/7/2020]

Item Code Description Empl Loc Item Cat Sup Qty. Est Qty BO Qty OH Qty Unit Price Ext Price Cur Site Doc Reference

A1-700/0 Calculator
1CENTR A2 0.00 3.00 3.00 0 54.00 162.00 USD 1100 JOB000000058
0.00 3.00 3.00

C2-230/R 2300 Series Posture Chair

1CENTR A2 0.00 2.00 2.00 0 123.75 247.50 USD 1100 JOB000000056
0.00 2.00 2.00

2 Item Line(s) Printed

11/3/2004 04:15:13PM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5050II.RPT Page 1 of 1

Outstanding Entries (VM5050)
Sample Company Inc.


Report Type [Service Back Order] Service Type [Labor]

Order By [Service] Service Range [ ] - [ZZZZZZZZZZZZ]
Doc Type [Job] Show [Backorder Only]
Date Range [7/7/2009] - [7/7/2020]

Serv Code Description Empl Sup Qty. Est Qty Pos Qty OS Qty Unit Price Ext Price Cur Site Doc Reference

LABOUR General Labour

0.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 30.00 120.00 USD 1100 JOB000000058
0.00 8.00 4.00 4.00

1 Service Line(s) Printed

11/3/2004 04:22:26PM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5050SS.RPT Page 1 of 1

Item Reconciliation


This Item Reconciliation report produces a summary of quantity details for items
on selected document types across the system. It includes advanced filter
functions such as greater than or equal to, less than or equal to for identifying
quantities up to and/or including a particular value.

The report displays I/C quantity details from the master inventory tables for a
particular item by location. Values include On Hand, Committed, Available, On
P/O, Outstanding quantities.

The report also includes Service Manager Quantity details for Committed,
Supplied, Estimate, Posted, and Back order quantities.

The Item Reconciliation report is useful for identifying what items have been
committed to jobs. That can be a valuable function when reconciling inventory
stock takes.

It is also useful for checking item requirements for Recurring Jobs in order to
identify future demand for an item.

Note: If quantity values differ between the I/C master quantities and Service
Manager quantities, the difference will likely be due to quantities allocated by the
ACCPAC Order Entry module if installed.
Report Interface

Item Reconciliation Field Descriptions

Document Criteria Document Type - Use the drop down menu to select a document type.
Available options include: Job, Sale, Quote, Template, Meter Agreement, Site
Agreement, Warranty Agreement, Historic Job or Recurring Job.

From Document - Specify a document range to be printed or use the default

zzzzzz to specify all.
V/M Reports V/M Documents

Item Criteria

From Location Select a single location or range of locations to filter the report
output or select zzzzz for all locations.

From Item Select a single item or range of items to filter the report output by
item or select zzzzzz for all items.

Miscellaneous Criteria

From Date - Specify a Date Range to limit documents printed to the specific
date range specified.

Include Details Check this switch to display transaction details from the
documents in Service Manager for each item listed in the report.

Service Center - Check this option to limit the report printed to the Service
Center specified or leave blank to include all Service Centers.

Guide name 3
Selection Options

Select one or more quantities to report on. Filters include equal to, less than,
less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, greater than, or not equal to.
Check an option to activate the filter.

A numerical value can be specified as an additional filtering function.

Any combination of the options can be selected to refine the search.

Note: The search criteria must be matched exactly for a result to be displayed.
The Item Reconciliation report will use the AND operator if more than one
criteria has been checked. i.e. all filters selected must be fulfilled for a result to
Item Reconciliation (VM7200)
Sample Company Limited

Location Range [ ] - [ZZZZZZ] Committed Range [All]

Item Range [A1-103/0] - [A1-103/B] Supplied Range [All]
Date Range [7/7/2010] - [7/7/2010] Estimate Range [All]
Document Criteria [All] Posted Range [All]
Backorder Range [All]

Item (Stocking Unit)

Date Document Employee Site Category Committed Supplied Estimate Posted Back Order

A1-103/0 - Fluorescent Desk Lamp (Ea.)

1 - Central warehouse - Whitehorse
7/7/2010 JOB00013 1100 A1 0 0 5 0 5
I/C Location Totals
Committed Available On Hand On P/O Outstanding V/M Location Totals
0 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 0 5
1CENTR - Central warehouse - Whitehorse
7/7/2010 JOB00013 ANA 1100 A2 234 234 235 0 1
7/7/2010 JOB00012 CSV 1100 A2 1 1 1 0 0
7/7/2010 JOB00017 1100 A1 0 0 10 0 10
I/C Location Totals
Committed Available On Hand On P/O Outstanding V/M Location Totals
235 0 235 10 21 235 235 246 0 11
I/C Item Totals
Committed Available On Hand On P/O Outstanding V/M Item Totals
235 0 235 15 26 235 235 251 0 16

A1-103/B - Fluorescent Desk Lamp (AVE) (EA)

1CENTR - Central warehouse - Whitehorse
7/7/2010 JOB00016 ANA 1100 A2 1 1 1 0 0
7/7/2010 JSC10207 ANA 1100 A2 1 1 1 0 0
7/7/2010 JSC10208 ADMIN 1100 A2 1 1 1 0 0
I/C Location Totals
Committed Available On Hand On P/O Outstanding V/M Location Totals
33 65 98 2 2 3 3 3 0 0
I/C Item Totals
Committed Available On Hand On P/O Outstanding V/M Item Totals
33 65 98 2 2 3 3 3 0 0

11/17/2004 04:16:57PM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM7200.RPT Page 1 of 1

Work In Progress


The Work In Progress report prints details of costs and revenues processed to
the WIP and Billings Balance Sheet accounts in the General Ledger from jobs in
Service Manager.

It provides data for reconciliation of posted WIP against recognized WIP and
displays the Profit/Loss status for a particular job at the time of printing the report.

WIP is taken up or recognized as part of the Day End process.

Report Interface

Work in Progress Field Descriptions

WIP Header From Job Specify a single job or range of jobs to filter the report output or
select zzzzz for all jobs.

Service Center - Check this option to limit the report printed to the Service
Center specified or leave blank to include all Service Centers.

Optional Details
V/M Reports V/M Documents

Include Billings The Include Billings options if selected will include totals for
Invoices (Billings) as well as Jobs.

Include Budget and G/L Accounts Includes % Complete to Budget

information as well as the WIP and Billings G/L Account Code information where
values will be posted.

Include G/L Summary - Includes a summary of the WIP and Billings G/L
account totals in at the end of the report.

Job Completion Status

Job Completion Status filters are used to display jobs that are Incomplete only,
Complete only, or both Incomplete and Complete. Incomplete jobs are those
jobs where the job status in the job is set to any status other than complete.

Guide name 3
11/23/200 04:15:29P Sample Company Inc. Page 1 of 1
4 M
Work in Progress (VM5060)

Include Billing Details [Yes]
Include Additional Details [Yes]
Include Complete/Incomplete Both

Total Posted Recog. Balance Total Posted Recog. Balance

Job Site Status Cost WIP Cost WIP Billings Billings Billings Billings Profit/(Loss)

JOB000000005 1580 - Break-Away Designs Active 1,260.00 1,260.00 1,260.00 0.00

1,260.00 1,260.00 0.00

SC1JOB111002 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Pending 0.00 30.00 0.00 60.00
SC1INV111008 7/7/2010 30.00 30.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 30.00
30.00 30.00 30.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 30.00

Report Totals: 1,290.00 1,290.00 30.00 1,260.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 30.00
* Total Cost on Supply for Job (Unposted)
2 Jobs Printed

General Ledger Summary: G/L Account Debit Credit

6070 - Work in Progress 1,290.00
6072 - Billings 60.00

Page 1 of 1
Time Entry Summary


The Time Entry Summary report is useful for reconciling whether time entries for
employees have been retrieved to jobs. The value of revenue and cost for a time
entry is displayed together with a break down of hours performed per labor
Report Interface
Time Entry Summary Field Descriptions
Time Entry Summary Period Check this option to filter entries by date range specified. This can be
Header useful for aligning the report to particular pay periods.

Job Check this option to display time entries for a specific job only, or leave
blank to print time entry details for all jobs.

Employee Check this option to display time entries for a specific employee or
leave blank to print time entry details for all employees.

Entry When a time entry is created it is given a unique code in Service

Manager. Check this option and enter a Time Entry code (unique) to display
details of that time entry.

Un-retrieved Only Selecting this switch will filter the Time Entry Summary
report so that it only prints Time Entry details that have not yet been retrieved to
jobs. This can be a useful setting for checking the value of un-retrieved time
across jobs in Service Manager.


Job Details Checking this option includes additional job detail such as
Entered by Date/Time, Estimated Start and Stop Date/Time, Required Complete
Date/Time, Site information, Job Type, Job Status and Job Priority.

Phase Details If this option is checked, information re Estimated Start and

Stop Date/Time for the phase is displayed on the report.

Notations Time Entries can include unlimited notations. If this option is

selected notations associated with a time entry will print on the report.

Print using report form Custom reports can be written using the Crystal
Report writer. If a customized report has been written by selecting it using the
Browse function, or by typing it in this report interface can be used to print the
custom report.
V/M Reports V/M Documents

Sample Print The printed example on the following page is produced by selecting the
following options as displayed in the screenshot.

Guide name 3
Time Summary (VM5040)
Sample Company Limited


Period [All] Unretrieved Only No

Job [JSC10206] Include Job Details Yes
Employee [ANA] Include Phase Details Yes
Entry [All] Include Notations Yes

Employee: ANA - Andrea Applegate

JSC10206 Site 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Job Type JT3 Status Active
Entered Date/Time 6/20/2010 - 10:17:00AM Required Complete 6/20/2010 - 10:17:18AM Priority 5
Job Est Start Date/Time 6/21/2010 - 09:35:00AM Job Est Stop Date/Time 6/21/2010 - 05:45:00PM

Phase P07 - General Service

Phase Est Start Date/Time 6/21/2010 - 09:35:00AM Phase Est Stop Date/Time 6/21/2010 - 02:30:00PM
Retrieved Unretrieved

Uniquifer / Timesheet No. Start Stop Duration Service Code Orig. Qty Qty Revenue Cost Qty Revenue Cost

322,492-2 6/20/2010 6/20/2010 1:00 Labor - LABOUR N/a N/a N/a N/a 1.00 55.00 85.00
02:18:00PM 03:18:00PM

Phase Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 55.00 85.00

Phase P07 - General Service
Phase Est Start Date/Time 6/21/2010 - 09:40:00AM Phase Est Stop Date/Time 6/21/2010 - 05:45:00PM
Retrieved Unretrieved

Uniquifer / Timesheet No. Start Stop Duration Service Code Orig. Qty Qty Revenue Cost Qty Revenue Cost

322,494-2 6/20/2010 6/20/2010 1:00 Labor - LABOUR N/a N/a N/a N/a 1.00 55.00 85.00
10:17:00AM 11:17:00AM

Phase Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 55.00 85.00

Job Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 110.00 170.00
Entry Date/Time

Empl. Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 110.00 170.00

Report Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 110.00 170.00

1 Employee(s) Printed

11/19/200 03:56:53PM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5040.RPT Page 1 of 1

Posting Schedule List


The Posting Schedule List report can be used to print a list of schedules
associated with Jobs, Agreements or Recurring Jobs.

The report is very useful for checking dates and details of scheduled postings
due up until a specified process date. The process date can be set in advance to
see everything that will process up until the process date.

Report Interface
Posting Schedules Field Descriptions
Posting Schedules Document Type - Use the drop down menu to select a document type.
Header Available options include: Job, Sale, Site Agreement, Warranty Agreement,
Recurring Job.

Site Check the Site box and enter a site code or use the finder to locate a site
code to filter the report by site. Leaving the Site option unchecked/blank reports
on all sites.

Job Check this option to display schedules for a specific job only, or range of
jobs. Leave blank to print schedule details for all jobs.

Service Center - Check this option to limit the report printed to the Service
Center specified or leave blank to include all Service Centers.

Include Schedule

Include Schedule Details Checking this option will cause individual schedule
details for each document to print. This check box is ticked by default and it is
recommended that it be left on otherwise only the job detail is displayed and it is
not possible to identify a specific schedule that may be due or about to become

Show Due Only Check this option to filter the report to display DUE postings

Process Date Schedules will print up to and including the Process Date
specified. For example, if the Process Date is set two weeks in advance,
postings schedules due in the next two weeks will list on the report.
Posting Schedule (VM5080)
Sample Company Limited

Doc Type [Job] Include Details [Yes]

Site [All] Show Due Only [No]
Doc Range [ ] - [ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ] Process Date [7/7/2010]

Due Date Status Result Date Posted Posted By Record Type

JOB00011 - Site: 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego
Status: Active Entry Date: 7/7/2010 Job Type: JT3 Priority: 5
Posting Method: Recurring Postings Number of Postings: 1 Ready for Posting: Yes
10/7/2010 Pending No - N/A N/A N/A N/A

1/7/2011 Pending No - N/A N/A N/A N/A

4/7/2011 Pending No - N/A N/A N/A N/A

7/7/2010 Posted Yes - Posting Successful 7/7/2010 ADMIN Invoices - INV00008

11/22/200 12:58:23PM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5080.RPT Page 1 of 1

Agreement Summary


The Agreement Summary report summarizes details of Site, Meter or Warranty

agreements. It is especially useful for determining agreements that are due to be
reviewed or that will expire between a given date range and are due for renewal.

Covered equipment can be displayed with detail and agreement profitability can
be monitored throughout the life cycle of the agreement.

Report Interface

Agreement Summary Field Description

V/M Reports V/M Documents

Agreement Type Select the type of agreement (Site, Meter or Warranty), to

report on.

From Site - Select a Site range to be printed or use the default zzzzzz to specify

From Agreement - Select a specific agreement or range of agreements to be

printed or use the default zzzzzz to specify all. .

Due to expire between - Specify a date range to check for agreements due to
expire within that period..

Due for review Specify a date range to check for agreements due to be
reviewed within that period..

Service Center - Check this option to limit the report printed to include
agreements for the Service Center specified or leave blank to include all Service


Agreement Equipment Check this option to display all equipment covered by

the agreement.

Additional Details Check this option to display additional details about the
agreement such as what is covered by the agreement, tax status, business
hours, response time and warning limits.

Usage Details I an agreement has been setup to track usage (e.g. 24 hours,
or 10 Incidents), checking this option will display the usage sold to date, the
usage used to date, the current balance outstanding, the minimum usage at
which to warn if it drops below that point, the Last Posted Invoice and amount,
and details about the last job covered.

Claim Details - This option will only be visible if the agreement type Warranty
Agreement has been selected. If this option is checked, the report will include
information relating to warranty claims associated with the agreement being

Address Details Check this option to include site and customer address
details on the report.

Contact/Callout Details If this option is checked contact and callout details

for the site will be included on the report.

Guide name 3
Agreement Totals Check this option to see the agreement profitability to date.
The Billed to Date, Covered to Date, and Costed to Date values are displayed.
Subtracting the Costed to Date from the Covered to Date indicated the
agreement profitability.

New Page Per Agreement Check this option to print each agreements details
on a separate page.
Agreement Summary(VM5100)
V/M Company
Reports Limited
V/M Documents

Agreement Type [Site Agreement] Include:

Agreement Range [ ] - [ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ] Additional Details [Yes]
Site Range [ ] - [ZZZZZZZZZZZZ] Addresses: [No]
Expiry Date Range [7/7/2000] - [7/8/2020] Agreement Equipment [No]
Review Date Range [7/7/2000] - [7/8/2020] Claim Details [Yes]
Contact Details [No]
Agreement Totals [Yes]
Usage Details [Yes]

Agreement Number Type Title Comm. Date Expiry Date Review Date Net Rev. T.D. (S) Net Rev. T.D. (F)

AGR00001 JT3 Bargain Mart - San Diego 5/22/2010 5/21/2020 4/14/2020 1,299.00 1,884.07
Sites/Models: 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Cover Period Derived From Specified Agreement Term (Manual) 5/22/2010 to 5/21/2020

Additional Agreement Details

Cover Type Cover % Type % Rev Warning Amt To Date Description:

Agreement Sale (12) Month
Labour 100.00% Cover 80.00% 960.00 93.20 Status: Pending Tax Based On: Sub Total
Contractors 100.00% Cost 50.00% 600.00 87.00 Posting Method: Standard Business Hours Warn: No
Services 100.00%
Bill To Customer: 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Source Currency: USD
Items 80.00%
Response Period: Diego
0 Minutes Job Type:

Usage Details

Usage Sold To Date: 20.00 Usage Used To Date: 1.00 Usage On Jobs: 5.00 Usage Current Balance: 14.00
Warn When Below: 5.00 Usage Unit Description: Usage Reset Usage on Billing: No Last Covered Doc: JOB00019
Last Posting Document: INV00003 Last Posting Amount: 1,299.00 Last Posting Date: 5/22/2010 Last Cover Date: 7/7/2010

Agreement Totals

Billed To Date: 1,200.00

Covered To Date 93.20
Costed To Date 87.00

Guide name 11:32:53AM

11/23/200 5 C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5100.RPT Page 1 of 3
Agreement Summary(VM5100)
Sample Company Limited

Agreement Number Type Title Comm. Date Expiry Date Review Date Net Rev. T.D. (S) Net Rev. T.D. (F)

AGR00002 MT Mr. Ronald Black 5/22/2010 5/21/2011 5/14/2011 1,695.00 1,695.00

Sites/Models: 1200 - Mr. Ronald Black Cover Period Derived From Specified Agreement Term (Manual) 5/22/2010 to 5/21/2011

Additional Agreement Details

Cover Type Cover % Type % Rev Warning Amt To Date Description:

Yearly Contract
Labour 100.00% Status: Pending Tax Based On: Sub Total
Items 100.00% Posting Method: Standard Business Hours Warn: No
Bill To Customer: 1200 - Mr. Ronald Black Source Currency: CAD
Response Period: 0 Minutes Job Type:

Agreement Totals

Billed To Date: 1,500.00

Covered To Date 0.00
Costed To Date 0.00

Agreement Number Type Title Comm. Date Expiry Date Review Date Net Rev. T.D. (S) Net Rev. T.D. (F)

AGR00003 JT3 Bargain Mart - San Diego 5/22/2010 5/21/2015 4/14/2015 1,299.00 0.00
Sites/Models: 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Cover Period Derived From Specified Agreement Term (Manual) 5/22/2010 to 5/21/2015

Additional Agreement Details

Cover Type Cover % Type % Rev Warning Amt To Date Description:

Labour 100.00% Status: Pending Tax Based On: Sub Total
Contractors 100.00% Posting Method: Amortized Business Hours Warn: No
Services 100.00%
Bill To Customer: 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Source Currency: USD
Items 100.00%
Response Period: Diego
0 Minutes Job Type:

11/23/200 11:32:54AM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5100.RPT Page 2 of 3

Agreement Summary(VM5100)
Sample Company Limited

Agreement Totals

Billed To Date: 0.00

Covered To Date 0.00
Costed To Date 0.00

Report Totals: Net Rev. T.D. (S) Net Rev. T.D. (F)
Total Billed To Date: 2,700.00 Total Billed To Date: 2,700.00
Total Costed To Date 87.00 Total Covered To Date 93.20
Profit 2,613.00 Opportunity Gain 2,606.80 4,293.00(S) 3,579.07(F)

3 Agreement(s) Printed

11/23/200 11:32:54AM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5100.RPT Page 3 of 3

Notation List


The Notations List report displays information about notations added to particular
entities within Service Manager. Information about objects attached and follow-
ups can also be included on the report.
Report Interface

Notation List Field Description

Select the type of entity to report on. Notations associated with that entity will be
printed on the report.

Available entities to select from are Project, Document, Site, Equipment, Time
Entry, Employee, Contact, Model, Return Authorization and Service Centers.

Once an entity has been selected a field corresponding to that entity type will
appear to allow the user to select a particular code for that entity.

Optional Details

Notation Check this option to include the actual text contents of the notation
on the report. This box is checked on by default.

Objects Check this option to Include a list of all objects associated with the
notation. Documents, Files, Mail tos, URLs, etc

Include Follow-Up Information Check this option to display follow-up

information associated with the notation on the report. E.g. Follow-up person,
date, time and the follow-up status (actioned or not yet actioned).

Include Custom Fields Check this option to include notation custom fields on
the report.
V/M Reports V/M Documents

Source Type ONLY Check this option to print notations for the type selected
only. For example an equipment notation can be entered under an equipment
record in a job, or it can be entered in Notation Manager or in the Equipment
Master table. Selecting this option will only print entries for those notations
entered directly through Notation Manager or via the Equipment master file.

Guide name 3
Notation (VM5110)

Sample Company Limited


Document [Job - JOB00006]

Include Notation [Yes]
Include Objects [Yes]
Include Follow-up Details [Yes]
Source Type ONLY [Yes]

ADMIN 7/30/2001 - 03:43:24PM

Follow-Up - 7/30/2001 (03:45:51PM) Employee ADMIN Actioned No


***Monday, 30 July 2001 15:43 (ADMIN)***

This is a demonstration notation.

ADMIN 7/30/2001 - 04:02:58PM

***Monday, 30 July 2001 16:02 (ADMIN)***

***Monday, 30 July 2001 16:03 (ADMIN)***
Overhead / Burden Listing


The Overhead/Burden Listing report is used to display the actual calculated

overhead/burden values generated by Service Manager on WIP jobs.

Overhead and Burden are calculated at job level and apportioned according to
calculation methods specified in the VM Setup, VM General, Options on the G/L
WIP tab or as overridden in Job Type Setup (also on the G/L WIP tab).
Report Interface

Overhead / Burden Field Description

Include Current Jobs This option is checked by default. Enter a range of jobs
to print detail for overhead and burden on WIP jobs.

Include Historic Jobs Check Include Historic Jobs and enter a range of jobs
to print detail for overhead and burden on WIP jobs that have been moved to

Service Center - Check this option to limit the report printed to include overhead
and burden for the Service Center specified or leave blank to include all Service
Overhead / Burden Listing (VM5130)
Sample Company Inc.


Include Current Jobs [Yes] = [ ] - [ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ]

Include Historic Jobs [No]
Overhead Allocation Method [Flat % Of Total Cost]
Burden Allocation Method [% Labor Cost]

Document Number Site Code & Name Bill To Code & Name Supplied Posted Doc Total

JT3 - General Service (Current Job)

JOB000000005 1580 - Break-Away Designs 1580 - Break-Away Designs Overhead 3.00 0.00 3.00
Burden 0.00 0.00 0.00
SC1JOB111002 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Overhead 0.00 3.00 3.00
Burden 0.00 3.00 3.00

Job Type Sub Totals Overhead 3.00 3.00 6.00

Burden 0.00 3.00 3.00

2 Overhead / Burden Document(s) Printed

11/23/200 03:02:43PM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5130.RPT Page 1 of 1

Project Listing


The Project Listing report prints a list of projects and limited detail relating to
those projects. Project totals are printed on a sub report following the printing of
the main report.
Report Interface

Project Listing Field Descriptions

Project Listing Header From Project Select a Project range to be printed or use the default zzzzzz to
specify all.

Service Center - Check this option to limit the report printed to include projects
for the Service Center specified or leave blank to include all Service Centers.

Optional Details
Include Project Details Check this option to include additional project
information in the header of the project.

Print Project Totals If this option is selected after a sub report will print with
each projects totals after the main project report has been printed. Note: If there
are many projects in the range specified, the Totals sub report will cycle for
printing separately for each project. Project Totals include project profitability.

Include Documents Check this option to Include a list of documents

associated with the project on the report.

Include Custom Fields Check this option to Include a list of custom fields
associated with the header of the Project on the report.

Print using report form Custom reports can be written using the Crystal
Report writer. If a customized report has been written by selecting it using the
Browse function, or by typing it in this report interface can be used to print the
custom report.

Project Listing The first report to print is the Project Listing report (VM5070.RPT). It includes the
(VM5070) project details and associated documents linked to that project.

Project Listing The second report to print (if Project Totals has been checked), is the Project
(VM5090) Summary report.

This displays project totals accumulated from all documents within the project,
as well as budget, percent complete and profit details.
Project Listing (VM5070)
Sample Company Inc.



Include Project Details [Yes]
Include Documents [Yes]

Project Document - Description Site DT Entered Entered By Priority Status

PRJ000000001 - Upgrade to Air Conditioning

Bill To: 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Source Currency:

JOB000000013 - Pre Installation Inspection of Site 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego 7/7/2010 ADMIN 1 Pending

QTE000000003 - Computer - Upgrades 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego 7/7/2010 ADMIN 5 Pending

JOB000000016 - Computer - Upgrades 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego 7/7/2010 ADMIN 5 Pending

MTR000000002 - 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego 7/7/2010 ADMIN 5 Pending

1 Project(s) Printed

11/23/200 12:23:20PM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5070.RPT Page 1 of 1

Project Summary (VM5090)
Sample Company Inc.


Project [PRJ000000001]
Section [Project]

Description Ready Posted Total Budget Variance %

Services: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Labor: 745.00 0.00 745.00 745.00 0.00 0.00
Subcontractors: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Items: 89.98 0.00 89.98 44.99 44.99 50.00
Item Weights 3.00 0.00 3.00

Gross Revenue 834.98 0.00 834.98 789.99 44.99 5.39

Less Discount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Plus Tax 60.54 0.00 60.54 57.28 3.26 5.38
Less Cover 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rounding Standard -0.02 0.00 -0.02

Net Total (SRC CUR) 895.50 0.00 895.50 847.27 48.23 5.39

Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Labor 380.00 0.00 380.00 380.00 0.00 0.00
Subcontractors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Items 84.86 0.00 84.86 42.43 42.43 50.00

Total Cost 464.86 0.00 464.86 422.43 42.43 9.13

Gross Profit
GP Amount 370.12 0.00 370.12 367.56 2.56 0.69
GP % 44.33 0.00 44.33 46.53 -2.20 -4.96
Labor Cost Duration 20:30 0:0 20:30
Total Overhead 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Burden 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Commission 11.42 0.00 11.42

11/23/200 01:08:16PM C:\ACCPAC\VM52A\ENG\VM5090PR.RPT Page 1 of 1

Payment Summary


The Payment Summary report prints a summary of all invoices and applied
payments for a particular document. Applied payments includes standard
receipts as well as pre payments.

Project Interface

Payment Summary - Field Description

Criteria Document Type - Use the drop down menu to check payment status for that
document type. Available options include: Job, Sale, Meter Agreement, Site
Agreement, Warranty Agreement or Historic Job.

Site - Select a site range to be printed or use the default zzzzzz to specify all.

Customer - Select a customer range to be printed or use the default zzzzzz to

specify all.

Service Center - Check this option to limit the report printed to include projects
for the Service Center specified or leave blank to include all Service Centers.
Page 1 of 2
04/01/200 15:49 Sample Company Limited
Payment Summary (VM5150)

Document Type [Job]
Site Range [ ] - [ZZZZZZZZZZZZ]
Customer Range [ ] - [ZZZZZZZZZZZZ]
Document/ Site/ Status Type/ Entered/ Invoice/
Invoice Check/Receipt Number AR Btch/Ent Terms Posted Payment
Source Currency
JOB00001 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Active JT3 22/05/2010
CHECK CCB 25/1 29/12/2010 Prepayment -41.50
Prepayment Balance -41.50

Document Balance -41.50

JOB00189 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Pending JT3 20/12/2010

INV00061 N30 20/12/2010 19/01/2011 Invoice 451.00
CHECK CCB 16/1 20/12/2010 Invoice Payment -451.00
Invoice Balance 0.00

Document Balance 0.00

JOB00192 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Pending JT3 20/12/2010

INV00062 N30 20/12/2010 19/01/2011 Invoice 32.50
CHECK CCB 16/2 20/12/2010 Invoice Payment -32.50
Invoice Balance 0.00

Document Balance 0.00

JOB00194 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Pending JT3 20/12/2010

INV00063 N30 20/12/2010 19/01/2011 Invoice 141.50
CHECK CCB 17/1 20/12/2010 Invoice Payment -141.50
Invoice Balance 0.00

Document Balance 0.00

JOB00198 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Pending JT3 20/12/2010

INV00067 N30 20/12/2010 19/01/2011 Invoice 224.50
CHECK CCB 17/2 20/12/2010 Invoice Payment -224.50
Invoice Balance 0.00

Document Balance 0.00

JOB00223 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego User 1 JT3 20/12/2010

INV00071 N30 20/12/2010 19/01/2011 Invoice 89.50
CHECK CCB 17/3 20/12/2010 Invoice Payment -89.50
Invoice Balance 0.00

Page 1 of 2
Page 2 of 2
04/01/200 15:49 Sample Company Limited
Payment Summary (VM5150)

Document/ Site/ Status Type/ Entered/ Invoice/

Invoice Check/Receipt Number AR Btch/Ent Terms Posted Payment
Source Currency
Document Balance 0.00

JOB00250 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Active JT3 20/12/2010

INV00080 N30 20/12/2010 19/01/2011 Invoice 243.50
CHECK CCB 17/4 20/12/2010 Invoice Payment -243.50
Invoice Balance 0.00

Document Balance 0.00

JOB00286 1200 - Mr. Ronald Black Active MT 29/12/2010

INV00096 DUETBL 29/12/2010 05/01/2011 Invoice 31.00
CHECK CCB 18/1 29/12/2010 Invoice Payment -31.00
Invoice Balance 0.00

Document Balance 0.00

JOB00359 SMITHJ - John Smith User 1 JT3 29/12/2010

INV00134 DUETBL 29/12/2010 05/01/2011 Invoice 376.50
CHECK CCB 19/1 29/12/2010 Invoice Payment -376.50
Invoice Balance 0.00
INV00135 N30 29/12/2010 28/01/2011 Invoice 14.00
CHECK CCB 19/2 29/12/2010 Invoice Payment -14.00
Invoice Balance 0.00

Document Balance 0.00

JOB00361 SMITHP - Jack Smith Active GM 29/12/2010

INV00136 2N30 29/12/2010 28/01/2011 Invoice 229.50
CHECK CCB 19/3 29/12/2010 Invoice Payment -229.50
Invoice Balance 0.00
INV00137 2N30 29/12/2010 28/01/2011 Invoice 260.00
CHECK CCB 19/4 29/12/2010 Invoice Payment -260.00
Invoice Balance 0.00

Document Balance 0.00

JOB00438 1100 - Bargain Mart - San Diego Active JT3 29/12/2010

INV00191 N30 29/12/2010 28/01/2011 Invoice 4,335.50
VISA CCB AUTH CODE 1234 20/1 29/12/2010 Invoice Payment -200.00
Invoice Balance 4,135.50
INV00192 N30 29/12/2010 28/01/2011 Invoice 65.00
VISA CCB 22/1 29/12/2010 Invoice Payment -65.00
Invoice Balance 0.00
INV00193 N30 29/12/2010 28/01/2011 Invoice 0.00

Page 2 of 2

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