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Complete the text.

Use the words :

Is in my Her your have our studies dont Do are

Hello. My name_____(0)Sally. I live with_______(1)family in a small
I_________(3)two brothers, Jim and Paul, and one sister.(4)_________name is Jessica. Our
parents(5)_______teachers at(6)_____school. I study German and English and my
French. I___________(8)like German its terrible!_____(9)you like(10)_________school?
Please write!

Read the text.

Our English teacher is very popular. Her name is Sally Gorska and shes from
Oxford in England. She has a big family with three brothers and two sisters. She
also has 20 cousins!
I think shes very lucky.
She lives in Warsaw, my city, with her husband. His names Marek and hes Polish.
He teaches Polish at our school.
At weekends they play tennis and they go for walks with their dog and their
daughters, Helena and Anya. Helenas 12 and Anyas 14. They both go to our
school. In fact, Helenas my best friend.

Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1 The English teacher is terrible.
2 Shes from England.
3 She has 20 brothers and sisters.
4 She lives in England.
5 Her husbands name is Marek.
6 Marek teaches English.
7 They have two daughters.
8 They also have a cat.
9 At weekends they watch TV and study.
10 Anya is 14 years old.

Complete the text. Use the words:

At never hardly because every are has usually any

this twice

(0)________my school, there_____(1)three English teachers and two French teachers.

arent________(2)German teachers(3)__________we dont study German. My favourite
(4)___________got long brown hair and green eyes. I like her because shes very
intelligent. We have an English lesson __________(5)day and we(6)___________get
homework. I do my homework in the evening after dinner. I watch the news every
evening because its interesting. Then________(7)a week I play football with my
friends. At the weekends I__________(8)study because Im very tired.
My parents get angry with me of course! So,______(9)is my life! I like it and
Im_____________(10)ever unhappy.


Read the text.

Hi, my names Sandra and I want to tell you about my favourite restaurant.
My favourite restaurant is a small English restaurant near my house. Its on the
street between the post office and the supermarket. I like it because the food is
delicious and its not expensive. I always go there on Friday evenings with my
mother and father.
First we order the drinks: water for my parents, and juice for me. Then we order the
food. I always have the same starter mushroom soup with fantastic fresh bread
and my parents have pt and toast. Then I usually have roast lamb, roast
and vegetables a typical English main course. I then sometimes have a dessert
ice cream or fruit and my parents often have bread and cheese.
My favourite waiter, Jim, is very good-looking! Hes got dark, curly hair and big
green eyes and hes very funny. I always enjoy my food when hes our waiter!

Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1 Sandras favourite restaurant is opposite her house.
2 The food there is cheap.
3 She goes there with her parents.
4 She drinks water.
5 Her parents always have mushroom soup.
6 She usually has roast lamb.
7 They always have a dessert.
8 Jim is a waiter.
9 Hes good-looking and funny.
10 Hes always their waiter.

Complete the text with the words in the box.

watches enjoys There some much does it studying

learning doesnt goes

Mary________(0)to a large school in London._______(1)are about 1,500 pupils in her

At the moment she is(2)____________hard because she has_______(3)important exams at
the end of the month. She loves___________(4) French and Spanish but
she____________(5)like Science. In fact she hates________(6). She usually________(7)her
homework when she gets home and then she____________ (8)television with her
family or she goes on the computer. She doesnt have____________ (9)free time, but
in general she__________(10)her life.
Read the text about Angie below.

I am very lucky because I enjoy my work very much. Im a fitness instructor at a

gym near where I live. I teach six aerobics classes a week and I also go to different
schools in the area to teach young people about health and nutrition. As they say,
you are what you eat.

To be honest, I worry about the diet that many people have today. So many people
are overweight. And why? Because they eat the wrong foods and they dont do any
exercise. When you work in an office or sit in a classroom all day, I know it is
difficult to find time to keep fit, but you only need to do 20 minutes a day!
Its also very important to have a balanced diet, starting with breakfast in the
morning. Its not a good idea to miss breakfast although many of us just have a cup
of tea or coffee. Eat as much fresh food as possible lots of fruit and vegetables
and try not to eat too much fried food. When you dont have much time, its easy
toget a take-away, but it certainly isnt very good for you!
One reason that a lot of people feel less than 100% fit is that they dont drink
enough water. You need to drink two litres a day and water means water, not tea,
coffee or fizzy drinks.

Finally, keeping fit is fun. A lot of people think its boring to go jogging or cycling.
They want to enjoy their food. Well, of course you can enjoy your food. Its fine to
have cakes and ice cream, but not every day!

Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1 Angie has two jobs.

2 She teaches six classes a day.
3 She teaches aerobics in different schools.
4 She travels around the country.
5 A lot of people are too fat.
6 Its important to do a little exercise every day.
7 Tea or coffee is enough for breakfast.
8 Take-aways are not a good idea.
9 Its good to drink water.
10 You can eat cakes as often as you want.

Complete the text with the words in the box.

learning some at decided sang was but had have any

When I_______(0) a teenager, I wanted to be a singer. I loved singing and I________ (1)
in the
school choir and in the church choir____(2) I wasnt very good_____(3)it. So then
I________(4) to become an English teacher. After I finished school I___________ (5) to
university where I studied English for three years. I then__________ (6) to attend a
teacher training college for one
more year. At first I had_________(7) problems with my students because I was very
young but
now I dont have________(8).As a teacher I_________(9) to work very hard but I love
my job and I hope my students enjoy________(10)English.

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