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Reality Defined

Jack Ferguson

I will argue the following:

FALSE: For a being to be (real), it is dependent upon, or connected to a
mind. Beings come in and out of reality through
nature, not the mind.
TRUE: For a being to be (real), it is fully independent of the mind. To be fully
independent, it has no past or present connection to the human mind. The
ontological implications of this are far-reaching.
FALSE: For an object to become real, it simply has to occur in time and
space. An object is an epistemic
formation caused by the mind. For it to enter space and time, it must be invented
and engineered into matter to a point it is an empirical idea. This often involves a
matrix of concretized ideas such as instruments. Materialized forms can be spoken
words or guns. Ideas are forms of neural matter.
TRUE: For an object to exist (actualize), it is dependent upon some activity
of the mind such as perception. These empirical ideas are termed existents.
Existents come in and out of existence through human choices epistemic activities
such as perception, ideation, invention, etc.
Existence and being are separated on the following basis:
Existence as an actuality is a mentally caused object to enter space and time. This
does not make them independent of the general mind. This object is a combination
of two ideas. The first idea is matter and the second idea is an intentional shape.
(The idea of matter is not empirical.) When the object occurs in space and time, it is
termed an existent or materialized idea traceable back to n individual neural
pattern. It is never fully independent of a mental cause, and this dependence is
termed its history. Perception is fundamental to an existent for its reoccurring
actualization. Perception, as a funnel of ideas, actualizes an existent. As such,
reality is defined as that which is completely independent of the mind, and
excludes existence from reality. Being and existence are intertwined in the human
world, but not in nature. Existents are processed natural unities and their properties
by morphing them into human products.
Being as is a presence of a natural unity. Being is not an idea nor a mentally caused
object. One cannot cause the presence of being through any mental activity. It is
fully independent of a mental cause. Perception does not activate being. Being is
therefore reality. Being is a unity that negates other beings as other.

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