Chemistry 11 Course Outline-Pkg.

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CHEMISTRY 11-Course Outline Ms.

Room: 217

Chemistry is the study of the relationship between the structure and

properties of matter. Chemistry also investigates energy changes that
accompany changes in matter. As you gain more knowledge of the science of
chemistry, you will increase your appreciation of the structure and behaviour of
the world around you.

Introductions & Safety in the Lab
Chapter 1: Activities of Science
Chapter 2: Finding Out about Matter
Chapter 3: Numbers Large and Small
Chapter 4: The Mole
Chapter 5: Chemical Reactions
Chapter 6: Stoichiometry
Chapter 16: Solutions (1/2 the chapter)
Chapter 10: Electrons in the Atoms
Chapter 11: The Periodic Table
Chapter 12: Chemical Bonding
Chapter 23: Organic Chemistry
Chapter 7: Properties of Gases *(Optional Chapter)
Chapter 9: Nuclear Chemistry * (Optional Chapter)

TEXTBOOK: Heath Chemistry $94.00 Herron, Kukla, Dispezio.

SUPPLIES: 3 Ring Binder, Calculator, Ruler, Writing Materials

EVALUATION: Exams, Quizzes 50%

Labs, 15%
Assignments 15%


A 86 - 100% C 60 - 66% I 55 - 0%
B 73 - 85% C- 59 - 55% F below 50%
C+ 67 - 72% PASS
I = In Progress, Possibility of Failure

Chemistry 11 is a senior elective science course. It stands to reason that you

are in this class by choice. It is strongly suggested that you review nightly in
addition to completing all labs, homework and studying for exams. Please
remember that you are encouraged to discuss any questions or problems that you
may have. Good Luck!

Your OWN Science 3-ring binder, pens, pencils, eraser and calculator along with an adequate supply of paper
to be brought to every class.

Please bring textbooks to every class. A textbook fee is charged to students if the assigned book is NOT
returned back to the subject teacher. Textbooks are collected at the end of the semester. Students will be charged a
fee for any damage done to textbooks.

3. FINALS: The In-Class FINAL CHEMISTRY 11 ASSESSMENT will be written on an assigned date (TBA).
The Final Assessment is worth 20% of the overall mark.

Students should attempt to attend every class. IF absent, students are responsible for obtaining missed information
from other classmates, website/Edmodo. All quizzes, exams, and labs are written on assigned dates. Labs must be
handed in at the beginning of the assigned period. If students leave the school during school hours they must sign out
at the office. Phone calls/Emails to the office/teacher would be appreciated if students are
absent from class.


(Copying) on any assigned reports and or on other forms of evaluation is NOT
permitted. This also includes Plagiarism from any electronic devices. SHARE THE EQUIPMENT, NO
SHARING OF ANSWERS for lab work. Lab marks are for individual students NOT for groups unless specified.
Any form of copying/cheating will NOT be tolerated and there will be appropriate consequences for that/those
student(s) involved.

6: BYOD-BRING YOUR OWN ELECTRONIC DEVICE(S)-Students must demonstrate respect

and responsibility with electronic devices. If electronic devices are interfering with the students learning
and academic progress then the privilege of bringing devices into the classroom will be restricted.

7. REWRITES-(Pre & Practice Assessments given before Chpt/Unit Exams)

May occur but mostly ONLY for Special and Extenuating Circumstances. Discussions and
permission from teacher required.

A. Jackets, Coats, etc, are NOT permitted in the Science Lab as they possess a safety hazard.
C. NO Baseball Hats worn in class.
D. Do NOT sit on counter tops or tables.
E. ABSOLUTELY NO eating in class. Do NOT bring any FOOD into the
Room/Lab. (special arrangements will be made for you if you are staying in at lunch)
F. Do NOT taste, touch, smell, or eat any of the materials in the Lab.
G. Do NOT drink out of the faucets in the Lab.
H. Do NOT perform any experiments at home.
I. LATENESS/TARDINESS: Please bring a late slip from another teacher/faculty member if you are being
detained. If you are late, please wait quietly outside until you are let in. Please be considerate and DO NOT
interrupt others.
SCIENCES - Course Outline Ms. Biln
Room: 217
If Absent from class please Call or Email.

Phone Number: Earl Marriott School 604 531-8354

Edmodo-specific course code

1. Please have Parent/Guardian (yourself) phone or email EMS if absent

from Class.
2. Check Edmodo, &/or Contact Study-Buddy for class information and

Contact Person/Study
Name: Phone Number/ E-mail





Writing Up a Formal Laboratory Report

Lab Title: ________________ Your Full Name: _______________________

Lab Number : ___________ Date:

All Labs must have a DATA SHEET included Last Page

Write on 1 side of Paper ONLY
Headings for Lab are in Correct Order
Underline Headings in Red Pen (Use a straight edge/Ruler)
Diagrams: Drawn in Pencil, on Blank Paper, Labelled, & a Title
Laboratory results are a representation of GOOD QUALITY WORK!
Remember-You can share Lab Apparatus but NOT Lab Answers
Copied/Plagiarized answers results in 0 (zero) mark
Labs are handed in at the beginning of the assigned period. If absent from Lab, the
day is allotted for make-up.

PROBLEM/OBJECTIVE: Must be stated in a question. What, Why, Where, How

This should be answered in the conclusion.

APPARATUS & MATERIALS: Not necessary to LIST everything

As per (teacher) or p. ___________

PROCEDURE: Do NOT write out entire procedure

List any special instructions/directions given
As per (teacher) or p. ___________

OBSERVATIONS: Most important Section Your Results

-A description of what was observed in the Lab
-Any charts/graphs/tables if applicable
-Always include a DIAGRAM (of the main procedure of the Lab)

(Questions) Assigned in class

Answer in FULL sentences, Show ALL your Work
Give complete detailed information

CONCLUSION: A discussion answering the problem and your ability to

explain the results of the process/concept of the experiment performed.

Scientific Error (A part of the conclusion) - An attempt to explain how

better results could be obtained from YOUR experiment. Do NOT list
everything that could go wrong but why the predicted outcome
may not have occurred

Data Sheet: A Rough copy of your OWN lab results.

Hello Science Students & Parents/Guardians:
Welcome to Earl Marriott Secondary. For the majority of the time, your childs Science
class and laboratory experiences will be conducted on the second floor in Room 217. To
ensure the health and safety of everyone, students are encouraged to follow and exercise
correct lab rules and procedures.
It is important that students DO NOT BRING food and beverage (excluding those individuals
with personal health concerns) into the lab.
Also, listed below are several different options for both parents and students for
assisting and in keeping the lines of communication open. Responses and replies will be
conducted at my earliest convenience.
Would you and your son/daughter please sign the Student Information Sheet indicating that
you both have read the SCIENCE COURSE OUTLINE. With your assistance and involvement I
am sure we will be able to facilitate the success of your child. Please feel free to contact me
at the school if there are any questions and or concerns regarding the progress of your child.
Have a great semester Mariners!


Please BOOKMARK these technology/resources as they will be used in the classroom.

1. Ms Bilns School Email Address: please email if absent or future absences are
occurring from class. A short email with particulars is appreciated.

2. Edmodo: online site with resources, assignment reminders, and a calendar of events for
the classroom. Usually a quick daily message of the topics covered in the class. Students are
requested to log on and sign up their parents. This website can be linked to the Earl Marriot
App Mari-Time

3. Ms Bilns Website: many helpful resources and information provided online.

4. Earl Marriott School Phone Number: OFFICE: (604-531-

8354 EMS)

If Absent from class please Call or Email the Subject TEACHER:

(Notification to the office for student absences are for attendance records & does not
immediately inform the subject teacher about missed periods- Thank You!)
STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET: Earl Marriott Secondary Ms. Biln-Rm. 217/Sciences

Course: ________________________________________________ Period:


Students Name: ______________________________

(Last Name) (First Name)
Student Number : ______________________________ Homeroom:

_____________________________________________-description BYOD-(Bring Your Own Electronic

YES-I Accept Consequences & Responsibilities when bringing my Electronic Device(s)
to the Science Lab.
(any damages, being taken away, do not bring to class, etc./otherwise do NOT bring BYOD to class)

217/Science Lab : _____________________________________________________-Student Signature

Student Cell Phone: ______________________ Email Address:

Student Home Phone: ____________________ Parent/Guardian Home Phone:

Parent 1: Cell Phone: _____________________Email Address:


Parent 2: Cell Phone: ____________________ Email Address:

Have you/Do you use the resources in LST? (Learning Support Team)
NO YES - In what capacity?

Learning Disabilities/Health Concerns/Allergies/Other (CONFIDENTIAL)


Previous Science Teacher: ________________________________ Letter Grade/%:

Expected Grade for THIS Course: ____________ Average nightly time spent on
Review: _________
(previously or intend to do in
Future/Current Science Interests at the time:
Block Course Student Schedule: Teacher
Student & Parent Check List:
I am clear about the Classroom Expectations and Laboratory Rules.
I understand that there is nightly review/studying in this Academic Course.
$J Along with my son/daughter I have read the Course Outline.

Date: _________________Student

Date: _________________Parental Signature:


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