Comparison 2010 - 2017

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BUDGET ACTION COMPARISONS THROUGH TOWN MEETING DAY -MARCH 7, 2017 ‘Budgets passed - 183 (1 w/euts -8 with increases) Budgets defeated - 18 Scheduled to Vote at a later date - 14 BUDGET ACTION COMPARISONS 2017 Budget Defeats (entire yea) Budget Cuts/Additions (entire year) Budget Defeats (As of Town Meeting Day) 18 ‘Budgets passed ith cuts (As of Town Meeting Day) 1 Budgets passed with increase (As of Town Meeting Dey) 8 2016 ‘Budget Defeats (entre year) rm ‘Budget Cus/Additions (entire yea) 0 Budget Defeats (As of Town Mecting Day) n Budgets passed with outs (As of Town Meeting Day) 1 Budgets passed with increase (As of Town Meeting Day) 3 201s ‘Budget Defeats (entre year) 2 Budget Cu/Adaltions (entre year) 2 Budget Defeats (As of Town Meeting Day) 20 Budgets passed with cuts (As of Town Mesting Day 2 ‘Budgets passed with increase (As of Town Meeting Day 4 ana Budget Defeats (entire yea) 37 Budget cutsfaddition (ntte year) 6 Budget Defeats (As of Town Meeting Day) 35 ‘Budgets passed with cus (a of Town Meeting Day) 5 ‘Budgets passed with increase (as of Town Mecting Day) 1 2013, Budget defeats (entire year) 2 Budget eutsfadsitions (entire year) 1 Budget defeats (as of Town Meeting Day) 16 Budgets passed with cuts (as of Town Meeting Day) 2 ‘Budgets passed with money added (as of Town Mecting Day) 0 Budgets subject to Two-Vote = pased (as of Town Mesting Day) 15, Budget subject to Two-Vote- defeated (as of Town Meeting Day) 1 Budgots subject to Two-Vote -passed 1" vote, defeated 2 vote 4 (as of Town Meeting Day 2012 Budget defeats (entire year) 9 Budget cuts (entice year) 2 Budget Defeats (as of Town Meeting Day) 7 ‘Budgets passed wih cuts (as of Town Meeting Day) 2 Budget passed with money added (as of Town Meeting Day) 1 2011 Budget defeats (entire year) 4 Budget cuts (entire year) 3 Budget Defeats (es of Town Meeting Day) 3 Budgets passed with euts (as of Town Meeting Day) 3 Budget votes deferred (as of Town Meeting Day) 2 2010 Budget defeats (entire year) 16 Buidet cuts (entre year) 4 Budget defeats (as of Town Meeting Day) “4 Budgets passed with cus (a of Town Meeting Day) 4 ‘Budget votes deferred (as of Town Meeting Day) 3

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