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How the Venus flytrap snaps: a poroelastic buckling

Y. Forterre
IUSTI CNRS UMR 6595, Universit de Provence, 5 rue Enrico Fermi, 13453 Marseille Cedex 13, France

J. Skotheim & L. Mahadevan

DEAS, Harvard University, Pierce Hall, 29, Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

J. Dumais
DOEB, Harvard University Biological Laboratories, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge MA 02138, USA

ABSTRACT: We present a mechanical study of the snapping closure of the carnivorous plant Venus flytrap
(Dionaea muscipula), which exhibits one of the fastest motion in the vegetable kingdom (typically 100 ms). Using
high-speed video measurements and non-invasive microscopy techniques, we propose that the fast closure of the
Venus flytrap results from a snap-buckling instability, which is damped by the flow of water through the tissues.
A simple model for the snapping of a poroelastic shell and experiments on the mechanical properties of the leaf
tissue are completely consistent with this picture.


Plants, unlike animals, are not known to move quickly.

Yet rapid movements in plants are essential for func-
tions such as seed/sporangium dispersal (exploding
fruits in Impatiens and Squirting cucumber), pollen
emplacement (Catasetum orchids, Stylidiumtrigger-
plants), defense (Mimosa pudica) and nutrition (Venus
flytrap, Aldrovanda vesiculosa, bladderwort). Of these
spectacular examples that have long since Darwin Figure 1. Pictures showing the carnivorous plant Venus
fascinated scientists (Darwin 1875), the Venus fly- flytrap in the open (a) and closed (b) states.
trap (Fig. 1), whose leaves snap together in a frac-
tion of second to capture insects, has long been leading to the suggestion (Hodick & Sievers 1989,
a paradigm for study. The closure is initiated by Vincent 2001) that elastic deformations could be
the mechanical stimulation of trigger hairs acting important.
as mechano-transducers. Previous studies (Burdon- In this paper, we focus on the mechanical aspect
Sanderson 1882, Stuhlman & Darder 1950, Hodieck & of Venus flytrap closure and try to elucidate the
Sievers 1989, Juniper et al. 1989) have focused on the mechanisms responsible for the macroscopic motion
biochemical response of the trigger hairs to stimuli observed.
and quantified the propagation of an action poten-
tial in the leaves. Yet the mechanism by which this
non-muscular engine works remains poorly under- 2 EXPERIMENT
stood. The most frequently proposed explanations for
the movement are a rapid loss of turgor pressure 2.1 Dynamics of closure
in motor cells (Hill & Findlay 1981) or an irre- We have first studied the dynamics of the trap by
versible loosening of the cell wall (Williams & Bennet painting sub-millimetric UV-fluorescent dots on the
1982). However, the validity of both mechanisms has external face of the leaves and filming flytraps snap-
recently been questioned (Hodick & Sievers 1989, ping at 400 frames/s under a UV light. A stereoscopic
Morillon et al. 2001) on the grounds that these cel- set-up allows to reconstruct the leaf geometry and the
lular mechanisms alone cannot explain the rapidity change therein using triangulation. The first obser-
of closure of the entire leaf on a macroscopic scale vation is that the leaf is curved outward (convex) in

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Figure 3. a) Measured strain field of the outer surface due
Figure 2. a) Spatially averaged mean curvature m as a func- to closure (averaged over 6 different leaves), where pos-
tion of time. Inset: 3D stereoscopic reconstruction of the leaf itive strains correspond to extension and negative strains
in the open and closed states. b) Spatially averaged gaussian correspond to contraction of the surface in the principal
curvature g as a function of time. The plant is triggered at directions as shown. b) Typical local strain measured on the
t = 0. The closure dynamics is characterized by three phases outer surface of the leaf inside the dashed region, super-
(IIII) (see text). The solid line corresponds to the poroelastic posed on a micrograph of the leaf surface. The polar plot
model (see 5.3). shows the local strain in the direction , (l/l)(), defined
by (l/l)() = 1 cos( 0 ) + 2 sin( 0 ) where 1 and
2 are the principal values of the strain tensor and 0 is the
the open state and curved inward (concave) in the angle of the principal axes with respect to the reference frame
closed state (Fig. 2a). The leaf shape can be naturally of coordinates. Scale bar: 0.1 mm.
characterized in terms of its spatially averaged mean
curvature, m , and its spatially averaged gaussian cur-
vature, g . The snapping motion itself is characterized
by three phases (Fig. 2a): a slow initial phase (20% of 2.2 Strain measurements
total displacement in 1/3 s); a rapid intermediate phase To understand the origin of these curvature changes,
(60% of total displacement in 1/10 s); and finally a sec- we measure the local strains by recording the position
ond slow phase (20% of total displacement in 1/3 s). of fiducial markers on the entire outer surface of the
Most of the leaf displacement occurs in the interme- leaf before and after closure (Green et al. 1991). Our
diate phase, during which the leaf geometry changes measurements of the strain (Fig. 3) are consistent with
from convex to concave (Fig. 2b) shows g as a func- earlier point-wise measurements (Hodick & Sievers
tion of time. We see that g is not constant and also that 1989) but go beyond these by characterizing the spatial
g changes slowly and then rapidly as it passes through structure of the strain field over the entire leaf. Figure
a minimum. As changes in g correspond to stretch- 3a shows that the maximum strain perpendicular to the
ing the mid-plane of the leaf (Love 1944), the first midrib (x-direction) is six times the maximum strain
observation implies that closure involves the storage parallel to the midrib (y-direction). Furthermore, we
and release of elastic energy; while the second obser- find that the strains on the inner surface of the leaf are
vation implies that closure is characterized by a slow 1%, implying that closure is triggered primarily by
storage of elastic energy followed by a rapid release. differential strains in the x-direction.

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Figure 4. Cutting the closed leaf along the dotted lines
shows the natural curvatures in the x-direction (right) and
the y-direction (left). Scale bar: 1 cm.

2.3 Natural curvature changes

To corroborate this picture we cut recently closed
leaves to determine the residual strains in it. Cutting
the leaf in the x-direction eliminates the constrain-
ing effect of curvature in the y-direction and allows
it to recover its natural curvature in the x-direction, Figure 5. Smooth-snapping transition in leaf closure. We
xn , as seen in (Fig. 4). Similarly, cutting the leaf in plot the dimensionless mean curvature Km = (Kx + Ky )/2 as
a function of the control parameter Kxn . The different stages
the y-direction allows us to observe the natural cur-
in the schematics correspond to Kxn values of 0.95, 1.05,
vature in the y-direction, yn . We see that xn reverses 1.15 and 1.25.
sign during closure, while yn does not. This is con-
sistent with previous observations (Hodick & Sievers
1989) and provides quantitative evidence that a change energetic cost. In such a situation the leaf deforms
in xn drives leaf closure. Support for a mechanistic smoothly to accommodate the change in xn . If the cou-
basis for this anisotropic deformation comes from a pling is strong, the leaf will not deform much owing to
microscopic examination of the leaf surface (Fig. 3b) large energetic cost of stretching its mid-plane, until
where we see that the cells on the outer surface are eventually the change in xn becomes so large that the
highly elongated in shape, with their long axis oriented leaf snaps shut rapidly (see Fig. 5).
along the x-axis. Since the cylindrical cell wall is rein-
forced azimuthally by microfibrils (Hodick & Sievers 4 ELASTIC MODEL
1989), it follows that any changes in turgor would lead
to deformations that are primarily in the x-direction, To quantify the smooth/snapping transition, we model
consistent with our macroscopic observations that xn the leaf as a thin weakly-curved elastic shell (thick-
changes much more than yn . ness h, size L, Young modulus E) of paraboloid shape
given by f = (x x2 /2) + (y y2 /2), where x and y are
3 MECHANISM OF CLOSURE the spatially homogeneous principal curvatures. Con-
sistent with our experimental observations, we take the
Although the anisotropic curvature changes occurs via natural curvature in the y-direction to be a constant
physiological processes on the cellular level which (equal to that in the x-direction before snapping). The
still remain poorly understood, we now argue that elastic energy u of the shell is then written as the sum
the macroscopic mechanism of closure is determined of a bending term (Mansfield 1989) and a stretching
solely by leaf geometry. For a doubly-curved leaf, i.e. term:
one that is curved in two orthogonal directions, bend-
ing and stretching modes of deformations are coupled
(Love 1944), i.e. bending the leaf causes its mid-
plane to be stretched. If the coupling is weak, the leaf where U = u/CL2 h3 E (C is a constant), Kx = x /,
can change its shape from open to closed by vary- Ky = y / and Kxn = xn / are dimensionless. The
ing its gaussian curvature and stretch without a large geometrical dimensionless parameter L4 2 /h2

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
than small weakly curved leaves. In order to test this,
we measured the speed of the closure as a function of
the geometrical parameter for many different leaves
and plants. (Fig. 6a) shows a clear positive correla-
tion between the maximum speed of the snap and .
Interestingly, the time delay between the beginning of
the motion and the snap increases with the parameter
as shown in (Fig. 6b), just as the maximum speed
of snapping does. This is probably because the delay
reflects the time required to cross the stretching barrier,
which increased with . For a typical leaf L 1 cm,
0.1 cm1 , h 0.1 cm so 1 c , i.e. the leaves
are poised at the transition between smooth closing and
snapping. Since the plant is clearly best served by (i)
minimizing the delay between triggering and closure,
(ii) snapping rapidly rather than closing smoothly, this
choice of may not be a coincidence.


5.1 Poroelastic time

The actual speed of snapping, or equivalently the leaf
closure time is a critical parameter for trap function,
and we now turn to the mechanism that determines
it. The store elastic energy must be rapidly dissipated
once the trap is closed to prevent any inertial ringing
that would allow the prey to escape. Since the time
scale of the fundamental bending mode of the leaf
b (L2 h1 )(/E)1/2 0.0010.01 s is much less than
the observed time scale of the motion 0.11 s, and
external dissipation due to motion through air is neg-
ligible, the damping must occur internally. Since the
leaf is highly hydrated, a natural candidate for damp-
Figure 6. Speed of closure and delay between triggering and ing is provided by the flow of water, an interstitial
snapping. a) Maximum angular velocity plotted against . fluid, through the surrounding elastic tissue. The cur-
b) The time between triggering the leaf and snapping, rapid
closure plotted against (note the semi-logarithmic scale).
vature change during closure induces a transient flow
Similar symbols correspond to different leaves of the same perpendicular to the leaf surface. At the continuum
plant. level this water diffusion is described by poroelastic-
ity and the typical time scale of diffusion across the
leaf is given by the poroelastic time scale P h2 /kE
quantifies the coupling between bending and stretch-
(Biot 1944, Skotheim & Mahadevan 2003), where k is
ing deformations. Note that we use a simplified
the hydraulic permeability of the leaf tissue, is the
expression for the stretching elastic energy of the
interstitial fluid viscosity, and E is the drained bulk
shell that neglects the role of Poisson contraction and
modulus of the tissue. Measurements of the Youngs
extension (Mansfield 1989). The shape of the leaf
modulus give E 10 MPa. It is much more difficult
is obtained by minimization of U with respect to
to evaluate the hydraulic permeability of the leaf tis-
Kxn , which is the control parameter that is actively
sue, which is poorly documented (Steudle 1989). We
changed by the plant during closure. In Figure 5 we
simply note that in order to find a poroelastic time
see that U (Kxn ) has a single minimum when < c
consistent with the snapping time, i.e. P 0.1 s, we
(weak bending-stretching coupling), but has two min-
need to take k/ 1012 m2 Pa1 s1 . This is equiva-
ima when > c (strong bending-stretching coupling)
lent to a pore size k 1/2 30 nm, which is a realistic
for some values of Kxn .
value considering the leaf anatomy.
Since the amount of mid-plane stretching required
for the leaf to close increases with , the mechanical
barrier to snapping is determined by this geometrical 5.2 Mechanical response of the leaf tissue
parameter. Thus we expect that large highly curved In order to test the previous order of magnitudes for the
leaves will release more energy and snap more rapidly inertial time scale and the poroelastic time scale, we

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where P
2 h2 /2 kE is the poroelastic time. This
expression arises from the solution of a Darcy-type
diffusion equation for the fluid pressure, which in turn
gives rise to a moment resisting the bending:

where z is the coordinate perpendicular to the leaf

surface. Fluid motion through the tissue leads to the
dissipation rate:

Figure 7. Time response of a strip of the leaf to impulsive

(a) and step (b) loads.
Balancing the elastic power with the viscous dissipa-
directly measured the response time of the leaf tissue tion rate yields:
to a step load (Fig. 7). A thin strip of a closed leaf is
clamped at one end and free at the other. In the case
of an impulsive load applied at the free end, we see
a short ringing transient of period 10 ms (Fig. 7a),
consistent with our estimate for the inertial (bending)
mode and much faster than the time of closure. On
the other hand if the strip is released suddenly after
being statically deflected at the other end for a while,
we get a very different response. In Figure 7b, we see where A = 196/4 . Here we scale time T = t/p and
that after a short inertial transient the unloading is best scale the curvatures and elastic energy U as in the
described by a single exponential with a time constant previous section. We assume that Kx and Ky follow
p 0.10.4 s, which is of the same order of magnitude the path of steepest descent in the energy potential.
than the snapping time. In the absence of microscopic physiological informa-
This mechanical response of the leaf tissue is tion for the change in dimensionless natural curva-
consistent with the behavior of a poroelastic solid ture upon x-direction changes, we choose the form
(Ced erbaum et al, 2000) and supports our simple Kxn = 1 (1ebT ) (we check that other functional
poroelastic picture, which is likely to be the dom- forms do not change the qualitative dynamics of snap-
inant mechanism operating during the dynamics of ping). Figure 2 shows the prediction of the above
snapping. poroelastic model using a = 3, b = 0.05, P = 1/94 s
and = 1. We see that the model qualitatively captures
the three phases of snapping.
5.3 Poroelastic dynamics model
Following these results, we model the dynamics of 6 CONCLUSION
snapping by treating the leaf tissue as a poroelastic
material. When the leaf snaps shut, the stored elastic In this article, we have shown that the fast closure of the
energy given by Equation 1 is dissipated via the vis- Venus flytrap is composed of two component: an active
cous flow within the leaf tissue. The mid-plane mean biochemical component and a passive elastic compo-
curvature of an impermeable poroelastic plate with nent. Upon stimulation, the plant actively changes
curvatures x (t) and y (t), Youngs modulus E, Pois- one of its principal natural curvatures, xn , the micro-
sons ratio = 0 for the elastic skeleton, and fluid vol- scopic mechanism for which remains poorly under-
ume fraction
, generates a pressure in the interstitial stood. However, once this change occurs, the geometry
fluid given by (Skotheim & Mahadevan 2003): of the doubly-curved leaf provides the mechanism by
which elastic energy is both stored and released, while
the hydrated nature of the leaf induces the rapid damp-
ing that is equally crucial to efficient prey capture. A
single geometrical parameter determines the nature
of closure: if c 1 the leaf closes smoothly, while
if > c the leaf snaps rapidly. This ingenious solu-
tion to the problem of scaling up movements and

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