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Genetic Engineering

Gracey Sorensen

Global History 2


3 March 2017
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Imagine being able to assure that your newborn child was to be born as healthy as can be

and disease free. Imagine being able to manage chronic diseases and continue to live the life you

always wanted. The future is now and technology is only improving in order to make these

dreams a reality. According to Medicine Discoveries, Genetic engineering allows scientists to

identify specific genes, remove them, and clone (duplicate) them and use them in another part of

the same organism, or in an entirely different one ("Medical Discoveries). The popularity of

genetic engineering only continues to grow as there are more discoveries regarding medicines

and medical abilities. Genetic engineering is beneficial due to its impact on medicine, treatment

to babies and many terminal illnesses, and many advancements that are yet to come.

One of the most important aspects of genetic engineering relates to pharmaceutical

medicines. Pharmaceutical medicines are medicines sold and made through pharmacies, many

being made from recombinant DNA. Recombinant DNA is the process of removing DNA from

one organism and inserting it into the DNA of another organism, giving it new traits. This

process allows for the development of drugs, vaccines, and the ability to reproduce important

human hormones and proteins (DNA). The exact process includes first finding the wanted

gene sequence and then using the polymerase chain reaction technique to make perfect copies of

DNA fragments. (Medical Discoveries). In other words, scientists use a piece of RNA to copy

the wanted DNA and make the new gene. By engineering human DNA into a host organism, that

organism can be turned into a factory for important medical products. This technique allowed

for the ability to make so many pharmaceuticals including medicine to treat, factor VIII for

males suffering from hemophilia A, factor IX for hemophilia B, erythropoietin (EPO) for

treating anemia, several interleukins, tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) for dissolving blood
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clots, adenosine deaminase (ADA) for treating some forms of severe combined

immunodeficiency (SCID), and so many more (DNA). The most commonly known

genetically engineered medicine is insulin, which treats both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The

production of insulin itself has changed the life of 1.25 million Americans, including about

200,000 children ("Type 1 Diabetes Facts). Chronic diseases have been much easier to adapt to

thanks to the immense amount of growth in the medicine and treatment industry due to genetic

engineering. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of 2012,

almost half of all adults, 117 million people, have had one or more chronic health issues. One of

four adults had two or more chronic health conditions ("Chronic Disease Overview). Most of

these conditions made so much easier to adjust to because of the genetic engineering process in

pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceutical medicine have changed the lives of so many people around the

world and the abilities they have only continue to grow as more advances are made.

Genetic engineering is also beneficial due to its ability to help serious and terminal

illnesses. In 2012, a research team led by Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier

discovered a gene editing tool which took the world by storm. The CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene

editing tool which has the ability to remove gene mutations and produce the correct or desired

gene sequence. Bacteria have developed a defense system against DNA sequences called

CRISPR (clustered regularly-interspaced short palindromic repeats) and now the CRISPR-Cas9

protein is a scientific breakthrough which allows for any gene sequence to be edited and

modified (Murnane). When relating to bacteria and diseases, the process in which it works has

discovered as surprisingly simple. The treatment first includes discovering the harmful DNA

sequence that needs to be removed from the cell. Then two RNA with the matching DNA
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sequences join with the Cas9 protein in order to form a complex that has the capability to cut

DNA sequences. Once the complex attaches itself to the harmful DNA, the guide RNA will find

the harmful genome and be able to cut the DNA, paralysing it and making it no longer harmful to

the cell (Murnane). Before CRISPR-Cas9, gene editing was much more dangerous due to the

lack of precision, and when dealing with genes, accuracy is key in order to make a safe

transformation and not from new mutations in the process. Also, the old practices cost thousands

of dollars and a range from weeks to months in order for the gene to be changed, the

CRISPR-Cas9 will be able to accomplish the wanted correction in hours and has an estimated

cost of seventy-five dollars (Murnane). This extreme advancement in the medical field will

allow for so many more patients all over the world to get the treatment they need in order to be

free from many terminal illnesses. The CRISPR-Cas9 has had a large focus on working to cure

sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, huntington's disease, and certain forms of

Alzheimers. There are thought to be cures to these and many more in the near future. The gene

editing tool will be able to work in both cultured and living cells, and on every organism,

including animal or plant, that it has been tested on (Murnane). One of the most amazing aspects

of the CRISPR-Cas9 discovery is that when discovering this gene editing tool, the scientist also

discovered the ability to reverse the changes made. This discovery is called the anti-CRISPR

proteins that can be used to control the use of CRISPR-Cas9 tool. One of the most dangerous

aspects of the gene editing is that the CRISPR-Cas9 may produce gene edits that are unintended.

According to Kevin Murnane, a cognitive scientist and author for Forbes magazine, Researchers

can reduce or eliminate these unintended edits by using the anti-CRISPR proteins to shut the

CRISPR-Cas9 system down after the intended gene edit is completed (Murnane). This is such
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an important aspect due to the level of security it adds to the process and will allow for much

more life changing DNA edits. The testing and discovery of CRISPR will be a huge addition to

genetic engineering and the future of terminal illnesses worldwide.

In the future, genetic engineering will only continue to advance, affecting the health of

.babies. Pre-birth testing is the action of doctors testing genes in the cells of embryos for genetic

mutations. This assures that the embryo is safe and the baby will be born free from disease and

deformations (Lerner). According to Anne Matthews, RN, PhD, associate professor of genetics

in the school of medicine at Western Reserve University, approximately 4 million babies are

born each year and between 3-4% will be born with a genetic disease or major birth defect

(Matthews). Also, birth defects happen to about 3% of all babies born in the United States

("Data & Statistics). The new technology available to test the genes will help so many families

who have genetic disorders passing down from generation to generation. Additionally,

researchers have also recently discovered yet another way to improve the health of newborn

babies with the use of in-vitro fertilization, also known as mitochondrial transfer. This is the

process of combining the sperm and egg cell in a laboratory and testing for mutations before

being reimplanted into the woman to grow (Lerner). In todays world too many children are lost

and forced to suffer due to genetic mutations. Being able to prevent these diseases will help so

many families in all countries. Also, another new form of in-vitro fertilization includes the

involvement of three parents, to assure the baby is healthy. It is a known fact that most genetic

mutation are a result from the mother's mitochondrial DNA. An estimated 1 in 5,000 people

carry mitochondria with mutations leading to blindness, diabetes, dementia, epilepsy and

multiple other impairments. By focusing on the genetic level of the parents, if one of the parents
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have a mutation that can be passed on, the scientist will use an egg cell from a prospect mother

(DiSalvo). This idea would theoretically be able to free newborns from any mutations at the

cellular level, however it also brings many new struggles. The UK hopes to realize this law in

July, but the US seems to be much more hesitant based upon all the bioethical issues it relates

(DiSalvo). With these discoveries being so new, much testing is needed and complications to be

figured out before researchers can use these techniques for everyday treatment. It is evident that

all these new forms will allow for the future of babies all over the world to be born much

healthier and can help to cure and diminish so many terminal and chronic diseases millions of

people face everyday.

Although genetic engineering shows many benefits for the majority of the population, it

also brings on many fears from the general public. One of the most common fears is relating

eugenics, the science of improving the human race by controlling desirable characteristics

(Lerner). The ability to change genetic code to help diseases, has a direct correlation to being

able to change any genetic code to form any desirable trait. This aspect of eugenics has

previously seen through history during the Holocaust which caused 11 million deaths from

innocent people. Many countries fear this aspect and are hesitant to release the information that

allows for the ability to change genetics. This fear has many times resulted in stunting the

release of new discoveries which could sadly be a very good help to many patients if available

for use. Another fear is that the people will abuse the capabilities the new technology has in

order to create superhumans with bizarre traits. At the moment, parents have the ability to

choose the sex of their child and there are many research teams who predict height, hair color,

and eye color choice will be in the near future (Lerner). With all these decisions, the possibilities
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will endlessly grow until families are able to design their own child. There is no way to be

certain that specific individuals will not abuse the purpose. Lastly, genetic engineering has never

ending opportunities, but is a highly dangerous subject. Unless testing on humans, there is no

way to determine the actual affects gene transfer will have on the human body (Lerner).

Long-term effects are also a big question as to know how genes will act if changes have been

made (Lerner). Overall, there are many questions and concerns relating genetic engineering .

These questions and many more can only be answered with more research and testing, however,

the future is bright for many individuals who would benefit from genetic engineering.

The science world will only continue to further develop genetic engineering which will

inevitably create even more ways in which it can be used beneficially. Genetic engineering is

helpful because although it has its fears, it has an immense impact on the health of so many, such

as with pharmaceutical medicines, and the effect it has on terminal illness and babies. When

mentioning the future and thinking about genetic engineering, the words advancement and

improvement come straight to mind. With the help of genetic engineering, death from many

illnesses will become a problem of the past and influence the lives of people all over the world.

Not only does genetic engineering affect adults, it has made progress to affect pre-born babies

and children of all ages with medical issues. In everyones life, at one point or another, they

will be required to deal with the affects of illness and disease. People should give their attention

to genetic engineering and the studies being done in order to make a brighter, healthier future for

the world and the people they love. For many, the future of medicine will determine their life

and everyone needs to understand the importance of using genetic engineering for good, which

will bring comfort to all families.

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