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AAR: Zeitgeist

The assignment was to begin work on our zeitgeist assignment by using

research and your personal understanding of the novel to find and cite evidence to
support the novel's status as a novel of great literary merit. The learning goal was to
understand what a zeitgeist is, and how our novel is the zeitgeist of its time and what
makes it a novel of great literary merit. What was supposed to happen was the same as
what happened, I researched my novel The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald and
saw what qualities made it stand out during its time and why it is still relevant today
making it a classic and a novel of high merit.

What went well when I did this assignment was that I gained more knowledge on
the book I am going to be researching and writing about and learned more about what
makes a novel be known as a zeitgeist. Some challenges that arose were that I hadnt
read my book yet so I wasnt 100 percent sure what qualities of the novel made it one of
literary merit. I addressed this challenge by finding scholarly sources that helped me
understand what made the novel stand out as a zeitgeist.
If I were to do this assignment again, I would have read the novel before the
assignment so I could have more information and understanding on what makes the
novel the way it is. I have accomplished learning what a zeitgeist is and what makes my
novel fot in that category. I would rate my mastery on this assignment as proficient,
because I did what needed to be met by the learning goal but I could have done more to
prepare me for the assignment.

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