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(While in second position),

right arm comes to a half-T position (while walking back)
left arm comes to a half-T position (while walking back)
Left stays while right circles around (right wall to left wall) to meet the left (head follows right hand)
Both arms melt forwards to touch the floor and upper back touches ground
body follows arms to somersault forwards
Stand up into a deep second position with arms wrapped around chest
Right arm extends to the ceiling, followed by the left arm (head down)
Both arms swoop downwards and feet jump up into a toe touch
Right ball change (right foot steps back then left foot steps forward)right fan kick with arms clean
Right foot touches ground and the left joins it, body pitch forwards into a collapsed position to the right
Right rond de jam (right foot glides from front to back) as hands cover face
Left rond de jam (left foot glides from front to back) as hands circle down to sides
Lean back putting weight on the left leg
Step on the right and chasse into a russian on stage right
Hands come to top of head, (right hand followed by the left), elbows framing face
Elbows open up into triangular position (hands now on sides of head)
(Moving back towards center) right pony with right hand in high V and left hand across chest
(While stepping) right hands comes to cross over left hand on chest
Both hands slide across collarbone to meet their corresponding shoulder (i.e. right hand on right shoulder)
then both flow down to sides
Right turn preparation (step out with hands clean, then left foot comes forwards and arms go to a right L;
right arm straight in front and left arm straight out to left wall)
Triple pirouette
Step on right foot that just came out of passe to do a left pitch kick with arms parallel to legs
Step on the left then arms come up and both legs jump and spread into middle split
Slide into middle split, arms come down to the floor
With hands still on the floor, right head roll/ponytail flip
Roll over left shoulder towards the back wall
Stand up facing the left wall, prep in plie for a right surprise leap to the front left corner, right arm on chest
and left arm up in high V
After landing leap, roll over right shoulder, (remaining on the ground) and hitting an at attention position with
the left leg popped up and the right leg bent underneath it, both hands holding head

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