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Strategy Purpose Procedure Classroom

Line-Up Opportunity: -Social/emotional -Sentence line-up
(Sharron Bassano) 1. Communicate movement -Events in a story
2. Collaborate 1. Select topic that
3. Movement requires students to
-Sequence complete a
sequential task
2. Students line up
in order
3. Share out
Morning Message -To begin to clear Students have the First thing in the
(Julia Cameron- The the clutter of the opportunity to free morning write for
Right to Write) mind write and or journal 10 minutes
-To be more creative write
or intuitive
Line of -Check for -Line up Before
Communication understanding -A-B rotate During
-Productive After
Reciprocals -Accountability Reciprocal Buddy -Checking for
Teaching -Produce or Reading meaning making
language -Producing language
Word-Wall Designed to be an A collection of Create a word wall
interactive tool for words which are as a bulletin board
students and displayed in large where it can be
contains an array of visible letters on a visible for students.
words that can be wall, bulletin board,
used during writing or other display
and reading. surface in a

Strategy Purpose Procedure Classroom

Writers Notebook To include ideas for Write it out Have students write
(Ralph Fletcher) writing List ideas in notebooks daily
Create a web
Writing from both To write from what 1. Teach models 5 -History: different
sides of the Rock you see/as well as minutes I perspectives
the underbelly remember -literature: tell story
5 minutes I do from different
not perspectives
2. Have students
Read Like a Writer When we notice an -Notice something Question:
(Katie Wood Ray) authors intentional about the craft of What did you notice
use of craft we have the text. as I read this aloud?
a window into the -Talk about it and What do you notice
mind of the writer make a theory about on this page?
and we can begin to why a writer might What has the writer
teach our students use this craft. done with the print
how to use these -Give the craft a here?
techniques in their name. How is the white
own writing and -Think of other space used
stand on the texts/authors you differently here?
shoulders of know. Have you see What I noticed next
professional writers. this craft before? was
Try to envision If you are like other
using this crafting in kids Ive worked
your own writing. with, you may have
Many people who
write often
Literature Circles To generate Students choose Small temporary
discussion and their own material. groups formed.
comprehension. Introduce each Groups read
Provides a way for choice through a different books.
students to engage book talk. Number Teacher serves as
in critical thinking of students per facilitator.
and reflection as group.
they read, discuss,
and respond to
Guided Reading Provide Assess students, Working in small
differentiated look for trends, groups, listening to
teaching that select text students read,
supports students in appropriate, plan engaging students in
developing reading with small groups conversation

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