Timeline Rennaisance

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Date in Category Detail of event, person, picture Depth & Initials of

numbers thing Complexity icon contributor

1100 -Other A rediscovery of Greek J.B
and Roman literature
occurred across Europe
that eventually led to the
development of the
humanist movement.

1200 Science Salerno became premier J.B

medical school of Europe

1250 People Frederick ll died N.G

1300 Art The most popular music J.B
was French.

1300 people The popes of roman V.C

catholic started
controlling religion

1330 Art Italian school of musical J.B

composition developed in
Padua, Verona, Bologna,
Florence, and Milan.

1374 People Francesco Pantarch,the C.F

first humanist, dies
1389-464 People Cosino was made wealthy V.C
by trading

1400-1500 Art Art was in its prime and V.C

paintings such as the
Mona Lisa were painted

1420 Art Hubert and Jan van Eyck J.B

developed an extremely
effective technique of oil

1435 Art Bronze self portrait was C.F

1449 People Leonardo Di Vinci was N.G

1450 People Jahannes Gutenburg C.F

invents the print and

1475 People Michelangelo was born N.G

1476 Art Portinari Altarpiece was N.G

brought to Florence
1492 People Lorenzo the Centre of N.G
group of artist died

1497 People Hans Holbein the Younger N.G

was born

1500 Other People got really V.C

interested in humanism

1500 Art People started getting V.C

super realistic in art
1519 People Leonardo Di Vinci died N.G

1527 People Hans Holbein the younger N.G

became court painter to
Henry Vll

1543 Science Seven books on the J.B

Structure of the Human
Body published
1558 Art Edmund Spencer's poem N.G
Faiere Queene was

1564 People Michelangelo dies N.G

1604 Art The drama The Tragic N.G

History Of Dr.Faustus was

1642 Other Theaters close by order of N.G

the he government
1657 People Harvey's death V.C

1800 Science The art of surgery J.B


1847 Science Chloroform was J.B


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