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Practical 6 Effects of various treatments on pieces of stained potato tissues


To investigate the effects of various treatments on pieces of stained potato tissues

Apparatus and Materials:

Pen knife Potato
White tile Methylene blue solution
Forceps 50% ethanol
8 test tubes
Petri dish
Stop watch


1. Cut four cubes from the potato provided, each approximately 10 mm x 10 mm x 5 mm. Trim off any
peel which is still attached.

2. Place the potato cubes in a small beaker, immerse them in methylene blue solution for 10 minutes.
Use only enough methylene blue to cover them.

3. After 10 minutes, pour off the methylene blue solution and wash the cubes with tap water until the
water contains little or no stain. Then cover the cube with tap water.

4. Label four test tubes A, B, C and D. To each of the tubes A, B and C, add 5cm 3 of distilled water, to
tube D add 5 cm3 of 50% ethanol.

5. Place tube A in boiling water, tube B in a water bath of 38 oC to 42oC and tube C and D at room

6. After 5 minutes, add one stained potato cube to each of the four test tubes. Start the stop watch

7. After 2 minutes, remove tubes A and B from the water baths and place them in the rack with tubes C
and D. Shake the tubes.

8. Separate the tissue from solutions. Do this by pouring away the liquid into another the corresponding
test tubes labeled A to D.

9. Record your observations of each test tube.

What is the texture and colour of the tissue?
What is the colour of the liquid and how much light can pass through?
How will you record the difference in intensity of colouration of the liquid?

Table 1:
Tube Intensity of blue colouration in liquid Observation of potato tissue
(arbitrary unit)

Arbitrary units: 4 most intense, 1 least intense

From the data you have collected, account fully for the observations you have made and draw clear
conclusions, using your knowledge and understanding. Use the following questions as guidelines.

1. Why should the surface area be kept constant for each piece of potato tissue?

2. Why are the potato cubes stained with methylene blue (why is a colour stain chosen)?

3. What is the purpose of having tube C placed in water at room temperature?

Why isnt tube D placed at high temperature?

4. What happen to the stained potato cubes when they are placed in water at room temperature?

5. What are the effects of temperature on potato cubes in tubes A, B and C?

6. What are the effects of the ethanol on the potato cubes?

7. State the reason for using equal volumes of liquids in all tubes.

8. Explain the significance of the 5 minutes incubation before adding the potato cubes.

9. Explain the significance of the 2 minutes incubation after adding the potato cubes.

10. Explain the significance of separating the tissue from solutions after the 2 minute incubation.

Name : .........

Group :

Partial Report

Practical 4 Effects of various treatments on pieces of stained potato tissues


Table 1
Tube Intensity of blue colouration in liquid Observation of potato tissue
(arbitrary unit)

Arbitrary units: 4 most intense, 1 least intense


1. Why should the surface area be kept constant for each piece of potato tissue?

2. Why are the potato cubes stained with methylene blue (why is a colour stain chosen)?

3. What is the purpose of having tube C placed in water at room temperature?

Why isnt tube D placed at high temperature?

4. What happen to the stained potato cubes when they are placed in water at room temperature?

5. What are the effects of temperature on potato cubes in tubes A, B and C?

6. What are the effects of the ethanol on the potato cubes?

7. State the reason for using equal volumes of liquids in all tubes.

8. Explain the significance of the 5 minutes incubation before adding the potato cubes.

9. Explain the significance of the 2 minutes incubation after adding the potato cubes.

10. Explain the significance of separating the tissue from solutions after the 2 minute incubation.


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