Gummerca1 Feedback For Learning 1

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What is feedback?

Feedback is when the teacher evaluates your work

and makes comments on:

What worked well/What didn't work.

How it can be improved.

What to focus on next time.

Or your grade.

My goal is to give you feedback that will User Friendly

help your learning, this is called effec-
The feedback or information I give you
tive feedback. It includes 7 important
will be individualized and written just for
elements and will look like this:
you so you can understand and learn
Goal Referenced from it.

I will analyze your work to ensure youre Timely

staying on target with your intended
goal. The information I give you will be I will aim to give you feedback within 48
based on how you are meeting your hours of your work being submitted.
goal. This means your original ideas and
thoughts will still be fresh in your mind
Tangible & Transparent when I give you feedback.
I will aim to give you useful easy to un- Ongoing
derstand feedback that can be applied
Im here to work with you, this means I
to your work.
will give you opportunities to work on
Actionable the feedback Ive given. Its not the end
of the road.
I will give feedback which you can take
action on. Meaning I will give you de- Consistant
tailed and specific information on your
work. What you did well or how you can My goal is to give consistent feedback
improve. which you can trust and rely on.

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