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'sta(lishing )*C Connections from *eeder system to Sap GTS system"

Configuration of Organi+ational units, Transfer of master data from SAP )-! to SAPGTS"

Configuring and Customi+ing the General Settings in Sap GTS . /usiness Partner,Organi+ation structure, Partner
structure, Document Structure, 0egal )egulation, andDetermination Procedure"

Configuration of Compliance 1anagement scenarios like SP0 Screening, 'm(argoCheck, 0icense Determination"

Actiating 0egal regulations for each and eery application areas"

Aware of Customs management Scenarios like Customs processing, ProductClassification and Transit Processing,
0etter of Credit, Preference determination and)estitution

Supporting the GTS functionalities like releasing the (locked documents (y SP0Screening and 'm(argo Check

The functionalities involved in SAP GTS are

Compliance Management: For check international trade compliance issues

Customs Management: Deals with customs-relevant transactions

Risk Management: To minimize the risks involved with financial transactions.

Electronic Compliance Reporting: For submitting the reports for intra-

European trade

System Administration: Deals with settings and monitoring of the GTS feeder

Purpose of this document is to explain the settings required in SAP GTS to integrate with SAP SD


The document explians the configuration settings required in SAP GTS to check sales documents/delivery documents in

1 Prerequisites

This document consists of customization settings already exisitng as part of SAP GTS standard set-up and some
modification as required to build the scenario for demo purpose.

Before going thorugh the steps mentioned in this document the prerequisites are:

System Communication between SAP GTS and Feeder System (ECC) is established
2 Organizational Structure

This is part of the General settings covers the Organization Structure & Legal Units are set up in SAP GTS System for
activating SAP GTS Services.

2.1 Define Foreign Trade Organization (FTO)

In this acitvity the Foreign Trade Organization is defined as the highest organizational unit in your organizational structure. It
is important to select proper Display Business Partner Role (e.g. for Foreign trade Organistion the BP role to be selected is

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Organizational Strucutre > Define Foreign Trade


Example: Foreing Trade Organization FTO_US.

2.2 Assignment of Org. Units from Feeder Sys. to FTO.

In this acitvity the Feeder System Company Code (representing the Legal Org Unit in ECC) is assigned to the

Foreing Trade Organization Unit in SAP GTS.

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Organizational Structure > Assignment of Organizational Units from
Feeder System to Foreign Trade Org. > Assign Company Code at Feeder System Group Level > Manually Assign Company

Co Code CSUS of ECC is assigned to FTO_US

2.3 Define Legal Units

In this IMG Activity legal units are defined as part of th eorganization structure in SAP GTS. This Legal

Units represents the concept of Plants in ECC6 (SAP R/3).

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Organizational Structure > Define Legal Units

The Legal Unit LU_US is defined with Business Partner Role SLLSIT

2.4 Assign Legal Unit (LU) to the FTO

In this acitivity the Legal Unit (Plant) defined in SAP GTS is assigned to relevant Foreign Trade Organization defined. This is
in lin ewiht the same concept of assigning a Plant to a Company Code in SAP R/3.

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Organizational Structure > Assign Legal Unit to the Foreign Trade

2.5 Assignment of Org. Units from Feeder System to LU

In this acitivity Item Category is defined in GTS system for Customs Shipment Documents

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Organizational Structure > Assignment of Organizational Units from
Feeder System to Legal Unit > Assign Plant at Feeder System Group Level > Manually Assign Plant

Example: The feeder system (SAP R/3) plant CSPL is asigned to LU_US Legal Unit.

3 Partner Structure

This is part of the General settings covers the Partner Structure and mapping of feeder system partner functions to Partner
Groups in SAP GTS Services.

3.1 Define Partner Functions (PF)

In this acitvity various partner functions are categorize. The partner functions in the Customs Documents at Header & Item
level has sepcific functions and hence each partner function defined for the purpose are assigned specific function type.
Also, the use of the partner function in export or import or both export & Import relevance are assigned as well.

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Partner Structure > Define Partner Functions. Example: Partner
Function AG represents Sold-to Party (Customer). This partner function is relevant for

Exports only and the Partner Function Type assigned is CUSAUG (Sold-to Party).

3.2 Define Define Groups of PF

In this acitvity the partner functions are combined in groups. It is advisable to group the partner functions as it provides
unique and easy assignment of partner functions to the different types of foreign trade documents at a later time.

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Partner Structure > Define Groups of Partner


3.2.1 Partner Groupings

Define Partner Groups

Example: Partner Group PGSPL2 (Partner Group for "Sanctioned Party List" Service - Export)

3.2.2 Assign Partner Functions

In this step relevant partner functions are assigned to the group

Example AG is one of the partner functions assigned to the partner group PGSPL2

3.2.3 Assignment of PF from Feeder Systems

In this acitvity the partner functions from feeder systems are linked to corresponding partner function in

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Partner Structure > Assignment of Partner Functions from Feeder
Systems > Assign Partner Function at Feeder System Level > Manually Assign Partner Function

Example: The Partner Function AG from Feeder system is assigned to Business Partner Role AG in SAP GTS.

4 Legal Regulation

This is part of the General settings which covers the setting up of country groups, relevant legal regulations and activation of
the legal regulation per country/country groups.

4.1 Define Country Groups

In this activity country groups a re defined to simplify the process of making license determination settings.

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Legal Regulations > Define Country Group

Example: Country Group YH_EU is created to group together countries belonging to European


4.2 Define Legal Regulations

In this activity the legal regulations for export/import are defined which are then used for various SAP GTS Services.

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Legal Regulations > Define Legal Regulation

4.2.1 Legal Regulations

Define the relevant Legal Regulation.

Example: Legal regulation E01 (Export Administration Regulations (E01)). This Legal regulation is valid for Export only.

4.2.2 Assign Dead Line Type

Each Legal Regiulation is defined with a dead line type which enables the possibility of assigning the validity date.

Example: Legal regulation E01 (Export Administration Regulations (E01)) has a valid form and Valid to date.

4.2.3 Assign Country Groups

Each Legal Regiulation is assigned Country Groups for which the particular Legal regulations is valid. Example: Legal
regulation E01 (Export Administration Regulations (E01)) is assigned to Country

Group CNTRY_GRP and it is valid for Export transactions only.

4.3 . Define Determination Procedure for Active Leg. Reg.

In this activity the procedures to use while determining the active legal regulations are defined. This is required to enable the
system to determine relevant legal regulation for the services of customs procedures valid for the transaction.

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Legal Regulations > Define Determination

Procedure for Active Legal Regulations

4.3.1 Procedure for Detemining Active Legal Regulations

Define the procedure for Determining Active Legal Regulations

Example: Det. Procedure L01DT

4.3.2 Assignment of Determination Strategy

Assignment of Determination Strategy for the procedure for Determining Active Legal Regulations

The detrmination strategy is valid at country level.

4.4 . Activate Legal Reg. at Country/Country Group Level.

In this activity the legal regulations are activated for the relevant services. The legal regulations are activated at country or
country group level.

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Legal Regulations > Activate Legal Regulations at

Country/Country Group Level

Example: Legal reg. ACE is activated at country level US.

5 Document Structure

This activity is actually part of different SAP GTS Services e.g. Compliance management, Customs management etc. Under
this section the basic Document structure valid for activating SAP GTS Compliance management is decribed.

5.1 Define Document Type

In this activity customs document types are defined which will be used to replicate the document types created in feeder
system and replicated in SAP GTS system.

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > SAP Compliance Management > General Settings > Document

Structure > Define Document Types

Example: Document Type EXPORD (Customs Document (Export) - Sales Document Level) This document type is valid for
Exports only.
5.2 Activate Document Type

In this activity defined customs document types are set-up (activated) for specific GTS checks e.g. Embargo Check.
Sanctioned Party List Check etc.

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > SAP Compliance Management > General Settings > Document

Structure > Activate Document Types

Example: Document Type EXPORD (Customs Document (Export) - Sales Document Level) is activated for Embargo Check
Service. Similarly one can activate the same document type for other checks i.e. Sanctioned Party List and/or Legal Control.

5.3 Assignment of Document Types from Feeder Syst.

In this activity the feeder system (SAP R/3) document types are assigned to corresponding SAP GTS Customs Document

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > SAP Compliance Management > General Settings > Document Structure > Assignment
of Document Types from Feeder Systems > Assign Document Type at Feeder System Group Level > Manually Assign
Document Type

Example: Feeder System Document Type YOR is assigned to SAP GTS Customs Document Type EXPORD at Application
Level SD0A for Sales Document and feeder system Document Type LF is assigned to EXPDLV at Application Level SD0B.

5.4 Define Item Categories

In this activity Customs Item categories are defined. This is required to enable the replication of Item level data from feeder
system document to SAP GTS Customs document.
IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > SAP Compliance Management > General Settings > Document

Structure > Define Item Categories

Example: The Item Cat EXORD1 represents Item on Sales Document.

5.5 Activate Item Categories

In this activity defined customs item categories are set-up (activated) for specific GTS checks e.g. Embargo Check.
Sanctioned Party List Check etc.

IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > SAP Compliance Management > General Settings > Document

Structure > Activate Item Categories

Example: Customs Item Categories EXDLV1, EXORD1, FI0A & IMORD1 are activated for Legal Control checks.

5.6 Assign Item Category from Feeder System

In this activity feeder system item categories are assigned to corresponding SAP GTS Customs Item


IMG: SAP Global Trade Services > SAP Compliance Management > General Settings > Document Structure > Assignment
of Item Categories from Feeder Systems > Assign Item Category at Feeder System Group Level > Manually Assign Item

Example: Feeder System Item Cat YTAN is assigned to Customs Item Category EXORD1 at Application
Level SD0A for Sales Document.

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