Rjassignment3 Savannahfontanilla

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Tybalt: Similarities Benvolio:

Belongs to Both related Belongs to

the Capulet family. to the main the Montague
Tybalt is characters. family.
always looking for Both are Benvolio
trouble. cousins to the main does not like to
Tybalt want characters cause trouble and
revenge on the Each of their tries to stop any that
Montague family for cousins (Romeo is going to occur
crashing the party in and Juliet) are in between the families
Act 1 Scene 5. love. by looking at the
When Tybalt Do not like positive points.
wanted revenge and each other due to He is not
got it (for a short the family feud. interested in fighting
while) he fought They both with the enemy.
and killed Mercutio honor their families When Tybalt
showing no mercy. Theyre two came to get his
Tybalt is now different people, venge, Benvolio
dead they react differently tried to rationally
When Tybalt toward situations. stop the fight and
found out about Tybalt and say the
Juliet and Romeo Benvolio are consequences if
dancing during the interested in they did fight.
party he was upset Romeo, and want to Benvolio is
and ready to fight talk to him. alive
him. Theyre both Benvolio,
If Tybalt knew related to Romeo. who knew that
that Juliet and They both Romeo liked Juliet
Romeo were see Romeo in a would have been
married he would different light. supportive, and
get revenge on Have accepted Romeos
Romeo and different opinions on decisions.
probably kill him. Romeo and his If Benvolio
Tybalt on the decisions. knew that the two
other hand does not Theyre both were married he
use a certain type villains. would again be
of language and Theyre both supportive towards
instead just acts known in Verona Romeo.
rudely. due to the family's Talks in
Attitude history. poetic language,
towards Romeo and Both have wordplay, forceful
getting revenge. great lives. language when
Tybalt Lies Known by the noticing a fight stir,
Prince of Verona making a point, or
Both have a just in general.
problem with Attitudes
eachother and towards Romeo is
history. loyal.
Benvolio tells
the truth.

In the end, these two are two different people but they do have similarities and also their
differences toward every situation. As for similarities the two do honor and protect their family in
anyway they could, they do not have any interest in each others company and also, Tybalt and
Benvolio are both close with the main characters. The two may have some things in common
but they still do have their difference that make them part of their family rivalry. A difference is
their personalities and temperaments, Tybalt is profound to act tough and aggressive while
Benvolio is more peaceful and caring. Another difference between the two character is when the
fight is acted in 3.1 Tybalt showed no mercy towards Romeo nor Mercutio when wanting to fight
them and ended up killing Mercutio. Finally, one last difference between the two characters that
is an important part of the story is their last names. They each have the two last names that
have history, Capulet and Montague.

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