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On the load bearing mechanism of the human intervertebral disc

W. Ehlers, B. Markert & N. Karajan

Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE), University of Stuttgart, Germany

ABSTRACT: The spinal discs are part of the load bearing system of our body. They serve as shock absorbers,
transmit loads and enable the motion between the vertebrae. In order to get a more detailed insight into the
functioning of the intervertebral disc (IVD) in vivo, which is apparently impossible by standard examination
methods, numerical simulations provide an elegant and cost-effective alternative. Accordingly, this requires an
appropriate theoretical model, which is capable of describing the physiological behaviour of charged hydrated
tissues. This includes the electro-chemomechanical couplings as well as the viscoelastic and anisotropic prop-
erties of the extracellular matrix. In order to meet these requirements, the established Theory of Porous Media
(TPM) can be applied, which allows the description of multicomponent continua with internal interactions and is
proven to yield stable implementations within the mixed finite element method (FEM). The overall possibilities
offered by this approach are finally shown in a numerical analysis of a human IVD accounting for the essential
inhomogeneities within its realistic anatomic structure.

1 INTRODUCTION Ehlers (2002), where the constitutive assumptions,

necessary to cover all relevant tissue properties, are
Currently, most models that describe the IVD as a merged in a modular manner. This actually allows for
soft biological tissue are restricted to single-phase a concise representation of the resulting system of
materials, which are not capable of describing coupled partial differential equations, which can be
the electro-chemomechanical behaviour of charged efficiently treated within the FEM and thus, enables
hydrated tissues, see, e.g., Eberlein et al. (2004) for the numerical solution of even large 3-d problems at
references. Moreover, the available models are often suitable computational costs. Here, special attention
limited to small strains or to finite strains but purely is drawn on the arising inhomogeneous fiber rein-
elastic skeleton deformations without considering any forcement as well as on the consideration of swelling
of the occurring inhomogeneities. In fact, these types phenomena.
of naturally grown materials undergo large viscoelastic
deformations, where the extracellular matrix exhibits
so-called intrinsic viscoelastic properties (Iatridis et al. 2 TISSUE PROPERTIES
1996, Ehlers & Markert 2001). These flowindepen-
dent viscoelastic effects are strongly coupled with the The intervertebral disc is a sophisticated cushion-like
dissipative phenomena resulting from the interstitial structure embedded in between two adjacent vertebrae
fluid flow and the electrochemical (osmotic and elec- constituting 20 to 30% of the entire spine height. On
trostatic) swelling mechanisms. Furthermore, their the macroscale, it is composed of three significant sub-
inner structure and thus, the associated physical prop- structures. In the center of the disc, a gel structure is
erties are inhomogeneously distributed over the 3-d found, known as the nucleus pulposus (NP), which
anatomic shape of the tissue. In addition, anisotropic exhibits a fluid-like behaviour and covers about 30 to
properties may occur due to embedded collagen fibers 50% of the cross sectional area. The portion of the IVD
and orientation-dependent hydraulic and electrolytic that becomes gradually prominent within the periph-
conductivities. Another difficulty arises in the appli- ery of the NP forms the outer boundary, known as the
cation of the numerical model. It is often difficult anulus fibrosus (AF). At this, the AF appears as a lami-
to obtain reliable experimental data to fit the needed nate structure surrounding the NP. Marchand &Ahmed
material parameters and to define realistic boundary (1990) observed that the anulus consists of 15 to 26 lay-
conditions for boundary-value problems (BVP). ers of discontinuous concentric lamellae, each having
The goal of this contribution is to present a con- string-like structures embedded, known as the collagen
sistent theoretical framework based on the Theory of fibers. This natural fiber reinforcement runs obliquely
Porous Media (TPM), see, e.g., de Boer (2000) or around the AF, whereas the direction of the fibers is

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alternating within successive layers. Furthermore, the superimposed effect of the structural inhomogeneities,
upper and lower faces of the IVD are covered with a which finally predicts the stress-strain relationship
layer of hyaline cartilage, known as the cartilaginous of the fibers at any point in the AF. In a compre-
end plates (CEP). hensive study, Eberlein et al. (2004) measured these
On the microscale, the biochemical composition of mechanical variations by performing tensile tests in
the IVD is rather complex. Generally, the interverte- fiber direction on single lamellae taken from differ-
bral disc is composed of a charged hydrated extra- ent regions of the AF. The results show an exponential
cellular matrix consisting of proteoglycans (PGs), stress-strain behaviour of the collagen fibers, where
glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and embedded collagen the overall stiffness of fibers found within the periph-
fibers as well as an ionized interstitial fluid includ- ery of the AF is about three times greater than the
ing dissolved electrolytes. Besides these free movable values found close to the NP. Moreover, there is also
solutes, there are further chemically active negative a variation in the circumferential direction classify-
charges attached to the long chained PG and GAG ing the posterior part being weaker as the anterior
molecules within the solid matrix. Their distribution is parts. This behaviour is in good accordance with the
highest within the NP reaching 10 to 20% of the overall qualitative findings of Skaggs et al. (1994).
dry weight and decreases towards the outer periphery
of the AF. Hence, the fixed charges density (FCD) is
also highest in the center of the IVD, which corre- 3 THEORY OF POROUS MEDIA (TPM)
sponds to measurements performed by Iatridis et al.
(2003) and Urban & Holm (1986). However, a differ- The TPM is a macroscopic continuum theory, which is
ent distribution is observed regarding the obiquitious based on the theory of mixtures extended by the con-
collagen. Out of the several different types of colla- cept of volume fractions. Proceeding from a binary
gen, there are two main groups to be found within the mixture consisting of solid and fluid constituents
IVD. Firstly, this is collagen of type I, which is well denoted by = {S, F}, the solid phase is extended by
organized and forms parallel fiber bundles within the incorporating the volume-free fixed negative charges
AF, having a diameter of approximately 2 to 10 m. fc (Ehlers et al. 2002). Furthermore, the interstitial
In contrast, collagen fibers of type II are of a much fluid F is composed of water as a liquid solvent with
smaller diameter, ranging from 20 to 200 nm, and form dissolved electrolytes (Na+ Cl ) providing mobile
a loose network of fibrils mostly present in the nucleus ions. In this context, it is assumed that all constituents
pulposus. are in a state of ideal disarrangement. Following
However, the intervertebral disc is not uniform in this, the prescription of a real or a virtual averaging pro-
many of its aspects. Firstly, there is the inhomoge- cess over a representative elementary volume (REV)
neous distribution of collagen type I, which yields leads to a model of superimposed and interacting
a varying alignment within the lamellae of the AF. continua, i.e., the homogenized or smeared model.
This variation can be expressed in terms of a fiber Particularly in the case of soft biological tissues, the
angle 0 between the fiber and the axial direction of tiny mobile ions are assumed to diffuse rapidly through
the spine. Eberlein et al. (2001) measured an anterior the liquid and by themselves do not give rise to con-
fiber angle of 0 = 67 as well as a posterior angle centration gradients. Hence, the intervertebral disc is
of 0 = 43 and discovered an almost linear relation- always immediately in electrochemical equilibrium, so
ship of the two angles in circumferential direction, that the arising osmotic properties can be sufficiently
whereas this linearity stays constant in radial direc- described without considering the ion concentrations
tion. Furthermore, Marchand & Ahmed (1990) found (or electrochemical potentials) as additional unknowns
a decrease of the embedded collagen fibers of type (degrees of freedom) of the process, cf. Lanir (1987).
I as one moves towards the NP. Secondly, there is a Moreover, the volume fractions n = dv /dv (partial
variation concerning the discontinuities in the lamellar volume per bulk volume ) serve as describing
structure of the AF. A detailed study was performed by physical quantities consistent with the saturation con-
Tsuji et al. (1993) elaborating the structural variation straint n = nS + nF = 1, where n fc 0. Exploiting the
of the anterior and posterior parts of the AF in terms definition of the volume fractions n , a partial den-
of the number of continuous and discontinuous fiber sity = dm /d (constituent mass m ) and a material
bundles. At this, all anterior parts consist of mostly or realistic density R = dm /dv can be defined
complete fiber bundles, whereas the posterior part is for each constituent , which are related to each
composed of a very complex structure having several other via = n R underlining the macroscopic
incomplete and discontinuous lamellar bundles. compressibility of porous materials.
The differences in continuity as well as in the num- In the framework of superimposed continua, each
ber of embedded fiber bundles finally leads to an spatial point x of the current configuration is simulta-
inhomogeneous mechanical behaviour of the lamel- neously occupied by material points P of all con-
lae, when pulled in fiber direction. Hence, it is the stituents. Following this, all particles proceed from

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different reference positions X , which leads to indi- tensors T as well as the interaction term p F = p S
vidual motion and velocity fields for each constituent, need to be defined. From general thermodynamical
reading x = (X , t) and x = d (X , t)/dt, respec- considerations (Ehlers 1993), these assumptions read
tively.Therein, () denotes the material time derivative
following the motion of . Describing multipha-
sic materials, it is convenient to express the solid
in a Lagrangean setting via the displacement vec-
tor uS = x XS and the overall fluid in a modified Therein, I is the identity tensor and ()E denotes the
Eulerian setting relative to the deforming solid skele- so-called extra terms governed by the solid defor-
ton through the seepage velocity wF = xF xS . Fur- mation state and the fluid viscosity. As is usual in
thermore, the fixed charges are assumed to move with hydraulics, the fluid extra stress can be neglected,
the solid skeleton described by the solid deformation TFE 0, which can be deduced from a dimensional
gradient given through FS = x/XS . analysis. Furthermore, p can be interpreted as the
The model under consideration is assumed to be entire pore pressure introducing a third independent
composed of materially incompressible constituents, scalar field variable. Thus, an extra equation needs to
which are incapable of an internal mass production be generated, which is achieved by inserting the con-
or exchange, thereby excluding biochemical reactions stitutive assumption p FE = (nF )2 FR (K F )1 wF into
and growth processes. Moreover, assuming quasi- the specific fluid momentum balance. This leads to
static conditions and excluding thermal effects yields Darcys well-known filter law
the corresponding volume, concentration and momen-
tum balances of the constituents (cf. Ehlers et al.

relating the hydraulic gradient i to the filter velocity

nF wF . Herein, KF is the Darcy permeability tensor
and FR = FR g is the effective fluid weight (g = |b|
is the gravitation constant).
However, the introduced entire pore pressure
fc p = P + is constitutively decomposed into hydraulic
Herein, c m is the molar concentration of the fixed
and osmotic contributions, respectively. Herein, in
charges, T is the partial Cauchy stress tensor and
the sense of continuum thermodynamics, P is under-
b is the body force. Furthermore, p represents the
stood as a Lagrangean multiplier, whereas is directly
momentum production term satisfying the conserva-
related to the deformation of the solid skeleton via the
tion constraint p S + p F = 0. Combining the specific fc
molar concentration change c m . Due to the assumption
volume and momentum balances for the solid and
of Lanir (1987), chemical equilibrium expressed by the
the fluid phases yields the respective balances of the
Donnan equation is not limited to the domain bound-
overall mixture as
ary. Following this and exploiting the electroneutral-
ity condition for the internal and external solutions,
cf. Huyghe & Janssen (1997), yields the local col-
loid osmotic pressure (Donnan osmosis) expressed
Moreover, the specific volume balance of the solid
skeleton as well as the concentration balance of the
fixed charges can be analytically integrated from initial
quantities ()0S leading to
where R is the universal gas constant, is the absolute
temperature and c m , denotes the molar concentration
of the monovalent external salt solution.
The final constitutive assumption concerns the
solid Cauchy extra stress tensor TSE describing the
purely mechanical contribution of the extracellular
matrix. Proceeding from the evaluation of the entropy
inequality one has
In order to close the materially independent set of
equations for the extended two phase model, con-
stitutive assumptions for the partial Cauchy stress

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Therein, SE is the extra solid Kirchhoff stress, while required. Eliminating the seepage velocity by use of
CS = FTS FS is the right Cauchy-Green deformation the Darcy filter law (5) yields a concise representa-
tensor of the solid skeleton. Hence, it is possible to cap- tion of the respective balance relations by means of the
ture the intrinsic viscoelastic and anisotropic effects primary variables uS and p. Subsequently, weighted by
in terms of an admissible ansatz for the solid strain independent test functions and integrated over the spa-
energy function W S . This is accomplished by a consti- tial domain with the surface , one finds the weak
tutive split of W S into purely isotropic and anisotropic forms of the mixture volume (MV) and the mixture
contributions, viz.: momentum (MM) balances:

Herein, the isotropic part can be further split into an

equilibrium (EQ) and a non-equilibrium (NEQ) part
yielding a finite viscoelastic material law based on a
generalized Maxwell model as is described in Ehlers
et al. (2002) and Markert (2005). However, the focus
of this paper lies on the description of the osmotic
swelling pressure, the influence of the collagen fibers
and their inhomogeneous distribution. Therefore, only
a purely elastic compressible Neo-Hookean material
law is used for WISO reading
Therein, uS and p are the corresponding test func-
tions, q denotes the efflux of the interstitial fluid over
where S0 is the classical ground-state shear modulus, the surface , and t = (TSE pI) n is the external
I1 = tr(CS ) is the first principal invariant of CS , and load vector acting on the entire mixture, where n is
JS = detFS is the solid Jacobian. Furthermore, U S (JS ) the outward oriented unit surface normal. Note that
is an arbitrary volumetric response function, which the spatial discretization has to be carried out using
characterizes the macroscopic compressibility of the stable mixed finite elements, such as the Taylor-Hood
porous material (cf. Eipper 1998). element with a quadratic approximation of uS and a
Moreover, the anisotropic contribution has to linear approximation of p.
describe a locally orthotropic fiber reinforcement, Furthermore, the numerical approximation of
since the fibers within neighbouring layers are equation (11) demands discrete fiber vectors a0 and
mechanically equivalent. Here, an ansatz in accor- b0 to be initially computed at every Gauss point (GP)
dance to Holzapfel & Gasser (2001) is chosen via of the mixed finite elements representing the AF. Due
to the irregular geometry of the IVD, it is rather incon-
venient to define a closed mathematical distribution
function. Hence, the fiber vectors are defined with an
algorithm based on tangential planes, which are com-
puted at points resulting from a GP projection onto
the outer surface of the IVD. As depicted in Figure 1,
where 1 and 2 denote material parameters, and a0 the fibers are then distributed with a circumferentially
and b0 represent the unit fiber vectors defined in
the undeformed state. Note that the mixed invariants
I4 = a0 CS a0 and I6 = b0 CS b0 describe the squared 67
stretches in fiber direction and, hence, have a clear
physical interpretation (Spencer 1984). Like in rope-
theory, the collagen fibers are assumed to carry loads 59
only under tension. Therefore, the restriction {I4 , I6 } 
1 must hold, which simultaneously satisfies the
material stability criterion (keyword: polyconvexity). 51



For the numerical treatment within the FEM, weak Figure 1. Distribution of the varying fiber angle 0 depend-
forms of the governing multi-field equations (2) are ing on the polar angle .

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varying fiber angle 0 . This is achieved by a linear external load of t = 0.33 N/mm2 (Fig. 3). Since the
regression over the polar angle with respect to the focus lies on the IVD, the vertebrae L4 and L5 are
center of gravity (COG), as is described in Eberlein horizontally cut in parallel having boundary condi-
et al. (2001) and Eberlein et al. (2004). tions as depicted in Figure 3. The simplified motion
Moreover, the overall stiffness variation of the colla- segment is discretized using 7275 20-noded hexahe-
gen fibers has to be considered locally at every GP. At dral elements, each equipped with 27 GPs for the
this point, the anisotropic stress contribution stemming numerical quadrature. A total number of four simula-
from equation (11) is fitted to trilinear material laws tions is performed using material parameters from the
of four distinct regions, which are given by Eberlein related literature, see, e.g., Gu et al. (1999), Iatridis
et al. (2004). In particular, these are the anterior inner et al. (2003) and Eberlein et al. (2004) among oth-
(AI) and outer (AO) as well as the posterolateral inner ers. Overall, the findings presented in Figure 4 are
(PI) and outer (PO) regions, cf. Figure 2. Furthermore, in good accordance with the experimental results
a linear distribution of the respective material para- reported in the related literature, e.g., Nachemson
meters 1 and 2 is assumed according to Figure 2, et al. (1979), Brown et al. (1957) and Wilke et al.
which can be explained by changes in the morpholog- (1999). Moreover, the influences of the osmotic pres-
ical microstructure of the lamellae discussed by Tsuji sure and the inhomogeneities concerning the collagen
et al. (1993). fibers become apparent regarding the entire pore pres-
The initial FCD distribution is modelled in sure p and the relative change in height h, which
a simplified fashion using a constant concentra- is computed at two anterior points within the sagit-
tion of c 0S = 0.10 mol/l within the AF and of tal plane of the disc (Fig. 3). In particular, neglecting
c 0S = 0.26 mol/l within the NP. Accordingly, proceed- the attached fixed charges (i.e., c m = 0 = 0) leads
ing from a constant concentration of c m = 0.15 mol/l of to an underestimation of the entire pore pressure,
the external solution causes an initial osmotic pressure which somehow represents a degenerated disc hav-
of 0 = 0.04 MPa and of 0 = 0.24 MPa in the respec- ing a reduced FCD. Hence, the anulus fibers are not
tive regions, which yields a prestressed solid skeleton, fully utilized yielding an overall softer response and
i.e., TSE0 = 0 I. In order to compare the influence of the thus, a non-physiological bearing mechanism of the
above described inhomogeneities, equations (12) are IVD. Furthermore, the differences in h ranging from
implemented in the FE tool PANDAS (http://www.get- 0.25 mm to 0.44 mm reveal the necessity of modelling The corresponding BVP concerns a the fiber inhomogeneities. Note in passing that this
simple axial compression test of an L4-L5 motion influence is altered concerning the height change as
segment with removed spinal processes, where a phys- well as the disc bulge when other regions of the disc are
iological load of 400 N is applied, thus leading to an considered.


b1[MPa] b2[-]

PI w0 = const. w0 = const.
PO b1, b2 = const. b1, b2 = const.
0.77 1.24 1.70 57.0 230.0 370.0 c fc = 0 c fc = 0
h = 0.44 mm h = 0.36 mm
Figure 2. Assumed distribution of the varying fiber stiffness p[MPa]
due to the lamellar microstructure.
0 0.23 0.47 0.70


AF NP AF h w0 = const. w0 = const.
b1, b2 = const. b1, b2 = const.
c fc = 0 c fc = 0
h = 0.37 mm h = 0.25 mm
Figure 3. Uniaxial compression test, where all surfaces are
drained with p = 0, while t = 0.33 N/mm2 is linearly applied Figure 4. Results for four simulations carried out with a
in 1 s. different degree of inhomogeneity.

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
6 CONCLUSIONS Eipper, G. (1998). Theorie und Numerik finiter elastischer
Deformationen in fluidgesttigten Porsen Medien. Dis-
The above presented results show that the model under sertation, Bericht Nr. II-1 aus dem Institut fr Mechanik
consideration is capable of describing the complex (Bauwesen), Universitt Stuttgart.
Gu, W. Y., X. G. Mao, R. J. Foster, M. Weidenbaum,
inhomogeneous and coupled behaviour of the IVD.
V. C. Mow, & B. Rawlins (1999).TheAnisotropic Hydrolic
Herein, the different characterizing modules, namely Permeability of Human Lumbar Anulus Fibrosus. Spine
inhomogeneous fibers, permeability, FCD or intrin- 24, 24492455.
sic viscoelasticity, are easily activated or deactivated, Holzapfel, G. A. & T. C. Gasser (2001). A viscoelastic model
which yields an efficient tool aiding the study of their for fiber-reinforced composites at finite strains: Contin-
influence on a variety of effects, such as the inter- uum basis, computational aspects and applications. Com-
stitial fluid flow or the disc bulge. As a next step, puter Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
the theoretically introduced material parameters must 190, 43794403.
be determined by independent experiments involving Huyghe, J. M. & J. D. Janssen (1997). Quadriphasic Mechan-
ics of Swelling Incompressible Porous Media. Interna-
more complex deformation modes, such as superim-
tional Journal of Engineering Science 35, 793802.
posed flexion, lateral bending and torsion. Finally, Iatridis, J. C., J. P. Laible, & M. H. Krag (2003). Influence
together with an appropriate damage model, it is then of Fixed Charge Density Magnitude and Distribution on
possible to describe further degeneration effects and the Intervertebral Disc: Applications of a Poroelastic and
explore mechanisms leading to disc herniation. Chemical Electric (PEACE) Model. Transactions of the
ASME 125, 1224.
Iatridis, J. C., M. Weidenbaum, L. A. Setton, & V. C. Mow
(1996). Is the Nucleus Pulposus a Solid or a Fluid?
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