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It started auditions for Eurovision 2017.

The sisters Osoianu and

Cornelia Stefanet Sunstroke Project, and Sasha Bognibov among those who
have joined in the fight.
Today the live auditions for ,,O Melodie Pentru Europa 2017 was held in Moldova with
38 performances in front of an expert jury, organized by Moldovan broadcaster TRM. 14 artists
were chosen to advance to the semi-final on 24 February 2017.
In the final on 25 February 2017 the winner of the eight finalists will be decided by 50/50
,,O Melodie Pentru Europa
2017 is organized by the Moldovan
broadcaster TeleRadio-Moldova
(TRM). All the shows will be
broadcasted live on Moldovan TV,
Radio and Internet.
Moldova has participated in Eurovision Song Contest every year since its debut in 2005. Out of
the 12 times we have seen Moldova in Eurovision, they manage to qualify for 8 Grand Finals.
The last three years they missed the qualification for the Grand Final.
The best result was the debut year in 2005 where the song "Boonika Bate Toba"
finished 6th.

Bucharest Bamboo Club, owned by Italian Joshua Castellano,

destroyed by fire
The Bucharest-based nightclub Bamboo, which is owned by Italian businessman Joshua
Castellano, was destroyed due to a violent fire that erupted on Saturday morning. Around 100-
200 people were inside the building at the moment of the incident.
According to the national emergency department (ISU), 40 people were taken to the
hospital with minor injuries. One of the persons is in a grave situation. It is not clear why the
whole club, which covers 10,000 square meters and had an interior stage, was engulfed in
The lawyers of the clubs
administrator said that Bamboo club
respected all the laws and the building had
enough functional exit doors in case of
Although smoking has been banned in public enclosed spaces, one witness told
that people were still smoking inside Bamboo club.
Bamboo club was reopened last year after some construction works. The club is part of
Bamboo group, which also includes nightclub LeGaga, a ballroom, a fitness center and a pool.
This was the second time when the club was destroyed by fire, following a similar
incident in 2005. Bamboo was one of the most popular nightclub destinations for celebrities,
including TV stars and football players. The club was also a party destination for foreigners
arriving in Bucharest.

The singer hit "Lambada" was burned alive in his car. Police did not know
who committed the horrible crime
The singer of Latin pop hit La Lambada, Loalwa Braz, was found dead Thursday in a
burned-out car in her native Brazil, the victim of
a burglary police say was carried out by the
manager of a small inn she runs.
Braz, 63, provided the sensual lead vocals for
the international hit song released by French
group Kaoma in 1989.
Police announced the arrest of three
alleged perpetrators a few hours after her body
was found charred inside a car in the coastal town of Saquerema near Rio de Janeiro.
Among the three men was Wallace de Paula Vieira, 23, her inns manager, who was originally
questioned as a witness but gave contradicting stories and ended up confessing to the crime.
The other two men were then arrested and found to be in possession of Brazs credit card and
cell phone.
According to police, the three took advantage of the hotel being empty and stormed
Brazs quarters. Braz tried to defend herself but was beaten and carried away in her own car,
passed out.
After driving approximately one kilometer (mile) the car broke down and the thieves
decided to set it on fire, leaving their victim inside.
Firefighters were initially called to put a fire out at the hotel, but then received a second report
about a burning car nearby, where they found her charred body.
,,La Lambada sold 15 million copies in more than 100 countries, landing more than 80
gold and platinum records and earning hundreds of prizes worldwide, according to Brazs official

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