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Altrusa International

of Cowlitz County
June 2010
Alice Sorensen ......May 31
Eleanor ................... June 8
Lavern Fisher ...... June 10
From the President: Edie Walker .......... July 12

We’re starting out our Altrusa year with another fresh start! It’s always
a great time to plan for a new year of service and fun. With our focus on
Budgets are due
making our club a fun and productive one, as well as getting more involved July 21st
in our community, our committees will be busy this summer with planning
interesting projects. Committees need to prepare
their budget for 2010-2011 year
With several new members, I am sure the creativity pot will be stirred and bring them to the commit-
with fresh new ideas mixed in well with the tried and true favorites. We
tee meeting on July 21st for
all have individual strengths and it is my hope that each one of us has the
approval by the board on the
opportunity to tap into or find our strengths. Ironically, sometimes we can
find it through our weaknesses. If you don’t think you can do it, challenge 28th. This means you may
yourself within the sisterhood and support of our Altrusa club. You may want to use the July 14th com-
surprise yourself! mittee meeting to discuss your
committee budget.
Thank you all for a wonderful year, a year I wasn’t sure I could complete.
I appreciate all the support and friendship and look forward to a fabulous
new year!!


Important Dates Library Duty:

June 16 ............................ Program meeting July .............Adele &Joyce
All meetings are at 7:00
June 23 ................................ Board meeting August . Virginia & Krista
at The Monticello Hotel.
June 30 ........... no meeting -5th Wednesday If the local schools are
July 7 ...............................Business meeting closed or have a late start on Special issue
July 14 ......................... Committee meeting
July 21 .........Program meeting-budgets due
due to weather, our meetings “POISED” for
July 28 ................................. Board meeting will be cancelled. 2010-2011
August 22 ........................................ Retreat See Pages 6-8
Robbie and Adele both attended the 55th Annual
District Twelve Altrusa Conference, that was held
May 21st - 23, 2010 in Canyonville, Oregon.
Below are pictures of the event.

Next year’s conference will be in Chelan, WA -

May 20, 21, 22, 2011 You can mark your calen-
dars. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

(Left) Robbie got a hug from

Governor Julie Hysmith when
she (Robbie) was announced
as a candidate for the Gladwys
Brewster Outstanding Altrusan
? ?
BITS and PIECES: Mystery Bruncher
Who is it?
What you may not know:

She was raised in Kansas and was

#9 out of 10 children.

Her hobbies include reading gardening and quilting.

What you may find hard to believe:

After teaching in Nebraska for 2 years,

she became curious to see if she had
a special calling. She moved to Lake
Tahoe with a friend to work in a casino.
However, it didn’t take long for her to
realize she was not cut out for casino life.

Shannon Miller spoke about Need more hints?

Here’s what you probably know:
the Cowlitz Meth Action team
She’s a former Breakfast Bunch President
Nobody can give the point of view of a drug addict
better than someone who’s been there. That’s what
She’s a retired teacher with experience teaching all
Shannon (above) did at the May Program Meeting.
elementary grades 1-5, and she was also a reading
Sunday, August 22nd set for annual retreat
Her husband is a retired electronics technician
Virginia’s house (207 Cowlitz Drive, Kelso, WA
98626 )1pm - 4 pm . This is where we set up the proj- In a pinch, this gal will take on the hard jobs, such as
ects for the year. Bring pencil, paper and a whole lot of taking charge of our largest fund raiser
An amusing story:
Report on Mother’s Day Flower Deliveries:
Even after her retirement, her reputation as a talented
Lisa says we delivered flowers to 67 Mothers, making educator is remembered. Legend has it that when
a significant amount for our club. Most members find nobody else at Wallace wanted the task of preparing
this an easy - feel good way to make money the students for a sex education video, Joyce actu-
ally felt empowered. “Now the video uses anatomi-
Graduation Baskets will continue cally correct terms which means they’re going to say
‘breasts’ instead of booby.” she said gently while the
This project will continue on even though Robbie will fourth graders tried to shrink into their sweatshirts.
be taking a different role in the club. Robbie is selling She knew how to keep the upper hand.
her business, and joining the ranks of the snowbirds.
Robbie says we “just delivered 4, and have 5 more to Give up?
deliver before end of June. Then, Maggie Miollis takes (See answer below)
the helm!” Joyce Leitner
The program for the
June meeting was the
initiation of two new
members: Marion
Olmsted and Alice
Sorenson. Carolyn
Winchell (not pictured)
will be initiated at a
later date.

Left to right: Lisa,

Marion’s sponsor
Betty, new members
Marion and Alice,
and sponsors Jan and

About Marion
by Sandra Putaansuu and Marion Olmstead

She blends in well. She looks like one of us. But and John remain close to me. Nancy has Sarah 18 and
underneath that grandmother exterior is a woman with John has William 17 and Nikolas 12. I have a daugh-
a unique and quirky sense of humor. She likes to view ter Crystal who is married to Sean and they recently
her new connections and projects in an Indiana Jones opened a restaurant in Cannon Beach called The Irish
sort of way.” ...I love to try new things and really Table. This has been her dream since she was 9 years
enjoy encouraging others to join me in my quest for old. I have a son Darrell who is engaged to Nessa.
adventure.” They have 2 children Mikaela, 13 and Jakob 9. He is
currently going to college. I have a runaway pooch
Two of Marion’s passions are cooking and grandkids. named Roman who is part Scottish terrier and part ???
“One of my hobbies is creating low calorie diabetic He is a delight.”
desserts and meals. I guess my other hobby would be
spending time with my grandkids.” We’ll give Betty credit for introducing Marion to
the Breakfast Bunch. Marion tells us “I have been
Marion is currently helping her elderly parents get to encouraged to join an Altrusa group for a few years. I
their appointments, shopping and going out to dinner. was asked by the Altrusa Longview group who meets
Even the story of her parents is worth noting. ”My at Noon and this group. I have known Betty Trembley
mother was an English War Bride, and she is 83. My for 20+ years and she has been encouraging me for
father was a cook in the Army during WWII where quite a while. I attended one of your meetings a few
he met my Mom.” Marion’s Father is 87 and he has years ago but was not ready to join. I finally attended
has been married to Marion’s Mom for 65 years in a meeting earlier this year and fell in love with the
November. group. What a nice, welcoming group of ladies. I am
so thankful that Betty kept being insistent and look
Although Marion has been divorced 20 years, she forward to seeing what I can contribute to this group.
helped raise 7 children. “Two of my step kids Nancy Thanks for welcoming me into your circle. “

Information on new members Linda Beer, Carolyn Winchell, and Alice Sorensen will be published in
future newsletters
Breakfast Bunch
President gives
out awards
Robbie (far left) was nomi-
nated for Altrusan of the
Year for our club.

Betty (holding chicken) got

the award for her endless
work at the garage sale. The
rubber chicken is awarded
for the garage sale only and
is a traveling award. Next
year Betty has to give it up
to next recipient.

Graduation Baskets will continue

This project will continue Maggie says” We always need t
on even though Robbie things. Especially...” o m e r u bble but
will be taking a different PAPER TOWELS Kicked s obbie’s
in R

role in the club. Robbie is Toilet Paper

selling her business, and Toilet Brush

joining the ranks of the Kleenex
snowbirds. Robbie says Pot holders & Oven Mitts
we “just delivered 4, and Kitchen Towels
have 5 more to deliver 2 Bath Towels & wash cloth set
before end of June. Then,
Maggie Miollis takes the “Otherwise we are set pretty well.
helm!” However, I always take whatever
I am not proud” says Maggie

The Mayday garage sale was the usual
success. Again, Robbie let us use her
garage for storage (We’ll have to think
of another place next year.) The money
raised at the garage sale went toward
foundation. Many members worked
hard, but one member got an award for
her dedication from start to finish. (See
the lady holding the rubber chicken
The Breakfast Bunch Calendar
Fiscal year June 1, 2010 - May 31, 2011
put together by Joyce Leitner

On-going projects February

Birthday-In-a-Box •Continue planning for Spell-ebration
Birthday Party To Go •Prepare entries to Letha H. Brown Literacy
Emergency Support Shelter Graduation Baskets Award and Mamie L Bass Service Award
Library magazine rack organization •Scholarship Committee works with LCC to
June prepare application for scholarships
•Scholarship recipients announced •Valentines’ Day Flower Delivery
•Committee sign-ups •Bunco Party*
•Budget Meeting (board members) •Bertie Bear Reading Project begins
July March
•Invite Scholarship recipients to speak •Choose delegate and alternate to upcoming
•Annual BBQ conference Submit Letha H. Brown and
August Mamie L. Bass entries
•Choose date for annual garage sale
•Annual retreat
September •President chooses Gladys
•Bunco party* Brewster nominee=
•National Volunteer Day, Sept. 11
•Budget finalized
•Nominations committee prepares a slate of
•Begin corporate research for Spell-ebration
officers for upcoming year
October •Conference
•Make a Difference Day Towel Drive - Select a member to prepare display
•Wrapping paper sales for conference
•Afghan sales - Procure items to be donated for
November silent auction
•Sell raffle tickets for Toy Wagon May
•Purchase socks at Fred Meyer day after •Election of Board
Thanksgiving for “Socks for Kids” program •Board Installation
•Poinsettia Sales •Conference
•Shop With a Cop •Deliver Mothers’ Day flowers
December •Annual Garage sale
•Christmas Party at program meeting •President presents “Altrusan of the Year” and
•Poinsettia Delivery “Unsung-Hero” awards
•Wagon Raffle •Review /revise committee criteria
•Purchase and deliver books for Youth Service
Center *Dates to be decided
•Foundation Board Must meet (usually at end of

a Board meeting)
•Begin Planning For Spell-ebration
•Begin gathering garage sale items

1. Prepare suggested/estimated budget to present to Board: Due July 14, 2010

2. Committee Chairmen provides updates and reports at business meetings
3. Provide ways to include as many members as possible to assist with projects
4. Provide any pertinent time-line information for club’s yearly calendar


1. Collect ideas and research service projects to present to board

2. Letha H Brown application
3. Mamie L. Bass application
4. PSA’s for projects
5. Complete USA Today form for Make a Difference Day and similar
6. Sept 11 National Volunteer Day project
7. Library duty sign-ups
8. On-going projects include: Bertie Bear, ESS (Grad bkts, Birthday box
and party, shoes, towels), sock give-away, book give-away


1. Collect ideas and research fund raising projects to recommend to board

2. On-going projects include: Spell-ebration, poinsettia and gift wrap sales,
garage sale, wagon raffle, afghan sales


1. Altrusa Accent – present at business and program meetings

2. Serendipity – present at business and program meetings
3. Develop a written “program” for new member
sponsorship responsibilities
(mentoring new members, sending out post card
reminders of meetings, etc)
4. Initiation ceremony for new members
5. Work with communications on “tri-fold” updates
6. Keep inventory and supply of “tri-folds”
7. Develop a program for member recruitment
8. Develop a program for member retention (e.g. Altrusa 101 for new members,
socials, bunkos, shopping, etc.)
9. Sunshine sister for get well, funeral cards or flowers, etc….set up budget
These are who’s signed up on committees so far. This doesn’t mean it’s too late to get on a committee.

SERVICE – After all, that’s the main purpose of our club

Chairperson: Winona
Linda B, Debbie, Jan, Carolyn, Susanne, Desta, Maggi

WAYS & MEANS – Bringing home the bacon

Chairperson: Joyce
Susanne. Krista, Jan, Betty, Marion, Lisa

MEMBERSHIP – Happy members are productive members

Chairperson: Darlene
Susanne, Debbie (Sunshine Sister), Adele

INTERNATIONAL – We appreciate what we have when we learn about others’ needs

Chairperson: Adele
Krista, Gail, Linda B, Darlene

SCHOLARSHIP – Give someone a second chance to better their life

Chairperson: Adele
Virginia, Desta

NOMINATING – Source and nurture our future club leaders

Chairperson: Darlene
Joyce, Lisa

COMMUNICATIONS – The community should know about our little but mighty club
Chairperson: Sandy
Jan, Robbie

New Officers and Board Members:

President......................................................... Lisa Allen
Vice President .............................................. Gail Barber
Immediate Past Pres. ........................... Suzanne Frerichs
Treasurer ................................ Eleanor Clapp-Shumaker
Assistant Treasurer ................................Virginia Russeff
Secretary ............................................... Debbie Johnson
Communications Director ................... Sandy Putaansuu
1 year director ........................................ Maggie Miollis
1 year director .............................................. Jan Stagner
2 year director ........................................Betty Trembley
2 year director ..........................................Winona Smith

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