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Population growth is when organism increase their number like humans have baby.
The population growth can increase when the individuals are born and can decrease when
the individuals die.There are 2 types of population growth, exponential growth model and
logistic growth model. In the exponential growth model there are unlimited resources, so
the population size will expand rapidly. In this model also dont have carrying capacity(the
maximum of organisms that can have in the environment.), so they can have offsprings as
much as they can. The size will doubles each time like at first there is 1 bacteria after that
it will double itself to 2, then 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 etc.

In the lab, we test about the infectious disease that spread from one infected person
to other person. This is the same as exponential growth as the disease spread it double
the people that get infected. In this experiment it is in the real life so it have carrying
capacity. There is not enough food to support all of the organisms, so when there are lack
of food some of the living things will die. Doing lab make the students more understand
about the concept of exponential growth. The purpose of this lab is to learn how the
disease spread from one person to other like how the organisms grow in exponential

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