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SHADOW MINISTER FOR THE DIGITAL ECONOMY SHADOW MINISTER FOR EMPLOYMENT SERVICES WORKFORCE PARTICIPATION AND THE FUTURE OF WORK Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash Minister for Employment Parliament Office PO Box 6100 Canberra ACT 2600 our tin Machel ie | write in reference to the Employment Department's internal review that recommended changes to workplace health and safety practices following a tragic fatality that occurred on a Toowoomba Work for the Dole site last April | understand that the internal review was completed late last year but has not been Publicly released, despite repeated requests by the Opposition for this to occur. ‘The Opposition believes there is a vital requirement for the Government to spell out the concrete steps taken to improve workplace safety in this program. This is especially so considering subsequent reports about other workplace safety incidents last year that potentially compromised other program participants, most notably where one participant was exposed to asbestos on a South Australian worksite. Besides Opposition's attempts to obtain the release of this internal review, | understand the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union (AUWU) submitted a Freedom of Information request to obtain documents related to the fatality and was refused by the Department of Employment. Of further concer, the AUWU has also claimed that - in relation to the ‘same Toowoomba incident - another participant who worked on the worksite expressed reservations about driving the vehicle used in the incident but was directed to do so or risk penalties. Safety is one main area of complaint by Work for the Dole participants according to the AUWU and it appears the number of injuries has increased in recent years. H/2| Considering this — and the fact that the adequacy of workpiace safety protections are also being questioned for participants in the soon to be launched PaTH program - it is crucial the community is made aware of measures taken by the government to reduce the recurrence of workplace safety incidents and their success in achieving improved safety outcomes. | urge you to release this review and | trust this request will be met favourably, Yours sincerely, The Hon Ed Husic MP att

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