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Summary: Root Locus sketching rules

Negative Feedback
Rule 1: # branches = # poles
Rule 2: symmetrical about the real axis
Rule 3: real-axis segments are to the left of an odd number of real-axis finite
Rule 4: RL begins at poles, ends at zeros
Rule 5: Asymptotes: real-axis intercept a,angles a
nite poles nite zeros (2m + 1)
a = a = m = 0, 1, 2, . . .
#nite poles #nite zeros #nite poles #nite zeros

Rule 6: Real-axis break-in and breakaway points

1 dK()
Found by setting K() = ( real) and solving =0 for real .
G()H() d

Rule 7: Imaginary axis crossings (transition to instability)

Re KG(j)H(j) = 1,
Found by setting KG(j)H(j) = 1 and solving

Im KG(j)H(j) = 0.

Todays Goal: Shaping the transient response by adjusting the feedback gain

2.004 Fall 07 Lecture 20 Wednesday, Oct. 24

Damping ratio and pole location
Recall 2nd order
j underdamped sustem

+ jn 1 2 = jd n2
X .
s2 + 2n s + n2

Complex poles d jd ,
n = d
d = p n,
d = 1 2 n .
X jn 1 2 = jd
From the geometry,
1 2
tan =
Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Fig. 4.17 cos = .

The angle that a complex pole subtends to the origin of the s-plane
determines the damping ratio of an underdamped 2nd order system.

The distance from the pole to the origin equals the natural frequency.

2.004 Fall 07 Lecture 20 Wednesday, Oct. 24

Transient response and pole location

Settling time

Ts 4/(n );

Damped osc. frequency

d = 1 2 n
Images removed due to copyright restrictions.

Please see: Fig. 4.19 in Nise, Norman S. Control Systems Engineering. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2004. Overshoot %OS

%OS = exp p
1 2
1 2
tan =

2.004 Fall 07 Lecture 20 Wednesday, Oct. 24

Trends in underdamped response as increases

Fig. 4.14 As ,

c(t) Rise time Tr (slower);

cmax Settling time Ts 4/(n ) (slower);

1.02cfinal p
c final Peak time Tp = /( 1 2 n ) (slower);
Overshoot %OS (smaller)


Tr Tp Ts

Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Images removed due to copyright restrictions.

Please see: Fig. 4.15 and 4.16 in Nise, Norman S. Control Systems Engineering. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2004.

2.004 Fall 07 Lecture 20 Wednesday, Oct. 24

Achieving a desired transient with a given RL

j j6

s-plane j4
s-plane j1 X
max max

-4 -3 -2 -1 -10 -5 -2 0
-j1 X

Figure 8.10 Figure 8.25

Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare.

As ,

Rise time Tr (slower);

If the given RL does not
Settling time Ts (slower); allow the desired transient
characteristics to be achieved,
Peak time Tp (slower); then we must modify the RL
by adding poles/zeros
Overshoot %OS (smaller) (compensator design)

2.004 Fall 07 Lecture 20 Wednesday, Oct. 24

Example: 2nd order type 1 system

Vref (s) 0.3162 X(s)

K s(s+2)

We are given = 1/ 2 = 0.7071. For this value,
%OS = exp p 100 = e 100 = 4.32%.
closed loop 1 2
pole locations
for =0.7071 pc+ Also, cos = = 45 .
We can locate the closedloop poles

by nding the intersection of the root locus

with the lines = 45 .

2 1 0
We can also estimate the feedback gain K

that will yield the required closedloop poles pc+ , pc

pc from the relationship K = 1/ |G(pc )H(pc )|

|pc | |pc + 2| 2 2
K= = = 6.325.
0.3162 0.3162
The numerator is computed geometrically from the
equilateral triangle {(2), (pc+ ), (0)}

2.004 Fall 07 Lecture 20 Wednesday, Oct. 24

Example: higher order system

2.004 Fall 07 Lecture 20 Wednesday, Oct. 24

Positive feedback: sketching the Root Locus

R(s) + C(s)
Closedloop TF(s) = .
1 KG(s)H(s)
Figure 8.26 Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Rule 1: # branches = # poles

Rule 2: symmetrical about the real axis
Rule 3: real-axis segments are to the left of an even number of real-axis finite
Rule 4: RL begins at poles, ends at zeros
Rule 5: Asymptotes: real-axis intercept a,angles a
nite poles nite zeros 2m
a = a = m = 0, 1, 2, . . .
#nite poles #nite zeros #nite poles #nite zeros

Rule 6: Real-axis break-in and breakaway points

1 dK()
Found by setting
K() = + ( real) and solving =0 for real .
G()H() d

Rule 7: Imaginary axis crossings (transition to instability)

Re KG(j)H(j) = +
Found by setting +
KG(j)H(j) = 1 and solving

Im KG(j)H(j) = 0.

2.004 Fall 07 Lecture 20 Wednesday, Oct. 24

R(s) + K(s + 3) C(s)

Example: positive feedback

s(s + 1)(s + 2)(s + 4)

R(s) + K(s + 3) C(s)

s(s + 1)(s + 2)(s + 4)
K<0 Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare.

with K > 0.
Figure 8.26
Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare.

Figure 8.11
Realaxis asymptote intercept:

(1 2 4) (3) 4
a = =
41 3
Asymptote angles
a = , m = 0, 1, 2, . . .
Image removed due to copyright restrictions. = 0, m = 0,
Please see Fig. 8.26b in Nise, Norman S. Control Systems Engineering. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2004. = 2/3, m = 1,
= 4/3, m = 2.

Breakaway point:
found numerically.

2.004 Fall 07 Lecture 20 Wednesday, Oct. 24

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