Relevance of Simplifications in LCA of Building Components

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Building and Environment 44 (2009) 818825

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Relevance of simplications in LCA of building components

Daniel Kellenberger a, *, Hans-Jorg Althaus b
Scion (Forest Research), Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park, 49 Sala Street, Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3010, New Zealand
b berlandstrasse 129, CH-8600 Du
EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, U bendorf, Switzerland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper provides a detailed analysis of life cycle assessment (LCA) results of different building
Received 19 February 2008 components (e.g. wooden wall, concrete roof) on different levels of simplication (from a comprehensive
Received in revised form 8 May 2008 LCA including all materials and processes to the fully reduced component including only the main
Accepted 8 June 2008
materials remaining in the component). The main objective is the determination of the relevance of
materials and processes often neglected in simplied LCA of building components which aim at providing
results of similar quality as comprehensive assessments with less effort. The studied simplications are
categorised in transportations of the building materials from the factory gate to the building site, some
OGIP ancillary materials which are not obvious in the component, the building process itself and the associated
LCA cutting waste. The results show that transports and ancillary materials are of relevance while the building
Life cycle assessment process and the cutting waste can be neglected. The heavier the used materials and the longer the transport
Cumulative energy demand distances the bigger is the inuence of transports on the LCA results. The inuence of the ancillary
materials is highest for wooden constructions as a lot of screws nails and other connectors are essential.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Various more or less comprehensive LCA studies1 of total build-

ings or parts of it have been performed to nd the signicant
Buildings and their use phase are of high ecological relevance as contributors to the environmental prole of buildings and to iden-
can be derived from the total Swiss energy consumption in the year tify opportunities for improvement: Scheuer et al. [3] for example
2003. This total energy use can be broken down in several basic made an LCA of a new university building, Lalive dEpinay [4]
consumption sectors. Twenty-six percentage of the sum is used in developed the LCA based method EcoCheck and applied it to an
the Transportation sector, 12% in the Industry, 12% in the commercial ofce building, Cole [5] has examined the energy consumption and
and agricultural sector and 50% in the building sector (Zimmermann greenhouse gas emissions associated with the on-site construction
et al. [1]) which considers all building types, also the construction of a selection of alternative wood, steel and concrete structural
and the operation of industrial and commercial buildings. The assemblies and SIA [6] lists different construction types (compo-
operation of all these buildings accounts for 30% of the overall Swiss nents) and links them to various environmental indicators (e.g. CO2-
energy consumption. For the electrical installations like lightning, Eq., SO2-Eq.). Some of the studies account for the energy consumed
cooling and ventilation about 16% and for the construction and in the construction process while others dont, some account for the
refurbishment of the buildings about 12% of the total consumption is transportation of the construction crew to the construction site
needed (these data are only published in the German report of while others dont, some account only for the obvious materials in
Zimmermann et al. [2]). The construction and operation of buildings a cross section sketch while others include joints and connectors.
not only cause the consumption of a large amount of energy; they The contribution of the building phase (mainly energy
also induce a high demand for physical resources and a major impact consumption), the additional materials and works (e.g. joints,
on the environment. The operation also signicantly inuences the surface treatments, connectors, form-works, etc.), the transportation
energy consumption of future generations and the deconstruction from factory or storage place to the building site and the cutting
and recycling or disposal of the buildings will take place about 80 waste of different typical components are not considered
100 years after the construction. Thus, the construction sector
can signicantly contribute to a more sustainable development
(Zimmermann et al. [1]).
Life cycle assessment (LCA) studies the environmental aspects and potential
impacts throughout a productss life (i.e. cradle to grave) from raw material
acquisition through production, use and disposal. The categories of environmental
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 64 (0)4 802 4981; fax: 64 (0)4 385 3397. impacts generally include indicators for resource use, human health, and ecosystem
E-mail address: (D. Kellenberger). quality (ISO/EN14040 (2000)).

0360-1323/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Kellenberger, H.-J. Althaus / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 818825 819

Assumed Life-span: 80 years
Is made up of components

Building Components
Assumed Life-span: 80 years e.g. Double wall masonry with
A building component is made up of layers. glass wool, double-sided
The LCI-data include beside the main plastered
materials the transportation from gate to
building site, the cutting waste, the building
process and some additional works (e.g.
formwork, sealing, etc.)

Assumed Life-span: <= 80years
Is made up of one or several
material(s) (e.g. untreated wood),
product(s) (e.g. mortar as binder)
and/or a group of products (e.g.
LCI includes all In-and Outputs Glass wool Insulation Brick Mortar
from cradle to gate

Fig. 1. The setup of the system Building.

consistently in different studies. Our work aims at evaluating the The production of the building materials which are needed for
relevance of these contributions for the LCA results. the studied components (from SIA [6], compare Section 2.2),
include all upstream products and processes from cradle to gate
2. Life cycle assessment of building components (Frischknecht et al. [8], Althaus et al. [9] Kellenberger et al. [10] and
ecoinvent Database v.1.12). The transportation from the factory gate
2.1. Functional unit and system denition/boundaries or distribution centre to the building site is by default included in
the used software (LTE-OGIP). Transportation distances, the means
Buildings can be described as a system with the following of transportation and the cutting waste on the construction site
structure (Fig. 1): which is either disposed or recycled have been adapted based on
In general building components are the smallest elements of the Binz et al. [11] (see Table 2). The construction process itself contains
whole system Building showing comparable relevant properties the use of machines and some additional materials and work as for
(e.g. static properties, heat and sound transfer insulation, etc.) and example the needed formwork or connection elements to anking
thus allowing for the denition of comparable functions in the walls. The operation phase includes the replacement of certain
system. A direct comparison of single materials is usually not in layers. The energy needed to operate the building (space heating,
accordance with ISO/EN14040 [7] as the properties of the materials domestic hot water and electricity) is included to analyse its
are varying very much and therefore an unambiguous denition of contribution to the total results but not for analysing the inuence
their common function might not be possible. The chosen func- of the different simplications. The disposal/recycling of the
tional unit for this study is therefore 1 m2 of opaque building materials from these layers and the replacement process are also
component with similar heat transfer rate over 80 years. No other included. After 80 years of service life the disposal/recycling of the
properties as for example heat capacity, thickness or sound components is taken into account too. The system with its
performance is taken into account. If the results would be used for boundary is illustrated in Fig. 2:
comparative assessment of the different components, potential
differences in these properties would need to be addressed. 2.2. Life Cycle Inventory
However, the aim of the study is to evaluate the relevance of
different stages of simplication for the LCA results and no The choice of the studied building components (1 m2) is based
comparison between the different components is made. on a decision that a comparison of two to three examples within
Since no reliable data on the life span of buildings are available, one category of components (e.g. interior wall, interior wall, roof,
most studies assume a lifespan of 7580 years (SIA [6], Scheuer
et al. [3]). The life span of the building components in our study is
assumed to be 80 years.
820 D. Kellenberger, H.-J. Althaus / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 818825

building material

Transport of material from factory *

gate & distribution centre to
construction site

Construction site
Transport of

Transport of Additional materials * Construction of

construction Building Cutting waste *
crew Building processes * component


New layers
Operation of
Heating energy** component

Disposal of old layers Disposal of building

Disposal building
after replacement, material during
material at end-of-life
during operation construction

Fig. 2. The system boundary of the all-inclusive building components within LTE-OGIP (*/** products/processes in focus for the comparison).

etc.) is possible. Walls and roofs are the categories of compo- 2.3. Building structure versus space heating during operation
nents with the biggest variation of examples in SIA [6]. To raise
the potential of interpretation at least one wooden and one As the study only takes into account components and not the
mineral construction have been selected for each category of whole building a simplied approach was used to give a rough
components. indication on the effect of material related impact versus overall
Within the choice of examples in SIA [6] the following building impact. The burdens of the all-inclusive building components are
components with similar heat transfer rates (between 0.25 and therefore compared to the burdens for replacing the heat energy
0.3 W/m2 K) have been studied (Table 1): losses through the respective components (transmission heat los-
The means of transportation and the transport distances from ses) over the whole life span of 80 years. Component properties
factory gate or distribution centre to the construction site for the other than the heat transfer rate (e.g. heat capacity) were not taken
different materials used in the building components and the into account even if they inuence the energy consumption of
material losses in construction are derived from the Binz et al. [11] a building. Including these properties would demand for assump-
and represented in Table 2. tions about the building as a whole and about the use of the
The transport distances are estimated based on the number of building, which would inuence the result much more than the
manufacturers in Switzerland. The means of transportation are differences in the actual properties themselves. The heat losses
based on the size and weight of the needed materials. The used taken into account are therefore calculated based on the U-value of
transportation categories are van and lorry with a maximum total each component to give an idea on the ratio of building structure
weight of 16 tons. The losses during construction vary between 1 to space heating. Heat is assumed to be generated by a low-NOx
(glass) and 5% (mortar and lime plastering) for concrete and gas heating with a capacity of <100 kW in the basis scenario. The
building stones (brick or calcareous sandstone), 1020% for wooden sensitivity of the results is assessed by assuming an oil heating
products, 3% for insulation materials and 4% for metal parts and are scenario.
also derived from Binz et al. [11].
The all-inclusive components are calculated with the original 2.4. Life cycle assessment
system boundary of the LTE-OGIP tool. Five parts are distinguished
as follows: The following indicators are used to describe the environmental
impacts and the resource efciency of the different components:
(1) Transportation from factory gate or distribution centre
(depending on the system boundary of the LCI-data) to the  non-renewable cumulative energy demand (CED) from fossil
construction site. and nuclear (Frischknecht et al. [8]);
(2) Building processes (mainly use of machines in the building  renewable cumulative energy demand (CED) from water, wind,
phase). solar and geothermal (Frischknecht et al. [8]);
(3) Cutting waste and its disposal/recycling during the building  renewable CED from biomass (Frischknecht et al. [8]); and
phase.  Eco-indicator 99 H/A total (Goedkoop and Spriensma [12],
(4) Additional materials and work (mainly connectors, adhesive Frischknecht et al. [8]).
tapes, construction of block outs, etc.).
(5) Fully reduced building component (including only the main The non-renewable CED allows statements on the use of ener-
materials remaining in the component). getic resources (protection of non-renewable energetic resources).
D. Kellenberger, H.-J. Althaus / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 818825 821

Table 1
Description of studied Building components (sketch from SIA [6], data from OGIP).

Building component Materials Thickness [cm] Density [kg/m3] Mass [kg/m2] Life span [years]
Inverted horizontal concrete roof insulated with expanded polystyrene slabs (U-value: 0.3 W/m K)
sand/gravel/pebbles washed 10 2000 200 25
Synthetic bre eece/felt 940 0.14 25
Expanded polystyrene 14 33 4.62 25
Polymeric bitumen waterproof sheeting 1160 8.9 25
Normal concrete 20 2380 476 80
Reinforcing steel 7850 15 80

Wooden structure roof with 2 layers of glass wool, covered with roof tiles (U-value: 0.25 W/m2 K)
roof tile 1800 75.6 25
Shelves/slates 470 1.8 40
Fibreboard soft 0.6 900 5.4 40
Shelves/slates 470 3.25 40
Glass wool 12 35 4.2 40
Polyethylene foil 1160 0.3 40
Shelves/slates 2 470 9.4 40
Square-shaped timber 470 19.74 80

Calcareous sandstone wall with exterior glass wool insulation and timber cladding (U-value: 0.28 W/m2 K)
Outside weatherboard 2.5 470 11.8 30
Timber strapping 470 10.5 30
Glass wool 12 22 2.6 30
Calcareous sandstone 15 1500 208.3 80
Lime diluted mortar 1700 49.3 80
Lime plastering 0.5 1500 12.6 40

Plastered double masonry wall with intermediate glass wool insulation (U-value: 0.25 W/m2 K)
conventional exterior rendering 0.7 1800 13 35
Brick 12 1000 120 80
Lime diluted mortar 1700 39.1 80
Steel, low alloyed 7850 0.01 80
Glass wool 8 60 4.8 80
Brick 15 1000 150 80
Lime diluted mortar 1700 45.9 80
Single layer gypsum plaster 0.5 1500 7.5 40

(continued on next page)

822 D. Kellenberger, H.-J. Althaus / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 818825

Table 1 (continued)

Building component Materials Thickness [cm] Density [kg/m3] Mass [kg/m2] Life span [years]

Plastered masonry with exterior insulation from expanded polystyrene (U-value: 0.27 W/m K)
organic exterior rendering 0.25 1500 3.8 25
Steel, low alloyed 7850 0.01 25
Expanded polystyrene 10 20 2 25
Brick 16.7 1000 166.8 80
Lime diluted mortar 1700 54.4 80
Single layer gypsum plaster 2.3 1500 34.6 40

On the basis of this indicator no statements on the environmental Based on a prototype of the OGIP software (Kohler and Klingele
effects of products are possible since the effects of emissions and [17]) further steps in optimizing the tool were taken by the Swiss
the use of non-energetic resources are neglected. Despite this Research Centre for Rationalization in Building and Civil Engi-
limitation, this indicator is shown because the grey energy is neering (CRB) with the support of the Swiss Federal Ofce of Energy
widely used as an ecological indicator, especially in the building (BFE), the Swiss Federal Ofce for Buildings and Logistics (BBL) and
sector. There are different ways of calculating the grey energy. In t.h.e. Software GmbH,4 who developed and maintains the new LTE-
Switzerland, the denition by Kasser and Poll [13] (sum of non- OGIP software.5
renewable CED and CED from hydropower) is the most common. OGIP stands for Optimisation of Global demands in terms of
The Eco-indicator 99 (H/A) is a widely used damage oriented costs, energy and environment within an Integrated Planning
impact assessment method which models the effects of resource process. OGIP is based on Life Cycle Impact Assessment results
use and emissions on human health, ecosystem quality and from the ecoinvent database v1.16 which again are based on Life
resource quality. Impacts on these three safeguard objects are Cycle Inventory-studies for minerals, metals, wooden and paper
weighted and added to provide a single score indicator (Goedkoop building products and processes, published by Althaus et al. [9],
and Spriensma [12]). Althaus and Classen [18], and Hischier et al. [19].
It must be pointed out that a comparison of different compo-
nents is only allowed within one impact category and not between 3. Results
two different categories (e.g. CED non-renewable and Eco-indicator
99 (H/A) total). The ratio of the impact from the building structure to the impact
As the aim of the study is to show the relevance of different of the space heating will be discussed rst, followed by discussions
stages of simplication for the LCA results within components and of the results on the non-renewable cumulative energy demand
not for comparing the components among each other, the results and the Eco-indicator 99 (H/A) across all life cycle phases of the
are only shown in relative gures. building structure (that means excluding space heating) for each
building component.

2.5. The LCA-based building assessment tool LTE-OGIP 3.1. General remarks

All the calculations for this study are performed with the LCA- The Indicators renewable CED and CED from biomass show
based building assessment tool LTE-OGIP. Other LCA-based building often a different picture then the CED non-renewable. The inu-
assessment tools are described in Cole [14,15] and Peuportier and ence of these CED categories (renewable, biomass) on the total CED
Putzeys [16]. is between 0 and 20%. CED from renewable energy (e.g. from water)
The basis of LTE-OGIP is the fact that determining the environ- is mainly found in the Swiss electricity mix. Therefore a big inu-
mental impact of constructions is a complex task. Many individual ence is visible when the building process is removed. CED from
components need to be calculated; many data are insufciently biomass is mainly due to wooden products (wooden roof and wall
available; many methodological aspects need to be claried and constructions). Thus, for concrete components, the amount of CED
correctly considered. from biomass is halved when removing the formwork, which is
Taking on this work during the design process of buildings is part of the building process. These indicators are not discussed for
impossible for practitioners unless there are standardised tech- each component.
niques capable of automatically analysing the information which The Indicator Global Warming Potential (CO2-Eq.) is not shown
accumulates during the design process. Therefore, Niklaus Kohler3 in the result gures as the relative results are very similar to the
in the early 1990s developed a method to calculate energy and non-renewable CED results. This is not surprising, as most energy
material balances based on a standardised method for estimating
and controlling costs of the building.
3 6
Institute for industrial building production, University of Karlsruhe.
D. Kellenberger, H.-J. Althaus / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 818825 823

Table 2
Transport distances, means of transportation and cutting waste for the most important materials from Binz et al. [11].

Building material Specication Transport distance from production Cutting waste Means of transportation (t)
place to construction site

[km] [] []
Concrete With 0% of recycling content 32 0.03 Lorry 16
Brick Production: todays avarage 76 0.02 Lorry 28
Roof tile Production: todays avarage 76 0.02 Lorry 28
Calcareous sandstone With 0% of recycling content 75 0.02 Lorry 28
Lime diluted mortar With 0% of recycling content 48 0.05 Lorry 16
Lime plastering With 0% of recycling content 48 0.05 Lorry 16
Anhydrite With 0% of recycling content 109 0.05 Lorry 16
Glass With 0% of recycling content 188 0.01 Lorry 16
Sawn timer Drying: todays avarage 48 0.10 Lorry 16
Glued laminated timber Production and drying: todays avarage 83 0.20 Lorry 16
Fibreboard soft Production and drying: todays avarage 131 0.20 Lorry 16
Reinforcement steel With todays recycling ratio 131 0.04 Lorry 28
Construction steel With todays recycling ratio 188 0.04 Lorry 28
Rock wool 124 0.03 Lorry 16
Polyethylene PE 131 0.05 Van, <3.5
Bitumen Bitumen waterproof sheeting 131 0.05 Lorry 16
Crushed gravel Gravel sand 30 0.02 Lorry 16
Polystyrene EPS With 0% of recycling content 109 0.03 Lorry 16
Synthetic bre eece 100 0.03 Lorry 16
Glass wool 124 0.03 Lorry 16
Lime plastering 48 0.05 Lorry 16

intense processes for the production of building materials and for component for the building component concrete roof with
space heating are based on non-renewable fossil fuels. external polystyrene insulation (Fig. 3).
Relevant contributions come from the needed additional
materials and the transports of the materials from factory gate to
3.2. Building structure versus operation phase (heating) construction site. The transports (distance times mass) play an
important role because the roof is build of heavy materials
For all the studied building components the non-renewable CED (concrete, steel and pebbles) although the transport distances of
results and the results from Eco-indicator 99 (H/A) are similar for these materials are rather short. Transportation of reinforcing
the operation phase. This is due to the U-values which are very steel is ecologically relevant due to the long distance. The
close together for the all-inclusive building components (between contribution of the additional materials is mainly due to the
0.25 and 0.3 W/m2 K). Thus the total non-renewable CED for the additional concrete which is necessary to get a small gradient on
operation phase varies between 7500 and 9000 MJ/m2 for 80 years. the horizontal roof.
In contrast the results from building structure for the all-inclusive
building components vary between 1200 and 5700 MJ/m2 for 80
years. Based on these facts the ratio of building structure to
operation phase for the all-inclusive building components vary 100%
between 0.6 and 0.9. 90%
The Eco-indicator 99 (H/A) results are in the range of 2733
points for the operation phase of the all-inclusive building 80%
components. In contrast the building structure ranges from 13 to 70%
38 points. This fact leads to a ratio of 0.40.7 for the operation
phase from the total for the all-inclusive building component. 60%
As shown in Section 1 the Swiss ratio of the sum of the cumu- 50%
lative energy demand of the building construction and the refur-
bishment to the overall demand is around 12% (Zimmermann et al. 40%
[2]). The results of the studied building components (including all 30%
stages of reduction) show a ratio of 1040%. This higher ratio is
mainly due to the fact that in general total buildings include a lot of 20%
components which are not relevant for the heat losses (e.g. inside 10%
walls, infrastructure for water supply, sound-insulated oors
between two stories, etc.) 0%
CED (non CED CED EcoIndicator
The sensitivity analysis for the heating system shows no rele- renewable) (renewable) (biomass) 99
vant difference between the gas heating (base scenario) and the oil
(1) transportation (4) additional materials and works

3.3. Horizontal concrete roof with external polystyrene insulation (2) building processes (5) component fully reduced
(3) cutting waste
The fully reduced component indicates a reduction in the
two main indicators non-renewable CED and total Eco-indicator Fig. 3. Relative results for different indicators for the concrete roof with external
99 (H/A) over 80-year time of 2030% from the all-inclusive polystyrene insulation.
824 D. Kellenberger, H.-J. Althaus / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 818825

3.4. Wooden roof with glass wool insulation 100%

The fully reduced component indicates a reduction in the two
main indicators non-renewable CED and Eco-indicator 99 (H/A) 80%
total over 80-year time of 2025% from the all-inclusive compo-
nent for the building component Wooden structure roof with 2
layers of glass wool, covered with roof tiles (Fig. 4). 60%
The materials and processes that are often neglected in
simplied LCA studies show a small and relative steady contribu-
tion to the results (max. 10% each). No group is therefore of special 40%

3.5. Calcareous sandstone wall with glass wool insulation 20%

The fully reduced component indicates a reduction in the two
main indicators non-renewable CED and total Eco-indicator 99 0%
CED (non CED CED EcoIndicator
(H/A) over 80-year time of 1525% from the all-inclusive compo- renewable) (renewable) (biomass) 99
nent for the building component Calcareous sandstone wall with
glass wool exterior insulation and sheeting (Fig. 5).
The biggest contributions to the results of the fully reduced (1) transportation (4) additional materials and works
component have the transports of the materials from factory gate
(2) building processes (5) component fully reduced
to construction site and the additional materials. The transports
(distance times mass) play an important role because the calcar- (3) cutting waste
eous blocks have a rather high weight and also the distance is
rather high (75 km). The sum of the metal connectors used for Fig. 5. Relative results for different indicators for the calcareous sandstone wall with
the construction of the wooden sheeting (nails, screws, staples, exterior glass wool insulation and wooden sheeting.

etc.) is responsible for the reduction from neglecting additional

The biggest impacts of potential simplications have the
3.6. Double masonry wall with intermediate glass wool insulation transport of the materials from the factory gate to the construction
site and the additional materials. The transports (distance times
The fully reduced component indicates a reduction in the two mass) play an important role because the calcareous blocks are
main indicators non-renewable CED and total Eco-indicator 99 rather heavy and also the distance is rather high (75 km). The
(H/A) over 80-year time of 1530% from the all-inclusive compo- emulsion paint used as coat of paint on the inside of the wall and
nent for the building component Plastered double masonry wall the sum of the metal parts used within and for the construction are
with intermediate glass wool insulation (Fig. 6). responsible for the contribution of about 510% from additional

20% 20%
10% 10%

0% 0%
CED (non CED CED EcoIndicator CED (non CED CED EcoIndicator
renewable) (renewable) (biomass) 99 renewable) (renewable) (biomass) 99
Indicators Indicators
(1) transportation (4) additional materials and works (1) transportation (4) additional materials and works

(2) building processes (5) component fully reduced (2) building processes (5) component fully reduced
(3) cutting waste (3) cutting waste

Fig. 4. Relative results for different indicators for the wooden structure roof with glass Fig. 6. Relative results for different indicators for the double masonry wall with glass
wool insulation. wool insulation in between.
D. Kellenberger, H.-J. Althaus / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 818825 825

100% factory gate to the construction site and the needed additional
materials with a high environmental impact should be taken into
80% The inuence of the building process, exclusive transport of
equipment and construction crew and temporary heating is less
than 8% and that of the cutting waste less than 4% for the total Eco-
60% indicator 99 (H/A) and the non-renewable CED. The assumption
that this applies to all building components seems reasonable.
Thus, these simplications seem admissible for a comparison of
40% different building components.
More components should be studied to identify systematic
patterns of impact reduction by neglecting certain materials or
20% activities. This would provide practical guidance on what additional
materials/work need to be taken into account and what simpli-
cations are acceptable in life cycle assessment of building compo-
0% nents. It would also allow dening cut-off rules for the additional
CED (non CED CED EcoIndicator materials which need to be taken into account due to high envi-
renewable) (renewable) (biomass) 99
ronmental impact.
(1) transportation (4) additional materials and works
(2) building processes (5) component fully reduced
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