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Early ages.

Pre- tourism times

Motivators: gathering food, avoiding danger, more
favorable climates. Later: trading and bartering of
Sprawling empires: Egypt, the privileged travelled to
monuments and for relaxation.
Greece, They travelled to Delphi in order to question
the Oracle. Herodot and research trips , Pausanias: A
Guide to Greece. The Greeks contributed with the
development of coin currency. Travel mainly for
religious purposes and leisure such as early Olympic
Rome: Around 300 A.D., existed a road network
with 90,000 kms and 200,000 kms of smaller rural
roads. Mainly military and the elite travelled for
pleasure . Sea side resorts, thermal baths and
accommodations, and trips to Egypt and Greece.
(Prostitution and gambling were also motivators).
The decline of the Roman Empire caused the
degeneration of many roads. Travel became more
difficult, more dangerous and more complicated.
Middle ages
From 5th to the 14th century
Pilgrimages of the Christian era.
The monasteries issue and the charity problem.
Marco Polos travels, Europe to Asia. 13th century.
James Cook trips to Australia and the south pacific
region all the way to Hawaii.
From the twelfth to the sixteenth century start the
educational and experiential trips to achieve self-
The Renaissance
14th to the 17th century
Desire to broaden ones experience and knowledge
First passports were issued but were rendered and
re-issued at every post.
The Grand Tour (1600s to 1800s) way of
educational and cultural attainment of the noble
and upper classes. A Guidebook by Thomas Nugent
was used. Trips lasted about 3 years and students
travelled with an entourage.
19th century travels of the educated middle classes.
The Industrial Revolution 1750 - 1850
Pleasure travel supplanted education. New riches (bourgeois
vs. aristocrats)
Creating the basis for mass tourism
Social changes. Societies go from rural to urban. (Agriculture
to manufacture)
Expansion of the middle class = increase in leisure time.
Industrialization, labor rights, beginning of the concept of
weekends and vacations.
Aristocratic destinations compensated the lack of
discretionary income with volume.
First travel agent: Thomas Cook (1808-1892) 1st trip 1841
Steam navigation began in Scotland in 1812
Modern tourism
The 20th century
The revolution of transportation: rail transport for middle class tourism. Model T
World War I: From economic depression to to the regulation of holidays as part of
legal agreements on pay. Low income workers slowly have access to forms of travel.
1923, Charles Lindbergh NY to Paris 1st solo flight over the Atlantic. (+33 h)
World war II. Post war impact (battlefields and technology, cheaper aircrafts and
growth of commercial airlines)
1960s: package holidays by air charters, democratization of overseas traveling for
working classes, televisions role. First tourism organizations and club holidays.
DC10 and Jumbo jet era Pan Am Boeing 747 NYC to LON in 1970.
Mass tourism: Desire+mobility+accesibility+affordability.
Development of powerful Tour Operators.
The Gulf War and the World Trade Center bombings.

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