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Tuesday, January 11, 2010, 7:30 PM,

Community Church Social Hall, Stage Road, Pescadero CA 94060
A. Presentation of Certificates of Appointment from the County for new Council members.
B. Public and council member comments on the status of the transfer station (see new Bus).
C. Introduction of Rob Talbot to the Council as prospective council member.
5. FINANCIAL REPORT Financial Report- Treasurer, Greg Bonaparte
6. CORRESPONDENCE Report, Corresponding Secretary, Kate Meyer Haas
A. Pescadero Foundation/Housing status of Native Sons and Warheit grants- Catherine Peery
B. School Board Meeting liaison Don McDermott
C. Emergency Preparedness Lary Lawson
D. Liaison to Puente, County Health & Human Services Kate Haas
E. Communications Committee Rob Skinner
A. Sewer System: Status of Grant Application with Public Works, RCAC
A. Council next steps for response to County re: transfer station.
B. Updated Letter of support for Native Sons, second-step application
C. Schedule goal-setting session, and viewing of community plan workshop for new and old council members.
D. Letter advising County Board of Supervisors regarding Rob Talbots seating on the Council.
E. Election of Officerscouncil members.


A. Status of town sign permit process

11. Adjournment. Next meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2011,

This site is NOT wheelchair accessible. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to
participate in this meeting; or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agendas, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be
distributed at the meeting, should contact Catherine Peery at least 3 working days before the meeting at 650-879-0150, fax 650-879-1847,
Notification in advance of the meeting will enable PMAC to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it.
SPANISH TRANSLATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Traduccin en espaol esta disponible si es solicitado.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 7:30 P.M.
Community Church Social Hall, 363 Stage Road, Pescadero, CA 94060

1. Call to Order/Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair, Catherine Peery
Present: Catherine Peery (CP), Kate Haas (KH), Geoff Allen (GA), David Lee (DL), Greg
Bonaparte (GB) and Rob Skinner (RS) Excused: Don McDermott (DM). Absent: None.

2. Public Comments not on the agenda:

Cody Soules announced that he was available to help members of the community install
holiday lights.
3. Announcements/Presentations:
A. John Pliska from the Alto Velo Bicycle Club noted that the Alto Velo Bike Race was
scheduled to occur on June 18, 2011 and he noted that they would appreciate a letter of support
from PMAC.
B. Matt Jacobs introduced Joe La Mariana from the County who outlined the status of the
landfill activity and general matters associated with the Pescadero transfer station. Mr. La
Mariana introduced Lilian Clark with the County who also provided background information on
the need to increase revenue at the Pescadero transfer station. Extensive discussion ensued.
C. The PMAC members noted that Geoff Allen was stepping down from PMAC after
serving 12 years as a member and he was warmly thanked for his service. After a few words
from Geoff, Matt Jacobs presented an award thanking him for his contributions to PMAC and the
4. Approval of Minutes of regular meeting on: October 12, 2010, with corrections to the
financial report.


Motion XX
Second XX
Ayes/Nays X X X X X X
Carried XX

5. Financial Report:
GB reported on the current bank balances, including $6,655.30 in the main checking
account and $1,178.18 for the copier account.
6. Correspondence:
KH reported on correspondence regarding possible pesticide spraying, a potential
meeting related to the possible restoration plans for the Pescadero Marsh and correspondence
from Kellyx Nelson from RCD.

7. Reports from Current Committee Chairs:
A. Housing Committee CP gave a report on the present status of the efforts to raise
funds for Native Sons.
B. School Board No report.
C. Emergency Preparedness CP noted that Lary Lawson indicated that approximately
1,000 sandbags were available at the High School and that CERT training for Puente
workers would begin in La Honda in January.
D. Environmental Committee No report.
E. Puente Kerry Lobel provided a full report on activities at Puente, including
thanking Matt Jacobs for his support of Puente, food distribution programs and the
community posada program. Kerry also requested that PMAC send a letter of support to
the County thanking them for the flu clinic and the planned CERT training of Puente
workers and volunteers.
F. Communications Committee No report.
8. Land Use Committee Report:
A. Wastewater Treatment Karen McBride provided a status report on the sewer system
feasibility study proposal.

9. New Business:
A. Support for Alto Velo Bike Race. Upon motion by RS and a second by DL, PMAC
agreed to write a letter of support in connection with the June 18, 2010 bike race that
would take place in Pescadero.

B. Letter of Support for Native Sons. Following a suggestion from Matt Jacobs to delay
such a letter until new Supervisors had taken office; PMAC tabled the matter until a
future meeting.

C. Goal Setting Session. There was discussion about holding a goal setting session with
the current and new PMAC members in early 2011. Possible dates for such a meeting
would be set at the next PMAC meeting.

10. Old Business:

Town Sign. CP and Matt Jacobs outlined the status of the sign project. Matt indicated
that he would attempt to get an answer on the permit cost issue.
11. Next Meeting: January 11, 2011 at 7:30pm at the same location as this meeting.

12. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. by Chair, Catherine Peery

Submitted by Recording Secretary, David Lee

December 30, 2010

John Pliska
Alto Velo Bike Club
VIA E-Mail

Re: Annual Pescadero Classic Road Race, June 18th, 7:00 am 1:00 pm

Dear John:

Thank you very much for contacting PMAC concerning the proposed Alto Velo bicycle race in Pescadero
at 7:00 AM 1:00 PM on Saturday, June 18, 2011. We appreciate your continued cooperation with the
community, and the benefit the race provides for South Coast Childrens Services as in years past.

We reviewed your proposal at the December 14, 2010 meeting of PMAC, and the consensus was that your
organization has been exemplary in its efforts to cooperate with the Pescadero community in the planning
of your event. We appreciate your attempt to make this race as safe as possible for both bicyclists and
motorists, and that you have been responsive to the need to monitor parking. As we mentioned, please
request that your downtown monitors treat residents as they would if they lived here.

We encourage Alto Velo to publicize the event as widely as possible so motorists will be aware of the need
to avoid the impacted roads that morning, and we will notify the local radio station to announce the route of
the race. Announcements in the weekly Half Moon Bay Review and the monthly Coast Views would be
helpful. We also have an online news site: Contact Barry Parr, and there is a calendar on

We appreciate the participation of the California Highway Patrol and San Mateo County Sheriffs office in
the race, especially since no road area can be reserved for bicycles only.

PMAC and the community look forward to the race and a long association with Alto Velo. We urge the
Board of Supervisors, Caltrans, and any other public entity involved in this event to facilitate the
processing of any required permits.

Again, we especially appreciate your support of South Coast Childrens Services.


Catherine M. Peery, Chair,

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council

PO Box 249 Pescadero CA 94060 p1/1

From: []
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 4:09 PM
To: Catherine Peery
Subject: RE: Dump

Being told the dump is not configured to handle 40' trailers and a
compactor is not acceptable. I think AW is looking at short term costs
vs. what it would costs 10 - 20 years down the road if a compactor and 40'
could be in place now. We need to think green!!!
AW needs to show us their expense breakdown; transportation, labor, etc.
Thank you,

Hi, Bob

We asked them about trash compacting the last time they were here, and
They said this station is not configured properly so it would not be possible
To install the equipment. In regard to larger trailers, same problem--the
space is configured badly for that.

I have to say, though, these guys aren't really trying to come up with
solutions. There's no reason why the idea of having reusable items left
for others couldn't work--and it would obviously reduce hauling costs just
because there would be less to haul away. And if the big constraint on
modifying the transfer station is configuration, why are they spending
$100k on other stuff?

I also think if they're right about people coming from all over to dump
trash there, they should charge by the address of the person hauling the
trash. Why should Pescaderans have higher fees because people who live in
San Carlos won't go to their own dump?

I think these guys truly lack any kind of imagination because it's not
really their problem if we have to pay more.
I also really resented the fact that they just sprung this on us at a PMAC
meeting and we weren't told what they were going to talk about and we
weren't able to take much time because of an already full agenda.

Joe La Mariana is the guy who spoke besides Lillian.

Rob Skinner is the one who is familiar with the Monterey dump site and the
way they have the reusable items set up.

We really need to write these guys a letter with our ideas. They're
certainly not coming up with any of their own.

Catherine M. Peery, Chair

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
P.O. Box 249, Pescadero CA 94060-0249
650-879-0150, f: 650-879-1847

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Mccahon []
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 12:44 PM
To: Catherine Peery
Subject: Dump

Thank you for everything you do!
Read the HMB Review article about our beloved dump.
I believe most of the funds are for trucking-transportation and labor.
Did AW talk about-
Making the debris trailers larger (40 feet) for the Pescadero to HMB
transfer? Installing a trash compactor so add'l tonnage can be hauled in the
40 foot trailers up to HMB?
Bob McCahon
Broker Associate
1-650-726-5544 Direct Office
1-650-726-8676 Fax
DRE #008905
From: "Catherine Peery" <>
Subject: RE: Community Medicine
Date: January 6, 2011 11:42:39 AM PST
To: "'Brea Bondi-Boyd'" <>
Cc: "'Kate Meyer Haas'" <>


Thanks for contacting me!

We definitely need a rural physician. The nearest hospital is about 45 minutes
away, and the nearest urgent care clinic for low-income people is an hour away.
We have no doctors, dentists, or nurses in our community on a regular basis.
There is a public health nurse who is a resource to us, but thats it.

We are interested in getting a mobile medical clinic. We tried having a part time
medical clinic at the elementary school and the funding was just not there, and it
failed after just a few years. A mobile clinic would be able to visit other
communities near here that also have no medical clinics. We have pockets of
population and then wide open spaces, and no one location can support a clinic.

In the meantime, we have a rural demand-response bus system, SamCoast, that
takes people to medical and dental appointments over the hill as we say. Our
first responders, the EMTs at the Fire Station, are our default emergency medical
response, but there is no regular medical service in our community.

I understand that our Congresswoman, Anna Eshoo, was putting something in the
budget for this, but it fell through. But were not going to stop there, we will
continue to seek funding for a mobile medical clinic, but we havent found a good
resource yet. If you know of where we could apply for funding, I would appreciate
any ideas or suggestions.


Catherine M. Peery, Chair
Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
P.O. Box 249, Pescadero CA 94060-0249
650-879-0150, f: 650-879-1847

From: Brea Bondi-Boyd []
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 9:00 PM
Subject: Community Medicine

Dear Ms Peery,
I am a family medicine resident at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center in
Martinez, CA. I am being trained in full-spectrum family medicine, which
includes obstetrics, and I am bilingual in Spanish. I am writing because a co-
worker of mine was in Pescadero last year, Sangita Pillai, and you gave her a
tour. She mentioned briefly discussing with you Pescadero's lack of a
community clinic/physician. I am currently in my first year of residency, but
would like to begin working on a community medicine project with the long
term intention of establishing a permanent medical home in a small
community here in California.

Without going into too much detail, I wanted to introduce myself, and ask
first and foremost if the town of Pescadero is indeed in need of a physician,
and if so if there is any interest by the community in establishing a primary
care clinic locally. Thank you kindly for your time and please, if you have
any questions, information or suggestions, you can write to me here, or call.

Brea Bondi-Boyd, MD
Resident Physician
Contra Costa Regional Medical Center
2500 Alhambra Ave
Martinez, CA. 94553
(925) 826-7398
County Manager's Office BOARD OF SUPERVISORS





WEB PAGE ADDRESS: FAX: (650) 363-1916

December 7, 2010

David Lustig
P.O. Box 532
Pescadero, CA 94060

Subject: Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council

Dear Mr. Lustig:

The Board of Supervisors is pleased to confirm your appointment to the Pescadero

Municipal Advisory Council for a term expiring December 1, 2014. We appreciate
your willingness to devote your time to this important task and hope you will find your
efforts rewarding.

You are required to take an oath of office to be personally administered by the Clerk of
the Board of Supervisors or a Deputy of said Clerk. The oath will be administered at the
County Manager/Clerk of the Board's Office, 400 County Center, Redwood City. The
office is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and on Friday from
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m . We will be closed from December 27 through December 31.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at (650) 363-4634.


Marie Peterson, Deputy

Clerk of the Board of Supervisors

cc: Matt Jacobs, Board of Supervisors, District 3


















Report to PMAC
January, 2011

Puente named 2011 Honorary Group for SMC Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 17, 2011 marks the 12th Annual San Mateo County celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Puente
is beyond thrilled that we have been named THE 2011 Honorary Group for the parade.
For more information about the event and for tickets for the Freedom Train:

Puente Programs Gearing Back Up

This week marks the start of the winter program season at Puente. For more information on programs ranging
from Zumba to Spanish classes to English classes, call Puente at 650.879.1691.

Native Sons
The County of San Mateo has approved a grant/loan of $50,000 to help restore the Native Sons Hall. The grant
was submitted under the auspices of Puente. An additional grant will be submitted later this month.

CX3 Survey
Last year the Department of Health conducted surveys of 5 markets located in Pescadero and La Honda in an
effort to determine the availability of fresh fruit, vegetables and other healthy foods.

The results of the surveys were very interesting and have been shared with the store owners. One important
learning was that not one store in Pescadero accepts CALFRESH (Food Stamps) or WIC (the nutrition program
for children 0-5). In addition, few stories prominently displayed healthy foods. In a community without
healthcare, even more efforts to prevent obesity, diabetes and hypertension are needed and local markets play
a key role in this effort. In addition, surveys have shown that many people shop outside of our area with their
WIC coupons and food stamps these are dollars that could stay in Pescadero and grow our local economy!

Puente will be working with store owners to talk about how to enlist their businesses in these programs and will
be able to underwrite some of the first year costs for implementation. To prepare for this initiative, wed like to
bring the Health Department staff to PMAC in March to discuss the healthy foods initiative and findings of the
study. Id like to also brief PMAC on Puentes spring plans to move forward on improving our economy by
making these nutrition programs accessible to South Coast businesses and residents.

Green Jobs Initiatives

Puentes Green Jobs Initiatives continue to move forward. Puente contracted with the Resource Conservation
District to conduct green jobs training at Camp Glenwood. The first group of youth has now completed the
program. Puente also underwrote the costs of the semester-long Environmental Field Studies Course at
Pescadero High School. This also wraps up this week. Read the article in the HMB Review:

Puente distributed Payless Shoes gift cards valued at $15 to 200 children enrolled in La Honda and Pescadero
schools. Nearly 500 adults and children received holiday gifts from Puente during the holiday season. More
than 30 youth and adult artists created Proyecto Nacimientos/Nativity Project under the leadership of artist,
Logan Payne, with funding from Puente, Pescadero Community Church and the San Francisco Foundation
Faiths Initiative. Read the article in the HMB Review:

Food Distribution
Food distribution in January will take place on Thursday, January 27, 2011.

P.O. Box 554 Pescadero, CA. 94060 650.879.1691


San Mateo Downtown CalTrain Station

385 First Avenue, SAN MATEO

12th Annual Celebration - 8:30 a.m.

27th Annual Freedom Train - 10:00 a.m. Departure Time

2011 Honorary Chairperson

Gloria Brown
Mills-Peninsula Health Services Special Freedom Train tickets are sold only
Arts Pre-Program at 8:30 a.m. Co-Founder, African American Community at the MLK, Jr. Day Celebration.
Health Advisory Committee
Regular CalTrain tickets are NOT VALID.
Celebration & Continental Freedom Train tickets are good on
any return train that day.
Breakfast at 9:00 a.m. 2011 Honorary Group
Puente de la Costa Sur
Pescadero Peninsula participants will join 1,500
No Cost for the Celebration, Freedom Train Riders to the San Francisco
Everyone is Welcome! Nominations are being accepted for MLK, Jr. Day Celebration
The Annual Dorothy Boyajian
Honored Teacher Award
San Mateo County Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration (650) 377-8708


City Sponsors Contributing Supporter

Please Contact Hosting Organization

Belmont, CA For More Information About Participating in County Events

North Central San Mateo Neighborhood Association

Broadcast Media Sponsor
East Palo Alto, CA Student Essay Contest Award Ceremony
SATURDAY JAN. 15 1-3 p.m.
For Information: (650) 522-7470
King Recreation Center, 725 Monte Diablo Ave, SAN MATEO

Burlingame, CA

Western Workers
Western Workers Labor Heritage Festival
JANUARY 14, 15 & 16, 2011
For Information: (650) 724-9262 Vist Website
IAM Local 1781, 1511 Rollins Road, BURLINGAME
Daly City, CA

Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo

20th Celebration of Dr. Kings Birthday
SATURDAY JAN. 15 3-5 pm
For Information: (650) 342-5946 Vist Website d@nchire marketing
San Mateo 300 E. Santa Inez, SAN MATEO

Redwood City

Tuesday February 8 , 2010, 7:30 PM,

Community Church Social Hall, Stage Road, Pescadero CA 94060


1. Election of Council officers by members.

A. Introduction of Nick Calderon from the County, Don Horsleys assistant, and a brief discussion of the
Elections procedures, especially in relation to Rob Talbot.
B. Bike Ride presentation by Dave Cochran, asking for PMAC support for permits.
C. Bike Ride presentation by Emily May, asking for PMAC support for permits (could be moved
to March 8th).
5. FINANCIAL REPORT Financial Report- Treasurer, Greg Bonaparte
6. CORRESPONDENCE Review of correspondence by PMAC (including letter for Rob Talbot)

1. School Board Meeting liaison Don McDermott


1. Sewer System: Status of Grant Application with Public Works, RCAC report postponed

A. Support for Bike Ride route permits, as appropriate.
B. Items needed to support goal-setting session, and viewing of community plan workshop for new and old
council members-stipend for Nancy Raulston, possible contribution to expenses related to meeting materials.
C. Council recommended actions on repair and augmentation of sandbag wall on Pescadero Road.
A. Status of town sign permit process
B. Transfer Station report from Rob Skinner and Jake Bowman.

11. Adjournment. Next meeting Tuesday, March 8, 2011,

This site is NOT wheelchair accessible. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to
participate in this meeting; or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agendas, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be
distributed at the meeting, should contact Catherine Peery at least 3 working days before the meeting at 650-879-0150, fax 650-879-1847,
Notification in advance of the meeting will enable PMAC to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it.
SPANISH TRANSLATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Traduccin en espaol esta disponible si es solicitado.

Increasing Distribution of Local and Organic Foods to South Coast Residents

Thanks to our colleague, Jennifer Gross at the Health System of San Mateo County, 4 MPH students at
the UC Berkeley School of Public Health will research the feasibility of increasing the availability of local
and organic foods to residents on the South Coast, as part of their Program Planning, Development and
Evaluation coursework. They will research rural farmers markets and cooperatives, interview stakeholder
(including farmers, store owners and consumers) on the Coastside and South Coast, and make
recommendations about ways to increase local distribution of local and organic foods to residents on the
South Coast.

Community Emergency Response Team Training

Twenty-two of Puentes youth employees are taking CERT Training provided by the La Honda Fire
Brigade staff. The training consists of four sessions and one drill. All participants in this CERT Training
are bilingual (Spanish and English). CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team and the
training is to provide community members the necessary skills to help in case of a disaster when
professional emergency services are not enough to provide care for all or while they arrive. All Puente
youth staff currently is certified in adult and child CPR and First AID.

Earn It, Keep It, Save It

Once again, Puente will participate in Earn It! Keep It! Save It! (EKS) a coalition of Bay Area
organizations that provides free tax preparation to households earning less than $49000 a year. IRS-
certified volunteer tax preparers help individuals and families claim their maximum benefit and refund. To
make an appointment, contact Veronica Ortega at Puente: 650.879.1691

Interesting Facts
From July 1, 2010 December 31, 2011
o Puente provided safety net services to 798 individuals and 316 households.
o 57 children and families were provided with one-on-one or family mental health counseling.
o 55 elementary-aged youth and adolescents attended Puente-led support groups.

Car Seat Event

Puente is planning an event with the SMC Sheriffs Department to provide program participants with car or
booster seats as well as training about how to utilize them.

Homeless Count
Puente staff and volunteers worked with San Mateo County to conduct the South Coast Homeless Count. This
national effort is conducted every two years. Volunteers identified residents living in cars and beneath South
Coast bridges.

Puente website and Twitter

The best way to keep up with Puente is to check our website regularly as well as to subscribe to our Twitter
Feed (can do this on our website).

Food Distribution
The next food distribution is Thursday, February 24, 2011.

P.O. Box 554 Pescadero, CA. 94060 650.879.1691

From: "Catherine Peery" <>
Subject: FW: Canary Century Bike Ride
Date: February 3, 2011 2:36:51 PM PST
To: "'Kate Meyer Haas'" <>
3 Attachments, 1021 KB

I still dont know if someone from this group is coming on Tuesday to the PMAC
meeting, but heres some more of their material, and theres an envelope here
with their stuff if you can come and get it, or have whoever is standing in for you
to that.

Catherine Peery
d: 650-879-0150; f: 650-879-1847
toll free: 888-879-1846 x 101

From: Emily May []
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 11:12 AM
To: Catherine Peery
Subject: Re: Canary Century Bike Ride

Hi Catherine,

Thanks for getting back to me. I will hoepfully know something by the end of
today as to whether or not a committee member will be attending the Feb
8 or Mar 8 meeting.

As for visuals of the routes, they can be found here:

I have also attached the written routes to this email.

Thank you!

On 1/28/11 10:42 AM, "Catherine Peery" <> wrote:


Im copying David Lee who will be managing the meeting in February. We have
another bike ride presentation on February 8th, so if you think you could wait for
March 8th, that might be good for you. On the other hand, your ride takes place
fairly soon. Do you have any kind of map of the route?

Thanks for your quick response.

Catherine M. Peery, Chair

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
P.O. Box 249, Pescadero CA 94060-0249
650-879-0150, f: 650-879-1847

From: Emily May []

Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 9:53 AM
Subject: **JUNK** Canary Century Bike Ride

Hi Catherine,

Thank you for speaking with me earlier this morning. That was a huge help!
I have sent an email to our committee members asking someone to attend
either the February 8 or March 8 meeting to discuss the Canary Century.
In addition to sending a formal letter, heres a brief explanation of the

Canary Foundation has teamed up with Cervlo, a high-end cycling

company out of Canada, to raise funds for the Stanford Cancer Center.
The inaugural Canary Century will be held on May 28, 2011 immediately
following the Tour of California. This event is intended to be a recurring
annual event.

The Canary Century will kick-off the cycling season for many Bay Area
residents. Cycling enthusiasts will enjoy the unique opportunity to ride
with members of the Garmin-Cervlo professional team. Twenty teams
compete in the Tour de France and one of them is participating in the
Canary Century. Cycling participants will be able to choose between a
Century (100 mi), Metric Century (100 km) and Metric Half Century (50
km) rides. The ride starts and finishes at the VA Hospital in Palo Alto,

The event is under-written by Canary Foundation through a
combination of registration fees and sponsorships. 100% of the
donations will be directed the Stanford Cancer Center.

Participants who register before February 28, 2011 pay a reduced
registration fee of $50. Those who register after February 28th pay a
registration fee of $100. All participants commit to raising at least $400.

I have also attached the routes.

Thank you!
Canary Metric Century (100 kms)
Starts In Palo Alto, California

Notes Notes Notes


Head northwest on Miranda Head north on Whiskey Hill Rd Head northwest on Kings
START 2737ft 7.1 mi. 2993ft
Ave toward Hillview Ave toward Woodside Rd 18.81 mi. 2mi 398ft Mountain Rd toward Manuella
0.52 mi. 272ft Continue onto Foothill Expy 7.67 mi. 1192ft Turn left at Woodside Rd
1mi Slight left to stay on Kings
Head west on Foothill Expy 20.88 mi.
0.57 mi. 1380ft 7.9 mi. 1716ft Turn right at Canada Rd 2399ft Mountain Rd
toward Page Mill Rd 1mi Head south on Kings Mountain
Continue onto Junipero Serra 4mi Head northwest on Canada Rd 22.34 mi.
0.83 mi. 1431ft 8.22 mi. 1973ft Rd toward Blue Jay Way
Blvd 3615ft toward Bardet Rd
Head northwest on Junipero 12.9 mi. 318ft Head northwest on Canada Rd 23.71 mi. Slight right at Tunitas Creek Rd
1mi 1594ft
1.1 mi. Serra Blvd toward Stanford Turn right to stay on Tunitas
4714ft 12.96 mi. 3431ft Head southeast on Canada Rd 25.01 mi. 3mi 602ft
Dish Hiking Trail Creek Rd
Head northwest on G5/ 4mi Head southeast on Canada Rd 2mi Head south on Tunitas Creek
3 mi. 1355ft Junipero Serra Blvd toward 13.61 mi. 28.12 mi.
2054ft toward Phleger Rd 1102ft Rd toward Lobitos Creek Rd
Santa Cruz Ave
18 mi. 807ft Turn right at Woodside Rd Head southwest on Tunitas
3.25 mi. 578ft Turn right at Santa Cruz Ave 30.33 mi. 3995ft Creek Rd toward Lobitos Creek
Head west on Woodside Rd
18.16 mi. 3024ft Cutoff
3.36 mi. 2mi 126ft Turn left at Sand Hill Rd toward Albion Ave
Turn left to stay on Tunitas
Turn right at Kings Mountain 31.09 mi. 2mi 147ft
5.38 mi. 4724ft Head west on Sand Hill Rd 18.73 mi. 403ft Creek Rd
Turn left at CA-1 S/ Cabrillo
33.12 mi. 1300ft
6.28 mi. 4346ft Sharp right at Whiskey Hill Rd Hwy S

MapMyFitness, Inc, All Rights Reserved, 2005-2010 | View more maps online at:
Page 2 of 5 Find this route online at route/ detail/26879370
Distance values on this map may differ slightly from values reported on the route engine.
Canary Metric Century (100 kms)
Starts In Palo Alto, California

Notes Notes Notes


Head southwest on CA-1 S/ 50.36 mi. 526ft Turn left at La Honda Rd Head east on Alpine Rd toward
1mi 61.34 mi. 3999ft
33.36 mi. Cabrillo Hwy S toward Star Hill Bishop Ln
1630ft Head west on CA-84 E/ La
Rd Turn right at G5/ Junipero Serra
50.46 mi. 3mi 841ft Honda Rd toward Grandview 62.1 mi. 374ft
34.67 mi. 353ft Turn left at Stage Rd Blvd
Head east on Junipero Serra
Head east on Stage Rd toward 53.62 mi. 1259ft Sharp right at Portola Rd 62.17 mi. 4497ft
Blvd toward Campus Dr
34.74 mi. 1mi 503ft CA-84 W/ La Honda Rd/ San
Gregorio Rd Head east on Portola Rd toward 1mi Slight right to stay on Junipero
53.86 mi. 3096ft 63.02 mi.
Forrest View Rd 2436ft Serra Blvd
Turn left at CA-84 E/ La Honda
35.84 mi. 1804ft Head southeast on Junipero
Rd/ San Gregorio Rd 54.44 mi. 2mi 921ft Turn right to stay on Portola Rd 64.48 mi. 158ft
Serra Blvd toward Page Mill Rd
Head northeast on CA-84 E/ La Head southeast on Portola Rd
Honda Rd/ San Gregorio Rd 56.62 mi. 64.51 mi. 51ft Turn right at Page Mill Rd
6mi 1164ft toward Westridge Dr
36.18 mi. toward Coyote Creek Rd
1362ft 1mi 64.52 mi. 2535ft Turn left at Foothill Expy
Continue to follow CA-84 E/ La 57.84 mi. Turn left at Alpine Rd
Honda Rd 3848ft
Head east on Foothill Expy
Head northeast on CA-84 E/ La Head north on Alpine Rd 65 mi. 530ft
59.57 mi. 1mi 780ft toward Hillview Ave
42.43 mi. 3mi 660ft toward Westridge Dr
Honda Rd
65.1 mi. 140ft Turn left at Hillview Ave
2mi Head north on CA-84 E/ La 60.71 mi. 3307ft Slight right to stay on Alpine Rd
45.56 mi.
2072ft Honda Rd 65.13 mi. Turn right at Miranda Ave
Head northeast on CA-84 E/ La
47.95 mi. Honda Rd toward Kebet Ridge

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Canary Century (100 miles)
Starts In Palo Alto, California

Notes Notes Notes


Head northwest on Miranda 6.8 mi. 4335ft Head north on Whiskey Hill Rd Head north on Kings Mountain
START 1174ft 20.72 mi. 828ft
Ave toward Hillview Ave Rd toward Huddart Park Rd
Head west on Miranda Ave Head north on Whiskey Hill Rd 2mi Slight left to stay on Kings
0.22 mi. 1548ft 7.62 mi. 266ft 20.88 mi.
toward Hillview Ave toward Woodside Rd 3929ft Mountain Rd
0.52 mi. 772ft Continue onto Foothill Expy 7.67 mi. 1192ft Turn left at Woodside Rd Head west on Kings Mountain
23.62 mi. 446ft
Rd toward Blue Jay Way
Head west on Foothill Expy 7.9 mi. 1216ft Turn right at Canada Rd
0.66 mi. 880ft 1mi
toward Page Mill Rd 23.71 mi. Slight right at Tunitas Creek Rd
1mi Head northwest on Canada Rd 1594ft
Continue onto Junipero Serra 8.13 mi.
0.83 mi. 4228ft 2540ft toward Dean Rd 1mi Turn right to stay on Tunitas
Blvd 25.01 mi.
1mi Head northwest on Canada Rd 1356ft Creek Rd
1mi Head west on Junipero Serra 9.61 mi.
1.63 mi. 1798ft toward Jefferson Ave Head southwest on Tunitas
1415ft Blvd toward Santa Maria Ave 2mi
Head west on Canada Rd 26.27 mi. Creek Rd toward Lobitos Creek
Head northwest on G5/ 10.95 mi. 1mi 82ft 3803ft
toward Phleger Rd Rd
2.9 mi. 1821ft Junipero Serra Blvd toward Head southwest on Tunitas
Santa Cruz Ave 11.97 mi. 5274ft Head northwest on Canada Rd
28.99 mi. 2233ft Creek Rd toward Lobitos Creek
3.24 mi. 360ft Turn right at Santa Cruz Ave 12.97 mi. 1mi 787ft Head southeast on Canada Rd Rd
Head northwest on Santa Cruz 2mi Head southeast on Canada Rd 29.41 mi. 2267ft Slight right at Lobitos Creek Rd
3.31 mi. 249ft 14.12 mi.
Ave toward Sand Hill Rd 4689ft toward Phleger Rd Head northwest on Lobitos
Head southeast on Canada Rd 29.84 mi. 4148ft
3.36 mi. 1981ft Turn left at Sand Hill Rd 17 mi. 5270ft Creek Rd toward Irish Ridge Rd
toward Mission Trail Rd 2mi Head southwest on Lobitos
Head southwest on Sand Hill 30.62 mi.
3.73 mi. 2283ft 18 mi. 685ft Turn right at Woodside Rd 2848ft Creek Rd toward Verde Rd
Rd toward Branner Dr
Head south on Lobitos Creek
1mi Head west on Sand Hill Rd Head west on Woodside Rd 33.16 mi. 1831ft
4.17 mi. 18.13 mi. 3146ft Rd toward Verde Rd
4410ft toward Monte Rosa Dr toward Albion Ave
Head southwest on Sand Hill Turn right at Kings Mountain 33.51 mi. 945ft Sharp left at Verde Rd
6 mi. 1503ft 18.73 mi. 286ft
Rd Rd Turn left at Lobitos Creek
Head northwest on Kings 33.69 mi. 254ft
6.28 mi. 2737ft Sharp right at Whiskey Hill Rd Cutoff
18.78 mi. Mountain Rd toward Manuella

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Canary Century (100 miles)
Starts In Palo Alto, California

Notes Notes Notes


1mi Head east on Lobitos Creek 44.75 mi. 1mi 735ft Head southeast on Stage Rd Head southwest on Cloverdale
33.74 mi. 53.95 mi. 440ft
1522ft Cutoff Rd toward Gazos Creek Rd
Head east on Lobitos Creek 1mi 1mi
35.03 mi. 1845ft 45.89 mi. Head southwest on Stage Rd 54.04 mi. Continue onto Gazos Creek Rd
Cutoff toward Tunitas Creek Rd 1924ft 1553ft
35.37 mi. 297ft Turn right at Tunitas Creek Rd 47.25 mi. 204ft Turn left at North St Head south on Gazos Creek Rd
55.33 mi. 4301ft
Head east on North St toward toward CA-1 N/ Cabrillo Hwy
Head southeast on Tunitas 47.29 mi. 3618ft 1mi Turn right at CA-1 N/ Cabrillo
35.43 mi. 3176ft Creek Rd toward Tunitas Creek Goulson Way 56.15 mi.
1468ft Hwy
Ranch Rd Head east on North St toward
47.98 mi. 1072ft Head northwest on CA-1 N/
Head southwest on Tunitas Pescadero Creek Rd 1mi
1mi Turn right at Pescadero Creek 57.42 mi. Cabrillo Hwy toward Pigeon
36.03 mi. Creek Rd toward CA-1 S/ 4455ft
1736ft 48.18 mi. 518ft Point Rd
Cabrillo Hwy S Rd
Head west on Pescadero Creek 1mi Head northwest on CA-1 N/
Head west on Tunitas Creek 59.27 mi.
48.28 mi. 1002ft 3804ft Cabrillo Hwy
37.36 mi. 217ft Rd toward CA-1 S/ Cabrillo Rd
Hwy S Head north on CA-1 N/ Cabrillo
48.47 mi. 54ft Slight left 60.99 mi. 925ft
1mi Turn left at CA-1 S/ Cabrillo
37.4 mi. Head south toward Cloverdale 61.16 mi. 4769ft Turn right at Bean Hollow Rd
2019ft Hwy S 48.48 mi. 92ft
Head south on CA-1 S/ Cabrillo 1mi Head north on Bean Hollow Rd
38.79 mi. 911ft 48.5 mi. 2135ft Turn left at Cloverdale Rd 62.07 mi.
Hwy S toward Stage Rd 1780ft toward Reservoir Rd
38.96 mi. 1mi 635ft Turn left at Stage Rd Head southeast on Cloverdale Head northwest on Bean
48.9 mi. 1mi 675ft 63.4 mi. 1338ft Hollow Rd toward Butano
Rd toward Butano Cutoff
Head south on Stage Rd toward Creek
1mi Head southeast on Cloverdale
40.08 mi. CA-84 W/ La Honda Rd/ San 1mi
1787ft 50.03 mi. Rd toward No Butano Truck Slight right at Pescadero Creek
Gregorio Rd 1570ft 63.66 mi. 1907ft
Trail Rd
41.42 mi. 621ft Head southeast on Stage Rd 1mi Head southeast on Cloverdale Head east on Pescadero Creek
51.33 mi. 64.02 mi. 1941ft
1mi 2220ft Rd toward Eden W St Rd toward Stage Rd
41.53 mi. Turn right to stay on Stage Rd
3648ft 1mi Head southeast on Cloverdale 64.39 mi. 259ft Turn left at Stage Rd
52.75 mi.
1mi Head south on Stage Rd toward 1101ft Rd toward Olmo Fire Rd
43.23 mi.
2770ft Willowside Ranch Rd

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Canary Century (100 miles)
Starts In Palo Alto, California

Notes Notes Notes


Head north on Stage Rd toward Head north on CA-84 E/ La 98.03 mi. 551ft Slight left at Santa Cruz Ave
64.44 mi. 1mi 313ft
North St 85.16 mi. 1mi 698ft Honda Rd toward Kebet Ridge
1mi Rd 98.14 mi. 48ft Turn right at Sand Hill Rd
65.49 mi. Head north on Stage Rd
3054ft 86.29 mi. 996ft Turn left at La Honda Rd
1mi Head northwest on Stage Rd 98.14 mi. 1472ft Turn right
67.07 mi. Head north on CA-84 E/ La
4200ft toward Jeep Trail 2mi 98.42 mi. 1472ft Head north toward Sand Hill Rd
86.48 mi. Honda Rd toward Grandview
1mi Head northeast on Stage Rd 3954ft
68.87 mi. Dr
2571ft toward Pomponio Creek Rd 98.7 mi. 48ft Turn left at Sand Hill Rd
Head northeast on La Honda
70.36 mi. 4379ft Turn left to stay on Stage Rd 89.23 mi. 1696ft
Rd toward Portola Rd 98.71 mi. 551ft Turn left at Santa Cruz Ave
Head northeast on Stage Rd 89.55 mi. 2741ft Sharp right at Portola Rd
71.18 mi. 3090ft 98.82 mi. 4870ft Turn left at Junipero Serra Blvd
toward Seaside- School Rd
Head east on Portola Rd toward
Turn right at CA-84 E/ La Honda 90.07 mi. 1613ft Slight right to stay on Junipero
71.77 mi. 2365ft Mountain Home Rd 99.74 mi. 570ft
Rd/ San Gregorio Rd Serra Blvd
Head east on CA-84 E/ La 90.38 mi. 1155ft Turn right to stay on Portola Rd Head southeast on Junipero
1mi 1mi
72.22 mi. Honda Rd/ San Gregorio Rd 1mi Head south on Portola Rd 99.85 mi. Serra Blvd toward Stanford
3229ft 90.59 mi. 1385ft
toward Coyote Creek Rd 3192ft toward Family Farm Rd Dish Hiking Trail
Head east on CA-84 E/ La 1mi Head east on Portola Rd toward Slight right to stay on Junipero
92.2 mi. 101.11 mi. 187ft
3mi Honda Rd/ San Gregorio Rd 3018ft Farm Rd Serra Blvd
73.83 mi.
1434ft toward Bear Gulch RdContinue Head southeast on Junipero
to follow CA-84 E/ La Honda Rd 93.77 mi. 3106ft Turn left at Alpine Rd 101.14 mi. 533ft
Serra Blvd toward Page Mill Rd
3mi Head east on CA-84 E/ La 1mi Head northeast on Alpine Rd
77.1 mi. 94.36 mi. 101.24 mi. 56ft Turn left at Page Mill Rd
3154ft Honda Rd toward Peek- A- Boo 3266ft toward Golden Oak Dr
1mi Head northeast on CA-84 E/ La Head north on Alpine Rd 101.26 mi. 1585ft Turn right at Foothill Expy
80.7 mi. 95.98 mi. 3537ft
5022ft Honda Rd toward Jeep Trail
1mi Head northeast on CA-84 E/ La 101.56 mi. Slight left at Miranda Ave
82.65 mi. 96.65 mi. 1820ft Slight right to stay on Alpine Rd
1475ft Honda Rd toward Jeep Trail
1mi Head north on CA-84 E/ La Head north on Alpine Rd
83.93 mi. 96.99 mi. 1mi 207ft
1221ft Honda Rd toward Ansel Ln

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Canary Metric Half Century (50 kms)
Starts In Palo Alto, California

Notes Notes Notes


Head southwest toward Head northwest on Canada Rd Head north on Alpine Rd
START 39ft 9.96 mi. 2mi 940ft 26.01 mi. 3749ft
Miranda Ave toward Phleger Rd toward Jeep Trail
0.01 mi. 2703ft Turn right at Miranda Ave 12.14 mi. 4440ft Head northwest on Canada Rd 26.72 mi. 1mi 926ft Slight right to stay on Alpine Rd

0.52 mi. 1652ft Continue onto Foothill Expy 12.98 mi. 4mi 345ft Head southeast on Canada Rd Head north on Alpine Rd
27.9 mi. 1103ft
toward Rural Ln
Continue onto Junipero Serra Head southeast on Canada Rd Turn right at Junipero Serra
0.83 mi. 1296ft 17.05 mi. 1mi 18ft 28.1 mi. 4870ft
Blvd toward Mission Trail Rd Blvd
Head northwest on Junipero 18.05 mi. 1192ft Turn left at Woodside Rd Slight right to stay on Junipero
1.08 mi. 2mi 924ft Serra Blvd toward Stanford 29.03 mi. 2517ft
Serra Blvd
Dish Hiking Trail 18.27 mi. 592ft Turn right at Whiskey Hill Rd
Head southeast on Junipero
3.25 mi. 578ft Turn right at Santa Cruz Ave 1mi 29.5 mi. 4717ft Serra Blvd toward Santa Maria
18.39 mi. Head south on Whiskey Hill Rd
1588ft Ave
3.36 mi. 1mi 598ft Turn left at Sand Hill Rd
19.69 mi. 2679ft Slight right at Sand Hill Rd Slight right to stay on Junipero
30.4 mi. 507ft
4.48 mi. 33ft Turn right Serra Blvd
Head southeast on Sand Hill Head southeast on Junipero
20.19 mi. 1342ft 30.49 mi. 213ft
4.48 mi. 405ft Turn left Rd toward Lakeshore Dr Serra Blvd toward Page Mill Rd
Continue straight onto Portola
20.45 mi. 2mi 157ft 30.53 mi. 998ft Continue onto Foothill Expy
4.56 mi. 1043ft Head west toward Sand Hill Rd Rd
1mi Head southeast on Portola Rd 30.72 mi. 1764ft Head east on Foothill Expy
4.76 mi. 33ft Turn left toward Sand Hill Rd 22.48 mi.
1928ft toward Westridge Dr
1mi Head east on Foothill Expy
4.76 mi. Turn right at Sand Hill Rd 23.84 mi. 4600ft Turn left at Alpine Rd 31.06 mi. 236ft
2816ft toward Hillview Ave
1mi Head northeast on Alpine Rd 31.1 mi. 140ft Turn left at Hillview Ave
6.3 mi. 4260ft Sharp right at Whiskey Hill Rd 24.71 mi.
1560ft toward Golden Oak Dr
Head north on Whiskey Hill Rd 31.13 mi. Turn right at Miranda Ave
7.1 mi. 3078ft
toward Woodside Rd
7.69 mi. 1192ft Turn left at Woodside Rd

7.91 mi. 2mi 263ft Turn right at Canada Rd

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From: "Catherine Peery" <>
Subject: FW: Transfer site.
Date: January 14, 2011 1:41:15 PM PST
To: "'Kate Meyer Haas'" <>

-----Original Message-----
From: Leah Deffenbaugh []
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 12:53 PM
To: Catherine Peery
Cc: 'Derek Ford'
Subject: RE: Transfer site.

No problem Catherine,

Let me know how I can help. I felt the letter was more of a "vent" rather
then a professional one, but I had to write as I read that article. There
are some very important issues that need to be addressed, and I fear the
county will not come up with anything more creative then spending more, and
charging more.

Thank you for what you do!

Leah Deffenbaugh
National Closing Coordinator
Stewart Title Guaranty Company - NTS
Ph. (415) 403-9080 ex. 16

-----Original Message-----
From: Catherine Peery []
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 12:44 PM
To: Leah Deffenbaugh
Cc: 'Derek Ford'
Subject: RE: Transfer site.

I read your whole e-mail to Joe and I thought it made a lot of sense. PMAC
is going to be adding information regarding what other transfer sites are
doing that help keep costs down, and include your comments, as well as those
that were made at the PMAC meeting by other members of the community.

I appreciate that you took the time to thoughtfully respond, and that you
allowed me to see your correspondence. As we develop a complete response to
this impossible notion of making Pescaderans come up with an additional
$183,000 per year for our transfer station, I will keep you posted on what
we suggest.

Thanks a lot,

Catherine M. Peery, Chair

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
P.O. Box 249, Pescadero CA 94060-0249
650-879-0150, f: 650-879-1847

-----Original Message-----
From: Leah Deffenbaugh []
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 11:59 AM
To: Catherine Peery
Cc: Derek Ford
Subject: RE: Transfer site.

Thanks Derek!

Hello Catherine,

I am willing to help where I can. I work in the title insurance business,

and I am used to dealing with the county on various title, zoning,
subdivision and planning issues.
I can assist with finding the correct parties to contact / drafting letters
/ research.

Attached, is an informal email I sent to the county employees referenced in

the HMB review article, with Joe La Mariana response, Lillian Clark has not
written back.

Thank you!

Leah Deffenbaugh
National Closing Coordinator
Stewart Title Guaranty Company - NTS
Ph. (415) 403-9080 ex. 16

-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Ford []
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 11:20 AM
To: Leah Deffenbaugh; Catherine Peery
Subject: Transfer site.

Hey guys just emailing you both to introduce one another. Both emails
are included.

I know Leah has been involved, and can help you some Catherine!

There you guys go....

Hope we can help.

Leah forward your emails to the reps over to Catherine if you can.
Sent from my iPhone
January 14, 2011

Duane Bay, Director

San Mateo County Department of Housing
264 Harbor Boulevard, Bldg. A
Belmont, CA 94002

Re: Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council Certificate of Support for Grant Application
to Rehabilitate Native Sons Community Hall

Dear Duane:

The Pescadero Municpal Advisory Council, at its regular meeting on Tuesday, January
11, 2010 passed unanimously a resolution to provide a Certificate of Support for this
Grant Application. The Native Sons Community Hall is vital to the civic life of the
whole community, and is a central location for the delivery of services by nonprofit
organizations to the community, and also services as the Town Hall, where our monthly
meetings are held.

We see the replacement of the foundation of the Native Sons Hall as critically important
to our community. The community has shown its support over the years by first
contributing the funds to buy the building, and in the last year or two, contributing about
$76,000 towards this project. We urge the Department of Housing to give this project the
highest priority in your allocation of grant funds.

Thanks very much for your consideration.


Catherine M. Peery, Chair

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council

PO Box 249 Pescadero CA 94060 p1/2

January 25, 2011

Jim Eggemeyer, Director

Planning and Building Department
San Mateo County
455 County Center #2
Redwood City, CA 94063-1663

Re: Pescadero Town Sign Permits

Dear Jim,

The town of Pescadero has just gone through an 18-month process of soliciting designs,
voting on the designs, soliciting feedback from the town on sign locations, and voting on
the town sign locations. The sign will be located in the County right of way in front of
the Post Office at the main intersection in town. It will be a hand-carved redwood sign
designed and built by a local artist.

PMAC, in collaboration with the Pescadero Foundation, and several other nonprofits in
townPuente, Pescadero Education Foundation, Viking Boosters, and the PTAhas
committed to managing and maintaining the sign, and the messages on the sign.

We have just learned that the nonprofit applying for the sign (in this case Friends of
PMAC, an organization within the Pescadero Foundation that supports PMACs efforts)
is required to get a Coastal Development Permit for the sign.

We have donations from the nonprofits in town and from 30 businesses and individuals
amounting to about $6,000 and probably another $5,000 in materials to build the sign.
The designer and builder of the sign has waived many hours of labor. We would
appreciate it if you could see your way clear to waiving or reducing the fees required for
the permitting process.

As you may know, Pescadero has no newspaper of its own, and the only budget for
communications is PMACs, which is just to cover meetings. Many people in the
community do not have computers, so e-mail reaches perhaps half the population.
Nonprofits in the community, in the hopes of better delivering their services and
programs to members of the community, have been working on getting a town sign for
several years.

PO Box 249 Pescadero CA 94060 p1/2

Page 2
Jim Eggemeyer, January 25, 2011

PMAC has done whatever it can to facilitate and support this process, which has been a
very open and inclusive one. In that spirit, we hope that you can help us achieve this
worthy goal by keeping the cost as low as possible.

We greatly appreciate your consideration.


Catherine M. Peery, Chair

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council

Cc: Supervisor Don Horsley

PO Box 249 Pescadero CA 94060 p2/2

January 25, 2011

Supervisor Don Horsley

San Mateo County Board of Supervisors
400 County Center
Redwood City, CA 94063-1636

Re: Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council, Appointment of Rob Talbot

Dear Supervisor Horsley:

At our last regular meeting on January 11, 2011, the Council voted unanimously to
recommend that the County of San Mateos Board of Supervisors please appoint Rob
Talbot as a member of the Council representing District 1, the downtown area of

We met and talked to Rob Talbot who has lived in this District for 31 years, and whose
wife, Pat Talbot, is principal of the Elementary School.

We feel that Rob would make a wonderful addition to our Council, and hope that you,
and the other members of the Board of Supervisors will agree.

Thanks very much for your consideration.


Catherine M. Peery, Chair

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council, P.O. Box 249, Pescadero CA 94060 650-879-0150
County Manager's Office BOARD OF SUPERVISORS



WEB PAGE ADDRESS: FAX: (650) 363-1916

January 19, 2011

Catherine Peery, Chair

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council (PMAC)
Pescadero, CA 94060

Subject: Annual Allocation/or PMAC Operations/or FY 2009-10

Dear Ms. Peery:

The County Manager's Office has been informed by Supervisor Don Horsley's Office that PMAC would
like to continue to receive its annual appropriated amount of $3,000 in one lump sum payment. In order to
disburse the funds in this manner, PMAC will need to qnce again agree to the following conditions:

1. The PMAC remains an Advisory Commission, aud has no authority to obligate or to act on behalf of,
Sau Mateo County.
2. The funds received from San Mateo County need to be placed in a separate bank account, not mingled
with other funds, and we would recommend access only by you and one back up person.
3. The funds need to be spent only for lawful PMAC meeting purposes and accounted for in the
following categories: Printing and Copy Service; Postage and Mailing; Other Office Expense; Meeting
Expense; Office Equipment Rental (if any); and, Telephone Service Charges.
4. At the end of the fiscal year, the PMAC needs to account for all funds spent by submitting to the San
Mateo County Manager, a written report including original receipts and a written reconciliation of the
account including all original bank statements and all original voided and/or cancelled checks.
5. This account and all transactions will be subject to audit by the San Mateo County Controller.

If you accept the terms listed above, please sign and return to my office and a check will be sent to your


Agreed and Accepted by the Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council:

Catherine Peery, Chair PMAC

County Manager

c: Honorable Don Horsley, Supervisor, District 3

Honorable Tom Huening, County Controller
Michael Murphy, County Counsel








From: Susan LaGow <>
Subject: Re: South Coast Prevention Partnership
Date: February 7, 2011 8:44:23 PM PST
To: Kate <>

Hi Kate,
Thank you for your response to my email. I completely understand
having your plate full and I would really appreciate if you would put my
request out at your PMAC meeting tomorrow night. I am hopeful one of
the other PMAC members will be available to join in our South Coast
Prevention Partnership efforts. Please give my email address
( as the contact information.

Thanks again Kate,


Susan LaGow
Youth Development Specialist
South Coast Children's Services

From: Kate <>

To: Susan LaGow <>
Sent: Mon, February 7, 2011 7:58:25 PM
Subject: Re: South Coast Prevention Partnership

Hi Sue. I am just now getting to my email. Sorry to miss. This sounds like a
very important community endeavor and I am delighted to hear of your good
works and of course we are so fortunate to have Jorge working on efforts here
as well.

As far as me participating, my plates a tad over full these days and I fear I
wouldn't be able to be a good partner in the enterprise. But could I include a
request for another member of PMAC to participate? Tomorrow night is our
meeting and in the morning I will finish putting together our correspondence,
may I include your request in the correspondence and perhaps one of the
other members might be available?

Thanks for what you are doing Sue this sounds like a very worthy endeavor.
Best, Kate

On Feb 7, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Susan LaGow wrote:

Hi Kate,
Margaret Sedillo, Prevention Specialist for the school district, Jorge
Guzman Prevention Specialist at Puente and I, started the South
Coast Prevention Partnership that we are working on growing to
include many other businesses, organizations, and community
members. Our mission is as follows:

The South Coast Prevention Partnership is a coalition of members from

various organizations of the south coast area of San Mateo County. The
members are united in their support for the prevention of alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs, promoting wellness, and academic success for our youth.

Currently, we have a small group of parents from the community that

comprise the Parent Advisory Board, as well as the La Honda
Principal, and our resource officer Deputy Mike Smyser. There are
also a couple of high school youth that have been attending our
meetings and giving their valuable input. We are looking to get other
businesses and organizations involved as well, to give input, ideas
and support to our partnership. As a member of PMAC I thought that
you might be interested in attended a meeting and potentially joining
our prevention partnership. Our next meeting is today at 3:45 at the
La Honda Elementary campus. I apologize for the late notice, I have
been sick with that respiratory flu and not on top of my game. If you
can attend we can ride together, so call me at 879-9722, or you can
just show up. If you are unable to attend the meeting today, but are
interested, I will happily keep you posted on the schedule for the next
We hosted a Youth Substance Abuse and Gang Awareness
educational event that was well attended by our community parents.
Additionally, we have hosted a couple of community breakfasts, trying
to find out what parents and community feel the needs are for youth in
our area. Also, we are planning an assembly at the high school
scheduled for March 24, from 1:00-3:00. The event is to educate and
inform youth and adults in our community about the consequences of
driving under the influence.

I look forward to hearing from you Kate,


Susan LaGow
Youth Development Specialist
South Coast Children's Services

Tuesday, March 8, 2010, 7:30 PM,

Community Church Social Hall, Stage Road, Pescadero CA 94060
A. SMC News Blog- what to expect by Liz Henton (2 minutes)
B. Bike Ride Echelon Grand Fondo presentation by Michael Sexton, asking for PMAC support
for permits (5 minutes)
C. Eliana Shultz and Jennifer Gross, San Mateo County Dept of Health, Healthy Foods survey of
Pescadero and La Honda Stores. (max 10 minutes)
5. FINANCIAL REPORT Financial Report- Treasurer, Greg Bonaparte
6. CORRESPONDENCE Review of correspondence Kate Meyer Haas
A. School Board Meeting liaison Don McDermott
B. Pescadero Foundation liaison status of Warheit Site, and Native Sons ap, farmworker housing tour -
Catherine Peery
C. Puente liaison report on Februarys activities by Kate Haas
D. Pescadero Emergency Preparedness report by Lary Lawson
A. Sewer System: Status of Waste Water Treatment System Funding report by Karen McBride, RCAC
and questions from the members.
A. Support for Bike Ride route permits, as appropriate.
B. Should we form an Environmental Committee? Discussion based on Jim Reynolds request.
A. Status of town sign permit processcomplete waiver of fees by County
B. Transfer Station report from Rob Skinner and Jake Bowman.
C. Is any research or resources needed in preparation for April 2nd Alignment Session?

11. Adjournment. Next meeting Tuesday, April 12, 2011,

This site is wheelchair accessible. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to
participate in this meeting; or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agendas, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be
distributed at the meeting, should contact Catherine Peery at least 3 working days before the meeting at 650-879-0150, fax 650-879-1847,
Notification in advance of the meeting will enable PMAC to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it.
SPANISH TRANSLATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Traduccin en espaol esta disponible si es solicitado.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011 7:30 P.M.
Community Church Social Hall, 363 Stage Road, Pescadero, CA 94060

1. Call to Order/Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Acting Chair, David Lee
Present: David Lee (DL1), Rob Skinner (RS), Don McDermott (DM), David Lustig (DL2),
Kim Jake Bowman (JB) and Carolyn Shade (CS) Excused: Catherine Peery (CP), Kate
Haas (KH), Greg Bonaparte (GB) Absent: None.
A. Election of PMAC Officers. DL outlined the requirements set forth in the Bylaws to elect
the proposed slate of Officers. DL distributed written ballots to the PMAC members present
and after return of the ballots, the following officers were elected for the positions set forth
after their names:
Catherine Peery - Chair
David Lee - Vice Chair
Treasurer - Treasurer
Corresponding Secretary - Kate Haas
Recording Secretary - Carolyn Shade

2. Public Comments not on the agenda:

3. Announcements/Presentations:
A. DL introduced Nick Calderon, Don Horsleys assistant, who outlined the elections
process, and in particular the process to add Rob Talbot as a PMAC member.
B. John Novitsky of the Canary Foundation gave a presentation on the planned Canary
Century Bike Ride scheduled for May 28, 2011. Extensive discussion followed.
C. DL introduced Nicole Hernandez, a representative of State Assemblyman Jerry Hills
4. Approval of Minutes of regular meeting held on: January 11, 2011.

1 2
Motion XX
Second XX
Ayes/Nays X X X X X X
Carried XX

5. Financial Report:
DL reported on the current bank balances, including $6,252.18 in the main checking
account and $1,219.01 for the copier account.

6. Correspondence:
DL reported on correspondence regarding the letter to Duane Bay (San Mateo County
Housing Dept.) from PMAC supporting the grant application for Native Sons Hall; the
letter to Jim Eggemeyer from PMAC requesting waiver of fees on town sign Coastal
Development Permit; the letter to Supervisor Don Horsley requesting the appointment of
Rob Talbot to PMAC; the letter from the County Managers Office noting requirements
for PMACs $3,000 annual appropriation grant; the letter to PMAC from Rodger
Reinhart with additional comments on proposed transfer station fee increases; email
correspondence from Leah Deffenbaugh regarding transfer station issues; correspondence
on a Puente update; correspondence on the Canary Century Bike Ride; and
correspondence from Susan LaGow concerning the South Coast Childrens Services and
their Prevention Partnership Program.
7. Reports from Current Committee Chairs:
A. School Board DM gave an update on School Board issues, including the awarding
of a $31,000 grant to support several additional instruction programs.
8. Land Use Committee Report:
A. Wastewater Treatment Report postponed to next PMAC meeting.
9. New Business:
A. Letter of Support for Canary Century Bike Ride. PMAC agreed to send a letter of
support for the bike ride.

B. Goal Setting Session. There was discussion about holding a goal setting session with
the current and new PMAC members on a Saturday in March. After discussion, DL
suggested that members be canvassed to select a date. PMAC approved the payment of
$500 to Nancy Raulston to act as a facilitator.

C. Sandbag Wall Repair. Following discussion, PMAC requested that Nick Calderon of
Don Horsleys office to explore possible solutions.

10. Old Business:

A. Town Sign. No new information was available to be communicated.
B. Transfer Station. RS and JB outlined research that they had done and noted the need
for additional research.

11. Next Meeting: March 8, 2011 at 7:30pm at the same location as this meeting.

12. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. by Vice Chair, David Lee

Catherine--Thanks. We had just about concluded our review of this and
were going to communicate them later today, so having this information
is helpful in wrapping up our work.--Michael

"Catherine Peery" <> 1/31/2011 10:22 AM >>>

Michael, I recently had Nick Calderon send us the Board of
Supervisors' Resolutions that established PMAC, so he has ready access,
and our by-laws are on our website if you need to reference them.

I think there have been two errors in the last month or so that
probably need to be undone: David Lustig was appointed to fill Jackson
Robertson's position in District 2, and the appointment term was 4 years
from Dec 1, 2010 to Dec 1, 2014N when he should have been appointed to
finish Jackson's remaining term and to then stand for election in 2012.
The other mistake is what brought this controversy to a head. A new
person was recommended by the Council to finish Geoff Allen's term, and
Marie Peterson of Boards and Commissions said one thing and the
elections office said another. We'd like to get this resolved quickly
so the new person can be involved, as we have an important goal-setting
session set for March 5th.

Our website is

Thanks much for your help.

Catherine Peery, Chair, PMAC

-----Original Message-----
From: "Don Horsley" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 13:39:49
To: Michael Murphy<>
Cc: <>
Subject: Fwd: Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council--elected body

Hi Michael,

Can you respond to Catherine's inquiry regarding election vs.

appointment to the PMAC? Thanks

Don Horsley
Member, Board of Supervisors
San Mateo County
400 County Center
Redwood City, CA 94063
phone: (650) 363-4569

"Catherine Peery" <> 1/27/2011 10:14 AM >>>


Im sorry to bother you with this, but it seems theres some

as to whether we come under the jurisdiction of the Boards and
Commissions area or the Elections Office. We are an elected body,
a School Board, and in the past if there have been any vacancies,
had someone appointed by the Board of Supervisors to cover the
term of a council member, until they could be elected in a regular
election. Now, according to Marie Peterson we come under Boards and
Commissions and should have people appointedunbeknownst to the
Elections Office, and then the person has to go through the Elections
Office to be elected at the proper time. That sounds crazy to me, and
cant believe thats the correct or legal procedure for an elected

I would appreciate it if you could get back to me or direct me to

County Counsel or someone who can straighten this out.

I appreciate your time and consideration.

Catherine M. Peery, Chair

From: Nick Calderon [] Sent: Friday,
March 04, 2011 4:56 PM To: Catherine Peery Subject: RE: Casey Labelle


I spoke with people at Public Works about the commercial and notification.
What they told me is that PMAC has requested to be notified whenever there is a
bike race and road closure. The encroachment permit that was granted did not
include road closure and therefore PMAC was not notified. If you would like, I
would be happy to speak with Public Works and add commercials to the list of
events they should notify PMAC for. I am sorry about any inconveniences this
may have caused anyone.

- Nicholas

>>> "Catherine Peery" <> 3/4/2011 4:04 PM >>>

Nick, theyre filming a commercial in townI think they just leftbut normally we get
advance notice of this. I cant remember what department that is. Can you see if we
can get notified about these things again? Theyre very disruptive.

Catherine Peery
d: 650-879-0150; f: 650-879-1847
toll free: 888-879-1846 x 101

From: Nick Calderon [] Sent: Friday,

March 04, 2011 2:29 PM To: Catherine Peery Subject: RE: Casey Labelle


If I recall correctly, I thought I corrected myself and stated that Dave Talbot
needed to be appointed by the Board towards the end of the meeting. If I didn't
I will clarify that at the next meeting. Thank you for the heads up. I will also
bring the information on his status to the next meeting. Thank you.


>>> "Catherine Peery" <> 3/4/2011 2:20 PM >>>
Oh, good.

Also, I listened to the recording of the PMAC meeting, and you kind of got mixed up on
the Rob Talbot thing.

Rob Talbot has to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors after a 30-day posting of
the position for the open seats, and I dont know when the clock stops ticking on that,
but Marie Peterson would know.

If we had found Rob soon after a seat was vacant in District 1 (within 60 days) PMAC
could have appointed him ourselves. I believe the Elections office has designated the
seat, and it has been vacant a long time.

You were right about people not being able to be appointed if the vacancy occurs
within 180 days of an election. During that period people have to sign up to run with
the Elections office.

After the election, if a seat isnt filled within 60 days by PMAC, then the Clerk of the
Board has to post the opening, people have to be given a chance to apply, and then, if
no one else applies, the person can be appointed by the BOS.

David Lustig was appointed by the Board for a 4-year term starting Dec. 4, 2010 and
ending Dec. 4, 2014. He is a representative from District 2. I think he is who you were
thinking of regarding District 2 who was already appointed.

I can explain this for you or you can clarify at the meeting. Also, please come with the
current status of Rob Talbots 30-day clock, and his appointment by the Board.


Catherine M. Peery, Chair

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
P.O. Box 249, Pescadero CA 94060-0249
650-879-0150, f: 650-879-1847

From: David Lee <>
Subject: RE: Agenda for Tuesday, Minutes from February
Date: March 3, 2011 6:29:44 PM PST
To: Rob Skinner <>, Catherine Peery
Cc: PMAC Members

Rob and other PMAC Members,

I was planning to send out an email on that over the weekend, but will cover it now. As you may
recall, the slate had been previously nominated at the meeting in January and everyone had
agreed to serve but at Carolyn's request, we waited another month before voting, with the
expectation that it would take place at the February meeting. It was on the February meeting
agenda as the first order of business. I checked the Bylaws before the meeting (which govern
how PMAC officers are elected) and it noted that elections need to be done by written ballot. I
brought ballots to the meeting and the first order of business after roll call was the election.
Ballots were signed and returned by myself, Don, David Lustig and Jake, making a majority of the
members present (the threshold required in the Bylaws for officer election). Rob, you elected to
not turn your ballot in. Carolyn joined the meeting late after the vote and election had already
taken place. I didn't want to create a scene at the meeting when Carolyn indicated that officer
nominations needed to be made, but it was clear to me (and I suspect by everyone that
returned their ballots) that the officers had been nominated at the January meeting and were
elected at the February 8th meeting before Carolyn joined the meeting. As I am no longer a part
of PMAC, you will obviously need to fill the position of Vice Chair, and make whatever changes
the members feel is in the best interest of the Pescadero community. Personally, I found the
whole election delay issue to have been (and appears to still be) a distraction from getting
business done. Best of luck to all of you at PMAC.

From: Rob Skinner [] Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011
5:12 PM To: Catherine Peery Cc: PMAC Members Subject: Re: Agenda for Tuesday,
Minutes from February

I just looked at the minutes and they're incorrect. We didn't elect officers at the meeting. Will
need to fix that and do in April. Rob Skinner Pescadero, CA

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Rob Skinner <> wrote:

I will not be at the next meeting as we have a trip scheduled to Oregon, part of is for the Transfer
committee in a visit to the Corvallis, OR site. I had hoped to cover a lot of issues at our retreat,
but that didn't happen. And in looking at the agenda I guess we're postponing elections of
officers until the April meeting. Rob
-------- Original Message --------
Re: Ham Class.
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2011 13:47:26 -0800
From: Peter Chupity <>
To: Lary Lawson <>

On 5 Mar 2011 at 13:23, Lary Lawson wrote:

> What time(s) are the class?

> I have a few folks interested.

Hi Lary;

April 2 and 3, Saturday and Sunday, from 9:00 to 4:30, both

days. Cost is $25 and includes text book and materials.
following Saturday there will be a test session in
($15 exam fee.) We will arrange a car pool for

I can send you a poster and sign up forms (PDF format,) if

would like to pass some around.

Please have people contact me by email <> or

phone 747-0316 to sign up. We need the completed forms
back by
March 28.

I hope that you are doing Ok; I'd heard that you were hurt
pretty badly by a dog.

With my best to you,

------Original Message------
From: Catherine Peery
To: Dave Holbrook
Cc: Jim Eggemeyer
Subject: Re: Pescadero sign proposal
Sent: Feb 10, 2011 10:09 PM

Thanks very much to all. I'll get the sign designer working on this as soon as we
get the forms

I'm very appreciative and I'll let everyone involved know.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

-----Original Message-----
From: "Dave Holbrook" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 17:56:51
To: <>
Cc: Jim Eggemeyer<>
Subject: Pescadero sign proposal

Jim gave me your latest letter, indicating that we'd wave the application fees for
the proposed sign. I'll drop in the mail to you the application forms that need tp
be completed. Note that we'll need 5 full sets of plans (includes scaled site plan
& sign elevations), as well as other items listed on back on Planning Permit Ap.
Form I've enclosed. It'll be a staff-level CDP, although that decision is
appealable up through to the BOS.

David Holbrook
I received this from David Lee while I was gone. I didn't realize no one else
had received a similar message until yesterday.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Lee []
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 11:52 AM
To:, 'Catherine Peery PMAC'
Subject: My Resignation from PMAC

It is with considerable sadness that I tender my resignation from PMAC, effective
immediately. My obligations to my law practice have increased substantially since I
joined PMAC and I believe I can contribute more effectively to the improvement of
the Pescadero community in other ways. I wish you and all the other members of
PMAC continued success.

From: Brenda Carlson <>
Subject: RE: PMAC
Date: February 2, 2011 12:43:24 PM PST
To: Catherine Peery <>
Cc: Marie Peterson <>, Megan Asmus
<>Ms Peery-

You are correct and I apologize for the confusion. Although Mr. Lustig's address is in Pescadero,
Elections looked at the maps and it appears he may live in the northern narrow portion of District
2 near the division of District 1 and 2. The term of his seat ends Thursday December 4, 2014.

Because Mr. Lustig is filling the District 2 vacancy and the other seat is held by Mr Lee, there are
no vacancies in District 2. There are, however, 4 vacancies in District 1, and the Clerk of the
Board has advertised for all 4 vacancies.


>>> "Catherine Peery" <> 2/2/2011 11:19 AM >>>

Brenda, Mr. Lustig is in District 2, and cant complete Geoff Allens term. Jackson Robertson resigned
from is District 2 seat in August of 2010. There is one vacancy in District 2 and Mr. Lustig has been
appointed to fill it, I hope, but I also hope that its for the term January 1, 2011 through December 31,
2012, when Mr. Lustig will stand for election.

From: Brenda Carlson [] Sent: Wednesday, February 02,

2011 10:50 AM To: Catherine Peery Cc: Marie Peterson; Megan Asmus; Michael
Murphy Subject: RE: PMAC

Ms Peery:

Thank you for sending the letter relating to the recent appointment of David Lustig. We have
looked into this appointment and have determined the following:

District 1 - Mr. Lustig's appointment is for the District 1 vacant seat previously held by Geoff
Allan. Geoff Allen's seat was up for election in 2010. No one ran. The term of this seat ends
Thursday December 4, 2014 when the person elected in November 2014 takes office. Per
Resolution 56280 PMAC members take office "the first Thursday in December next succeeding his
or her election". Accordingly the letter that was sent to Mr. Lustig had a minor mistake in that it
stated that the term ended December 1, 2014 instead of December 4, 2014. There are now 3
remaining vacancies in District 1 all of which are scheduled to appear on the November 2012.
Appointments to this office will complete the term through Thursday December 6, 2012 when
those candidates elected in the November 2012 election take office. District 2 -

As stated in our prior e-mail. There is one vacancy in District 1.

In 2006, both of the District 2 seats were up. One seat was for a 4 year term and one seat was
for a 2 year term. Jackson Robertson ran for and was elected to the 2 year term seat. Mr.
Robertson then resigned. In 2008, David Lee was elected to a four year term ending 2012. Mr.
Lee currently holds that seat; therefore, it is not vacant.

In 2006, no one ran for the 4 year seat (term ending 2010). In 2007 or 2008 David Lee was
appointed to fill the remainder of this seat. In 2008, David Lee vacated this seat and ran for the
other District 2 seat for a four year term ending 2012. (See above.) In 2010, no one ran for this
seat. If this is correct, this seat is vacant and the appointment would be made the Board of
From: Denise Milner [] Sent: Friday, March 04,
2011 10:31 AM Cc: Denise Milner; Duane Bay; Janet Stone; Marina Yu; Norman
Pascoe; Rosa Mendoza; Scott Coe; Tamara Tarver; Yvonne Ho Subject: Staff
Recommendations to HCDC for FY2011/2012 NOFA Requests for Funding

Hello Applicants,
Attached, please find the HCD Staff recommendations for FY2011/2012 NOFA
funding requests. These will also be posted on our Department of Housing
website Once posted, you will be able to click on the
NOFA's/RFP's tab, then click on HCD FY2011-12 NOFA. The recommendations
will be posted on this landing page along with this year's Funding Priorities
and Planning Schedule.

If there are any questions raised on your application by the HCDC at

the HCDC/Staff Study Session on March 10, 2011, we will be emailing you
following that meeting. This is to allow you time to be prepared to address
these questions at the Public Hearing on Thursday, March 17, 2011. I will send
out an rsvp request next week for the Public Hearing.

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this email (information is

Thank you.

Denise MilnerAdministrative Secretary

County of San Mateo
Department of Housing
264 Harbor Blvd., Bldg ABelmont, CA 94002Tele: (650) 802-5048Fax: (650)
802-5049Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any
attachments, is for the sole use of intended recipient(s) and may contain
confidential and protected information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure
or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact
the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
Supervisors. The term for this seat ends December 2014 and it will appear on the ballot
November 2014. It appears that the Board of Supervisors should start a recruitment for this seat.

>>> "Catherine Peery" <> 2/1/2011 10:01 AM >>>


Jackson Robertson resigned in August of 2010, and worked on the council with David Lee for several
years, so I think the basic data on people and terms is wrong, but I can get that figured out with the
Elections office. My main concern is that it be clear that this is the Election Offices department. I agree
with what you have quoted from the Board of Supes Resolutions, and thats how weve operated up to
now. I really just wanted that verified. What that means though for David Lustig is that the appointment
letter that came from Boards and Commissions is not the way it should be. Im copying the letter of
appointment for him so you can see that.

I need to know how we rectify that situation. Ill be in the office all morning, or e-mail is fine.

I can also tell you that Pattie Brixen resigned in July of 2010, and other dates if you like.

From: Brenda Carlson [] Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011

2:26 PM To: Cc: Megan Asmus; Michael Murphy Subject: PMAC

Ms Peery-

Michael Murphy asked me to look into the questions you raised relating to the filling of vacancies
on the PMAC board. As a matter of background, please note that there are two types of
vacancies: vacancies which occur during the term of office and vacancies that occur because no
candidate runs for the office. These vacancies are filled differently. It appears that both kinds of
vacancies may currently exist on PMAC; we will this confirmed this at our meeting.
For vacancies that occur during the term, the Board of Supervisors resolution 58280 regarding
PMAC provides: "In the event of a vacancy, the Council shall, within sixty (60) days of the
effective date of the vacancy, appoint a successor. The successor shall serve until the expiration
of the term of the predecessor. If a vacancy occurs within 160 days and 120 days of a scheduled
Council election, the vacancy shall be filled by election, rather than appointment." For vacancies
that occur because the seat was up for election and no one signed up, the Board of Supervisors
resolution 56328 regarding PMAC, provides in paragraph 2: "In the event there are no
nominees for such positions, the Board of Supervisors shall appoint persons to those positions."
Here is the history regarding District 1 and District 2 according to the Elections Office:

District 1 history: 6 seats

There are 4 vacancies in District 1.

Geoff Allen's seat was up for election in 2010. No one ran. This seat is vacant and should be
appointed by the Board of Supervisors.

Michael Berthiaume resigned in July of 2010 during his term. There is a little less than 2 years
left on his term. If this is correct, then it appears that this vacancy can be filled by a PMAC

District 2 history: 2 seats

In 2006, both of the District 2 seats were up- one for a 4 year term and one for a 2 year term.
Jackson Robertson ran for and was elected to the 2 year term seat. Mr. Robertson then
resigned. In 2008, David Lee was elected to a four year term ending 2012. This seat is not

In 2006, no one ran for the 4 year seat (term ending 2010). In 2007 or 2008 David Lee was
appointed to fill the remainder of this seat. In 2008, David Lee vacated this seat and ran for the
other District 2 seat for a four year term ending 2012. (See above.) In 2010, no one ran for this
seat. If this is correct, this seat is vacant and the appointment would be made the Board of

In regards to the other 2 seats, both of which have a term ending in 2012, it appears that no one
ran for these seats in 2008. Elections has no records indicating that an appointment was made.

We believe that the quickest way to move forward on this issue is to have a meeting with you
and a member of the Elections Office. That way, we could compare the records of PMAC and
Elections Office. Please give me a call and let me know your availability. My number is 363-4760.

Roberts Rules of Order:

66. Nominations and Elections. Before proceeding to an election to fill an office it is customary
to nominate one or more candidates. This nomination is not necessary when the election is by
ballot or roll call, as each member may vote for any eligible person whether nominated or not.
When the vote is viva voce or by rising, the nomination is like a motion to fill a blank, the
different names being repeated by the chair as they are made, and then the vote is taken on each
in the order in which they were nominated, until one is elected. The nomination need not be
seconded. Sometimes a nominating ballot is taken in order to ascertain the preferences of the
members. But in the election of the officers of a society it is more usual to have the nominations
made by a committee. When the committee makes its report, which consists of a ticket, the chair
asks if there are any other nominations, when they may be made from the floor. The committee's
nominations are treated just as if made by members from the floor, no vote being taken on
accepting them. When the nominations are completed the assembly proceeds to the election,
the voting being by any of the methods mentioned under Voting, [46], unless the by-laws
prescribe a method. The usual method in permanent societies is by ballot, the balloting being
continued until the offices are all filled. An election takes effect immediately if the candidate is
present and does not decline, or if he is absent and has consented to his candidacy. If he is absent
and has not consented to his candidacy, it takes effect when he is notified of his election,
provided he does not decline immediately. After the election has taken effect and the officer
or member has learned the fact, it is too late to reconsider the vote on the election. An
officer-elect takes possession of his office immediately, unless the rules specify the time. In
most societies it is necessary that this time be clearly designated.

PMAC Bylaws in regard to election of officers:

Section 4. Officers of the Council

There shall be one Chairperson, one Vice Chairperson, one Corresponding Secretary and one
Recording Secretary. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Council and shall
serve a term of one (1) year. Other official positions, such as Office Manager, may be created as

Section 5. Duties of Officers

The Chairperson shall preside over all regular and special meetings and shall set the agenda with
the Corresponding Secretary. The Vice Chairperson shall perform the Chairperson's duties in his
or her absence or incapacity. The Corresponding Secretary shall carry out all correspondence as
directed by the Council, shall report all communications received by the Council and shall have
the responsibility of preparing and distributing the agenda. The Recording Secretary shall keep
the minutes of all meetings and shall have the responsibility for the distribution of Minutes.

Section 6. Vacancies

Any Council officer vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of Council members at the
first regular meeting after the vacancy occurs.

In the event of a member vacancy, the Council shall, within sixty (60) days of the effective date
of the vacancy, appoint a successor who will serve until the expiration of the term of the
predecessor. This appointment does not require approval by the Board of Supervisors. The
effective date of a vacancy shall be considered to be the date of the first regular Council
meeting at which the vacancy is announced (the Effective Date). If the vacancy occurs not
less than one hundred twenty (120) days and not more than one hundred sixty (160) days before
a scheduled Council election, the vacancy shall be filled by election rather than appointment, as
specified in the resolution establishing the Council. Otherwise, the procedure for appointing a
successor shall be as follows: a) Immediately after the Effective Date, notification must be
posted at the Pescadero and Loma Mar post offices. b) Interested parties are encouraged to apply
within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date or by the next regular Council meeting. Applications
may be in writing or by oral nomination (including self nomination). Nominations will be closed
forty five (45) days after the Effective Date and the election will occur at the next regular
Council meeting. The names of candidates will be mailed with the Council agenda. c) Candidates
are requested to make a brief presentation followed by brief questions and/or statements from
Council members and members of the public. d) Following this presentation, election will be by
written vote of members of the Council, including the Chairperson. However, the vote of the
Chairperson is not revealed unless there is a tie. Election requires a majority of those present.
Each ballot must specify the Council member's name and their choice of candidate. The
Recording Secretary shall read the ballots aloud. If no one candidate receives a majority, more
than one round of voting will be required. To avoid deadlock, the name of the candidate with the
lowest number of votes is dropped out at the end of each round.

From: MB Chidester [] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011
11:02 PM To: MB Chidester Subject: CS CERT - Silver Dragon V Sign Up - Repeat Notice

To Coastside CERT,

This is a repeat request for volunteers to help with the San Mateo County Silver Dragon V
exercise. Please respond by this Friday if you can help us with this very important event. We
need to submit total number of participants to the County so that they can arrange for supplies
and meals. Thank you to all of those who have already responded to the previous email.


Sponsored by the San Mateo Bio-Terrorism/Public Health Emergency Preparedness Unit

DATE: MARCH 24 (Thursday)

TIME: 8:30 am - 12:00 noon

LOCATION: HMB Fire Station (Incident Command Post)

The deadline for sign-ups is Friday, March 4th so that we can make the necessary
arrangements with the SM County EMSA planning committee for food and supplies.

A continental breakfast, water, power bars and lunch will be provided by the San Mateo
County Health Department. (Funds for this exercise are being provided by a Federal grant.)

The purpose of this exercise is to enhance public health and safety readiness in response to a
major health-related emergency. This is a simulated exercise and will test the ability of the San
Mateo County Health System to coordinate with local cities, law enforcement, fire departments,
ARES ham radio members, CERT teams and the MRC to rapidly distribute large quantities of
medicine and medical information. The distribution method of door-to-door delivery will be
tested, but instead of medicines, we will distribute flyers concerning household fires. Also being
added to the Coastside packets will be information regarding Tsunami readiness. This exercise
is very unique and last year there were 2 representatives from the Governors office that visited
our incident command post.

Last year, we reached 1,250 homes in about 2 hours. This year we hoped to cover an even

The goals are to:

Educate the public on preventing household fires and Tsunami readiness.

Test the Disaster Healthcare Volunteers of California instant alert system used by the San
Mateo Coastside Medical Reserve Corps (SMC MRC) unit.

Test the HMB Police Department telephone Rapid Notify system that can rapidly target
any street or neighborhood in HMB with information about any type of emergency or

Evaluate CDC procedures to provide meals for disaster volunteer workers.

Test communications equipment (Ham radios, family radios) & procedures

Encourage CERT training for Coastside residents

This will be an opportunity to work with fellow CERT team members, MRC members and ARES
Ham radio members. You will also be able to get in a few hours of exercise and help our
neighbors and the San Mateo County Emergency Preparedness Unit.

I will be coordinating the exercise this year with the assistance of Dr. Michael Klass of the SMC

Additional information and details will be sent out next week.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I thank you for your support.

Mark Chidester

Coastside CERT Coordinator

650 728-0173


We should have a moment of silence this evening for Larry Brown. See below.

Catherine Peery
d: 650-879-0150; f: 650-879-1847
toll free: 888-879-1846 x 101

From: Kerry Lobel [] Sent: Tuesday, March 08,
2011 7:35 AM To: Kerry Lobel Subject: FW: Larry Brown

From Amy Wooliever, School Superintendent

Dear Staff, Board and Boosters-past and present,

It is with sadness that I inform you that Socorro Browns husband, Larry Brown, passed
away last night/this morning. Larry was an Original Viking Booster and supporter of
our schools and staff. Larry attended Pescadero schools as a youth, sent his three
children through our system and supported his wife, Socorro in her work in Pescadero.
His sister, Dorothy, served as our district office secretary for many years before retiring
in 2004.

Larry spent many hours in our high school office and in his home office troubleshooting
our computer systems, advising me, Socorro and others on the best way to deal with
our aging systems. He used his talents to make our work more efficient. Larry was an
accomplished graphic artist and helped the Boosters design tickets, flyers, programs and
a variety of promotional materials. He photographed our sports teams and was always
at the ready to lend a hand. Larry even offered and was enthusiastic about volunteering
to drive our State Improvement Grant all the way to Sacramento last year in order to
meet our deadline.

Many have asked how they can help. I learned today that the high school staff is
collecting a fund to help with expenses related to funeral expenses. Contact Maynard
Robinson if you are interested in donating.
Larry was a kind, intelligent and generous man. He loved his town and he loved his
family. He will be greatly missed. Services are tentatively set for 6:00 pm on Sunday
however, firmer details to follow.
With sadness,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 7:30 P.M.
Community Church Social Hall, 363 Stage Road, Pescadero, CA 94060

1. Call to Order/Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Acting Chair, David Lee
Present: David Lee (DL1), Rob Skinner (RS), Don McDermott (DM), David Lustig (DL2),
Kim Jake Bowman (JB) and Carolyn Shade (CS) Excused: Catherine Peery (CP), Kate
Haas (KH), Greg Bonaparte (GB) Absent: None.
A. Election of PMAC Officers. DL outlined the requirements set forth in the Bylaws to
elect the proposed slate of Officers. DL distributed written ballots to the PMAC
members present. There was no election of officers as the nominations were not
completed at the January Meeting. There was no nomination for chairperson. At the
January meeting Ms Peery placed her name on the ballot. There was no nomination or
second to that placement. There was discussion that there should be a new Chair as the
office was meant to be rolling rather than continuous. It was suggested that the current
Chair be nominated as Vice Chair to mentor the new Chair. David Lee said that he did
not want to take the Chair at this time. There was no election of officers.
2. Public Comments not on the agenda:
3. Announcements/Presentations:
A. DL introduced Nick Calderon, Don Horsleys assistant, who outlined the elections
process, and in particular the process to add Rob Talbot as a PMAC member.
B. John Novitsky of the Canary Foundation gave a presentation on the planned Canary
Century Bike Ride scheduled for May 28, 2011. Extensive discussion followed. C. DL
introduced Nicole Hernandez, a representative of State Assemblyman Jerry Hills office.
4. Approval of Minutes of regular meeting held on: January 11, 2011.

1 2
Motion XX
Second XX
Ayes/Nays X X X X X X
Carried XX

5. Financial Report:
DL reported on the current bank balances, including $6,252.18 in the main checking
account and $1,219.01 for the copier account.
6. Correspondence:
DL reported on correspondence regarding the letter to Duane Bay (San Mateo County
Housing Dept.) from PMAC supporting the grant application for Native Sons Hall; the

letter to Jim Eggemeyer from PMAC requesting waiver of fees on town sign Coastal
Development Permit; the letter to Supervisor Don Horsley requesting the appointment of
Rob Talbot to PMAC; the letter from the County Managers Office noting requirements
for PMACs $3,000 annual appropriation grant; the letter to PMAC from Rodger
Reinhart with additional comments on proposed transfer station fee increases; email
correspondence from Leah Deffenbaugh regarding transfer station issues; correspondence
on a Puente update; correspondence on the Canary Century Bike Ride; and
correspondence from Susan LaGow concerning the South Coast Childrens Services and
their Prevention Partnership Program.
7. Reports from Current Committee Chairs:
A. School Board DM gave an update on School Board issues, including the awarding
of a $31,000 grant to support several additional instruction programs. The District has also
received grants for $2,600 for the Elementary and Middle Schools from KNBR.
8. Land Use Committee Report:
A. Wastewater Treatment Report postponed to next PMAC meeting.
9. New Business:
A. Letter of Support for Canary Century Bike Ride. PMAC agreed to send a letter of support
with reservaions for the bike ride. The members of PMAC commented on the schedule of the
ride. Most felt that the ride organizers had not chosen the date wisely. It is Memorial weekend
when traffic is heavy. PMAC was only told once it was too late to make suggestions that would
have been better for the merchants and the residents. DM felt that we should not agree to accept
the ride. Others suggested that we write a letter stating our concerns and suggest that Pescadero
merchants and residents be included in the process early on. MSP that we write a letter and
include how we certainly back the premise of the ride but not the date nor the process.

B. Goal Setting Session. There was discussion about holding a goal setting session with
the current and new PMAC members on a Saturday or Sunday in March. After
discussion, DL suggested that members be canvassed to select a date. PMAC approved
the payment of $500 to Nancy Raulston to act as a facilitator.

C. Sandbag Wall Repair. Following discussion, PMAC requested that Nick Calderon of
Don Horsleys office to explore possible solutions.

10. Old Business:

A. Town Sign. No new information was available to be communicated.
B. Transfer Station. RS and JB outlined research that they had done and noted the need
for additional research.
11. Next Meeting: March 8, 2011 at 7:30pm at the same location as this meeting.

12. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. by Vice Chair, David Lee

www .pescaderocouncil .. org

Tuesday, April 12, 2010, 7:00 PM,

Community Church Social Hall, Stage Road, Pescadero CA 94060
1. Kellyx Nelson from RCD will talk about our opportunities and constraints.
2. Niick Calderon will talk about what Don Horsley's office is working on in regard to
flooding and the sandbag wall. Comments from the public are welcome.
B. Bike Flide Echelon Grand Fondo
1. Presentation by David Cochran, asking for PMAC support for permits-follow up from
las:t meeting (10 minutes)
C. San Mateo County Dept of Health, Healthy Foods survey of Pescadero and La Honda Stores.
l.Eliai1Ja Shultz and Jennifer Gross, (max 10 minutes)


7. FINANCIAL REPORT - - Treasurer, Greg Bonaparte
8. CORRESPONDENCE -Review of correspondence - Kate Meyer Haas
A. Transfer Station report from Rob Skinner and Jake Bowman and action on their recommendations.
Feedback from the community is welcome. Members of Public Works will be present to share their
B. Schooil Board Meeting liaison - Don McDermott

This site is wheelchair acoessible. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to
participate in this meeting; or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agcmdas, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be
distributed at the meeting, should contact Catherine Peery at least 3 working days before the meeting at 650-879-0150, fax 650-879-1847,
Notification in advance of the meeting will enable PMAC to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it.

SPANISH TRANSLATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Traduccion en espaiiol esta disponible si es solicitado.
w ww . pes caderoco unc i I ...QI.g_

C. Pescadero Foundation liaison-status of Warheit Site prc~ect, and Native Sons grant, -Catherine
D. Puente liaison - report on February's activities by Kate Haas
E. Pescadero Emergency Preparedness - report regarding Tsunami response - Puente & KPDO and
F. Other Liaisons and Committees will be announced at the meeting based on out April 2nd goal-setting
meeting. Notes on that meeting are included in the handouts.
a. Farm Bureau and Agricultural liaison: Jake Bowman
A. Recommendation regarding Bike Ride route permit.
B. A controversy arose regarding the definition of a quorum, which has still not been decided. We
need to review and revise By-laws in conjunction with Coun1ty Counsel, and work with Don Horsley's
office to possibly revise the Board of Supervisors Resolution. Decide next steps.
C. Potential new member, Darius Dunlap. Vote on Recommendation to Board of Supervisors for his
appointment. Discussion of process, and status of Rob Talbot's appointment.
D. We need a new PA system. Discuss and vote on budget for this.
E. Future meeting site.
A. Nominations/Election of Officers for 201 l year.
11. Adjournment.
Next meeting Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This site is wheelchair accessible_ lndividuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to
pallici_p ate in this meeting; or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agendas, meeting notice. agenda packet or other writings that may be
distributed at the meeting, should contact Catherine Peery at least 3 working days before the meeting a<t 650-879-0150. fax 6508791847.cpeery@pescaderocouncil.org_
Notification in advance ofthe_meeting will enable PMAC to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it

SPANISH TRANSLATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Traduccion en espaiiol esta disponible si es solicitado.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Social Hall Pescadero Community Congregational Church
363 Stage Road
Pescadero, CA 94060

1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:35 PM by Catherine Peery
2. ROLL CALL: Present Greg Bonaparte, Kate Haas, Don McDermott,
Catherine Peery, Jake Bowman, David Lustig, and Carolyn Shade. Excused
Rob Skinner.
A. Nicholas Calderon, from Supervisor Don Horsleys office said that Rob
Talbot had until 5:00 PM on Friday March 11th to file appointment
paperwork to apply for a position on the Council. After the paperwork,
Mr. Talbot will be scheduled for an interview with some members of
the Board of Supervisors. PMAC members who wish may set in on the
interview. From there if/when the appointment is decided he will be an
official member of PMAC.
B. Public
1. Celeste Worden, Pescadero Public Radio (KPDO) said that Daniel
Roberts was called away to Europe. She further stated that the
station is continuing with Shannon Bowman as manager. Pirate
Cat is not part of KPDO and there never was a merger. The station
has a new board and bank account.
2. Mike Maskarich, Commander of the California Highway Patrol for the
Redwood City region. Commander Maskarich stated that there
would not be coverage from the CHP during the late evening and
early morning hours. The San Mateo County Sherriffs department
would provide coverage during that time. His e-mail address is The contact telephone number is 650 369-
6261 if there are any questions.
3. Cody Soules announced that on Sat Mar 19th, there would be a
mushroom hunt. After the hunt there would be a dinner including
some mushroom dishes.
4. Liz Henton announced the re-launch of the bookmobile in Pescadero.
San Mateo County has a new blog for residents. The blog can be
found at If PMAC wishes we could
link to the blog from our website. More information is available on
the county website
5. Michael Sexton with the Bike Echelon Grand Fondo asked us to
consider their application with the county for Saturday, September
17th. They plan 600 to 800 riders in a 4 to 5 hour timeframe.
Pescadero is at mile 45 of the ride. They would e coming into town
from Skyline and down Pescadero Road. Further discussion was
moved to new business.
4. Approval of minutes - A combination of the minutes by David Lee and Carolyn
Shade were approved.
5. Treasurers Report Treasurer Greg Bonaparte - As of PMAC has $6,252.18 in
the general account and $1,264.01 in the postage account. The county has
provided us with a check for expenses in the amount of $3,000.00. This amount
is not included in the above total.
6. Correspondence Corresponding Secretary Kate Haas - Review of
correspondence attached to March meeting packet. David Lee sent a letter of
resignation from the PMAC Board (included in the correspondence packet).
7. Reports from current committee chairs and community liaisons
A. Kerry Lobel Puente meeting Destination 2025 on April 2, 2011, what do we
want for our children? Reduce childhood obesity. Summer jobs program, 20
people completed certified CPR / First Aid training. Puente is providing free tax
service for those with income less than $49,000. There is a news feed on Twitter.
B. David Lustig appointed to the PMAC opening that expires in 2012.
C. The county has declared an opening on PMAC for District 2.
D. Kate Haas Ham Radio training will be on April 2nd 3rd and 4th those interested
should see Lary Lawson.
E. Nicholas Calderon - Sign - said that David Holcomb said that the fees would be
waived for the permits for the installation of the sign. Catherine said she was
completing the permit forms.
F. Meredith Reynolds - Native Sons Building fund said that there was a grant
approved for $100,000. $50,000 will be paid in June and $50,000 will be paid in
July. The building committee still needs $10,000 for insulation. Ms. Reynolds
hopes that the funds will come in from donations. This would enable the work to
be done during the construction phase.
G. Donald McDermott La Honda Pescadero Unified School Dist. The district
received a grant of $684.00 for La Honda School. The Saturday learning center is
having a low average attendance Over all it is only 53%. The percentage is
higher in the 2nd and 3rd grades (70% and 65%) and lower in the 7th and 8th grades
(40 to 41%).
The district is in okay financial shape now, however if the tax package that is
about to expire this year is not renewed, the school district does not know what
their income will be.
H. Catherine Peery Warheit Site Applied for grant to have test wells drilled on
the site. It was unclear if we qualify as a grant writer for property in which we
have no interest.

8. Land Use Committee Meeting All members of PMAC.
A. Sewer System - Karen McBride Rural Community Assistance Corp. They are
applying for Block Grant Funding of $25,000 to study the sewer system again (was
done by others over two years ago). They are looking to develop a more
affordable system. We are not now under a mandate to install a municipal
system. AB 885 requires monitoring and testing waste water systems near
impaired water ways (Pescadero and Butano watersheds).
9. New Business
A. Michael Sexton, Echelon Grand Fondo bike ride carried over from public
comments. Mr. Sexton said that the lunches provided to the participants would
be purchased from Pescadero merchants. The numbers and the time frame
would be a big disruption to the town and our tourist business, particularly if they
used Stage Road in front of the businesses as their bike parking area. The
discussion was that PMAC needs to set guidelines for these rides. PMAC also
needs a more detailed plan from Echelon. They will come back with more info.
B. Discussion of Election of officers. The discussion was whether there was a
term limit. Carolyn Shade stated that from talking with constituents the opinion
of several was that 8 years with the same Chairman was not conducive to open
debate and public input. The plan of the founders was not to have one person
take the helm in perpetuity. The opinion was that there are others on the board
who are capable of conducting a meeting. There is also a question of quorum
when the election was held in February. Jake Bowman had a differing opinion.
Mr. Bowman said that these opinions and questions were disruptive and PMAC
need to get on with business.
C. Transfer Station Report Jake Bowman Mr. Bowman and Rob Skinner were
looking at best practices at other transfer stations. Rob was looking at a facility in
Oregon this week. Mr. Bowman will have a written report for the next PMAC
meeting on April, 12, 2011.
Nicholas Calderon, SMC Liaison, said that the county was looking at ways to cut
costs. One of which is to change from a 5 day week facility to a 3 day week
facility. It appears that because the people of Pescadero and Loma Mar are so
good at recycling, we dont dump enough paid garbage.
D Nicholas Calderon announced that Supervisor Don Horsley will be in Pescadero
Friday, April 1st between 9 and 11 AM at the Native Sons Hall for Donuts with
Don to meet and greet his constituents.
10. Old Business
A. Committees - Catherine Peery suggested that all proposed committees,
including Environmental, be address at PMACs retreat on April 2nd.
B. April 2nd Retreat Meeting will be at 9:00 at the Social Hall, 363 Stage Road,
Pescadero Community Congregational Church.
11. Next Meeting; April 12, 2011 at 7:30 PM Social Hall, 363 Stage Road,
Pescadero, CA.
12. Adjourned: 9:20 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Carolyn Shade,
Acting recording secretary
April 12, 2011

TO: Members, Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council

From: Kerry Lobel, Executive Director

Coastside Office Hours for Supervisor Don Horsley

April Coastside Office Hours for Supervisor Don Horsley were held on April 1, 2011 from 9-11 AM at Puente. More than a
dozen South Coast residents came to share their concerns.

Disaster Preparedness
Thanks to support from Friends of PMAC, 23 Puente youth attended CERT training. On March 11, 7 youth played a key
role in responding to the Tsunami warning by calling families, helping staff the radio program, and helping staff the Red
Cross shelter. 14 youth also attended Ham Radio training. Puente representatives as well as representatives from the
County of San Mateo, American Red Cross, KPDO, OESLHPUSD, CERT, SC4, met to debrief the disaster. The next
disaster preparedness meeting is on Tuesday, April 26 at 630PM at Puente.

Puente Summer Youth Leadership and Employment Project

Puente has received 44 applications for our Youth Leadership and Employment Project.

CARON Program
Puente partnered with the Sheriffs C.A.R.O.N program to educate Spanish speaking parents about topics that will help
improve our community. The topics included Sheriffs Office, Drug Awareness, Gangs, Immigration Information, Domestic
Violence, and Emergency Services. All topics were presented in English and Spanish.

Health Plan of San Mateo

Puente hosted an informational session with the Health Plan of San Mateo. If you or someone you know needs health
insurance, contact Lorena Vargas at Puente (ext. 116)

Mexican Consulate
The Mexican Consul will host a program on April 20, 2011 from 530-630 at Pescadero Elementary School. The
presentation will include National ID cards, citizenship, passports, power of attorney and other consular services.

Tax preparation and ITIN applications

Tax season is nearly at an end. Puente has served as a community tax preparation site for the 4 year in a row. To date,
we have secured more than $75,000 in refunds for South Coast families with incomes of $49,000 or less.

Puente is still processing ITIN applications. IRS issues ITINs to individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer
identification number but who do not have, and are not eligible to obtain a Social Security Number (SSN) from the Social
Security Administration (SSA).ITINs are issued regardless of immigration status because both resident and nonresident
aliens may have a U.S. filing or reporting requirement under the Internal Revenue Code. Individuals must have a filing
requirement and file a valid federal income tax return to receive an ITIN, unless they meet an exception.

Puente website and Twitter

The best way to keep up with Puente is to check our website regularly as well as to subscribe to our Twitter
Feed (can do this on our website).

Food Distribution
The next food distribution is Thursday April 28, 2011.

P.O. Box 554 Pescadero, CA. 94060 650.879.1691

From: "Catherine Peery" <>
Subject: bike rides
Date: March 21, 2011 4:09:48 PM PDT
To: "'PMAC Members'" <>
Cc: "'rob talbot'" <>, "'Nancy Raulston'"

I just found some correspondence from Meredith Reynolds, chair of PMAC in

1998, and from Meg Delano, Chair of PMAC in 2003, basically begging the County
to notify us of bike rides as they come up and having their representatives meet
with us so that we could control the dates and numbers of bike rides. It took a
long time to get the County to steer those bike riders in our direction. Now that
theyre coming, we need to follow up with a coherent policy when they arrive. It
would be good to know what PMAC members want to use as a criteria for these
bike riding clubswhen we see it as a positive economic benefit, when we see it
as a disruption. Although we probably cant come up with this criteria at our April
2nd meeting, nevertheless we can talk about the goal of improving our economy,
and how important the tourist economy is to us, and the appropriate ways to
support it.

Catherine Peery
d: 650-879-0150; f: 650-879-1847
toll free: 888-879-1846 x 101


The ceremony was organized by the people at the Half Moon Bay library.
I am sorry that no one from PMAC was notified about it. What we can do
from here on out is whenever I hear of an event going on in Pescadero, I
can contact you to confirm that PMAC is aware of it. If you think this
could be a good solution, I would be more than happy to do so.

As far as PMAC coming before the Board and presenting their projects and
progress, I will look into that and get back to you. I don't want to speak
for the supervisor(s). Thank you.


Nicholas Calderon
Legislative Aide
Office of San Mateo County Supervisor Don Horsley
Office. (650) 599-1016
Fax. (650) 363-1856

From: Catherine Peery <>

Subject: Bookmobile event last Saturday
Date: March 10, 2011 11:00:48 AM PST
To: Nick Calderon <>
Cc: Kate Meyer Haas

I wonder why no PMAC members were notified or invited to this event. It seems
strange that the Half Moon Bay mayor would be there, but no one from PMAC. Who
organized that?

Perhaps PMAC needs to send a delegation to the Board of Supervisors, as we have in the
past, to make a presentation on what PMAC is working on, what weve done, etc.
Something that would be appropriate after our goal-setting session.

Catherine M. Peery, Chair
Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
P.O. Box 249, Pescadero CA 94060-0249
650-879-0150, f: 650-879-1847
From: Lee Thompson []
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 11:19 AM
To: Catherine Peery;
Cc: Nick Calderon;
Subject: RE: PMAC Bylaws

It may well be that I overlooked something, or included something that I
should not have, in the consideration of my response. For instance, it may
well be that the use of the term "members" was intended to be interpreted as
the existing membership rather than the fixed number of 13. If you would be
so helpful as to provide me with a copy of whatever interpretation you have
received in the past, that would be of great assistance in my taking another
look at the matter.
Thank you.

"Catherine Peery" <> 3/23/2011 11:25 AM >>>


County counsel has given us the exact opposite interpretation in the past.
If this is true, then we have almost never had a quorum at those times when
we had only 7 members. Not a very good result. In fact, I can't remember
the last time we had 13 members, and I can remember quite a few times when
we have had a quorum of 5 over the last few years.

If this is your interpretation, it sounds like the County needs to revise

its Resolution to make it clear that there can be less than 13 members
(which is in fact generally the case). Either that or it needs to
"interpret" them differently.

I think the by-laws are pretty clear that a majority of the members is a

Catherine M. Peery, Chair

From: Lee Thompson []

Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 10:55 AM
To: Catherine Peery;
Cc: Nick Calderon;
Subject: RE: PMAC Bylaws

Chairperson Peery:
As currently written the bylaws, when read in conjunction with the
Resolution establishing the PMAC, provide that a quorum is 7 members
(regardless of the number of people actually seated as elected members).
Specifically, both the founding Resolution and the bylaws provide that the
council "shall be composed of thirteen (13) members". Neither provides for
anything less than 13 members (i.e., the Resolution does not say something
like "shall be composed of up to 13 members"; and a quorum is not defined as
something like "the majority of the non-vacant membership positions").
Accordingly, regardless of the number of "vacant membership positions", the
Council is to be governed, for purposes of the bylaws and the Brown Act, as
a 13 member council. If there is a desire to have a quorum consist of
something less than a majority of the 13 members (i.e., less than 7
members), then the bylaws would need to be revised.

Lee A. Thompson
Chief Deputy County Counsel
San Mateo County
(650) 363-4697 (Direct Dial)
(650) 363-4034 (Facsimile)

"Catherine Peery" <> 3/22/2011 12:07 PM >>>

Dear Lee,

Just to avoid any confusion, if there are 9 members on the council then, as
per the by-laws, a quorum is 5 people. Here is the section of the by-laws
you were referencing:

"Section 8. Quorum

A majority of the membership of the Council constitutes a quorum for the

purpose of conducting regular Council business. If no quorum can be attained
at any meeting of the Council, the Chairperson shall adjourn the meeting
until a quorum may be formed."

I think Rob Skinner probably needs to get your response that you agree that
if you have 9 members on the council a quorum is 5. At our February
meeting, all but one were in attendance (me) so the meeting definitely
included a quorum.

There are now 8 members on the council, so the quorum is still 5.

Thanks for your help.

Catherine M. Peery, Chair

From: Lee Thompson []

Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 6:31 PM
Cc: Nick Calderon;
Subject: PMAC Bylaws

Mr. Skinner:
As we discussed, attached is a copy of the document that I understand to be
the bylaws of PMAC scheduled to be adopted at the March 9, 2010 meeting. I
cannot tell from the files that I have whether or when the attached Bylaws
were actually adopted by PMAC.
Based on the Bylaws, it would appear that a quorum is a majority of the 13
members (i.e., 7 or more) and that the bylaws are silent as to the process
for electing officers.

I suggest that you go to the league of Cities Website at ,

and do a site search for "rosenberg". That should take you to a link for
Rosenberg's Rules of Order. I highly recommend Rosenberg's rules, or
something similar to them, as a more practical alternative to Robert's
Rules of Order.

I am copying Council Chairperson Peery on this email, as it is my practice

to copy the president or chair of a board or council whenever I send a
written communication to an individual board or council member.

Lee A. Thompson
Chief Deputy County Counsel
San Mateo County
(650) 363-4697 (Direct Dial)
(650) 363-4034 (Facsimile)
With a flurry of e-mails last week and the help of Nick Calderon, we reached Rob Talbot
in time to meet Fridays deadline, and he is the only candidate who responded to the
posting for new candidates and completed an application for the position. This is good
news, because it clears the way for Rob to be part of the council. The whole process
was definitely a learning experience!

Rob, we hope you can join us for the April 2nd goal-setting meeting, which starts at 9 am
Saturday at the Community Church Social Hall.

Members, Im including below the beginning of a conversation regarding goals.

The town sign is a way of increasing our ability to communicate
on all subjects with the community, which is a high priority.
Affordable housing is a way of keeping our teachers here and
keeping our young people here, instead of having a community of
old people.
Working on the waste water treatment system before it is imposed
on us is very relevant to the problems of the community, and can
provide opportunities for our town.
Building relationships with the community's nonprofits is very
important as is supporting them in their goals.
Building a support network with the Schools, and with other
resources within the community, is very important.
We have made PMAC very credible with the County by following
through on our promises. It has much more clout now than it used
to. That helps the whole community.
Working with the Resource Conservation District is probably our
best approach to solving the flooding problem over time. In that
regard, we are a small cog in a big wheel.
The economic well being of the community should be supported by
our actions.
The council itself needs to be more representative of our
community by including members with diverse backgrounds (other
than old white people).

Catherine M. Peery, Chair
Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
P.O. Box 249, Pescadero CA 94060-0249
650-879-0150, f: 650-879-1847

From: "Catherine Peery" <>
Subject: RE: : carpenter & PMAC
Date: April 7, 2011 10:08:14 AM PDT
To: "'Kate'" <>
Cc: "'PMAC Members'" <>, "'Darla
Donovan'" <>

Thanks, Kate, for the reminder on delegation.

I think we did set up a permit review committee and that would probably be the
way to grab ahold of this.

d: 650-879-0150, f: 650-879-1847; toll free: 888-879-1846 x 101

Pescadero team:, x 105, x 100, x 102

From: Kate []
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:48 AM
To: Catherine M. Peery
Cc: PMAC Members; Darla Donovan
Subject: Re: : carpenter & PMAC

Thanks Catherine.

Yes, the SMC alerts are a very good idea. Here's the link:

Catherine your information is really helpful, thank you. Also though, we are
attempting to strengthen all of us as a team and perhaps there are
opportunities here for the rest of us to step forward and grab an issue that
comes under our purview? I believe Rob T. and Jake were taking on safety.
Guys, would this be an opportunity to make these liaison connections using
the direction Catherine recommends below? Catherine YOU do have good
connections, but the group spoke in favor of more delegation from you and
more involvement from us.

Thoughts others?

Regarding the stalled permit with the county, we didn't vote for a liaison to
the planning and building department. Maybe we should?

Thanks again all, Kate

On Apr 7, 2011, at 7:26 AM, Catherine M. Peery wrote:


Butano Canyon Mutual Water Company has said that the County has no money and it will be
much cheaper for the State to handle this, so I'm not sure its a disadvantage that this is moving to
the State, except that we may need to talk to the County Environmental Health folks to find out
who this now has to go through at the State level.

I think this really underscores our need to build good relationships with our State Assembly and
Senate reps, so that they can represent our interests in local issues.

As far as warning on the roads, there is signage required, but that's not going to do you any good
if you're leaving Pescadero to go around to Hwy 84. There is a link that provides text messages
regarding road closures through SMC alert, and I can get Darla that link. Its very handy.

I'm going to have to look at Nancy's notes to see what liaisons would be involved with this, if
any, but I can put a call in to Steve Fisher and find out about the local road signage. In regard to
the water company issue, there are two really good resources: Dean Peterson at Environmental
Health and our local water companies, who have all gotten the same news and are familiar with
it, including Butano Canyon Mutual Water Company. I believe Darla has those contacts, but if
not I can put her in touch with Bill Thompson who is aware of this issue. He's the Water Master


-----Original Message-----
From: Kate []
Sent: Wednesday, April 6, 2011 10:05 PM
To: 'Catherine Peery'
Cc: 'PMAC Members', 'Darla Donovan'
Subject: Fwd: carpenter & PMAC

Hi Catherine (and all.) How serious are we about following our new
liaison format?

Below are two requests for PMAC assistance from Darla Donovan (I've
clipped this from a longer email.) Starting with her second request, she is
asking for signage to be posted in advance of traffic work that limits access
to Loma Mar. I assume there is a policy for notifying folks of road blocks
some distance before the site, Catherine do you know what that policy is?
If not, is this a question for our liaison with the sheriff's department?

Regarding her first question, who's tasked with following up with the
planning department? Did we decide on this? I see here that they (the
Loma Mar Water Co.) are not getting any response to a permit filed (over 4
months ago) with the county. Did we choose someone to make contact
around these issues with the planning department? If so, this would seem
like a good beginning.

And last, I'd like to know what Kellyx has to say about "small water
company business" being handed over to the state... Wonder what the
effect of this will be? I'll write Kellyx and cc you (Catherine.)

Best, Kate

Begin forwarded message:

to intercede on our behalf with the County as it relates to the Loma Mar
Water Co. (we submitted a request for permits to upgrade the water
treatment plant back in November 2010; learned in February/March that no
action had been taken on our request because the County intended to hand
over all small water company business to the State which will be effective
on July 1, 2011. Is this something PMAC can help with?

Also, it would be helpful for signs to be placed at Hwy 84/1 and/or at Hwy
1/Pescadero Road when there is a road closure. It is such a drag to think I
can go home on Pescadero Road to find the road closed on the windy part
near the Flamingo house and have to back track all the way to 84 to get
home. One time both routes were closed and I had no idea! How much
does it take to place signage? It would certainly be common courtesy and a
show of respect for those of us living on/traveling to the South Coast.
From: "greg bonaparte" <>
Subject: Re: County of San Mateo Contribution to PMAC
Date: March 16, 2011 10:39:39 AM PDT
To: <>, "Joanne Ward"
Cc: "Catherine Peery" <>, "Joy Limin"
<>, "Jim Saco"
<>, "Nick Calderon"

Joanne, thank you for your understanding as well as the process information
provided. I assume either you or Joy will notify me if we can be of any further
assistance in re processing the FY 2009-10 allocation.

Going forward, I have absolutely no objection to the alternative processing

procedure. As I understand your explaniation, we would receive notification from
the county each April, after which we would respond with our bank statements
and receipts, I assume in the case of the current FY bank statements and
receipts would include July '10 and continue through April '11. Next FY am I
correct in assuming we would submit bank statements and receipts from June
'11 through April '12? Whatever you require we will be more than happy to
comply. And finally to answer your question concerning preparedness we need
only to collect one receipt, which I am working to get, to be completely up to date
with our accounting.

Greg Bonaparte
PMAC Acting Treasurer

--- On Tue, 3/15/11, Joanne Ward <> wrote:

From: Joanne Ward <>

Subject: County of San Mateo Contribution to PMAC
Cc: "Catherine Peery" <>, "Joy Limin"
<>, "Jim Saco"
<>, "Nick Calderon"
Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2011, 11:00 AM

Hi Greg,

I received your packet just now and will forward it to our accountant. She
normally gets a packet of receipts, but she can take a look at these
documents to see if these are adequate to process the annual PMAC

Yes, there have been quite a few changes on this end and it sounds like
there have been quite a few changes over there as well, so I appreciate
your letter. I thought I would offer a suggestion for simplifying the
process going forward. I believe at one point, years ago, the process
used to be that every April the County would prepare the County's
contribution letter, send it to PMAC, then PMAC would return the signed
letter with its packet of receipts and bank statements. The County would
then process the payment prior to the end of its fiscal year. It seemed to
be a fairly routine process.

At some point, things seem to have gotten somewhat turned where we

would receive the receipts and then the letter would go out so that we
could quickly review those receipts and get then get the payment out. If
could quickly review those receipts and get then get the payment out. If
it works with your operational process and timing, perhaps we could get
back to a more planned process whereby we send the letter out at the
same time each year and in turn, we would know when to keep a look
out for the signed letter and receipts coming back at that same time
each year.

1) To process the FY 2009-10 payment = I am no longer located in the

same building with our accountant, Joy Limin. I am also in a new job, but
I am currently sharing the PMAC contribution process with Joy. I will
forward your March 4 letter and packet to Joy Limin. She will review the
documents and if these are adequate, she will finish processing your FY
2009-10 payment. We already received the signed FY 2009-10
contribution letter some time ago and I believe Joy began processing the
FY 2009-10 paperwork and was holding the payment until the
corresponding documentation came in. I will ask Joy (via this e-mail) to
get back to you directly with a status report as soon as she reviews your
March 4 packet.

2) To process the FY 2010-11 payment = Do you have

receipts/documentation for FY 2010-11 yet? If so, perhaps we could try
the following process. I will send you the FY 2010-11 contribution letter
by next week. When you receive that letter, please sign it and send it
back to Joy with your FY 2010-11 receipts/documentation. If you don't
have the FY 2010-11 receipts/documentation yet, please be sure to let
us know. All receipts/payment documents from now on should be sent
directly to Joy Limin. She is located at the address on your letter,
County Manager's Office, Office of Budget and Performance, 400
County Center, Redwood City. As soon as she receives the signed letter
with the receipts/documents she can process your FY 2010-11 payment.
We would be glad to do that before June 30, 2011.

3) For future payments, should we plan to send you the contribution

letter every April to process your current year payment? Or, would
another month work better for you?

I would be glad to do whatever I can to make this process more

manageable. Let me know what works best for you.


Joanne M. Ward
Principal Management Analyst
County Manager's Office
Voice: (650) 363-4122
Pony: CMO105

Save Paper.
Think before you print.
Dear Member,

We have finalized the dates for the Rotary and Chamber at the High School,
a mini education series that focuses on preparing seniors for life after High

There are still a few classes that we need presenters for. Are you interested in
participating in this rewarding program? We are looking for participants in
the following:

What career interests you?

Business people from different vocations to give a 1 minute description
and then spend 3 minutes with each student (picture speed dating

Half Moon Bay High School: Friday, April 29 from 7:45am-8:40am

and 9:00am-9:55am
Pescadero High School: Wednesday, May 18 from 8:30am-9:45am

Pescadero class sizes are much smaller, so the class will be held in one session.
Half Moon Bay High School will be split into two sessions, as their class sizes are
over triple that of Pescadero.

Please, let me know ASAP if you would like to participate so that we can
confirm that we have enough participants in the program. Ideally we would like
you to take part at both High Schools!

We are also looking for participants in Mock Job Interviews to help students
learn how to interview, what to wear, how to act, etc. We will ask them to come
prepared, dressed for the interview with resume in hand!

Half Moon Bay High School: Monday, May 2 from 7:45am-9:10am

and 9:25am-11:05am
Pescadero High School: Thursday, May 19 from 1:30pm-3:00pm

Please, email me at and let me know what programs

you can participate in. Please include your name and profession.

This is a great program and was very well received last year. We hope you can
help us do it again this year!

Charise Hale McHugh, ACE
From: Karen McBride <>
Subject: Re: Pescadero & Puente
Date: April 11, 2011 11:24:12 AM PDT
To: "" <>
Cc: Catherine Peery <>, "'Kerry Lobel'"
<>, "'Kate Meyer Haas'"

It was good to meet you at the last Pescadero community meeting on 3/8 and
wanted to give you an update on a few things that RCAC is currently working on.

I met with Kerry out at Puente while I was in the area and we are going to work on
hosting 2 informational workshops in the near future. One will cover drinking
water basics and the other will cover wastewater septic information on dos and
donts. While we are facing some cut backs here with limited layoffs, I am moving
forward in setting some future dates up that will work with both Kerry and
Catherine so we can offer a joint outreach effort to both Puente area communities
and Pescadero.

The 2nd piece of this effort is the need to find a grant for $25,000 to move forward
on the revision of the wastewater design that Pescadero currently has. The 1st
design that came out for Pescadero was too costly and the community could not
afford to run with the design. They have since found an engineering firm who will
modify the existing design to a more affordable system. The modification will costs
$25,000 to complete. Once that happens RCAC can move forward in working with
State Water Board or USDA/RD in seeking grants and loans for construction.

We have had 2 possible in the cooker for Pescadero. 1) would be after Federal
Budget adoption, seek a SEARCH grant from USDA/RD for the needed funds
(USDA/RD still doesnt know how much will be available in the SEARCH Grant) or
2) seek possible funding from the State water Board. The latter option requires the
County to sponsor Pescadero as the funds available right now are for Clean Water
State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program funds and would need to be a local public
agency (i.e., city, county, or district). The Water Board cannot loan to nonprofits
unless it is a non-point source project and they would have to evaluate the
eligibility for principal forgiveness further. Jim Porter (Public Works) has worked
with Pescadero in the past on application processes but this seems like it would be
asking the County to sponsor and not sure if they would be willing or have the

So, since you are the community contact now for Pescadero I would really like to
discuss these 2 options with you and get your thoughts on county support. Im in
off and on this week but would like to give you a call when you have a few minutes
. Please let me know what day and time would be best to discuss.


Karen D. McBride
Rural Community Assistance Corporation
Rural Development Specialist-Environmental
Office (916) 447-9832 ext 1012
Cell (916) 549-3265

Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) provides

technical assistance, training and financing so rural communities
achieve their goals and visions.

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Committe Checking Account Activity
July 1, 2010 through April 8, 2011

Date Transaction Description Check # Amount Balance

6/30/10 Opening balance, carry over from fiscal '09 9,131.71

7/1/10 Debit Rental of Native Sons hall for seven (7) months 569 -450 8,681.71

7/30/10 Month's end balance 8,681.71

8/13/10 Debit Cody Souls: Town Sign 570 -2,000 6,681.71

8/31/10 Month's end balance 6,681.71

9/15/10 Debit Rob Skinner: Meeting refreshments 571 -19.53 6,662.18

9/30/10 Month's end balance 6,662.18

10/29/10 Month's end balance 6,662.18

11/29/10 Debit USPS: PO Box 249 annual rental 572 -110 6,552.18

11/30/10 Month's end balance 6,552.18

12/31/10 Month's end balance 6,552.18

Community Church: Rental December '10

1/27/11 Debit through March '11 573 -300 6,252.18

1/31/11 Month's end balance 6,252.18

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Committe Checking Account Activity
July 1, 2010 through April 8, 2011

Date Transaction Description Check # Amount Balance

2/28/11 Month's end balance 6,252.18

3/18/11 Credit San Mateo County Allocation 3,000 9,252.18

3/31/11 Month's end balance 9,252.18

Activity since March 3, 2011

4/1/11 Debit Community Church: Deposit for April meetings 574 -100 9,152.18

Pescadero Country Store: April 4th meeting

1-Apr Debit refreshments 575 -42.5 9,109.68

4/7/11 Debit Rob Skinner: April 4th meeting refreshments 576 -50.88 9,058.80

Nancy Raulston Consulting: April 2nd meeting

4/7/11 Debit facilitator 577 -500 8,558.80

Greg Bonaparte: Postage; Labels; Meeting

4/7/11 Debit supplies 578 -41.31 8,517.49
Pescadero Municipal Advisory Committe Checking Account Activity
July 1, 2010 through April 8, 2011

Date Transaction Description

PMAC Special Meeting

April 2, 2011

Transcription of Flip Charts

Ground Rules

- Share the floor (everyone talks, no one dominates)

- Seek first to understand, then to be understood
- Be constructive
- Be choiceful about time
- Approach decisions mindfully
- Document and distribute notes
- Follow public meeting guidelines

Why Did You Join PMAC?

- To help bring Pescadero back to the thriving community it was when I first came
- To help restore PMAC to the effectiveness it had in its original creation
- To ensure that the High School survives, so people can live here; to make sure
teachers have a place to live
- Moved to the area full time, want to get involved
- Asked to participate
- Have ideas and want to advocate change, help area thrive, get County attention
- Its an extraordinary time want to focus on community and get voices heard
and resources to go to doing needed work
- To raises awareness of issues, facilitate communication
- To be a representative for the retail community, look at ways to improve
economic conditions
- Family has deep roots in the community, want to have impact

Describe the Ideal PMAC:

- has impact
- uses talents
- gets things done
- is relevant to community
- effectively navigates regulations
- has clear focus areas
- is empowered
- is proactive
- educates and facilitates communications with the community
- people WANT to be a part
- PMAC has a good reputation
- has good allies and relationships
- is an advocate for the environment
- has good participation from all key groups in community
- is fun
- we have active PR to get people involved and promote our accomplishments
- we have clear governance so people know how they can be involved
- we have workable regulations that people understand
- our meeting structure is workable
- PMAC members are accountable to clear expectations
- We are politically powerful with a clear strategy for working with the county

Gap Areas (in priority order)

Governance (13) how to better enlist talent from community

Communication (10) how to make sure information is shared and input solicited

Influence Strategy (8) how to work effectively with County, Assembly, etc.

Fun (6) how to make PMAC meetings more fun, attractive

Budget (4) how to ensure clarity and appropriate oversight on budget issues

Focus and plan on key goals (5) how to align on key areas to focus and clear

Marketing/PR (3) how to promote PMAC

Accountability (3) how to ensure PMAC and members meet their commitments

Meeting redesign (2) how to ensure PMAC meetings are efficient AND effective

Clarity on requirements (2) how to ensure all PMAC members understand and
follow the Brown Act, Roberts Rules of Order, etc.

Gap Area #1: Governance/Participation

- Stated committees with clear goals, actions, expectations and accountability
- Liaisons to all important groups in the community
- More people from the community are involved to utilize the talents in the
- Each active individual and group is clear on expectations and commitments
- Leadership is respectful, respected and direct
- There is a clear process for decision-making
- Meetings are run effectively with an atmosphere that makes people feel
confident their input is valued and used

Possible Actions Commitments:

1) Committees
- Communications Rob S
- Town Planning Cotton
- Infrastructure Rob T
- Safety Rob T., Jake (to work with Larry Lawson)
- Outreach Kate, Rob T., Darius, Carolyn, Catherine

Each Committee Lead to bring to the May meeting a draft charter (template

and Liaisons

- Farm Bureau Jake

- Young Farmers Kate, David
- Ag Advisory Jake
- Business Rob S.
- NGOs: Puente Kate
Pescadero Foundation -- Catherine
Southcoast Childrens Services -- Kate
Pescadero Historical Society -- Catherine
Pescadero Educational Foundation Rob T.
- Coastal Commission -- Carolyn
- Coastal Alliance/CASE -- Carolyn
- School District Don
- RCD Jake

Each Liaison to contact his/her organizations and bring a proposed plan for
liaising to the May meeting.

Rob T. and Jake to convene a special meeting to discuss flooding plan

2) PMAC begins to host a pre-meeting informal communication event
- starts at 7
- every PMAC member attends and wears a name tag
- responsibility for hosting rotates (hosts set up, make coffee, bring goodies,
greet people and facilitate communication)
- each PMAC member encourages people to come and be heard
- PMAC experiments with format (all informal? Topic? Meeting format?) to
find effective way to gather input and participation

Rob S. and Greg to host social hour before April 12 meeting

3) An Outreach task force will design a strategy for how best to facilitate
input/communication with community web site, radio, paper, PO board,
sandwich board, sign, auto-email list, etc.

Kate to coordinate special meeting before 4/12 meeting Kate, Carolyn, Rob T.,
Jake, Darius, Catherine, Jake

Additional Possible Actions:

4) Group to look at redesigning meetings dfferent types of meetings for

different purposes, effective meeting design and facilitation for each

5) Create a process for working with outside groups who come to PMAC be
sure they know what to expect and are prepared, and that the interaction is

6) For every cause that PMAC works on, have a clear strategy for who will
be involved and how communication, working with County, outreach, etc.

7) Get a clear understanding of what resources are available and how they
will be allocated, used, reported against

8) Look at stakeholder groups and make sure the strategy/responsibility is

clear for how PMAC will actively work with them

Gap Area #2: Influence Strategy

- County reaches out to PMAC
- We have ongoing, effective relationships with key groups
- We have a process for education people on PMACs point of view
- We know and have designated relationships with an individual in each
department at the county
- We have an archive of documents available to make sure we can all
effectively communicate about PMACs view
- We share responsibility across PMAC fr County relationships
- We have a direct relationship with each Supervisor and their assistant
- For any topic, we have clarity on who to reach out to

Possible Actions Commitments:

1) Create for reference a list of who/what department at the county is involved

in key areas

Catherine to bring/create org chart for county to April meeting

2) Have an active discussion assigning a PMAC member to each key group, using
the chart above and connecting assignments to committee leadership and
liaison assignments

Group to have discussion of County relationship assignments at May meeting,
using the chart from Catherine

3) Group agreed they will find a way to post updates on committee work,
interactions with the County, etc and to copy the Chair on all emails and
Committee reports (as provided in the by-laws

Darius to look into create a Google Group to facilitate communication (and
check out other Google Apps like calendaring, etc.)

4) Group will think about a common set of documents that members can use to
communicate about PMAC

Gap Area #3: Fun

- PMAC meetings will be seen as enjoyable
- People will look forward to interacting with PMAC

Possible Actions Commitments:

1) PMAC will look into holding a quarterly social function -- perhaps

sponsored by a business group PMAC members to show up as PMAC
wearing name tags

Rob S. to talk to businesses and see if interest

2) PMAC members and families to have non-business, social only events in
each district

Catherine and Greg to hold first one BBQ at Butano Country Club

Other Possible Actions:
3) Have a fun booth at PAAF

4) Sponsor a community movie
Next Steps
1) Nancy to transcribe flip charts
2) Nancy to send out charter template
3) Each Committee Lead to bring to the May meeting a draft charter (template
4) Each Liaison to contact his/her organizations and bring a proposed plan for
liaising to the May meeting.
5) Rob T. and Jake to convene a special meeting to discuss flooding plan
6) Kate to coordinate special meeting about outreach before 4/12 meeting
Kate, Carolyn, Rob T., Jake, Darius, Catherine
7) Catherine to bring/create org chart for county to April meeting
8) Group to have discussion of County relationship assignments at May meeting,
using the chart from Catherine
9) Rob and Greg to host social hour before April 12 meeting
10)Darius to look into create a Google Group to facilitate communication
communication (and check out other Google Apps like calendaring, etc.)
11)Carolyn to get name tags made for PMAC members
12)Greg and Carolyn to look at how budget information can be
13) Rob S. to talk to businesses and see if interest in quarterly social function
14)Catherine and Greg to hold first social-only event for PMAC members and
families BBQ at Butano Country Club

Meeting Evaluation
- Good energy
- Fun
- Moved through topics well
- Had a constructive exchange
- Had good participation from both PMAC and public
- Flip charts were helpful to track commitments
From: "Rodger Reinhart" <>
Subject: PMAC web site and email
Date: April 7, 2011 4:06:40 PM PDT
To: "PMAC Members" <>
Cc: "Catherine Peery PMAC" <>, "'Darius
Christopher Dunlap'" <>
1 Attachment, 17.0 KB

Hello PMAC members

The to do list on the PMAC web site is attached. I can sign up for
updating the agenda and handouts and adding simple items to the
main page. If you want a more extensive update I will work with you to
hand it off or set up access. I will post the approved minutes when I
receive them. There has been some confusion on the minutes in the
past because draft minutes were approved as written and I think folks
assumed I would post them.

I copied Darius on this email because he is working with the PMAC on

communication issues.

The address forwards to the following list.

As the PMAC sorts through its operating changes let me know who I
should coordinate the web site update or handoff with.

Please copy the PMAC chair on any emails sent to me on PMAC

Rodger Reinhart

January 11, 2011

Catherine Peery
PMAC Web Site Status

The PMAC web site is currently hosted on my shared hosting account. All of the
files used to create the
site are stored on the site. I am happy to continue to do the monthly update for the

Monthly Update Tasks

1) Add the agenda to the files section.

2) Add the handouts to files section. Receiving the handouts as a single large
PDF file is the easiest for me to work with.

3) Add the approved minutes to the files section.

4) Update the main page.

Web Site To Do List For 2011

1) Move the site to a hosting account controlled by the PMAC. Hosting
accounts cost $5 to $20 per month.

2) Finish the transfer of the to a domain account
controlled by the PMAC.

PMAC Email

1) Email addresses have been set up for the new PMAC members. Emails
forward to each members personal email address. Links have been added
to the members page.

Best Regards
Rodger Reinhart


PMAC Team Development

Summary and Recommendations

I have heard from several of you that you feel good about the progress we made in your
special session. I thought it might be helpful to share some thoughts from a team
development perspective about what I saw and what you might do to continue to build on
the work we did.

Many of the actions we took together have set the foundation for a structure for PMAC
work. I think we learned that, to be effective, PMAC needs to achieve a balance between
informal interaction where you gather feedback and input, brainstorm ideas, sketch out a
vision of what you would like to accomplish in an area, assign an owner and clarify initial
steps, then let the owner bring back to you a plan for the work.

This more open-ended process should be balanced with a more structure process where
those plans are consolidated and used to track progress maybe at each monthly
meeting. By publishing and reporting against concrete plans that are linked to a shared,
public vision, PMAC can rebuild a reputation for delivering.

Meeting Facilitation
I would encourage you to continue talking about the idea of having different formats or
kinds of meetings
- informal, brain storming or visioning meetings where everyone talks about what
ideal looks like in an area
- - task focused group meetings where a small group of people turns that vision into
a plan with clear deliverables, timeframes and responsibilities
- status meetings where people report against a clear set of responsibilities
- decision-making meetings where small groups present recommendations for the
whole group to vote on
- strategy meetings (which may occur every 6 months or so) when the group
reviews what has happened over the last 6 months and resets goals for the next
period of time

I would be happy to help with common facilitator techniques for each kind of meeting. By
specifying up front what kind of meeting it is, and by making sure that the right kind of prep
happens, these meetings can be quite efficient.

PO Box 825
Pescadero, CA 94060
Tel 415.823.0404

One of the important tasks for a team is to begin to focus team members on areas of
contribution where they can make a unique contribution. We made a start at that but I think
you can continue to increase both efficiency and member satisfaction by continuing this

Style is an important factor in this effort. Style refers to peoples preferences what kinds
of activities they like, where they feel comfortable, where they have unique talents or
experience that the group needs. By having focus areas linked to style, people know
where to put their time and also feel like they have some freedom to act.

I have attached a question sheet which might be helpful to all of you to help you figure out
style (it is part of a commonly used instrument called the DISC). If you all are interested in
doing this exercise to learn more about how different styles interact in a team and how to
best match style with role, I would be happy to give more information about how you/we
could use this. Style has a big impact on the dynamic level of team function that we

Briefly, from what I saw, Rob S and Kate are networking oriented and seem well matched
with tasks Kate helping with the outreach effort and Rob S. taking a lead in helping get
the Social meeting before the PMAC business meeting off the ground. Darius is helping
with using technologies to support PMAC communication and Rob S. is helping create
structure around some of the core processes for both the community and the group.
Catherine is oriented toward keeping the structure and content of the group organized,
and Greg seems to be helping there. Im sure the others in the group will also find their
area of preference.

The web by which you all communicate with each other and the community is beginning
to take shape and by continuing to refine those processes, you can greatly enhance your
reach and efficiency. The outreach committee will put together an overview on how to
use the various technologies and meetings to ensure that info flows well with the
community. I would encourage you to use the plans we put together and the work from
the various committees to create and manage to an overall task roadmap that can help
you keep aware of and on top of all the efforts. Im sure Darius and Jake have some ideas
of how to use technology to share and update that info. By sharing this network design
with the community, all should be impressed by how many opportunities they have to stay
connected to PMAC work beyond just coming to PMAC meetings.

We assigned people to be primary contacts for groups within the community and talked
about doing the same sort of work to align PMAC members with county contacts. The next
steps are to clarify expectations for how people will communicate with and bring back input
and feedback from these groups. When this network gets up and running, I think
everyone will feel like communication efforts are much more efficient and productive.

The above suggestions are just a few ideas about how to keep the momentum of our
meeting going. I would be happy to meet with representatives to talk this through and be
more concrete about other work you might want to do, and I would be happy to help where
I can.
From: "greg bonaparte" <>
Subject: Social Hall Rental
Date: March 16, 2011 10:06:32 AM PDT
To: <>
Cc: "Catherine Peery" <>, "rob skinner"

Carol, I am Greg Bonaparte, acting PMAC Treasurer. I just reviewed your email
to Catherine in re rental of the facility for the April 2nd meeting. Accordingly, I've
completed and signed the form and will be remitting the sum of $100 deposit/4
hour rental as requested.

In reference to the balance of the email concerning previous payment for rental
of the hall for evening PMAC meetings, I am a bit confused. Although I do not
have the PMAC check register in front of me at the moment, I can assure you a
check in the amount of $300 {rental for four (4) months (December, 2010
through March, 2011) } was remitted to your attention well over a month ago.
Accompanying the check was a note from me asking for a wet receipt be sent to
my attention c/o PMAC, PO Box 249, Pescadero, CA, 94060. To date I have not
received the receipt. In fact I asked Rob Skinner recently to nudge you in that
regard. Based on your email it appears you have either not received the above
mentioned check or it was somehow credited to another account. If you would
get back to me by return email in regards this matter it would be greatly

In terms of the an agreement to rent the hall going forward, that is something I
can not address at the moment as it has not been formally discussed by our
group. I will see to it that this is added as a house keeping item to our April 2nd
agenda. Following that meeting I will make contact concerning our decision. If
our decision is to continue using the church's social hall I am sure we will be
able to reach an mutually acceptable agreement.

I will be your main contact, in regard to rental and contracts, so please feel free
to contact me by email or phone as the need arises.


Greg Bonaparte
PMAC Acting Treasurer
translate in Spanish.

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call (650) 372-6200 or visit

See reverse for details.

Come and recycle your old electronic PRESORTED
devices for free. Items accepted include: FIRST CLASS MAIL
U.S. Postage
Computers and monitors
Televisions PAID
Redwood City, CA
Small appliances, including microwaves Permit No. 688
Stereos and MP3 players
Phones, cell phones
Fax machines, copiers, printers, scanners
VCRs and DVD players
Video games


Hazardous waste
Batteries of any kind
Large appliances such as stoves,
washing machines, etc.
Light bulbs, tubes and ballasts
Smoke detectors

To learn more about ways to reduce

your waste visit our website at
or call the direct line at
We are available to
translate in Spanish.

Printed on Recycled Paper

From: Joe La Mariana [] Sent:
Friday, April 08, 2011 3:41 PM To: Cc: Ann
Stillman; Jake Bowman; Jim Porter; Lillian Clark; Nick Calderon Subject:
RE: 4/12/11 PMAC Meeting

Hi Catherine,

Please note that my colleague, Lillian Clark, and I are planning to attend
Tuesday's night's meeting at the suggestion of Supervisor Horsley's
legislative aide, Nick Calderon, and your fellow PMAC member, Jake
Bowman. Jake advised me that the Transfer Station funding issue came up
during a recent PMAC planning session and he felt that it would be
beneficial for us to observe the discussion as we all review future options
to bridge the current funding gap for the operations of this site. If called
upon, we are very happy to observe this discussion and provide any
historical clarification on this operation. We look forward to see you there.


Joe La Mariana
Solid Waste & Environmental Services Section
Department of Public Works
555 County Center, 5th Floor
Redwood City, CA 94010
Pescadero Municipal Advisory Report
Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Council Members: Rob Skinner & Jake Bowman


In order to better serve all of us who rely on the Pescadero

Transfer Station to operate our homes and businesses successfully,
we draft this correspondence to advise the county on how best to
proceed with changes at the station. We need to figure out what to do
with the Transfer Station, since our rates are getting hiked to cover
the gross failure of the Countys Solid Waste Fund. To achieve this
goal, we did some informal research to discover the best
management practices of transfer stations, if there were any to be
found from which we could- or should wish- to learn.


The San Mateo County Solid Waste Fund runs out effectively
next year, and it officially reaches zero in 2013. Our previous
contractor, Allied Waste, in the process of acquiring BFI, was recently
acquired itself by Republic Services. The current contract runs out in
2015. The County has projected a fee increase to support this loss-
making enterprise, and they are considering a reduction in the
facilitys hours of operation to compensate as well. Although expected
to pay for the economic failure of this arrangement through steep fee
hikes, the people of Pescadero are not directly a party to this
contract, and whats more, their interests are not served well by its
current configuration.

Issues & Recommendations

After an initial investigation of the communitys issues regarding

the transfer station, we have developed the following list of
observations and recommendations:

1. Reduction of the transfer stations hours of operation is a band-aid

applied to the bleeding wound of total economic failure that the
County Solid Waste Fund represents. Although it may be necessary
in the short-term just to restore fiscal sanity to the countys balance
sheet, we would like the county to recognize that this is a temporary
fix to a permanent problem that requires a systemic solution.
Furthermore, a systemic solution might offer benefits to the
communitys industries and opportunities that would go far to improve
our whole entire environmental situation.

2. If the county goes through with the proposed rate hike, we need to
understand the countys plan to handle enforcement when and where
dumping on public and private lands increases, especially
considering the shortage of manpower, rural intelligence, and other
practical matters, which are ill-suited to counterbalance the acute
economic incentive that poor folks have to avoid dumping fees.

3. Accordingly, it is short-sighted and insensitive to force Allied Waste

to reduce Abels hours, since he is a valued member of the
community who provides an essential service and possesses a lot of
expertise about the waste management needs and habits of
Pescadero. We the Council should stand behind Abel and ask the
County to look for ways to make better use of his ability, knowledge
and experience in the process of seeking reforms at the station.

4. We ask the county to reappraise the structure of the waste-

management deal between the public and the company hired to
remove materials from the transfer station. This system failed
because of a poorly-planned and negotiated contract with the
company originally hired to help us manage waste. The current
system does not economize nor encourage efficiency, therefore it
does not provide a secure foundation for conserving natural
resources or preserving a healthy environment affordably.
Furthermore, perverse incentives encoded in the contract are such
that the company gets paid to truck trash, not to help us manage
waste. The legal form of this public-private partnership needs to be
addressed before anything else can change for the better.

5. We would like to meet our new neighbors, Republic Services, Inc.,

or else understand how we will be working with what remains of Allied
Waste going forward and whos really in charge. We would like to

hear from them directly about their plan to address our communitys
needs. In addition, the County must make an effort to open the
contracting process and make it as transparent as possible, so that
desirable competitors like WMI and Recology have a fair shot at
providing affordable level of service that is appropriate to our
community scale and level of need. Ideally, we would receive
consulting services that would improve our recycling rate as well as
the return to the community on time and energy invested sorting
garbage and trucking trash ourselves. As a practical matter, they
must be incentivized to help us reduce waste, recycle materials on-
site or otherwise re-use perfectly good stuff, in addition to helping us
produce certified organic compost for our farmers. We would also
love to find ways for local companies to participate profitably.

6. Recycled materials are not properly valued at the transfer station,

either by the county or in the community. Currently, there is little
incentive to sort recyclables, since many folks report that remixing
sometimes occurs at the dumping site. There is some question as to
why the county provides stronger incentives to truck trash to landfill
rather than haul recyclables to market, perhaps under the assumption
that their after-market value will make up for their reduced value to
the county and the community. It is unclear how the value of
materials that the people of Pescadero provide will offset their fees
ongoing. Therefore, we recommend that the current spot prices of
recycled materials like aluminum, paper and so forth be posted at the
station, so that theres some communication about Pescaderos
participation in global recycled-materials markets.

7. People in Pescadero need an alternative to throwing away stuff

that is too inconvenient or worthless to sell individually, but otherwise
perfectly good, if cleaned up and re-used safely. We could use a
community re-use or freecycling center like the facility in Marina,
Monterey County, which we identified as having a workable practice
managing this aspect of service. Some kind of community center like
this would provide a valuable resource for our local artists, sculptors,
junk hounds and antique freaks, which comprises an important
constituency on the coastside. It may even encourage a potential
source of funky yet attractive eco-tourism, similar to the South Coast
Childrens Services secondhand store, which draws folks from miles
around to shop for bargains.

8. Local organic farmers, conservation-grazing ranchers, sustainable
foresters, fisheries-restoration people and other environmental
workers supporting our community could really use a green waste
collection point, which would feed into a local compost-exchange
system. The arrangement in San Francisco with Jepson Prairie
Organics should be looked at critically since it suffers from many of
the issues we have with the way recycling is managed, as outlined in
this document. Also, the management practices of Santa Cruz
County, its Ben Lomond Transfer Station, and the relationship with
Vision Recycling/ Del Conti Landscaping should be reviewed for
important lessons learned as well. The clear next step here is to
reach out to our organic farmers, identify the level of local demand,
and figure out how our food distribution systems might finance the
appropriate level of investment in this sector. The County assumes a
role in enforcing state standards for organic compost in addition to its
responsibility as the primary contractor and major landowner in the

9. The possibility exists that little or no Federal or state monies will

materialize in time to deal with this urgent issue promptly. We must
explore ways to attract appropriate environmental investments into
our community by incubating eco-technologies that promise to
enhance life and provide jobs on the south coast. We should invite
local angel investors or venture philanthropists to support local
research and finance environmental developments, such as
ecological restoration and mitigation strategies. For example, we
need to find a way to clean nitrates and other pollutants left in our
groundwater after decades of dirty industrial-agriculture practices.
Another example is inspired by local operators who tried before Allied
to do waste-to-energy conversion of methane from the landfill, which
is a potent greenhouse-gas liability unless converted to local energy
production. Allieds current program at Ox Mountain should be
examined to see if it suggests a way to provide local power to
Pescadero. We also would like to understand where the biodiesel
trucking initiative stands. Biochar is another emerging strategy with
enormous potential to benefit ecological farming, soil conservation,
clean energy and the atmosphere. Pescadero is ideally situated in
between the permaculture influence from UC Santa Cruz, biotech
folks migrating down the Peninsula, and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs

moving westward, so were perfectly positioned to become an eco-
technology cluster driving innovation in the interplay of organic
farming, sustainable forestry, fisheries restoration, conservation
grazing, wetlands mitigation and more emerging economies yet to be
explored. The County should support our endeavors to increase the
tax base through green economic development that preserves and
enhances our natural beauty and resources on the south coast.

10. Please present us with a new vision for waste management at

the county level that defines a role for rural resources such as the
transfer station. Please provide real incentives for people to
participate in emerging markets for reusable goods, recycled
materials, compostable green waste and other feedstocks for
environmental renewal. We would love to do business with a
company that would consult with us and help us educate the
community on how to reduce waste even more, re-use stuff safely,
recycle materials for fun and profit, enhance our organic farms, and
generate clean energy that might actually improve the atmosphere.
We suggest that the next contract be structured to reward waste
reduction, promote economy, enhance environmental industry and
encourage community participation. By requiring whoever operates
the transfer station to help us economize by transferring wastes
efficiently, we would establish a firm foundation for the regrowth of
appropriate economic activity on the coast and countywide.

Thank you.

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
May 10, 2011

The location of the meeting is the Pescadero Community Church, Stage Road

A reception for participants and attendees will be held in the church social hall from 7:00 - 7:25pm
The reception will be hosted by Cotton and Rob skinner.

I. 7:30 Call to order

IL Welcome and opening remarks by Greg Bonaparte Chairman
a. Brief announcement

Ill. American Diabetes Association Presentation:

Allyson Schloming, Director! Silicon Valley Tour de Cure
IV. Five minute break
V. Pescadero Conservation Alliance Presentation
John Wade, Director
VI. Five minute break
VI I. Rolf call: Jake Bowman
VIII.Review of the remaining agenda: G. Bonaparte
IX. Review amendment to the March meeting minutes
a. Call for approval
X. Review April meeting minutes: J. Bowman
a. Call for amendments/corrections/ approval
XI. Announcements from the County: Nicholas Calderon: Supervisor Horsteis Legislative Aide
a. Weed abatement
b. Sand bag wall
c. Transfer Station
XI I. Officer Reports
a. Corresponding Secretary: Catherine Perry
b. Treasurer: Kate Mayer-Haas (Kate is excused, G. Bonaparte to report)
XIII.Standing Committee Reports
a. School Board: Don McDermott
b. Communications: Rob Skinner
i. Echelon Grand Fonda
ii. PA system research
iii. Web site and Google group
iv. Agribusiness
XIV. Current Active Project Reports
a. Town Sign: Catherine Peery
b. Proposed Sewage Treatment Plan: C. Peery
c. Affordable Housing: C. Peery
XV. Liaison Reports
a. Farm Bureau and Agriculture Advisory Council: J. Bowman
b. Young Farmers: Kate and David Lustig
c. Business Community: Rob Skinner
Pescadero Municipal Advisory council
May 10, 2011
d. Coastal Commission: Carolyn Shade
e. School District: Don McDermott
f. RCD: J. Bowman
g. NGO's
i. The Pescadero Foundation and Pescadero Historical Society: C. Peery
ii. Southcoast Children s Services: K. Mayer-Haas

iii. Puente: K. Mayer-Haas

iv. Pescadero Educational Foundation: Rob Talbot
h. Appoint Chamber of Commerce liaison: Carolyn Shade
XVI. By-Laws open session
a. Appointment procedure to sit on council
b. Expense Control and Transparency
XVII. Adjourn
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Social Hall Pescadero Community Congregational Church
363 Stage Road
Pescadero, CA 94060

1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:35 PM by Catherine Peery

2. ROLL CALL: Present - Greg Bonaparte, Kate Haas, Don McDermott,
Catherine Peery, Jake Bowman, David Lustig, and Carolyn Shade. Excused -
Rob Skinner.
A. Nicholas Calderon, from Supervisor Don Horsley's office said that Rob
Talbot had until 5:00 PM on Friday March 11th to file appointment
paperwork to apply for a position on the Council. After the paperwork,
Mr. Talbot will be scheduled for an interview with some members of
the Board of Supervisors. PMAC members who wish may set in on the
interview. From there if/when the appointment is decided he will be an
official member of PMAC.
B. Public
1. Celeste Worden, Pescadero Public Radio (KPDO) said that Daniel
Roberts was called away to Europe. She further stated that the
station is continuing with Shannon Bowman - as manager. Pirate
Cat is not part of KPDO and there never was a merger. The station
has a new board and bank account.
2. Mike Maskarich, Commander of the California Highway Patrol for the
Redwood City region. Commander Maskarich stated that there
would not be coverage from the CHP during the late evening and
early morning hours. The San Mateo County Sherriff's department
would provide coverage during that time. His e-mail address is The contact telephone number is 650 369-
6261 if there are any questions.
3. Cody Soules announced that on Sat Mar 19th, there would be a
mushroom hunt. After the hunt there would be a dinner including
some mushroom dishes.
4. Liz Henton announced the re-launch of the bookmobile in Pescadero.
San Mateo County has a new blog for residents. The blog can be
found at If PMAC wishes we could
link to the blog from our website. More information is available on
the county website www. smcnews@co .sanmateo
5. Michael Sexton with the Bike Echelon Grand Fondo asked us to
consider their application with the county for Saturday, September
lih. They plan 600 to 800 riders in a 4 to 5 hour timeframe.
Pescadero is at mile 45 of the ride. They would e coming into town
from Skyline and down Pescadero Road. Further discussion was
moved to new business.
4. Approval of minutes - A combination of the minutes by David Lee and Carolyn
Shade were approved.
5. Treasurers Report -Treasurer Greg Bonaparte - As of PMAC has $6,252.18 in
the general account and $1,264.01 in the postage account. The county has
provided us with a check for expenses in the amount of $3,000.00. This amount
is not included in the above total.
6. Correspondence - Corresponding Secretary Kate Haas - Review of
correspondence attached to March meeting packet. David Lee sent a letter of
resignation from the PMAC Board (included in the correspondence packet).
7. Reports from current committee chairs and community liaisons -
A. Kerry Lobel - Puente meeting Destination 2025" on April 2, 2011, what do we
want for our children? Reduce childhood obesity. Summer jobs program, 20
people completed certified CPR/ First Aid training. Puente is providing free tax
service for those with income less than $49,000. There is a news feed on Twitter.
B. David Lustig appointed to the PMAC opening that expires in 2012.
C. The county has declared an opening on PMAC for District 2.
D. Kate Haas - Ham Radio training will be on April 2nd 3rd and 4th those interested
should see Lary Lawson.
E. Nicholas Calderon - Sign - said that David Holcomb said that the fees would be
waived for the permits for the installation of the sign. Catherine said she was
completing the permit forms.
F. Meredith Reynolds - Native Sons Building fund -said that there was a grant
approved for $100,000. $50,000 will be paid in June and $50,000 will be paid in
July. The building committee still needs $10,000 for insulation. Ms. Reynolds
hopes that the funds will come in from donations. This would enable the work to
be done during the construction phase.
G. Donald McDermott - La Honda Pescadero Unified School Dist. The district
received a grant of $684.00 for La Honda School. The Saturday learning center is
having a low average attendance - Over all it is only 53%. The percentage is
higher in the 2nd and 3rd grades (70% and 65%) and lower in the ih and gth grades
(40 to 41%).
The district is in okay financial shape now, however if the tax package that is
about to expire this year is not renewed, the school district does not know what
their income will be.
H. Catherine Peery- Warheit Site -Applied for grant to have test wells drilled on
the site. It was unclear if we qualify as a grant writer for property in which we
have no interest.

8. Land Use Committee Meeting - Alt members of PMAC.

A. Sewer System - Karen McBride - Rural Community Assistance Corp. They are
applying for Block Grant Funding of $25,000 to study the sewer system again (was
done by others over two years ago). They are looking to develop a more
affordable system. We are not now under a mandate to install a municipal
system. AB 885 requires monitoring and testing waste water systems near
impaired water ways (Pescadero and Butane watersheds).
9. New Business -
A. Michael Sexton, Echelon Grand Fondo - bike ride carried over from public
comments. Mr. Sexton said that the lunches provided to the participants would
be purchased from Pescadero merchants. The numbers and the time frame
would be a big disruption to the town and our tourist business, particularly if they
used Stage Road in front of the businesses as their bike parking area. The
discussion was that PMAC needs to set guidelines for these rides. PMAC also
needs a more detailed plan from Echelon. They will come back with more info.
B. Discussion of Election of officers. The discussion was whether there was a
term limit. Carolyn Shade stated that from talking with constituents the opinion
of several was that 8 years with the same Chairman was not conducive to open
debate and public input. The plan of the founders was not to have one person
take the helm in perpetuity. The opinion was that there are others on the board
who are capable of conducting a meeting. There is also a question of quorum
when the election was held in February. Jake Bowman had a differing opinion.
Mr. Bowman said that these opinions and questions were disruptive and PMAC
needed to get on with business.
C. Transfer Station Report -Jake Bowman - Mr. Bowman and Rob Skinner were
looking at best practices at other transfer stations. Rob was looking at a facility in
Oregon this week. Mr. Bowman will have a written report for the next PMAC
meeting on April, 12, 2011.
Nicholas Calderon, SMC Liaison, said that the county was looking at ways to cut
costs. One of which is to change from a 5 day week facility to a 3 day week
facility. It appears that because the people of Pescadero and Loma Mar are so
good at recycling, we don't dump enough paid garbage.
D Nicholas Calderon announced that Supervisor Don Horsley will be in Pescadero
Friday, April 1st between 9 and 11 AM at the Native Sons Hall for "Donuts with
Don" to meet and greet his constituents.
10. Old Business
A. Committees - Catherine Peery suggested that all proposed committees,
including Environmental, be address at PMAC's retreat on April 2d.
B. April 2nd Retreat Meeting will be at 9:00 at the Social Hall, 363 Stage Road,
Pescadero Community Congregational Church.
11. Next Meeting; April 12, 2011 at 7:30 PM Social Hall, 363 Stage Road,
Pescadero, CA.
12. Adjourned: 9:20 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Carolyn Shade,
Acting recording secretary
From: oreo bonaparte
To: cathecjoe oeery; Carolyn Shade
Subject: March Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, May 05, 2011 9:51:12 AM

I propose we change the language in Item 9, 8, Discussion of election of officers.

The first four (4) sentences should remain as written.

New paragraph:

As the exact definition of what constitutes a quorum, was in question at the February meeting,
some members thought the election held by the Vice Chair David Lee was invalid.
There was also a question on the floor as to whether a nominaficri"r'equires a second. At this
point a council member rightfully stated that according to Roberts Rules of Order, nominations
coming from the floor do not need a second. (Chapter 12, Nominations; Nominating from the

ll believe this should rectify the perceived problem with the March minutes. My plan is to read this
amendment into the record and ask for approval of the March minutes as amended.

Any problems?

Thank you,

Greg Bonaparte


Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Social Hall Pescadero Community Congregational Church
363 Stage Road
Pescadero, CA 94060

1. Reception -casual get together and discussions: This is a new part of PMAC
meeting night and was well attended.
2. Information Card .. Cards were available for the public to provide e.. mail
addresses to join our new internet communication program.
3. CALL TO ORDER - 7:32 PM by Chair, Catherine Peery
4 . ROLL CALL- Present-Greg Bonaparte, Kate Haas, Don McDermott, Catherine
Peery, Jake Bowman, Rob Skinner, and Carolyn Shade. Excused - David Lustig.

5. Oral Communications from the floor-

A. Amy Wooliever, Superintendent of La Honda Pescadero Unified School
District spoke to say that in light of recent news reports that the buildings
that house our children are safe and in compliance with state and federal
laws. The Earthquake fault lines are being redrawn.
B. Herb Hamor, Pescadero resident, presented a statement regarding the
Public Works Department of San Mateo County. His request is that PMAC
ask for better maintenance of and to find a solution to the flooding at
Butano Creek across Pescadero Creek Road. He suggested Aquadams be
considered as in his opinion they are easily installed and removed each
Another concern of his was the shifting of water districts from county
management to state management. He asked how that would affect our
CSA11water district.
Nicholas Calderon spoke to the flooding and stated that Supervisor Horsley
was in Pescadero on April 4th to investigate the problem. The Supervisor
has a group working with the old reports and studies of the issue.
However, the county is in a budget crisis. They are looking for a grant to
fund a study and perhaps some work to alleviate the flooding.
Mr. Calderon also discussed the sand bag wall. The supervisor's office is
looking into having inmates help with the replacement of the sandbag wall.
However, approvals will have to be acquired from the land owners.
C. Steve Simms of Coastal Alliance for Species Enhancement (CASE)
discussed the problem that is causing both the flooding and the fish kill.
Case has filed a suit against California Division of Beaches and Parks, in
part, to conect the bridges and levies that have moved and fallen into
disrepair that have caused some of the problems within the marsh. This has
been a years long project. They will continue their eff011s.
D. San Mateo County Dept of Health, Healthy food survey of 5 local
markets by Eliana Shultz and Jennifer Gross. The presentation included a
pamphlet on "Health Benefits of Farm-Fresh Produce and Ocean-Fresh
Seafood and one on "A Garden in Every School. They also presented a
scorecard on Quality of the 5 markets. Discussion followed.
E. Bike Ride Echelon Grand Fondo - David Cochran discussed the event
that his group has planned for September 13, 2011, beginning at 8:30 AM.
They expect from 700 to 1000 riders. All will leave Palo Alto at the same
time. He said that the riders would go over Skyline, through La Honda and
down Pescadero Road into Pescadero. He said that the rider would only be
in Pescadero for 5 or 10 minutes. When asked if it changed from the
presentation from Michael Sexton's of March-that the lunch break would
be in Pescadero purchasing the lunch from Pescadero merchants.
6. Approval of minutes - Chair Catherine Peery postponed the approval of the
March gth minutes to the May meeting.
7. Financial Report-Treasurer Greg Bonaparte -As of PMAC has $8,467.49 in
the general account and $1,264.01 in the postage account. A copy of projected
costs and request for approval for purchase of name badges, desk name signs and
business cards was provided to members. Chair, Catherine Peery said that a
formal approval was not necessary as it was part of the approved expenditures
for PMAC business.
8. Correspondence - Corresponding Secretary Kate Haas - Review of
correspondence attached to April meeting packet.
9. Special Presentations -
A. Kate Haas and Darius Dunlap - PMAC's internet communications program is up
and running with a few tweaks being performed as needed. The audience was
encouraged to fill out the form to be set up on the system.
B. Rob Skinner - The ad hoc committee on community outreach will, for the time
being be a project of the communications committee. Communications and
Outreach, after definitions, may become separate committees.
10. Reports from current committee chairs and community liaisons -
A. A written report was provided by Rob Skinner and Jake Bowman.
Conversations with the county are ongoing. We await the opinion and advice of
the County's expert Zero waste consultant, Gary Liss, in order to proceed.
Joe La Mariana and Lillian Clark from the Dept of Public Works, Solid Waste &
Environmental Services Section spoke of the shortfall between the fees and the
costs to the contractor. We have not heard from Allied/Republic Services.
B. Kerry Lobel - Reported on Puente's activities and the Sala program.
C. Rob Talbot's appointment should be complete by the May Meeting.
D. Lary Larson re PEP there were 16 students from 16 to 18 yrs old who took the
certifications class.
E. Jake Bowman reported on the Farm Bureau meeting he attended.
F. Donald McDermott - La Honda Pescadero Unified School Dist. No report.
G. Land Use Committee Meeting - Loma Mar Water needs our help in moving
their permit along. The county may be waiting until water districts are under the
perview of the state.
11. New Business -
A. Recommendation regarding Bike Ride Echelon Fonda - The consensus from
the audience was to allow the ride but have some requirements. The Business
committee and Bike Ride Echelon was asked to get together to come up with
mutually beneficial guidelines.
B. An ad hoc By-Laws Committee was formed. Those on the committee are Rob
Skinner, Greg Bonaparte, Catherine Peery, and Carolyn Shade. The public is
invited to attend and or become members of the committee.
Discussion of Election of officers: As the exact definition of what constitutes a
quorum, was in question at the February meeting, some members thought the
election held by the Vice Chair David Lee was invalid .

.Chair, Catherine Peery announced that she was stepping down and would not run
for re-election as Chair. She then nominated Greg Bonaparte for Chairman.
There was a second by Jake Bowman. Greg Bonaparte was unanimously elected
as Chairman.
Rob Skinner nominated Carolyn Shade as Vice Chair, Carolyn Shade was
unanimously elected Vice Chair.
Greg Bonaparte and Rob Skinner nominated Jake Bowman for Recording
Secretary, Jake Bowman was unanimously elected Recording Secretary.
Kate Haas nominated Catherine Peery as Corresponding Secretary. Catherine
Peery was unanimously elected Corresponding Secretary.
Carolyn Shade moved that we have the office of Treasurer added to our By-Laws,
The motion carried with unanimous approval.
Jake Bowman nominated Kate Haas for Treasurer, seconded by Catherine Peery.
Kate Haas was unanimously elected Treasurer. The slate of officers, having been
duly elected 1 took office directly after the meeting was adjourned.
C. Darius Dunlap will be applying for the opening in District 2. PMAC to write a
letter to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors on his behalf requesting his
appointment to PMAC.
D. PMAC needs a new PA system as some folks are having difficulty hearing the
speakers. Rob Skinner will look into costs. Discussion and costs postponed.
E. The next three meetings will be held at the Social Hall, as below.
11. Next Meeting; MaylO, 2011 at 7:30 PM Social Hall, 363 Stage Road,
Pescadero, CA.
12. Adjourned: 10:35 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Carolyn Shade
Acting Recording Secretary

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' I I A

I,\ ~
Pescadero Community Church
363 Stage Road
Pescadero, CA 94060

fl Social Hall Rental Agreement

Name: \.::;\,..~~Yl-<"\'1'2-f-~ Phon,e: re::; o - 7 S"/- IS 7J
3 d~~ Rental Date: sjte/11 . "'/1 '-1/ll Tim.e: No Parties later than _S PM
1/ra./11 J.v P1wr-tOt&lO ,;
Type of Function: Birthday, Anniversary, Baptism, Shower, Class,
Meeting, Other PMI+"'- M(!Jllt/tl f l"""'-'N M,leh"'y\.~
Number of Guests Expected: ]5--o not more thn 60 People
YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE (please initial):
..!C'.No Alcohol - inside or outside
~No Smoking - inside or outside
vl.ock up the church properly
_JL"'Heater /Stove - turn off properly
~Kitchen Stove - turn off properly
_0nside/Outside Lights-Turn off Inside lights, leave on outside lights
_iLoecorations: No taping or tacking onto walls or woodwork/doors
__u(ctean inside (kitchen, hall and bathroom, all floors):
~Clean outside: Pickup the parking lot
t.-(J<eep the church sanctuary closed. You are renting the Hall only.
_v_ Remove
R all garbage
~Leave tables & chairs set up

YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE (please sign):

During this function, you are responsible for safekeeping our church. You are
responsible for any damage caused by you or your guests. By signing this
Agreement, you agree to abide by these rules. accept this responsibility, report any
damage or problems immediately by calling 747-0873, and promise that the
Information rovided by you to the church about this function is accurate.

-3-_Paymen 75.00; Key Code received : # _ __

~ JJ z..~.JJ--
_Refund ab le deposit:$100; _Deposit returned: _Date _ _ Initials

i - 1.s- _JJ

Carol Young-Holt, Church President Date

Acuerdo de Alauiler de Salon Social
p e rsp ctiv e 2

PMAC "Team Development"

Summary and Recommendations

I have heard from several of you that you feel good about the progress we made in your
special session . l thought it might be helpful to share some thoughts from a "team
development" perspective about what I saw and what you might do to continue to build on
the work we did.

Many of the actions we took together have set the foundation for a structure,, for PMAC
work. I think we learned that, to be effective, PMAC needs to achieve a balance between
"informal" interaction where you gather feedback and input, brainstorm ideas, sketch out a
vision of what you would like to accomplish in an area assign an owne( and clarify initial
11 11
steps, then let the owner bring back to you a plan for the work.

This more open-ended process should be balanced with a more structure process where
those "plans" are consolidated and used to track progress - maybe at each monthly
meeting. By publishing and reporting against concrete plans that are linked to a shared,
public vision, PMAC can rebuild a reputation for delivering.

Meeting Facilitation
I would encourage you to continue talking about the idea of having different formats or
kinds of meetings
informal, brain storming or visioning meetings where everyone talks about what
((ideal" looks like in an area
- task focused group meetings where a small group of people turns that vision into
a plan with clear deliverables. timeframes and responsibilities
"status" meetings where people report against a clear set of responsibilities
decision-making meetings where small groups present recommendations for the
whole group to vote on
"strategy" meetings (which may occur every 6 months or so) when the group
reviews what has happened over the last 6 months and resets goals for the next
period of time

I would be happy to help with common facilitator techniques for each kind of meeting. By
specifying up front what kind of meeting it is, and by making sure that the right kind of prep
happens, these meetings can be quite efficient.

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One of the important tasks for a team is to begin to focus team members on areas of
contribution where they can make a unique contribution. We made a start at that but I think
you can continue to increase both efficiency and member satisfaction by continuing this

"Style" is an important factor in this effort. Style refers to people's preferences -what kinds
of activities they like, where they feel comfortable, where they have unique talents or
experience that the group needs. By having focus areas linked to style, people know
where to put their time and also feel like they have some "freedom" to act.

I have attached a question sheet which might be helpful to all of you to help you figure out
style (it is part of a commonly used instrument called the DISC). If you all are interested in
doing this exercise to learn more about how different styles interact in a team and how to
best match style with role, I would be happy to give more information about how you/we
could use this. Style has a big impact on the "dynamic" level of team function that we

Briefly, from what I saw, Rob S and Kate are "networking" oriented and seem well matched
with tasks - Kate helping with the "outreach" effort and Rob S. taking a lead in helping get
the Socialn meeting before the PMAC business meeting off the ground. Darius is helping
with using technologies to support PMAC communication and Rob S. is helping create
structure around some of the core processes for both the community and the group.
Catherine is oriented toward keeping the "structure and content" of the group organized,
and Greg seems to be helping there. I'm sure the others in the group will also find their
area of preference.

The "web" by which you all communicate with each other and the community is beginning
to take shape and by continuing to refine those processes, you can greatly enhance your
11 11
reach and efficiency. The outreach committee will put together an overview on how to
use the various technologies and meetings to ensure that info flows well with the
community. I would encourage you to use the "plans" we put together and the work from
the various committees to create and manage to an overall "task roadmap" that can help
you keep aware of and on top of au the efforts. I'm sure Darius and Jake have some ideas
of how to use technology to share and update that info. By sharing this "network" design
with the community, all should be impressed by how many opportunities they have to stay
connected to PMAC work beyond just coming to PMAC meetings.

We assigned people to be primary contacts for groups within the community and talked
about doing the same sort of work to align PMAC members with county contacts. The next
steps are to clarify expectations for how people will communicate with and bring back input
and feedback from these groups. When this networku gets up and running. I think
everyone will feel like communication efforts are much more efficient and productive.

The above suggestions are just a few ideas about how to keep the momentum of our
meeting going. I would be happy to meet with representatives to talk this through and be
more concrete about other work you might want to do, and I would be happy to help where
I can.
The San Mateo County Resource Conservation District invites you to the

u 0 s o ks
Saturday May 14, 2011 from 12:00~4:00 PM
@Pie Ranch, 2080 Cabrillo Hwy/Rte. 1

Enjoy a free workshop and site visit hosted by the San Mateo RCD !
Hear experts speak about rural road maintenance
Learn the basics of erosion and drainage
Recognize early signs of road fai lure
Find funding and technical assistance for improvements
Get tips on creating a road association and working with
neighbors to improve private roads
Visit a nearby private road with recent improvements

Please RSVP : Chelsea Moller

(650) 712-7765
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. I 201 20~2 "L- - --
- - -- -
Month Days Total 1:-lol SOD TuVD Description ate
AUG 8 10 11 12 0 0 Staff Deve lopm nt Day 8/22/2011
- - -- -- - ----

- -- I 15 17 10 19
..,, ___
0 0
I 1 1 Teacher W orkday 8/2312011
22 23 24 25 26 3 3 I First Student Day 8/24/20 11
I= - -
s T 29 30 31 1 2 5 B
5 6 7 8 9 4 12 1 Lab or Day = -- 9/5/2011 ~ ~

12 13 14 15 16 5 17
. - - -
"!9 20
-- ~
21 22
23 -~
5 22 I

26 27 28 29 30 5 27
- -
3 5
OCT 4 6 5 32
-- -- -
10 11 12 13 5 37
- - - -
17 18 19 20 21 5 42 Quarter (42 clays) 10/21/2010
- - --
24 25 26 27 28 5
47 Parent Con f/M111 ay 10127 and 10/28/20 11
1 2 4 5 52
- 31-- 3
- - - - - -
7 0 9 10 11 4 56 '1 Vetera ns Day 11/1 1/2011 _......._____--
- - - -- - - -- -
14 15 16 17 18 5 61
~ - -- - - ---- ~

21 22 23 24 25 3 64 2 Th anksgivin g Days 11 /24/2011 and 11 /25/2011

-- - - --
DEC 29

28 30 1 2 5
- - --
-- -- -
- 6 7 8 9 5 II I

"12 13 14 15 16 5 79 Min Day 12/21/2011

- - -
19 20 21 22 23 3 82 2
26 27 28 29 30 82 5 Quarter ( Odays) 1212 112011
JAN 2 3 4 5 6 82 5 W inter Break - 12122- 1/6/2012
--- - - l"""'"""'P'

- -
9 10 11 12 13 4 86 1 Teacher Workday
........;. __
16 17 18 19 20 4 90 1 Ma rtin Lu ther King Day 1/16/2012
- -- ,____ - - ~

23 24 25 26 27 5 95 I
= - - -
FEB 30 31 1 2 3 5 100 I
- - - - -- - --- - ----
6 7 0 9 10 5 105
- - 1--- 1 --
13 14 15 16 17 5 110 Presid~_nts Days - - :Y20/2012-2/24/201 2
- - ~

20 21 22 23 24 0
110 5
MAR 27 28 29 1 2 5 115
- - I
5 6 7 8 g 5 120
-- - -
12 13 14 15 16 125
-- ,____ - -5 - f -
19 20 21 22 23 5 130 Quarter (46 days) 3/23/2012
- - -- - -
26 27 28 29 30 4 134 1 Teache r Wl<day/Chavez Day 3/30/2012
-- I
APR 2 3 4 5 6 5 139 Parent Conf/Min ay 3128 and 3129120 2
- - - - --- --
9 10 11 1 13 0 139 5 Spring break 4/9/2012-4/1 3/201 2
,____ -
16 17 18 19 20 5 144
- ~- - - - ~-- - -- - -
23 24 25 26 27 5 149
" - --
MAY 30 1 2 3 4 5 154
--- - -- -- -- i
8 9 10 11 5 159
- = --
14 15 16
_ _17 _ __
, 18
5 164 Memoria l Day - - --- 5/28/201 2 ~
21 22 23 24 25 5 169 Quarter (48 days) 6/12/2012
JUN E 28 29 30 1 2 4 173 1 Last Student Day/Min Day 6/12)2012
- - - - -- ~- -- -
4 5 6 7 0 5 178 I
Teacher Workday 611312012
-- - -
11 12 13 14 15 2 180 - - 2 1 Staff Developme nt Days 6114 and 6/'15/2012
T otal Non School Days 28 3 4 note: The calendar is subject to change pending requlremenffor Schoof
lmorovement Grant fundlnp and collective baroaining ~

( 1J )
Echelon Gra11 Fonda - Palo Alto
Tentative Course Map (Long course)
Event Date: Sat. Sept. 17, 2011
Bl : leigh Murrn y North East
RA r ch S f!te P. rk , Emerald Palo Alto
Fair Oaks
''{, Lake Hills
Half '1 Pa


Moon Bay .SQ +.Ai1

C l.
~ West
Menlo Park

El Co rle D _ Portola
Mn cler. Cree. Valley Los Altos
Oren Sp ce Cf!ntra l
orto la Vll lley Los Altos

Palo AJto
Foot! Park

+ Ru .. fl n Rid n
Op1rn S1rn c Ranch o Son
Pre,.erve /\ntonio Open
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Rf!f)ion I
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te rk C t.tlc Ro k
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Big Ba i
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Info at: 415 309-4560
Echelon Gran Fonda All Riders Out All Riders In
Palo Alto 11:40-3:15PM 11 :30-1 PM
Pescadero Rider

70 mi Riders
60/o of Total
~ Church
100 mi Riders
40/o of Total
' I

Riders enter over

a 1 hour period.
100 mi riders
re-enter over a
2 hour period.

Estimate 2-5 rider

every 2 minutes on

Friends of PMAC has received donations from all the nonprofits who made commitments to do so,
except Pescadero Education Foundation, which will submit their $1000 when approved permits are
received. There have been many other donations of money and materials listed below. Cody Soules,
the sign designer and artist, has collected all the donated materials, and purchased all the parts
necessary to build the sign, and is in the processing of building the components of the sign, which can
be installed and assembled at the proper time. David Holbrook of the San Mateo County Planning and
Building Department finished review of the permit application in March, and a 30~day comment period
ended April 81h. Tiare Pena in that Department then sent Coastal Development Permit notifications to
all property owners for a 10-day comment period that was up on May 3rd. No negative comments came
in, so a letter approving the Coastal Development Permit is being drafted. According to Tiare we
should give ourselves 3 weeks from today before we receive approved permits and can have a
ground-breaking and installation ceremony. So, we could schedule that around Saturday, June 4th
perhaps, if there isn't a conflict.

Respectfully submitted by Catherine Peery, for Friends of PMAC

PTA: $1,000,
PUENTE: $1,000
PMAC: $2,000
PESCADERO EDUCATION FOUNDATION: committed to $1,000 as soon as permits are in hand






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THE For PMAC Meeting, May 10th
The purpose of the liaison between the Pescadero Foundation
FOUNDATION and PMAC is to inform the community of the work of the
PO'l T 01 ~IC[ l3ox 9()6,
Foundation, so that, when appropriate, PMAC can provide
PL L' \ D L R 0 . C ,,\ tJ ~ U 6 IJ
support or input.

Separate rep011s are being submitted for Friends of PMAC

(town sign) and Pescadero Emergency Preparedness.
friend-. l>I P\IAC
Earth Action Mentors is working on the school garden program.

Educate to Elevate is a scholarship fund for the class of 2012

that currently has about $23,000. Pat Talbot and Meredith
Reynolds are on the Advisory Committee. Current thinking is
that we will establish Section 529 accounts for all seniors going
on to higher education of any kind. Donations are welcome.

Pescadero A11s & Fun Festival is gearing up for the annual

Sou th CuJ:-.t 1\1 li...,h 1\1li ,111n'
PAFF event on the 3rd weekend of August. This is a venue that
\\lork forcL' I,:.;
provides fund raising oppo1iunities for many organizations,
including Friends of PMAC. We should provide volunteers for
our booth, and seek volunteers to help with the event in general,
if possible.

Pescadero Histo1y Society owns 50% of Native Sons Hall.

Pescadero Foundation helped apply for and obtain a $100,000
loan with low interest that is deferred for several years that
should come tlu-ough in the next few months.

SamCoast Rural Transportation is our rural demand-response

bus system that serves the entire LHPUSD. In general, Puente
coordinates the scheduling of groups or individuals who use the

SCAA is gearing up for the PAFF Ali Show in August.

Workforce Housing: The Coastal Development Permit for the

test wells has been submitted, and Sigma Prime is responding to
requests for a map with some additional info1mation.

Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Peery, liaison to the Pescadero Foundation
May 5, 2011

TO: Members, Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council

From: Kerry Lobel, Executive Director

Coastside Office Hours for Supervisor Don Horsley

May Coastside Office Hours for Supervisor Don Horsley will be held on May 27 from 9-11 AM at Puente.

Disaster Preparedness
The next disaster preparedness meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 23, 2011 . The last disaster preparedness was
held on Tuesday, April 26 at 630PM. Participants toured the Pescadero Red Cross Trailer as well as the Community
Trailer. A trailer cleaning date has been set for Monday, June 20 .

Puente Summer Youth Leadership and Employment Project

Puente has received 51 applications for our Youth Leadership and Employment Project.

Orienteering Course Teaches Youth New Skills

Instructor Joe Kinyon led 24 Pescadero youth in a day-long orienteering course that taught compass, GPS, mapping, job,
and safety skills. The youth consisted of Puente staff and community service volunteers. The program was funded
through ARRA green jobs program and the Workforce Investment Board and was organized by Marti Johnson from the
Resource ConseNation District.

Team Backpack Launches 2011 Campaign

Team Backpack has launched Puente's 2011 campaign. We're looking at a total universe of 366 Pescadero & La Honda
students - mostly the children of farmworkers and their families. Last year we distributed more than 200 backpacks (up
from 132 in 2009) and this year, I'm sure we'll be doing many more.

We are now are looking for the school supplies and backpacks to meet what we expect to be an even greater demand this
year for school supplies. Many people do not realize that there are few school supplies for purchase in our rural and
isolated area.

If you have any sources for school supplies or way to broadcast the word, please let us know. Wish list attached .

La Sala Program Continues to Grow

Puente's oldest program for farmworkers, La Sala, continues to grow. New workers are coming to Pescadero for jobs in
farms and nurseries . Puente has an ongoing need for welcome bag contents: socks, towels, blankets and toiletries. If you
1ave any sources or would like to donate, please let us know.

Puente website and Twitter

fhe best way to keep up with Puente is to check our website regularly as well as to subscribe to our Twitter
=eed (can do this on our website).

Food Distribution
fhe next food distribution is Thursday May 26, 2011 .

P.O. Box 554 + Pescadero, CA. 94060 + www.mypuente.o rg + 650.879 .1691

Puente' s Annual Back to School Supplies Drive
for 366 Pescadero and La Honda students

The backpacks have been donated. Now we need to fill them.

Contributions of school supplies or cash donations are welcome

Deadline: July 31, 2011

Drop Off Locations
Please drop ojf during business hours

Half Moon Bay: Studio 4 Pilates, 213 San Mateo Road ( 650) 726-7200
Pescadero: Puente Resource Center, 620 North Street (650) 879-1691 (please call for hours)
Cash Douations: Payable to Puente, PO Box 554, Pescadero, CA 94060

School Supplies Wish List

No donation too small

Writing Scotch tape Color pencils set (8 or 12)

Pencils (thick and regular #2) Staplers Play doh (small sets)
Pens Binder clips/paper clips
Highlighters Solid color folders Math
Lined paper, wide & nanow 3 X 3 post-it notes Ruler (inches, centimeters)
Composition books Organizer/planners Graph paper
Pencil sharpeners Memory sticks Calculators
Lined paper Compass & Protractor
Large and pencil top eraser Art
Watercolor marker sets Lunch
Organizing Elmer's white glue & sticks Water bottles
Spiral binders 24-count crayons Reusable lunch bags
Mini-white board & markers Fiskars blunt and sharp scissors Small boxes tissues
Mini-chalk board & chalk 8 count water colors
3-ring binders Construction paper packages

Puente Resource Center* 620 North St. PO Box 554 * Pcscadero, CA 94060
www.m yJHll'llfl'.or g * (650) 879-1691
Proposed amendment of PMAC By-Laws
Nominating, electing and appointing a candidate to become a member of council

Appointment Procedure:

a) Any applicant wishing to be considered must submit a written application by a given


b) At a scheduled PMAC meeting, each applicant be given a specified time (5 or 10 minutes) to

make whatever presentation he/she wishes. This could include questions of the applicant by PMAC
members and/or any statements by members of the public.

c) PMAC would then close public discussion and the chair would entertain motions to
nominate. Nominations, in this case would require a second. When all nominations were made 1

there would be a motion to close nominations.

d) The vote must be done publicly. It can be done either orally or in writing but if in writing the

ballot must identify the member voting.

e) Election of the nominee will require aye votes from the majority of PMAC members whether
present or not. Absent members will be polled by the Recording Secretary and reported at the next

d) Elected candidates will be sworn in at the next PMAC scheduled meeting.

Candidate Application to become a PMAC council member

Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date; _ _ _ _ __

Residence Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mailing Address: _ __

Renting/buying/own property in Pescadero_ _ __

Years of residence in Pescadero; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Reason for joining PMAC:


Section 2. Composition of the Council and Description of Area

The Council shall be composed of thirteen (13) members who are registered voters residing in
the Pescadero voting precinct .

Section 3. Elections and Terms of Office

Council elections shall be held biennially on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in
November, which is at the same time as the general election. Candidates for the Council shall be
placed on the ballot, and the election shall be administered by the County Clerk in accordance
with the same requirements governing the general election. Each person elected at a regular
biennial Council election shall hold office for a term of four (4) years commencing on the first
Thursday in December next succeeding his or her election. Any member of the Council whose
term has expired shall continue to discharge the duties of his or her office until his or her
successor has qualified. In the event of a vacancy, the Council shall, within sixty (60) days of the
effective date of the vacancy, appoint a successor. The successor shall serve until the expiration
of the term of the predecessor. If a vacancy occurs within one hundred sixty (160) days and one
hundred twenty ( 120) days of a scheduled Council election, the vacancy shall be filled by
election, rather than appointment.

Section 6. Vacancies
Any Counci] officer vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of Council members at the first
regular meeting after the vacancy occurs. In the event of a member vacancy, the Council shall,
within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the vacancy, appoint a successor who will serve
until the expiration of the term of the predecessor. This appointment does not require approval by
the Board of Supervisors. The effective date of a vacancy shall be considered to be the date of
the first regular Council meeting at which the vacancy is announced (the "Effective Date"). If the
vacancy occurs not less than one hundred twenty (120) days and not more than one hundred sixty
(160) days before a scheduled Council election, the vacancy shall be filled by election rather than
appointment, as specified in the resolution establishing the Council. Otherwise, the procedure for
appointing a successor shall be as follows: a) Immediately after the Effective Date, notification
must be posted at the Pescadero and Loma Mar post offices. b) Interested pa1iies are encouraged
to apply within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date or by the next regular Council meeting.
Applications may be in writing or by oral nomination (including self nomination). Nominations
will be closed forty five (45) days after the Effective Date and the election will occur at the next
regular Council meeting. The names of candidates will be mailed with the Council agenda. c)
Candidates are requested to make a brief presentation followed by brief questions and/or
statements from Council members and members of the public. d) Fallowing this presentation,
election will be by written vote of members of the Council, including the Chairperson. However,
the vote of the Chairperson is not revealed unless there is a tie. Election requires a majority of
those present. Each ballot must specify the Council member's name and their choice of
candidate. The Recording Secretary shall read the ballots aloud. If no one candidate receives a
majority, more than one round of voting will be required. To avoid deadlock, the name of the
candidate with the lowest number of votes is dropped out at the end of each round.
PMAC financial transparency and expense control

PMACJ funded by the countyJ receives a small allocation annually.

The responsibility for maintaining the allocation and spending sums of said
allocation is the responsibility of the chairman and the treasurer. Both the chairman
and the treasurer have approved signatures on file at the bank where the PMAC
allocation is kept.

Monthly the treasurer reports the status of the account to include:

Current balance
Credits to the account and origin
Debits (checks) written against the account
Each specific expenditure is announced
AnnuallyJ at the end of the fiscal year (last day of June) an accounting of the PMAC
bank account is submitted to the county listing all transactions.

The following is intended to establish guidelines and approvals levels for


The treasurer shall have as his/her responsibility the ability to approve and
pay for basic supplies to fill the council needs. This approval level is (TBD,
recommended somewhere between $25 and $50).

Any expenditure above the treasure's level must be brought before council at
a regularly scheduled council meeting and voted upon. All appropriate rules
of order in effect at the time must be followed.

Approval will be by majority vote of the members of council when a quorum

(50%+1) is present.

In all cases the proposed expenditure must be presented to council before

monies are promised or spent.
Outreach and Communications
Tuesday, April 20, 2011, 9:00 AM
P. 0. Box 249
Pescadero, CA 94060-0249

Communications is one of the two standing committees

Define Communications

Define Outreach

Should these committees be separate?

All communications from PMAC should go through the Committee

Work on Charter
Communications and Outreach
Tuesday, April 20, 2011, 9:10 AM
P. 0. Box 249
Pescadero, CA 94060-0249

1. Call to Order: at 9:10 AIVl by Carolyn Shade at Duarte's Restaurant.

2. Present: Darius Dunlap, Ed Clement and Carolyn Shade, Kate Haas & Rob
Skinner excused, Jake Bowman absent.
3. Informal discussion: The purpose of the meeting was to;
a. Define Communications: Informing our constituents as well as other
stakeholders of the activities of PMAC. To show as well what PMAC has to
offer the community. We could have our minutes translated into Spanish to
possibly post at or provide to Puente.
b. Define Outreach: Encouraging and attracting our constituents and
others to PMAC. This could include high school students, Puente, a news
letter, the town sign (when completed). Face to Face visits in the
c. How do we see the two - separate committees or a committee and
outreach as a project of the committee?
d. Funnel all communications, i.e. press releases, newsletters, other items
through the communications committee. This will enable us to speak with
with one voice of our shared goals.
e. Work was done on the committee charter template which will be
completed by the May PMAC meeting.
4. Work already in progress:
a. www .pescaderocounc il. o rg is already set up and will work in
conjunction with item b.
b. set up of Google Apps and Google Groups.
c. Setting up a community calendar that would allow businesses and
community groups to share their calendar. This would be a one stop
community events site.
5. Meeting adjourned: 10:30 AM
Respectfully submitted
Carolyn Shade
Acting ?????
Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
Meeting Agenda June 14, 2011
Community Church

A Night for the Youth of Our Community

Social reception: 7:00 7:20pm

Call to order: 7:30 pm
San Mateo County Youth Commission
Seren Pendelton Knoll: Youth Commission Program Coordinator
Short Break
HMB Rotary Club Essay Contest Winner
Hannah Harwood Pescadero High School Student
Short Break
Puente Summer Jobs for Youth
Kerry Lobel Executive Director
Short Break

1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Review of May, 2011 Meeting Minutes
4. Report on Assignments
5. Comments from the community
6. Officer Reports
a. Vice Chair: Carolyn Shade
i. HMB Chamber Review
b. Corresponding Secretary: Catherine Peery
i. Pescadero Foundation
c. Recording Secretary: Jake Bowman
d. Treasurer: Kate Meyar-Haas
7. Committee Reports
a. School Board: Don McDermott
b. Communications: Rob Skinner
i. PA System
8. News from The Supervisors Office: Nicholas Calderon
a. PEG
9. New Business:
a. By-Laws
i. Appointment to vacancies
ii. Committee Charter
10. Project Reports:
a. Current Status Town Sign
i. Sign Erection ad hoc Committee: Don McDermott
b. Bike report: Rob Talbot
11. Adjourn

Final Agenda published and posted, June 10, 2011, 5:00 pm.
PMAC August 9th
Pescadero Community Church

7:00 7:20 Social Reception
7:20 7:30 Story Telling Project: Sarah Bachman
7:307:35 Introductions

7:35 Call to order/Roll Call:
7:35 7:40 Vote by council on appointment of Ken Pesso
7:40 8:00 LAFCo Presentation: Martha Poyatos and
community participation
8:00 8:05 Review of July minutes and assignments
8:05 8:10 Open floor comments from the community
8:10 8:25 Flooding: Action Team discussion and
community participation
8:25 8: 40 RCD Report: Kellyx Nelson and community
8:40 8:45 Comments by Supervisor Horsley
8:45 8:50 Short Break
8:50 8:55 County Announcements: Nicholas Calderon
8:55 9:10 Discussion of a broad proposal to save the
Transfer Station and community participation
9:10 9:30 Selected Officer/Committee Reports
Financial Report: Kate Haas
School Board: Don McDermott
Communication Committee: Rob Skinner
Town Sign: Rob Talbot
9:30 Adjourn

Council Meeting Assignments
Meeting Date: July 12th, 2011

Attendees: Don McDermott, Catherine Peery, Carolyn Shade, Rob Skinner, Greg
Bonaparte, Jake Bowman, Kate Mayer-Haas, Rob Talbott, Darius Dunlap

Secretary: Jake Bowman

# Assignment Assigned Date Date

to: Assigned Due
1 Council to work with ADA on next All 5/10/11 2/14/12
years Tour de Cure
2 Assemble and prepare to install the R. Talbot 5/10/11 7/30/11
Town Sign and consider a ground break & Don
ceremony and a barbeque McDermott
3 Assemble a list of all non-profits in the C. Perry 6/14/11 8/9/11
4 Look to reconditioned market for PA D. Dunlap 5/10/11 8/9/11
system and other alternatives
5 Research whether or not AT&T would R. Talbot 5/10/11 8/9/11
install an emergency generator as back-
up power to the cell tower
6 Hold By-Laws ad hoc meeting to address Ad hoc 5/10/11 on-going
issues raised at this meeting committee
7 Announce Youth Commission approved S. 5/10/11 8/9/11
candidates Pendelton-
8 Inquire about doing traffic studies Public 6/14/11 9/13/11
around bike race events Works
9 Require all request for permit to hold a N. 6/14/11 9/13/11
bike race through or around Pescadero Calderon
require a map Gran Fondo?
10 Candidates needed to staff PAFF booth C. Peery 6/14/11 8/20-
11. Get Pescadero a seat at the DPW table N. 7/12/11 8/9/11
developing the RFP for the Transfer Calderon
12 Propose alt. route for capping landfill. N. 7/12/11 8/9/11
13 Call Bay City Flowers. J. Bowman 7/12/11 8/9/11
14 Call Senator Joe Simitian. J. Bowman 7/12/11 8/9/11
15. Hold first Action Team meeting. G. 7/12/11 8/9/11

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council June, 11


Pescadero Education Foundation

La Honda Education Foundation

PTA Pescadero

TomKat Ranch Educational Foundation

Puente de la Costa Sur

Pie Ranch

South Coast Childrens Services

San Mateo Coast Natural History Association

Pescadero Foundation

Pescadero Conservation Alliance

Cascade Ranch


Pescadero Public Radio Service

Run by Pescadero residents:

Square Peg Foundation

Equine Rescue Center

November 24, 2010 In response, refer to:

Joe LoCoco, Deputy Director, Road Service

County of San Mateo Department of Public Works
752 Chestnut Street
Redwood City, California 94063

Joanne Kerbavaz, Senior Environmental Scientist

California State Parks
95 Kelly Avenue
Half Moon Bay, California 94019

Dear Mr. LoCoco and Ms. Kerbavaz:

This letter is in response to the existing channel conditions in Butano Creek beneath and adjacent
to the Pescadero Road bridge, near the town of Pescadero, San Mateo County, California.
NOAAs National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is concerned existing channel conditions
may be affecting federally listed salmonids and their habitat. The County of San Mateo
Department of Public Works (County) is responsible for maintenance activities at the Pescadero
Road bridge. Butano Creek flows into the Pescadero Marsh Natural Preserve which is owned
and managed by the California Department of Parks and Recreation (State Parks).

When the bridge was constructed in 1961, the channel underneath the bridge was approximately
11 feet deep and 80 feet wide. Over the years, approximately 9 feet of silt has built up in the
channel, reducing the vertical clearance underneath the bridge to about 2 feet. This has resulted
in an increase in the frequency of flooding and may be impairing fish passage.

During large storm events, Butano Creek cannot be contained within its banks at the bridge and
floodwaters spill onto Pescadero Creek Road and adjoining properties. Under existing
conditions, maintenance activities at the bridge that do not include work within the actual creek
channel are unlikely to alleviate flood concerns and may continue to impede passage for listed
salmonids. We believe there are possible near-term and long-term solutions that would minimize
flooding along Pescadero Creek Road, allow for some level of maintenance, and improve fish
passage. Dredging, for example, may have only short-term benefits to flooding and fish passage,

but could be an interim plan until a long-term solution is reached. We urge the County to
coordinate with State Parks, NMFS, and other appropriate stakeholders to investigate both short
and long-term solutions for flooding issues with the assurance of fish passage.

It is our understanding, opportunities for the County to conduct these activities may be limited
for a variety of reasons, including access onto State Parks property. Although State Parks is not
a flood control agency, this should not preclude the agencies working collaboratively on how to
address resource protection while improving the safety of Pescadero Road.

We acknowledge permits will be required but do not see this as a hindrance to a solution. Fish
passage improvement and channel maintenance activities are the types of projects which are
regularly permitted by the appropriate agencies and NMFS routinely consults with Federal action
agencies pursuant to the Federal Endangered Species Act. NMFS stands ready to work with
State Parks and the County towards the shared goal of resource protection while improving the
safety of Pescadero Road.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this letter please feel free to contact Mr. William
Stevens of my staff at (707) 575-6066 or via email at


Dick Butler
North Central Coast Office Supervisor
Protected Resources Division

cc: Chris Yates, NMFS, Long Beach

Patrick Rutten, Kit Crump, NOAA Restoration Center, Southwest Region
Paul Keel, California Department of Parks and Recreation, Half Moon Bay
Eric Larsen, California Department of Fish and Game, Yountville
Rich Gordon, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, Redwood City
Communications Committee meeting
August 5th, 2011
Rob Skinner, Darius Dunlap, Carolyn Shade in attendance

Purpose of the meeting: to review Darius work with regard to the PMAC website

The group voted to move forward with Word-press for the website and Google Apps for email, calendar,
and document collaboration. Word-press is $170 per year for the package of options Darius has specified
and Google Apps is free for up to 50 users. Google Apps account will be provided only for PMAC
members and a few committee volunteers and should easily stay below that limit of 50 users.

Google Groups will continue to be used for community discussions, open to all.

Target date for the website to be up and running is before the September PMAC meeting. It will contain
all the current site content.

Further development of the website will be a good winter project. There are many capabilities
made possible by these technology changes, and these will be presented and discussed in future
communications committee meetings and at PMAC meetings as appropriate.

The website will be backed up on Darius and Robs computers for safekeeping. Commercial, continuous
backup and site mirroring from VaultPress (a offering) is also possible and priced at $180
per year.

Darius explained the advantage of our PMAC email addresses being mail client based (rather than
forwarded) and will create step-by-step instructions and help members as needed.

Mailchimp (free service for up to 2,000 names and 12,000 emails/month) will host our mailing list

Wufoo can be used for surveys & forms (integrates with mailchimp) if we find it useful. The same
company also makes SurveyMonkey which could also be useful. Both are free for modest levels of use.
There are also other options.
From: Jake Bowman
To: William Stevens
Cc: Kellyx Nelson; Kerbavaz, Joanne; Greg Bonaparte; Catherine Peery; PMAC Members;
Subject: Fwd: A note from Bill at NOAA, NMFS re: Pescadero Road & Butano Bridge
Date: Friday, July 15, 2011 11:09:18 AM
Attachments: PescaderoRoad_SMCounty_wls.pdf

Hi Bill,

Thank you for the kind note and attached letter for our records. I'm forwarding this
to the Council, especially its Chairman, Greg Bonaparte, and Corresponding
Secretary, Catherine Peery, and including the RCD and Joanne at State Parks. I'm
also copying Julia Scott, the journalist who wrote the story you reference in your
note, so she can include your clarification as the story develops.

We appreciate your note of support and forward of the letter clarifying your agency's
position (please see attached). It would be very helpful for our Council to review the
history of the Pescadero Marsh working group and understand just how the array of
agencies involved is laid out. Please lend us your ongoing assistance in helping us to
"draw the org-chart" of all the officials whose input we'll require in the planning,
permitting and process of implementation.

It is quite apparent that any attempt to fix the flooding will impact the estuary
downstream. This begs the question of our overall strategy for improving the whole
Pescadero-Butano watershed's ability to support life, from the mountains to the
ocean. Obviously, employing "yellow equipment" like a backhoeto clear the
channelis extreme and although rhetoric will suggest such ideas in the heat of the
moment, sober reflection will consider that to be unworkable, as well as a total PR
disaster ripe for national news.

Personally, I envision teams of green workers and local students with shovels very
sensitively handling every plant and animal with eco-designers and scientists looking
over their shoulders at every step, brows knit with concern. The only way I can see
that we'll be able to raise the money to complete such a comprehensive
environmental engineering and community design project would be to articulate a
plan everyone can get behind, from Stage Road in Pescadero to Pennsylvania
Avenue in Washington, D.C., and all of Redwood City and Sacramento in between.

It appears that grants so far may get us through the design phase and perhaps be
enough to start some kind of implementation, even if it's just to mitigate the disaster
we anticipate this winter. However, it's not just the permits themselves that are a
hindrance, but their price. To pay all the fees needed to get this done represents a
real financial barrier, in addition to the cost of the measures we'll need to undertake
in order to obtain those permits. However, we are in this for the long haul and those
of us who have- or are planning to have- grandchildren around to enjoy the fruits of
our labors would like to invest our time and treasure in a plan with beneficial
consequences, not just for road-travelers, but for every inhabitant of the marsh and
its environs, human, fish or otherwise.

Sincerely, -Jake

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: William Stevens <>
Date: Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 8:15 AM
Subject: Pescadero Road Bridge
Cc: Kellyx Nelson <>

Hi Jake,

It was nice meeting you at Pescadero lagoon during the fish sampling on Tuesday.

I came across this story in the Contra Costa Times

( and
wanted to clarify some things with the Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council.

NOAAs National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has not overlooked the situation at
Pescadero Creek Road. As you will see in the attached November 24, 2010 letter,
NMFS has clearly stated we stand ready to work with the appropriate agencies
toward the shared goal of resource protection while improving the safety of
Pescadero Road. We have shared this message several times over the years. We
acknowledge permits will be required for addressing the conditions at Pescadero
Creek Road, but do not see permits as a hindrance to a solution. In fact, I recently
held a teleconference with California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service and none of the agencies felt permits would be a hindrance to a

I hope this provides some clarity. Please feel free to contact me if you have any


Bill Stevens

Natural Resource Management Specialist

NOAAs National Marine Fisheries Service

777 Sonoma Avenue, Room 325

Santa Rosa, California 95404-6528

(707) 575-6066

December 13, 2011
Pescadero Community Church

6:30 7:00 Social Reception

7:00 Call to Order

Roll Call

7:05 7:15 Review/Approval of Minutes November 8th Meeting

7:15 7:25 Open Communication

Towns People
Council Members

7:25 7:40 Nominations of Officers for the 2012 Session

7:40 7:55 Officer Reports

Corresponding Secretary
Recording Secretary

7:55 8:30 New Matters for Council Consideration/Action

1. Proposal by County Finance and Operations Committee to
Eliminate PMAC
2. Introduction of a Document and Request for Action by
County to Commence the Permit Application Process to
Dredge Butano Creek .
3. Review Permit Process for Affordable Housing Test Well

8:30 8:40 Break

8:40 9:00 Old Matters for Council Consideration/Action

1. Build It Green
2. Transfer Station
3. Up date CSA 11 Water Situation

9:00 9:15 Committee Reports

9:15 Adjourn
Department of Public Works BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

555 COUNTY CENTER. 5TW FLOOR REDWOOD CITY CALIFORNIA 94063-1665 PHONE (650) 363-4100 FAX (650) 361-8220

November 10, 2011

Dear County Service Area 11 (Pescadero Water System) Customers and Property Owners:

Este informe contiene informaci6n muy importante sobre su agua potable. Si necesita una traducciou en Espanol
de csta carta Harne al numero (650) 599-1473

Re: Proposed Water Rates and Community Input

The County of San Mateo Department of Public Works (Department) would like to thank those of you who
attended the evening public meeting regarding County Service Area 11 (CSA-11) on Wednesday, October l 9,
2011. CSA~ 11 customers and property owners were notified of the meeting by a letter dated September 29,
20 l l. The meeting notification letter and the Department's presentation can be found by selecting "CSA 11" on
our website at: The presentation contains important information about your
water system including: the formation of CSA-11, the water supply and distribution system, operations of
CSA-11, August 2011 water outage, financial information, existing and proposed water rates, and options for
operating CSA-11. The website also contains additional information about CSA-11. We encourage you to
review the information that was presented at the meeting.

Based on the input received at the meeting, the consensus was for the Department to move forward with
proposed increases to the meter monthly service charges, establish a tiered water rate structure, and increase the
water rates based on usage. It was also determined that a letter should be sent to aJl ratepayers and property
owners informing them of the proposed rates, soliciting their input, and providing a timeline for the steps
involved in establishing new rates. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with this information.

CSA-11 is an independent special district which is financially self~sufficient and has its own budget. CSA-11
does not receive property tax revenue as it was formed after implementation of Proposition 13 and the rates
must be set to adequately support the water system. CSA-11 's revenue is generated from water sales and
monthly service charges from a small customer base of99. These collected charges are spent solely on CSA-11

The Department provides staff to CSA-11 and performs the following services: meter reading, customer billing,
customer support, emergency response, water system maintenance (pumps and pipes), compliance with
regulations, and backflow prevention device testing and certification. Fortunately the quality of the CSA-11
water is very good and does not require treatment.

The current water rates were set in 2003, are very low in comparison to the rates of other water providers, and
are insufficient to adequately support the costs of operating the CSA-11 water system. CSA-I 1 faces several
significant challenges including: establishing and maintaini.rig rates to support the necessary water system
operations, a limited life aquifer which may require construction of a deeper well, an aging water system, and
the need to establish a fund reserve for necessary repairs or emergencies. The average annual expenditure for
CSA-11 is $66,000, which exceeds the average annual revenue of approximately $46,000. The average annual
expenditures include a loan payment of approximately $20,000 to the State in connection with the 20-year loan
utilized to help fund the construction of the water system. The last payment to the State is due in October 2012.
County Service Area 11 (Pescadero Water System) Customers and Property Owners:
Re: Proposed Water Rates and Community Input
November 10, 2011


Although this will help in reducing future expenditures, it is still necessary to raise water rates to pay for
upcoming capital improvements and to establish a prudent reserve fund.

Proposed Water Rates

We are proposing to establish a tiered rate structure in which the cost of water increases based on the amount of
water used. We believe the tiered structure is more equitable to customers who use less water and will
encourage water conservation, which will help preserve the life of the water supply or aquifer.

The proposed water rates would pay for:

Operation and maintenance of the pump and well systems

Operation and maintenance of the storage tank and distribution system
Water system improvements or upgrades
Repairs to and replacement of the fire hydrants, pipes, fittings and valves
Emergency response and repairs
Compliance with local, state and federal health, safety and environmental protection regulations
Meter reading, billing, administration, and customer service
Establishing a prudent fund reserve for unanticipated costs.

The table below illustrates the proposed monthly service charges and water rates for CSA-11, as well as the
rates currently charged by nearby water agencies. As indicated in the table, the CSA-11 water rates are
significantly lower than the rates of other water providers. The proposed rates strive to balance the increase to
guaranteed revenue (Meter Monthly Service Charges) with a revenue increase from water charges based on
water rate increases, tiered rate structure, and the fluctuations based on customer usage.
CSA- 11 Other Water Agencies
No. of Customers 99 6,583 12,412 1,656
Coastside North Coast Montara
Current County County Water &
Rate Water Water Sanitary
Rates Rates Rates
5/8" x 3/4" Meter
$22 $28 $15.36 $24.94 $20.84
Monthly Service Charge
1-112" Meter Monthly
$33 $42 $74.32 $44.95 $37.51
Service Charge
Tier l Water Rate $2 .53 $6.54
$1.38 $2.69 $5.02
(0-8 Unit"') (0-5 Unit) (0-6 Unit)

Tier 2 Water Rate $5 .62 $8.72

- $4.04 $5.53
(9-25 Unit) (6-16 Unit) (7-13 Unit)

Tier 3 Water Rate $8 .04 $10.9

(26-40 Unit)
- $5.45 $7.19
(17-28 Unit) ( 14-27 Unit)

Tier 4 Water Rate $14.75 $15.26

- $7.36 $8.88
(> 40 Unit) (> 28 Unit) (> 27 Unit)

* 1 unit of water is equal to 748 gallons or one hundred cubic feet of water.
County Service Area 11 (Pescadero Water System) Customers and Property Owners:
Re: Proposed Water Rates and Community Input
November I 0, 2011

Page 3

The following provides the calculation of charges based on the existing and proposed rates for a residential
customer that uses 12 units of water in one month:

Calculation of Charges
Existing Proposed
for 12 Units of Water
Rate Structure Rate Structure
Based on:
Monthly Service Charge
$22.00 $28.00
(5/8" x 3/4" meter)
$2.69 x 8 units $21.52
Water Usage Charge $1.38 x 12 units $16.56
$4.04 x 4 units $16.16
Total Charges $38.56 $65.68

The Department plans to ask the Board of Supervisors to set a place, date and time for a public hearing to
consider the proposed rates in February 2012. We would like to hear your comments and input on this issue
before we finalize our recommendations for the Board of Supervisors, and provide answers to any questions
you may have. Please submit your comments and questions to us by Wednesday, November 30, 2011, and we
will post your questions and our responses on our website.

Your questions and comments may be directed to :

America Sanchez, Associate Engineer

Department of Public Works
County of San Mateo
555 County Center, 5th Floor
Redwood City, CA 94065
Telephone: (650) 363-4100
e-mail : acsanchez@co. sanmateo. ca. us

Very truly yours,

ames C. Potier
irector of Public Works

f :\user.i\admin\P&S\CSA I l\2011 \Proposed Rates Lener.doc
G:luserslutility\water\_CSA-11\RATE\20 l l \Proposed Rates Letter.doc
F-151 (32)

cc: Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council, P.O. Box 733, Pescadero, CA 94060
Supervisor Don Horsley
San Mateo County Public Works
Mr James C Porter
Director of Public Works
333 County Center 5th floor
Redwood City, CA 94063-1665

November 18, 2011

Mr James Porter

In reference to your letter of November 10, 2011 to residents of County Service Area 11 concerning the
water system status and rates. The Pescadero Municipal Advisory council and community members are
in the process of asking questions about and soliciting public input on the proposed water system rates.
Your November 10 letter asks for input by November 30th. Your letter is dated after the last PMAC
meeting and your deadline for comment is before the next PMAC meeting. It takes at least three
meetings for effective public input and comment by the PMAC. Start the discussion at the first meeting,
serious discussion and community outreach before the next meeting, pulling together comments and
then formal correspondence after the third. With the holiday approaching giving the PMAC until
February 24, 2012 to gather information from the county and pull together public comment is

There are serious questions being asked in Pescadero about the maintenance and operating issues of
the water system. Public works has come in for criticism, some deserved and some not. Allowing time
for a public discussion of the operating issues that contributed to the water supply problems is required.

Your department should work with the PMAC members to answer their questions and to gather public
input. The last water rate adjustment was in 2003. I believe most residents of CSA11 understand that
their water rates are going up. Another three months to allow for effective public input is required.


Rodger Reinhart
PO Box 817
Pescadero, CA 94060

CC: Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council, PO Box 733 Pescadero, CA 94060

Supervisor Don Horsley
Department of Public Works BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

555 COUNTY CENTE R, 5THFLOOR REDWOOD CITY CALIFORNIA 94063-1665 PHONE (650) 363-41 00 FAX (650) 361-8220

November 30, 2011

Mr. Roger Reinhart

P.O. Box 817
Pescadero, CA 94060

Dear Mr. Reinhart:

Re: County Service Area No. 11 (Pescadero Water System)

I am writing in response to your letter to me dated November 18, 2011 regarding the process to establish
adequate water rates for County Service Area No. 11 (CSA 11). As stated in your letter, we had requested that
input be received from property owners regarding the proposed rates by November 30, 2011 based on the
information provided in my letter dated November 10, 2011 and available on our website. I understand your
concern regarding the allowance for adequate time for the Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council (PMAC) to
review information, receive input, and provide comment. We intend to consider input from PMAC; however,
PMAC meetings will not be the primary forum for CSA 11 water rate discussions as PMAC represents a
geographical area that is much larger than CSA 11. PMAC has proposed that a working group meet with our
Department to further understand the CSA 11 operations, revenues, and expenditures. The Department will
work with this group, which will include CSA 11 property owners, but we intend to continue to engage and
inform CSA 11 property owners of the proposed water rates and issues relating to the water rates.

Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information.

Very truly yours,

dJ21-James C. Porter
0 Director of Public Works

F:\users\admin\P&S\CSAI 1\2011\CSA 11 Reinhart Response 11-29-11.docx
G:\users\utility\water\_CSA-l l\RATE\2011\CSA 11 Reinhart Response 11-29-11.docx

cc: Supervisor Horsley

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
P.O. Box 249, Pescadero, CA 94060
San Mateo County November 23, 2011
Department of Public Works
555 County Center
Redwood City, CA 94063
Attention: Ann Stillman Deputy Director

Ann, as discussed during our phone conversations, of November 12th and then
again the 17th; a discussion ensued at the November 8th.PMAC public meeting,
pertaining to pending CSA 11 rate increases (not released at the time of the
meeting) and the August water outage.

A decision was made at that meeting by PMAC members to help form an ad hoc
committee of CSA 11 ratepayers and/or property owners. This committees
purpose will be to analyze CSA 11 financial and maintenance records,
summarize their findings and perhaps make recommendations for action moving
forward. These results will be presented at a PMAC hosted special meeting for
CSA 11 ratepayers and/or property owners as well as all other interested parties.
The target date of the meeting is February 2012. The leader of the committee is
Rob Skinner, CSA11 ratepayer and PMAC council member. Additionally, Janet
Murphy, CSA 11 ratepayer and former PMAC member volunteered to serve.
Dante Silvestri was asked to join the committee based on his knowledge of wells
and water systems as well as his first hand experience during the recent outage.

The decision was taken partly due to the very poor turnout at DPWs October
19th meeting outlining the events surrounding the August water outage and the
need for rate increases and partly based on the less than totally transparent
financial and maintenance histories. It was the general consensus of all in
attendance at the Council Meeting that prior to implementing any action(s) the
ratepayers/property owners required a great deal more and detailed information.

To assist the ad hoc committee begin their analysis we respectfully request all
maintenance logs, activities and expenses going back to 2001. Additionally, we
would like copies of the job description(s) of the personnel charged with
inspecting and maintaining the well and its facilities and training programs for the
personnel. Finally as it regards maintenance of the well and its facilities, we
request the audit log and the written audit reports for the request period.

As a major concern of CSA 11 ratepayers/property owners is the costs to operate

and administer the system, we request the detail behind the following items going
back to fiscal 1991-1992 to the present.
Fund balance
Retirement of the long term debt and interest
Miscellaneous Maintenance
Contract Services
Engineering, Operations and Maintenance
Special and/or one time expenses.

We may need to come back to you for more detail after the preliminary review.
To help avoid this eventuality, please send all pertinent information available.

We request the information be sent in electronic as well as hard copy formats

and that we receive it no later than December 12, 2011.

The same request will be forthcoming for the lighting district for Pescadero early
in 2012.

Because of the need to assimilate the information and meetings between CSA11
ratepayers/property owners, we respectfully request any decision on a rate
increase and or change in pricing methods be postponed until the CSA11s ad
hoc committee compiles and presents its findings.


Greg Bonaparte
PMAC Chair

Cc: Jim Porter

Catherine Peery
Rose Jacobs Gibson
Carole Groom
Don Horsley
Dave Pine
Adreinne Tissier
Naticnal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
:-..: ::.-:::\J;,.,_ -.1.::.=l\i:O .::. e,...;::= :::: ::.::=vcE
Southwest Region
777 Sonoma Ave., Room 325
Santa Rosa. California 95404-4731

Novemb~r 24. 2010 In rl!sponsc. refer w:

151~l6SWR20 I OSR0048 I

Joe LoCoco, Deputy Director. Road Servic...:

County of San l\fateo Department of Public \\:orks
752 Chestnut Street
Redwood City, California 94063

Joanne Kerbavaz. Senior Environmc:nlal Sciemist

California State Parks
95 Kelly Avcnui:!
Half Moon I3ay. California 94019

Dear Mr. LoCoco and Ms. Kcrbavaz:

This letter is in r~sponse to the i:!xisting channd conditions in Butano Creek hencath and adjacent
tothe Pescadero Road bridge. near the town of Pescadcro. San l'vla.tco County. California.
NOAA s National l\farine Fisheri~s Sen-ice (N'\ffS) is concerned existing channel conditions
may be affecting rederally listed salmonids and their habitat. The County of San !\fateo
Department of Public Works (County) is responsible for maintenance activities at the Pescadcro
Road bridge. I3utano Creek flo\vs into the Pescadcro Marsh ~mural Preserve which is owned
and managed by the California Department of Parks and Recreation {State Parks).

When the bridge was construet~d in 1961. the channel W1dern...:ath the bridge was approximately
I I feet deep and 80 feel wide. Over the years, approximately 9 feet or
sill has built up in the
channel. reducing the vertical clearance underneath th~ bridge to about :?. feet. This has resulted
in an increase in the frequency of flooding and may he impairing fish passage.

During largt.: storm events, Butano Creek cannot be contained within its banks at the bridge and
f1oodwa1ers spill onto Pescadero Creek Road and adjoining properues. Under existing
conditions. maintenance activities at the bridge that do not include work within the actual creek
channel are unlikely to alleviate flood concerns and may continue to impede passage for list..:d
salmonids. We believe there are possible near-term and long-term solutions that vvould minimize
llooding along Pescadero Creek Road. aJIO\\. for some le\d of maintenance. and improve fish
passage. Dredging, for exarnpie. may have only shon-tcrm benefits to flooding and fish passage,

but could be an interim plan until a long-term solution is reached. We urge the County to
coordinate with State Parks, NMFS, and other appropriate stakeholders to investigate both short
and long-term solutions for flooding issues with the assurance of fish passage.

It is our understanding, opportunities for the County to conduct these activities may be limited
for a variety of reasons, including access onto State Parks property. Although State Parks is not
a flood control agency, this should not preclude the agencies working collaboratively on how to
address resource protection while improving the safety of Pescadero Road.

We acknowledge permits 'Ail! be required but do not see this as a hindrance to a solution. Fish
passage improvement and channel maintenance activities are the types of projects which are
regularly permitted by the appropriate agencies and N~1FS routinely consults with Federal action
agencies pursuant to the Federal Endangered Species AcL 1'ifvfFS stands ready to work with
State Parks and the County to\:vards the shared goal of resource protection while improving the
safety of Pescadero Road.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this letter please feel free to contact Mr. William
Stevens of my staff at (707) 5 75-6066 or via email al \

:t'\orth Central Coast Office Supervisor

Protected Resources Division

cc: Chris Yates, NMFS, Long Beach

Patrick Rutten, Kir Crump, NOi\...A.. Rcsmration Center, Southwest Region
Paul Keel, California Department of Parks and Recreation, Half Moon Bay
Eric Larsen, California Department of Fish and Game, Yountville
Rich Gordon, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, Redwood City
Christopher Brancarl P.O. BOX686 Telephone (650) 879-0141
Elizabeth Brancart PESCADERO, CA 94060 Facsimile (650) 879-1103

DEC O7 2011 Street Address

COUNiY Of SAN MATEO Loma Mar, California 94021

December 5, 2011

Via Email, Facsimile + Mail

James C. Porter, PE
Director, Department of Public Works
County of San Mateo
555 County Center, 5th Floor
Redwood City, CA 94063
Fax: (650) 361-8220
Email: jporter@co. sanmateo. ca. us

Re: County of San Mateo, Community Service Area No. 11 (Pescadero)

Pescadero Community Water System operated by San Mateo County
Public Records Request

Dear Mr. Porter:

Pursuant to the Public Records Act, I write to request the production of a

complete copy of all documents and records, including electronically stored information
such as emails, regarding or related to the establishment, financing, operation,
maintenance, supervision, regulation and monitoring of the Pescadero Community
Water System, operated as San Mateo County Service Area No. 11 (CSA-11).

By this request, I ask for a copy of responsive records maintained by the County
of San Mateo, including but not limited to DPW's San Mateo facility and DPW's
Redwood administrative office.

To expedite production, please provide responsive records on a rolling basis,

and bill me for the reasonable costs of copying and mailing .

Thank you.
Christopher Brancart P.O. BOX 686 Telephone (650) 879-0141
Elizabeth Brancart PESCADERO, CA 94060 Facsimile (650) 879-1103
Liza Cristol-Deman

Street Address
8205 Pescadero Road
Loma Mar, California 94021

December 11, 2011

Via Email, Facsimile + Mail

James C. Porter, PE
Director, Department of Public Works
County of San Mateo
555 County Center, 5th Floor
Redwood City, CA 94063
Fax: (650) 361-8220

Re: County of San Mateo, Community Service Area No. 11 (Pescadero)

Pescadero Community Water System operated by San Mateo County
Public Records Request

Dear Mr. Porter:

On December 5, 2011, I wrote you to request production of records pursuant to

the Public Records Act. I write to followup on that request.

I. First Phase Production of Records

Because these records concern a matter of urgency and importance to our

community, I write to ask that the production be phased, narrowing the first production
to records reflecting the following concerns:

The telecommunication low-water alarm. The telecommunication low

water alarm was disabled and apparently still is, which may violate County fire codes,
and leaves the town, again, with no warning that the tank is running dr.;

The cathodic tank protection. The cathodic tank protection was

obsolete in 2001 and annual maintenance of the tank is required. The tank without this
protection has a life span of about 20 years, but with this protection should last 40 - 50

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