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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.


How to Series

Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How

To Using

OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................. 2

USING THE DASHBOARD......................................................................................................... 2

WORKING WITH TEMPLATES...................................................................................................4

ADDING A TEMPLATE TO THE LIBRARY......................................................................................................... 4
DOWNLOADING A TEMPLATE....................................................................................................................... 4
CREATING A CAMPAIGN........................................................................................................... 5
STEP 1: DEFINE CAMPAIGN DETAILS........................................................................................................... 5
STEP 2: DEFINE AUDIENCE DETAILS............................................................................................................ 6
STEP 3: CONFIGURE E-MAIL....................................................................................................................... 6
STEP 4: USE TEMPLATES............................................................................................................................ 7
STEP 5: COMPOSE E-MAIL.......................................................................................................................... 7
Composing an HTML E-mail................................................................................................................................... 7
Composing a Text E-mail....................................................................................................................................... 10
Inserting Personalized Text.................................................................................................................................... 11
STEP 6: ADD COLLATERALS...................................................................................................................... 11
STEP 7: SCHEDULE THE CAMPAIGN........................................................................................................... 12
STEP 8: LAUNCH THE CAMPAIGN............................................................................................................... 13
WORKING WITH AUDIENCE PREFERENCES.................................................................................................14
VIEWING E-MAIL CAMPAIGN HISTORY........................................................................................................ 16
UNSUBSCRIBING FROM E-MAIL CAMPAIGNS.....................................................................17
FROM E-MAILS......................................................................................................................................... 17
USE THE UNSUBSCRIBE KEYWORDS.......................................................................................................... 17
WORKING WITH THE PROFILE MANAGEMENT PAGE.........................................................17

PROMOTING AUDIENCE TO A LEAD.....................................................................................18

Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How to Series i

Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using
Pivotal Email Marketing 6.0.10 (Email Marketing) is Pivotal CRMs marketing solution for
creating, launching, and tracking personalized e-mails. Email Marketing seamlessly
integrates with Pivotal CRM applications such as Marketing Resource Management (MRM)
and Sales Force Automation (SFA) and leverages key features of the Pivotal platform.

This document provides information about using Email Marketing.

Using the Dashboard

The Dashboard is the Email Marketing home page that provides information about the e-
mail campaigns you have created. The dashboard is compatible with Sharepoint 2007 and
2010. The following information is displayed on the dashboard:
Pie charts that represent the history of e-mail campaigns for the month
Bar graphs that represent the status of e-mail campaigns (launched and
scheduled) for the month
Search Result Lists (SRLs) that represent the status of e-mail campaigns for the

The following figure displays the dashboard:

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using
Figure 1: Email Marketing Dashboard

For information about customizing the dashboard layout, see the Pivotal CRM 6.0.10
Installation and Deployment Guide.

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

Working with Templates
You can upload templates which will be used in e-mail campaigns. Ensure to place the
[[eMarketing_Body]] tag in the HTML or the text template area where you want the Email
Marketing campaign designer content to be displayed.

Adding a Template to the Library

After you have created an e-mail template, you must add the template to the template
Before you begin
Queries Remarks
What is the task? Adding template to the library
Who can perform this Administrator or User
Security groups for users Email Marketing User
Navigation Subject Email Marketing

Task Group Email template actions

Task Item New template

Form New template

To add a new template

1. Specify the name and description of the template in the Name and Description fields
respectively. The Name field is mandatory.
2. Select the type of template from the Type drop-down list.
3. Select the Default check box to set the template as the default template. At any point
of time, you cannot have more than one template set as default.
4. Select the type of template from the Type drop-down list. The available options are
HTML and Text.
5. Click Browse to select the template file.
The name of the selected file is displayed in the Choose file field.
6. Click Save.

When a template is being used in a launched campaign, it cannot be modified or deleted

from the template library. When a template is being used in a draft campaign, it can be
modified by the Email Marketing administrator or the person who created the template.
However, the template cannot be deleted.

Downloading a Template
In Email Marketing, you can download and modify a template. Perform the following steps to
download a template:
To download a template
1. Open the template from the template library.
2. Click Download. The Save As window is displayed.
3. Navigate to the desired location on your computer.

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

4. Click Save.

Creating a Campaign
Email Marketing allows users to design and launch e-mails using a simple interface. The
Email Marketing campaign creation interface is a series of tab pages that follows the flow
required for designing a campaign. Each tab page represents a step in the campaign
creation process.
Before you begin
Queries Remarks
What is the task? Creating an e-mail campaign
Who can perform this User
Security groups for users Email Marketing User
Navigation Subject Email Marketing

Task Group Email campaign actions

Task Item New email campaign

Form New email campaign

Perform the following steps to create a campaign:

Step 1: Define Campaign Details

Step 2: Select Audience

Step 3: Configure E-mail

Step 4: Use Templates

Step 5: Compose E-mail

Step 6: Add Collaterals

Step 7: Schedule

Step 8: Launch Campaign

Step 1: Define Campaign Details

1. Click the Campaign Details tab.
2. Specify a name for the campaign in the Name field.
3. Specify a description for the campaign in the Objective field.
4. Select a campaign type from the Type drop-down list. Email Marketing provides the
following Out-of-the-box campaign types.
Product Offers
Note: Additional campaign types can be added by an administrator. For information about adding
campaign types, see the Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 Installation and Configuration Guide.

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

4. Select a project from the Project drop-down list.
The status of the e-mail campaign is displayed in the Status field. This is a read-only
field. By default, the value is Draft.

The options in the Project drop-down list are marketing projects of type Email created in
MRM. This will enable an MRM user to track e-mail campaigns associated with a marketing

Step 2: Define Audience Details

After defining the campaign details, assign an audience list to the campaign.

To assign an audience list to a campaign

1. Click the Audience Details tab.
2. Select an audience type from the Audience drop-down list.
Note: The administrator can define only those tables that are configured as audience in MRM. For more
information about configuring an audience selection, see the Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10
Installation and Configuration Guide.
3. Click to add a new row.
4. Select the list type from the List Type drop-down list. The available list type options
Static List
User Search
System Search
5. For the selected list type, add an audience list.
a. Click . The lists available for the selected list type are displayed in a new
b. Select the list that you want to use and click OK.
The selected list is displayed in the List Name field.
6. Click View to view the audience for the list.
7. If you have selected two or more list types, click View Consolidated Audience to view
the consolidated list of audiences. If an audience is part of two or more lists, the
consolidated list displays the name of the audience only once.
8. Click Save.
The audience is assigned to the e-mail campaign.

Step 3: Configure E-mail

The following section defines and configures the header information of an e-mail. Perform
the following steps to configure an e-mail:

To configure an e-mail
1. Click the Configure Email tab.
2. Specify the senders and receivers e-mail address in the From email and the Reply to
email fields respectively. If you select the Email account manager check box, the e-
mail address of the account manager is displayed in the From email field.
1. By default, the e-mail address specified in the Sender field of the Outgoing email server settings
form is displayed in the From email field.
2. The Use account managers email check box is enabled if the e-mail address of the account
manager is configured for the audience type that you use in the e-mail campaigns.

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

3. Specify the subject of the e-mail in the Subject field.
4. Select the Track read check box to log the activity in the Email Campaign History
form and the Campaign Activities form when the recipient reads an HTML e-mail.

To personalize the subject line

1. Click Personalize. The Insert Merge Fields window is displayed.
2. On the Parent Table tab, expand the displayed branch and navigate to the required
3. Click Insert. You can insert more than one field.
4. Click Close. The Subject field is personalized.

The subject line is personalized.

Step 4: Use Templates

A template contains pre-defined styles and layouts used to create an e-mail. You can also
design and store pre-defined templates. You can use the following template types in your e-
mail campaign:
To use HTML templates
1. Click the Templates tab.
2. Click the HTML tab. The available HTML templates are displayed as thumbnails.
3. Click the Preview link to view the template. The template opens in a new window.
4. Select the Do not use html template check box if you do not want to use an HTML
To use text templates
1. Click the Templates tab.
2. Click the Text tab. The available text templates are displayed as thumbnails.
3. Click the Preview link to view the template. The template opens in a new window.
4. Select the Do not use text template check box if you do not want to use a text

Step 5: Compose E-mail

You can compose the e-mail using the following editors:

Composing an HTML E-mail

With HTML e-mails, you can include images, menus, buttons, and hypertext links. You can
also specify font choices, font attributes, colors, and alignment.

Email Marketing provides a basic WYSIWYG HTML editor for creating the message body for
template-based messages.

To compose the HTML e-mail

1. Click HTML Email on the Compose Email tab.
2. Compose and format the body of the e-mail.
3. Click the Preview tab to view and validate the content of your e-mail. The data from the
first record in the Audience table is fetched and displayed on the Preview tab.

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

4. Click the HTML tab to view the contents of the e-mail with the corresponding HTML
5. Click Apply.

Inserting an Image
An e-mail message in Email Marketing can contain images. The inserted images will be
displayed in the body of the e-mail. Some of the image formats supported by Email
Marketing are:

To insert an image

1. In the HTML Email Editor window, click or place the mouse pointer at the insertion
point, right-click and point to Insert and click Image. The Insert Image dialog box is
2. In the Image URL box, specify the URL to the location where the image is hosted.
Ensure to enter the complete URL. The image should be hosted on the Web Server.
Note: Do not use local file URLs like C:/Graphics/rose.jpg.
3. In the Alternate text box, specify an appropriate text for the image. The alternate text
attribute describes the image for people who may have turned off images in their Web
browser, or for those who are unable to see the images.
4. Select the position for the image to be displayed from the Alignment drop-down list.
5. Specify the height and width of the image in pixels, in the Height and Width boxes
6. Select the Click-through tracking check box to track the number of times the image is
clicked by a particular recipient.
7. Specify the redirection URL in the Redirect URL box. This is not a mandatory field.
1. If the redirection URL is not specified and the image is clicked in the e-mail, then the image is displayed
in a browser. If the click-through tracking is selected, then the image URL is displayed in the Campaign
Activities form and the Email Campaign History form
2. If the redirection URL is specified and the image is clicked in the e-mail, then the redirection URL is
displayed in a browser. If the click-through tracking is selected, the redirection URL is displayed in the
Campaign Activities form and the Email Campaign History form.
8. Click OK.

The image is inserted on the HTML tab. The recipients can view the images in the e-mail.

Inserting URLs
If an e-mail message contains a URL that directs a user to an Internet Web address, Email
Marketing can track the link. This feature allows you to track your recipients as they click
through Web pages by creating a history record for the recipient with the link specified in
the details.

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

To insert URLs

1. In the Editor window, click or place the mouse pointer at the insertion point, right-
click and point to Insert and click URL. The Insert URL window is displayed.
2. Specify the text for the link that you want to be displayed in the e-mail message in the
Display Text box. This is a mandatory field which will be useful while running reports.
3. In the URL box, specify the URL that you want to include in your e-mail message in the
URL box. This is a mandatory field.
4. Select the Click-through tracking check box to track the number of times the URL has
been clicked by a particular recipient.
5. Click OK.

Inserting Unsubscribe URLs

The Unsubscribe URL allows the recipients to unsubscribe from further e-mail

To insert the URL using the Unsubscribe URL button

1. Click the HTML Email tab.
2. Click the Unsubscribe URL button or place the mouse pointer at the insertion point,
right-click and point to Insert and click Unsubscribe URL.

A text message with an Unsubscribe link is inserted in the HTML Editor.

Inserting the Manage My Details URL

The Manage My Details URL allows recipients to update their personal details and
communication preferences.

To insert the URL using the Manage My Details URL button

1. Click the HTML Email tab.
2. Click the Manage My Details URL button or place the mouse pointer at the insertion
point, right-click and point to Insert and click Manage My Details URL.

A text message with a Manage My Details link is inserted in the HTML Editor.

Inserting the View Email in Browser URL

The recipient of an e-mail campaign can view the e-mail in a browser if the e-mail client
does not render the e-mail appropriately. For example, if an image is inserted from a non-
secure location and the e-mail client renders secure content only, then the e-mail can be
viewed in a browser.
To insert the view email in browser URL
1. Click the HTML Email tab.
2. Click the View Email In Browser URL button. A message with the browser URL is
inserted in the HTML editor.
Note: Ensure to save the e-mail before you click the link in the Preview tab.
3. Click the Preview tab.
4. Click here in the message To open email in browser, click here.

The e-mail is displayed in the browser.

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

Composing a Text E-mail
Text e-mail displays messages in plain text. Recipients who have specified text as their
preferred format will receive the e-mail in plain text.

Commonly-used HTML elements such as fonts, font sizes, and font attributes are not
available in text format.

To compose the text e-mail using the text editor

1. Click Text Email on the Compose Email tab.
2. Type the e-mail in the text area.
3. Click the Preview tab to view your e-mail.
1. The data from the first record in the Audience table is fetched and displayed on the Preview tab.
2. If you do not select a list for the Audience table, the Preview tab does not display the data of any
records. However, the content that you compose and personalize in the text editor is displayed.
4. Click Save & Close.

The e-mail is composed in the text editor. However, the formatting of the e-mail is lost and
the e-mail is displayed in plain text.
To import an e-mail from the HTML editor
1. Click Text Email on the Compose Email tab.
2. Click Import from HTML. When you import an e-mail from the HTML editor, the text is
displayed without formatting.
3. Click the Preview tab to view and validate the content of your e-mail.
4. Click Save & Close.

The e-mail is imported from the HTML editor.

Inserting URLs
For information about inserting the following on the text editor, see:
Unsubscribe URL
Manage My Details URL
To insert URLs
1. Click the Text Email tab.
2. Click Insert URL. The Insert URL window is displayed.
3. In the URL box, specify the URL that you want to include in your e-mail message in the
URL box. This is a mandatory field.
4. Select the Click-through tracking check box to track the number of times the URL has
been clicked by a particular recipient.
5. Click OK.
To insert the view email in browser URL
1. Click the Text Email tab.
2. Click the View Email In Browser URL button. A message with the browser URL is
inserted in the Text editor.
Important: Ensure to save the e-mail before you access the link in the Preview tab.

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

3. Click the Preview tab.
4. Copy the URL.
5. Paste the URL in the Address bar of a browser.
6. Press Enter.

The formatting of the e-mail is lost and the e-mail is displayed in the browser.

Inserting Personalized Text

Personalize your e-mail with the recipients name and other details such as the company
name, phone number, and so on.

To insert personalized text

1. Click the HTML Email or Text Email tab.
2. Place the mouse pointer at the insertion point.
3. Click Personalize. The Insert Merge Fields window is displayed.
4. Expand the displayed branch in the Select fields list box and select the required field.
5. Click Insert or double-click the field.
The field is inserted from the primary table and displayed as a string on the HTML
Email or Text Email tab. You can insert multiple parent fields. If you inadvertently add
an extra character in the string displayed on the HTML Email tab or Text Email tab,
the string becomes invalid. The invalid string will be displayed on the Preview tab.
6. Click the Child Table tab.
7. Select the child table from the Child table drop-down list.
8. Expand the displayed branch in the Select fields list box and select the required field.
9. Click Insert or double-click the field.
The field from the child table is inserted and displayed as a string on the HTML Email or
Text Email tab as displayed in the following figure. You can insert multiple fields for any
child table.

Figure 2: Personalized Text in the HTML Editor

10. Click the Preview tab. For HTML e-mails, the fields that you insert from the child table
in the HTML e-mail are displayed in a tabular format on the Preview tab. For text e-
mails, the fields that you insert are displayed as comma seperated values on the
Preview tab.

Step 6: Add Collaterals

Collateral is a collection of attachments. You can add multiple collaterals to your e-mail
To add a collateral to an e-mail campaign
1. Click the Collateral tab.
2. Click to add a new row.

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

3. Select the name of the collateral from the Name drop-down list.
The associated code, type, status, and owner for the collateral are displayed in the
respective fields.
1. Only those collaterals with the Active status are available in the Name drop-down list.
2. If you select the same collateral more than once from the drop-down list, a notification is displayed
stating that the selected collateral already exists for the campaign.
4. Click to view the details of the collateral that you selected.
5. Click Save & Close.
Note: If you launch an e-mail campaign where the size of the collateral exceeds the size specified in the
Action Server Settings form, an error message is logged on the Email Campaign History form. The
campaign owner is notified that the attachment size of the collateral has exceeded if the notifications are
set by the administrator. The e-mails will not be sent to the recipients of that e-mail campaign. The status
of the campaign changes to Stopped.
The collateral is added to the e-mail campaign. For more information about adding
collaterals, see the Pivotal Contact Management 6.0.9 Administration and Configuration

Step 7: Schedule the Campaign

The campaign can be launched after specifying the information required for a campaign.

To launch a campaign immediately

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. Select the Launch immediate check box.
3. Click Save & Close.
4. Click Launch Campaign Task Item.

The campaign is launched immediately.

To launch a campaign at a specified date and time
1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. Do not select the Launch immediate check box. Select a date and time from the
Schedule date and the Schedule time drop-down lists respectively.
Note: Ensure to specify a future date and time.
3. Click Save & Close.
4. Click Launch Campaign Task Item.

The campaign is launched at the specified time.

To launch a recurring campaign
1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. Select the Recur campaign check box.
3. Specify a value in the Recurring interval field. This value specifies the time interval at
which the e-mail campaign recurs.
Note: The minimum allowed value for the recurring interval is 1. Do not specify a negative or decimal
4. From the Recurring frequency drop-down list, select the frequencies at which the e-
mail campaigns will be sent. The available options for frequency are:

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

5. Click Save & Close.
6. Click Launch Campaign Task Item.

Step 8: Launch the Campaign

>>Click the Summary tab. The Summary page summarizes information related to your e-
mail campaign.

Campaign details
This section contains specific information related to the campaign such as the name of the
campaign, e-mail addresses, attachments, templates, launch date of the campaign,
recurrence status if it is a recurring campaign, and so on.

Audience details
This section contains information about the audience types and audience list types that are
used in the campaign.

Email Marketing validates the campaign to ensure that all required fields in the campaign
are specified. Some of the validations performed are:

When the recurring interval of the campaign is lesser than the batch interval
specified in the Action Server Settings form, a warning message is displayed.
When the e-mail campaign is saved without selecting the audience list, an error
message is displayed.
When the audience list is not selected for an e-mail campaign, the e-mail does
not render the template selected for the e-mail campaign. The Preview tab in
the HTML or Text editor does not render the personalized text if the audience list
is not selected for the e-mail campaign.

You can launch the campaign if you have specified all the required details.

Before you begin

Queries Remarks
What is the task? Launch an e-mail campaign
Who can perform this User
Security groups for users Email Marketing User
Navigation Subject Email Marketing

Task Group Email campaign actions

Task Item Launch campaign

The campaign is launched. You can view the status of the campaign on the Campaign
Details tab. The status of the campaign changes from Draft to Launched. You cannot edit the

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

fields in the campaign after the campaign has been launched. When the campaign is
launched, the Stop Campaign Task Item is enabled.

You can stop a campaign which has already been launched. If a campaign is interrupted
after it is launched and restarted again, the e-mails are sent to the subsequent audience in
the audience list.

For example, a campaign containing 100 contacts in the audience list is launched and is
stopped after the first 50 contacts receive e-mails. When the campaign is restarted again,
the e-mails are sent from the 51st contact in the audience list.

Before you begin

Queries Remarks
What is the task? Stop an e-mail campaign
Who can perform this User
Security groups for users Email Marketing User
Navigation Subject Email Marketing

Task Group Email campaign actions

Task Item Stop campaign

The campaign is stopped. You can view the status of the campaign on the Campaign
Details tab. The status of the campaign changes from Launched to Stopped. You can edit the
fields in the campaign after the campaign has been stopped. When the campaign is stopped,
the Launch Campaign Task Item is enabled.

Working with Audience Preferences

The following section provides information about setting the audience preferences for your
e-mail campaign.
To specify the audience preferences
1. Navigate to the record of an audience that was targeted for the e-mail campaign, for
example, Contact table will be used as the target audience in the following procedure.
2. Double-click any contact record. The contact information is displayed.
3. From the Email marketing actions Task Group, click the Audience Preferences Task
Item. The New Audience Preference form is displayed.
4. Select the preferred e-mail format from the Email format drop-down list. The default e-
mail format is Unspecified.
5. Select the Unsubscribe from all campaign types check box to unsubscribe from e-
mails globally.
6. To unsubscribe from individual campaign types, deselect the check box for the required
campaign types. For example, if you deselect the check box provided against the
Product Offers campaign type in the following figure, you will be unsubscribed from the
same. You can unsubscribe from more than one campaign type.

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

Figure 3: New Audience Preference Form

7. The e-mail address of the contact is specified in the Email field. This is a read-only field.
8. The Bounce count field tracks the number of bounced e-mails for the contact. This is a
read-only field.
9. Click Save & Close.
Note: Tables that are configured to be used as audience for the e-mail campaigns will have the Email
campaign actions Task Group. For information about customizing the Email campaign actions Task
Group, see the Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 Installation and Configuration Guide.
The bounce count is incremented if the e-mail address of the recipient is invalid or the inbox
of the recipient is full. The bounce count is reset if an invalid e-mail address is modified.

If the Bounce threshold value is not set, the value of the Bounce count is incremented
when an e-mail bounces back. The e-mail id of the contact will never be blocked.

If the Bounce count value is equal to or greater than the Bounce threshold value set by
the administrator in the Action Server Settings form, future e-mails will not be sent to the
contact. For information about setting the Bounce threshold value, see the Pivotal CRM
Email Marketing 6.0.10 Installation and Configuration Guide.

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

Viewing E-mail Campaign History
You can view the history of an e-mail campaign after launching the e-mail campaign.

Before you begin

Queries Remarks
What is the task? Viewing e-mail campaign history
Who can perform this User
Security groups for users Email Marketing User
Navigation Subject Email Marketing

Task Group Email campaign actions

Task Item View campaign history

To view the history of an e-mail campaign

1. Click the Email Sent tab. The Emails Sent tab displays the names of recipients to
whom the HTML e-mails were sent during the e-mail campaign. When recipients read an
HTML e-mail, the names of recipients who read the e-mail are also displayed on the
Emails Sent tab.
2. Click the Click-through tracking tab. This tab displays the number of clicks for each
URL and images contained in an e-mail campaign. When an URL is clicked in an e-mail,
the URL is displayed in the Click-through tracking tab. When an image is clicked for
which a redirection URL is not specified, the image URL is displayed in the Click-
through tracking tab. When an image is clicked for which a redirection URL is
specified, the redirection URL is displayed in the Click-through tracking tab.
3. Click the Errors tab. The records of e-mails that were not delivered to the recipients are
tracked and displayed on the Errors tab.
Note: If the campaign is a recurring campaign, the history is populated after each recurrence.

To display the campaign activities at the audience level

1. Navigate to the record of an audience that was targeted for the e-mail campaign, for
example, Contact table will be used as the target audience in the following procedure.
2. Double-click any contact record. The contact information is displayed.
3. From the Email Marketing Actions Task Group, click the Campaign Activities Task
Item. The Campaign Activities form is displayed.
4. Click the Emails Received tab. The Emails Received tab displays the names of e-mail
campaigns for which the recipient has received e-mails. When a recipient reads an e-
mail, the names of e-mail campaigns for which the recipient read the e-mail are also
displayed on the Emails Received tab.
5. Click the Click-through tracking tab. The links clicked by that contact are tracked and
displayed on the Click-through tracking tab.

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Unsubscribing from E-mail Campaigns
The recipients can unsubscribe globally from all e-mail campaigns or individual e-mail
campaign types.

From E-mails
Recipients can unsubscribe from e-mails using the Unsubscribe link provided in the e-mail.
To unsubscribe from HTML e-mails
>>Click the Unsubscribe link provided in the e-mail. A message is displayed in a browser
window stating that the recipient has been successfully unsubscribed.
To unsubscribe from text e-mails
1. Copy the Unsubscribe link provided in the e-mail.
2. Paste the link in the Address bar of a browser window.
3. Press Enter. A message is displayed in a browser window stating that the user has been
successfully unsubscribed.

Use the Unsubscribe Keywords

When a recipient sends an e-mail or replies to an e-mail with any of the unsubscribe
keywords in the subject line, the recipient is unsubscribed from e-mail campaigns. A
confirmation e-mail is sent to the recipient and the campaign owner if the notifications are
set by the administrator.

An administrator can configure keywords that enable recipients to unsubscribe from e-mail
campaigns. For information about configuring unsubscribe keywords, see the Pivotal CRM
Email Marketing 6.0.10 Installation and Configuration Guide.

The recipients can also unsubscribe from e-mail campaigns using the Profile Management
Page and the Audience Preference form.

Working with the Profile Management Page

The e-mail recipients can modify or update their personal details, preferred e-mail format,
and opt-ins on the Profile Management page.
To work with the Profile Management Page
1. Click the Manage My Details link provided in the e-mail. The Profile Management
page is displayed in a browser window.
2. In the Personal Information area, specify the required details.
3. Select the e-mail preference from the Email Preference drop-down list. The default
format for the Email Preference is Unspecified.
4. Select the I do not wish to receive future mails checkbox to unsubscribe from e-
mails globally.
5. In the Campaign Type Opt-Ins area, deselect the required checkboxes to unsubscribe
from individual campaign types.
6. Click Update My Profile to save the changes.

If the Email Preference is set to Unspecified, Email Marketing sends both HTML and Text
versions of the e-mails to the recipient. However, the recipient recieves the version of the e-
mail based on the recipients mail client. For example, Gmail server renders text version of
the e-mails whereas Exchange server renders HTML version of the e-mails.

Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How to Series 17

Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

When the recipient modifies and updates information on the Profile Management Page,
the changes are reflected on the Audience Preference form of that recipient.

Promoting Audience to a Lead

Any audience type can be promoted to a lead.
To promote to a lead
1. Navigate to the record of a target audience for the e-mail campaign. For example, the
Contact table will be used as the target audience in the following procedure.
2. Double-click any contact record. The contact information is displayed.
3. From the Email marketing actions Task Group, click the Promote to lead Task Item.
The quick lead form is displayed.

If lead mapping is not configured for a particular audience type, an empty form is displayed
and the audience fields have to be manually copied to the lead form and saved.

The fields displayed on the quick lead form are populated from the fields configured on the
New Audience Lead Mapping form. However, the fields that are not displayed on the
quick entry lead form is populated in the database and also displayed when the lead form is

Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How to Series 18

Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How to Series CDC Software
First Edition

March 2017

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Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How to Series 19

Pivotal CRM Email Marketing 6.0.10 How To Using

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