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Why did Cherry volunteer for such a position?

B. She felt responsible (Missed)

Where did Two-bit and Ponyboy go after finishing their chores?
A. They went to the park B. They went to a concert C. They went to a movie
Why did Dally club Ponyboy on the back after Ponyboy leaped out a church
A. Dally thought it was a Socs B. Ponyboy's back was on fire
What was Johnny's signal to let Ponyboy know it was he, his friend, approaching
the church door?
A. He whistled the gang's whistle
Why did Soda's girlfriend, Sandy, suddenly move to Florida to live with her
A. She was pregnant and her parents didn't want anyone to know B. Her
parents didn't want her to marry Soda
Why didn't Johnny bleach his hair too?
A. He was to dark to look normal blonde (Missed)
Who wrote the letter that Dally brought to Ponyboy?
A. Johnny B. Soda(Missed)
Why were the Greasers and Socs planning a rumble for the next night?
A. The greaser wanted the Socs out of their territory(Missed) B. The Socs
wanted revenge for the death of one of their members
Where were the boys when the church caught on fire?
A. They'd gone home B. They were at Dairy Queen(Missed)
Why had a teacher and children come to Jay Mountain?
A. It was part of their Sunday School activity B. They were there to witness a
miracle C. They were on a picnic(Missed)
What had probably caused the church to catch on fire?
A. The church candles were left near a window curtain and it caught on fire
when the wind picked up B. The children found the matches Johnny and
Ponyboy had left behind and started playing with them(Missed)
Who looked after Ponyboy after his brothers went to work?
A. Two-bit
How did the two boys occupy their time while hiding out in the church?
A. They flirted with the girls B. They played poker and read Gone with the
How did Johnny let his sleeping friend, Ponyboy, know he'd gone into town for
A. He leaves him a message on a piece of paper B. He lets one of the other
guys know C. He writes a note in the dust of the church floor
Why did Johnny require Ponyboy to cut and bleach his hair?
A. He wanted to see how it would look on him B. To see if he would do it C. He
didn't want him to be recognize
What has protected Ponyboy from severe back burns?
A. God was at his side B. Dally's leather jacket
Who rode in the ambulance with Ponyboy?
A. Dally, his brother B. Johnny, his friend C. Jerry, the teacher
What do Ponyboy and Johnny do to change their appearance?
A. Cut their hair.
Johnny goes into town to get supplies for him and Ponyboy. Which item does
Johnny NOT bring back from the store?
A. Hair bleach B. Baloney and bread C. A deck of cards D. A stolen pack of
cigarettes (Missed)

Who writes Ponyboy a letter when they are hiding out?

A. Two-Bit B. Cherry C. Darry D. Sodapop

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