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Part 1
Digital marketing fundamentals

Chapter 1
Introducing digital marketing

Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 6e Pearson Education Limited 2016

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Learning objectives

Explain the relevance of different types of digital

platforms and digital media to marketing
Evaluate the advantages and challenges of
digital media
Identify the key differences between customer
communications digital marketing and traditional

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Questions for marketers

What are the options for digital marketing to

grow our business?
What are the key benefits of digital marketing?
What differences do digital media introduce
compared to existing marketing communications

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Online opportunities

Timeline of online services indicating innovation in business model or

Table 1.1
marketing communications approach
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Online opportunities (Continued)

Timeline of online services indicating innovation in business model or

Table 1.1
marketing communications approach (Continued)
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Figure 1.1 Google timeline

Source: Google Corporate Timeline: www.google.com/about/corporate/company/timeline/

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What is it?
Introducing the scope of digital marketing

Achieving marketing objectives through

applying digital technologies
Marketing is the management process
responsible for identifying, anticipating and
satisfying customer requirements profitably.
Chartered Institute of Marketing

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A more in-depth definition

Customer-centric digital marketing involves:

Digital technologies which form online channels
(Web, e-mail, databases, mobile, iPTV)
Contribute to marketing activities aimed at achieving
profitable acquisition and retention of customers
(within a multi-channel buying process
and customer life cycle)
Improving customer knowledge (of their profiles,
behaviour, value and loyalty drivers), then delivering
integrated targeted communications and online services
that match their individual needs

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Which platforms are involved?

What ways can you access the
Web or Internet through a browser?
A. Desktop, laptop and notebook platforms
1. Desktop browser-based platform e.g. IE, Chrome, Safari
2. Desktop apps e.g. Apple App Store
3. Email platforms
4. Feed-based and API data Exchange platforms e.g. RSS feeds, Twitter,
5. Video-marketing platforms e.g. Online TV channels
B. Mobile phone and tablet platforms
1. Mobile operating system and browser
2. Mobile-based apps e.g. Apple iOS, Google Android
C. Other hardware platforms
1. Gaming platforms e.g. PlayStation, Nintendo
2. Indoor and outdoor kiosk-type apps e.g. interactive kiosks, augmented
3. Interactive signage e.g. Touchscreen, Bluetooth, QR codes
4. Wearables e.g. Apple Watch, Google Glass
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YouTube video explaining the Tesco Homeplus Virtual Subway Store

Figure 1.4
presence in South Korea
Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGaVFRzTTP4

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Figure 1.2 The intersection of the three key online media types

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How do digital technologies

contribute to marketing?

The definition of marketing by the Chartered Institute

of Marketing (http://www.cim.co.uk/) is:
Marketing is the management process responsible
for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer
requirements profitability.
Give examples of how the Internet (web and e-mail)
achieves these?

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How do digital technologies

support marketing

Identifying the Internet can be used for marketing

research to find out customers needs and wants.
Anticipating the Internet provides an additional channel
by which customers can access information and make
purchases evaluating this demand is key to governing
resource allocation to e-marketing.
Satisfying a key success factor in e-marketing is
achieving customer satisfaction through the electronic
channel, which raises issues such as: is the site easy to
use, does it perform adequately, what is the standard of
associated customer service and how are physical
products dispatched?

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Applications of digital marketing

An advertising medium
A direct-response medium
A platform for sales transactions
A lead-generation method
A distribution channel
A customer service mechanism
A relationship-building medium

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Benefits of digital marketing The 5Ss

Table 1.2 The 5Ss of Internet marketing

Source: Chaffey and Smith (2012)

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Summary and examples of transaction alternatives between businesses,

Figure 1.6
consumers and governmental organisations
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E-business and e-commerce

You are attending an interview for a job in an

E-commerce department. You are asked
Define e-commerce
Explain the relationship between
e-commerce and e-business?

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Figure 1.7 The distinction between buy-side and sell-side e-commerce

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Different overlapping forms of web presence

Give an example of each

Transactional e-commerce site:

Examples Amazon, Dell
Services-oriented/relationship building
Accenture, British Gas
Brand Building site
Portal or media site
Yahoo! Silicon.com
Social network or media site

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What are the challenges

of managing strategy?

Unclear responsibilities for digital

Setting objectives
Lack of budget
Budget wasted through experiments/duplication
Developing new propositions and campaigns to
Lack of measurement
i.e. No plan.

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Why is a digital strategy needed?

To set clear goals for digital channels

To align with business strategy (avoid ad-hoc
Create a specific online value proposition (OVP)
Specify communications tools to drive visitors
Integrate digital and traditional channels
Manage customer life cycle (e.g. through email

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Applying the 7 Ss

1. Strategy
2. Structure
3. Systems
4. Staff
5. Style
6. Skills
7. Superordinate goals

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Figure 1.9 A generic digital marketing strategy development process

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Introduction to Digital Marketing

Search engine optimisation
Affiliate marketing
E-mail marketing
Landing page
Rich media

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Table 1.4 Key marketing communications concepts

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Table 1.4 Key marketing communications concepts (Continued)

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Figure 1.10 RACE: ReachAct (Interact)ConvertEngage

Source: Smart Insights (2010)

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Figure 1.11 Six categories of e-communications tools or media channels

Source: Chaffey and Smith (2012)

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Social Media Marketing

Monitoring and facilitating customer-customer

interaction and participation throughout the web
to encourage positive engagement with a
company and its brands

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Figure 1.11 Social Media Marketing Radar (Chaffey, SmartInsights.com, 2011)

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Benefits of digital media

6 Is of the e-marketing mix:

1. Interactivity (Figure 1.13)
2. Intelligence
3. Individualization (Figure 1.14)
4. Integration (Figures 1.15 &1.16)
5. Industry restructuring
6. Independence of location

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Summary of communication models for (a) traditional media,

Figure 1.13
(b) new media
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Summary of degree of individualisation for: (a) traditional media

Figure 1.14
(same message); (b) new media (unique messages and more information
exchange between customers)
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Figure 1.15 Channels requiring integration as part of integrated e-marketing

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Figure 1.16 The role of mixed-mode buying in Internet marketing

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Fundamental digital
marketing concepts
Customer engagement:
Repeated interactions that strengthen the emotional,
psychological or physical investment a customer has
in a brand. cScape
The level of involvement, interaction, intimacy and
inuence an individual has with a brand over time.
Permission marketing:
A value exchange in return for communications and
profiling, e.g. E-mail opt-in, Like of brand on
Content marketing
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Content marketing activities

Define content engagement value

Create content media/assets
Content syndication (influencer outreach)
Content participation
Content access platform.

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Key challenges of digital

Responding to competitors
Responding to changes in technology

Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 6e Pearson Education Limited 2016


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