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Electroseismic waves from acoustic source in a fluid-filled borehole

M.G. Markov
Instituto Mexicano del Petrleo, Mexico

V.V. Verzhbitskiy
Neftegazgeofisika, Tver, Russia

ABSTRACT: In this paper we develop an approach for the seismoelectric effect simulation in a borehole. We
have obtained the solution for the electromagnetic field produced by an impulse acoustic source based on the
system of Pride electrokinetic equations. Taking into account that the induced electric field weakly influences
the current flow generated by the elastic wave we have proposed the sequential solution algorithm. This solution
consists of the following steps: the determination of the relative fluidsolid displacement in fluid-saturated
porous media, calculation of the electric current density corresponding to the fluidsolid displacement, and
reconstruction of the electromagnetic field. The modeling was performed for an isotropic homogeneous medium
and sources with symmetrical (monopole) directional diagrams. We have analyzed the effect of the logging tool
on the electroseismic waves parameters. The calculations performed demonstrate the feasibility of estimating
the petrophysical characteristics based on the seismoelectric well-logging measurements

1 INTRODUCTION homogeneous seismic wave on the plane boundary of

both half-spaces.
The seismoelectric effect caused by electrokinetic Mikhailov et al. (2000) analyzed the electric field
process (inverse electroosmosis) is observed in com- converted from the Stoneley wave at low frequency
pletely or partially water-saturated sedimentary rocks (about 150 Hz). Markov (2001) calculated the elec-
and it can be applied in well logging to estimate rock trical streaming current generated by a monopole
porosity and permeability. Further we will consider source in a fluid-filled borehole. Hu and Liu (2002)
rocks containing a mobile fluid, where a seismoelectric presented a simplified quasistatic approach to simu-
effect is caused mainly by electroosmosis. late the full waveform of the electric field converted
Frenkel (1944) was the first who has explained the- during seismoelectric well logging. Markov & Verzh-
oretically the seismoelectric effect. Later Pride (1994) bitskiy (2004) have obtained the analytical solution
derived the full system of macroscopic governing for the electromagnetic field produced by an acous-
equations controlling the coupled acoustics and elec- tic multipole source in a fluid-filled borehole based
tromagnetic of porous media. Chandler (1981), Zhu on the system of electrokinetic equations. The model-
et al. (1999), Mikhailov et al. (2000), Kobayashi et al. ing was performed for point sources with symmetrical
(2002), Svetov et al. (2004) have presented the lab- (monopole) and antisymmetric (dipole) directional
oratory and field data, which confirm convincingly diagrams.
the electrokinetic nature of the seismoelectric effect In this paper we considered more general model
and show that seismoelectric measurements can be that permitted to analyze the effect of the logging tool
practically realized. on the electroseismic waves parameters. The electro-
The short review of the seismoelectric effect the- kinetic equations were solved in the frequency domain.
ory for a fluid-saturated porous medium was given by Pressure field in the borehole and electromagnetic
Thompson & Gist (1993), Pride & Haartsen (1996) field were calculated in the space-time domain using
and by Svetov & Gubatenko (2000). It was shown 2D Fourier transform.
that replacement of the self-consistent problem by
the sequential solving of the elasticity, filtration,
electrokinetics and electrodynamics theories prob- 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND
lems was possible, and the mathematical model for
signal frequencies typical for seismic logging was 2.1 Governing equations
suggested. Haartsen & Pride (1997) applied this algo- To describe the self-consistent problem of the propaga-
rithm for the case of the inclined fall of the plane tion of the electromagnetic waves generated by elastic

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
vibrations we use the system of the equations derived
by Pride (1994) for homogeneous fluid-filled porous

where Kfr is the compression module of the drained

framework of grains;
Ks is the compression module of the matrix solid
material, that is compression module of the skeleton
where there are no pores;
Kf is the compression module of the fluid.
The coefficient L() is of a great importance in the
seismoelectric effect description. Expression detailing
the frequency, constituent property and pore geometry
dependence of L() has been derived by Pride (1994):

where , m are geometrical characteristics of porous

medium, d is the double layer thickness, is a mean
where B is the average stress tensor acting on both pore radius, Kpr0 is a low frequency permeability
the fluid and solid phases of the porous material; coefficient.
B = pI + (1 )s , This expression was obtained in assumption of the
p is the pore fluid pressure; ion uniform distribution in the fluid phase and the seis-
B = f + (1 )s is the bulk density; moelectric current can be overestimated. In this paper
f is the pore fluid density; we will use the Prides formulas, derived under the
is the porosity coefficient; assumption that the diffusion layer must be much thin-
U s is the rock particles displacement vector; ner than the effective grain sizes. Following Pride &
W = (U f U s ), U f is the average relative Haartsen (1998) we made the assumptions that gener-
fluidsolid displacement vector ; ated electric field influence on the streaming current is
E is the electric field; negligible. In this case the expression for the streaming
H is the magnetic field; current can be simplified and is given by:
I is the unit tensor;
Kpr , are the dynamic permeability and viscosity,
f , s are the electrical permittivity of the fluid and Taking into account this assumption we have pro-
of the solid grains; posed the sequential solution algorithm. This solution
0 is the magnetic permeability; consists of the following steps: 1 determination of the
L() is the electrokinetic coupling coefficient that relative fluidsolid displacement in a fluid-saturated
determines the degree of coupling between the elastic porous media, 2 calculation of the electric current
and electromagnetic wave displacement; density corresponding to the fluidsolid displacement,
KG , C, M ,  are the elastic coefficients: and reconstruction of the electromagnetic field (step
3). We have solved three problems formulated above in
series. For solution finding in the space-time domain
we used 2D Fourier transform method (RAI method).
For acoustic problems this procedure was described in
Rosenbaum (1974); Schmitt (1988); Paillet & Cheng

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
2.2 Algorithm of the electrokinetic field calculation where k 2 = i(), = nz " is the electric Hertz
1. The total acoustic wave field in the borehole is vector. This vector satisfies the inhomogeneous
equal to the sum of the source contributions and Helmholtz equation.
the reflected wave field. In the frequency axial wave
number domain we can describe this field using
displacement potentials of the acoustic source and of 3 SYNTHETIC ELECTROSEISMOGRAMS IN
the reflected wave field. FLUID-FILLED BOREHOLES
The propagation of the elastic waves in a two-phase
saturated porous medium for harmonic vibrations with 3.1 Model description
the circular frequency is given by the equations (1) In this section we present the examples of the synthetic
and (2). For sources with symmetrical directional dia- waveforms generated by axisymmetric acoustic source
gram we can find solution to the system (1)(2) in the in a fluid-filled borehole.
form (Krutin et al. 1987): We assume that an unbounded saturated porous
medium is intersected by a borehole of radius R, filled
by a conducting compressible fluid. A cylindrical log-
ging tool of radius a containing acoustic source of
length 2l is centralized in this borehole. The harmonic
radial waves of the source are specified in the form:

where i are the potentials of P-waves of the first and

the second type;
= nz  is the potential of S-wave;
parameters Mi depend on the frequency and the elastic
properties of the rock only. The boundary conditions at
the borehole wall for a fluid-filled borehole in a porous We made calculations for a non-conducting logging
solid are based on the continuity of radial displace- tool. In this case we used the condition that the radial
ment, radial stress and pressure, and the vanishing of current density is equal to zero at the tool surface.
axial and azimuthal stresses. The elastic constants of fluid-saturated porous
2. We can obtain the average relative fluidsolid media were calculated by the method described in
displacement vector W and calculate the streaming Krutin et al. (1988).
current J se solving equations system (1)(2). As it Synthetic waveforms were calculated for a
follows from (15) and (16) J se can be expressed as: porous water-saturated (Vf = 1500 m/s, fluid con-
ductivity in the borehole b = 1 Sm/m) sandstone
(Vp1 = 5300 m/s, Vp1 /Vs = 1.65). For rock resistivity
calculation we used well-known Archie law. The tool
length is 0.1 m and the borehole radius R is equal to
where all the functions Ui , and F satisfy the Helmholtz
0.1 m.
equations and can be presented in the form:
The frequency spectrum of the impulse radiated is
described by the expression:

3. The electrodynamics problem consists in solving the

system of the Maxwell equations (4)(7) for the seis- where 0 specifies the central band frequency of the
moelectric current density defined from the expression spectrum.
(15). The boundary conditions at the borehole wall are
the continuity of tangential components of E and H
vectors. 3.2 Numerical results
The electromagnetic field generated by the stream- The waveforms of the normalized electromag-
ing current is a superposition of all the terms in netic field for high porosity sandstone ( = 0.25,
equation (17). Electric and magnetic fields produced Kpr = 100 md) are presented in Figure 1. The source
by compressional waves can be presented in the form: central frequency 0 is 2 8 kHz (Fig. 1A) and
2 2 kHz (Fig. 1B). Synthetic electroseismograms
are presented for different source receiver offsets.
The calculations are presented for the vertical com-
ponent of the electromagnetic field Ez normalized to
the maximal value in the pocket.

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0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
(A) ts (A) ts



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
(B) ts ts

Figure 1. The waveforms of the electric field for high poros- Figure 2. Synthetic microseismograms computed for low
ity sandstone. The source center frequency 0 is 2 8 kHz (1), middle (2) and high (3) porosity sandstone. The source
(A), and 2 2 kHz (B). E0 is the quick electromagnetic wave, center frequency 0 is 2 8 kHz (A) and 2 2 kHz (B). The
which is registered by all receivers simultaneously. The wave- offset at source to receiver is equal to 2 m.
forms are presented for different receiver offsets: 1.5 m, 2 m.
2.5 m, 3 m. parameters are used for this purpose now. (Krutin et al.
1987, Paillet & Cheng 1991).
In this case the electrokinetic effect connected with
At the waveforms for the electromagnetic field we fluid filtration in a porous medium can be poten-
note the presence of quick electromagnetic wave which tially used. By this reason it is very interesting to
is registered by all the receivers simultaneously. This find dependence of electrokinetic wave amplitudes on
type of the wave appears when the acoustic wave permeability coefficient. We illustrate the effects of
reaches the wall of the borehole. The next wave pack- permeability on electrokinetic waves propagation in
ets are caused by radiation of head compressional porous formations by computing electroseismograms
and shear waves, and also Pseudo-Rayleigh waves and for porous sandstone of variable permeability. The
Stoneley wave. results are presented in Figure 3
As a second example of calculations we presented Our modeling have shown that the dynamical
synthetic waveforms for a medium with differ- parameters of wave packet connected in the time
ent porosity and permeability for a fixed source- domain with Pseudo-Rayleigh and Stoneley waves are
receiver offset. The waveforms are presented for most sensitive to the permeability coefficient.
high ( = 0.25, Kpr = 500 md), middle ( = 0.20, These results demonstrate the feasibility of esti-
Kpr = 100 md) and low porosity sandstone ( = 0.15, mating the petrophysical characteristics such as per-
Kpr = 10 md). meability coefficient based on the electroseismic
The simulation results show that in a wide fre- well-logging measurements.
quency range (0.530 kHz) the electromagnetic field A possible way for permeability evaluation is the
depends on formation porosity and permeability. Rock determination of electrokinetic coefficient as a fre-
porosity can be found from nuclear and acoustic log quency function. These measurements allow us to
data but the determination of rock permeability using calculate the characteristic frequency t and obtain
well log data is a complicated problem. Stoneley wave the permeability coefficient.

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
1 1

2 2


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
(A) ts (A) ts




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
(B) ts (B) ts

Figure 3. Synthetic electroseismograms for porous sand- Figure 4. Synthetic electroseismograms for porous sand-
stone of variable permeability ranging computed at source stone calculated for different tool radii. The calcula-
frequencies of 2 8 kHz (A), and 2 2 kHz (B). The cal- tion results are presented for porous = 0.25 permeable
culation results are presented for porous = 0.25 sandstone Kpr = 100 md sandstone. Curves 1, 2, 3 correspond to the
with different permeability coefficients. Curves 1, 2, 3 corre- tool radius 0.035 m , 0.025 m, and 0.015 respectively.
spond to the permeability coefficients Kpr = 10 md, 100 md
and 1d, respectively.
allowed us to obtain an analytical solution for the elec-
The simulation performed for acoustic log model trodynamics part of the problem in a wide frequency
showed the influence of elastic tool on the kinematic range. The electromagnetic field generated in the bore-
and dynamical parameters of elastic waves. (Krutin hole by an impulse acoustic source was calculated.
et al. 1988, Pailett and Cheng 1991). In this paper we The modeling was performed for a source with sym-
analyzed the effect of non-conducting logging tool on metrical (monopole) directional diagram. The effect of
the electroseismic waves parameters. the logging tool on the electroseismic waves parame-
We calculated synthetic electroseismograms for dif- ters was analyzed. In the frequency range of acoustic
ferent tool radius. The examples of waveforms are log the relationship between the components of the
shown in Fig. 4. electromagnetic field and the formation porosity and
It should be noted that an increase in the radius of the permeability was obtained. These relationships can be
tool leads to the increasing in the electrokinetic waves potentially used for rock permeability estimation.
amplitudes.This result has following explanation: with
an increase in the tool radius there is an increase in
the intensity of the filtration overflow at the boundary ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
between the borehole and the rock, which leads to an
increase of waves amplitudes. The authors are grateful to Drs. Elena Kazatchenko
and Aleksandr Mousatov for their useful discussions
4 CONCLUSIONS and advise and consider as a pleasant debt to express
gratitude to the Mexican Petroleum Institute, where
The results of simulations for different model parame- in the framework of the scientific program Naturally
ters are summarized as follows. The approach applied Fractured Reservoirs this study was fulfilled.

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
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