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Sentences that can change the world if every human being would

live by them:
Gossip dies in wise persons ear.

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have
In life, we often focus on the thorns, the difficulties, the problems. We talk about the prickly
part of our day and what went wrong. It makes for a more engaging story which will hold the
interest of our listener. But, like the prick of a thorn, we recall the negative emotions and feel
the pain anew as we recite our tale of woe.
Can we instead count each blossom as a blessing and breathe in the scent of our happy
moments? Can we cultivate our garden of goodness and kindness, tending to each blossom as
we carefully work around the thorns of discord and strife?
We should all dwell on the roses of our lives and forsake the thorns. Count your blessings,
not your woes.

Almost nobody is evil. Almost nobody is stupid. Almost everything is broken.

People like to blame and demonize others for their problems. But it is so often in our
complicated world that the real problem is structural that incentive structures are wrong,
or were in a toxic game, or that weve created a system or institution that worked well when
it was created, but has since become outdated.

If every time you catch yourself blaming a problem on some evil or stupid person, stop. Stop
and think about what might lead the person to act how theyre acting. Do they not have
information that you have? Or do YOU not have information that they have? What do they
have to lose and gain? In what culture they were raised? Are they actually able to make the
change in that you want them to?

Realize that ethics, science, and society are all works in progress. Theyve come a long way,
and have a long way to go. We are all confused, tribal, monkeys, tripping on information
overload, thrust into giant metropolises of which evolution never dreamed, hurtling on a rock
through space that is quickly becoming far too complex for our little monkey minds to

Declare your jihad on thirteen enemies you cannot see -egoism, arrogance, conceit,
selfishness, greed, lust, intolerance, anger, lying, cheating, gossiping and slandering. If
you can master and destroy them, then you will be ready to fight the enemy you can see.

Love is the bridge between you and everything. Rumi

Treat others as you wish to be treated

Its the Golden rule, law of reciprocity, religious preachdefine it as you wish, by the
message is simple. The ethic of reciprocity is applicable to everyone regardless of race,
nationality, religion, culture, age, ethnicity, height, and healthiness, sense of humor or degree
of sarcasm. It, being the Golden Law, can be dated as far back as 15801350 B.C. in the
Egyptian Book of the Dead. It has since been mentioned in many religious books where our
good friend, depending on the book, supposedly came up with the idea.

Be the change you want to see in the world. -Mahatma Gandhi

If one man takes up an initiative to bring a change, he might not bring about massive
ramifications immediately. But with time, perseverance, mobilization of support and a sense
of duty - what is unachievable?

When you know better, you do better. Maya Angelou

Many of us make poor choices in life and hold on to the poisoning regrets for the lifetime.
We have to remember the human experience is full of mistakes that we can utilize as tools to
improve our lives and move forward into a better future. Maya Angelou was a phenomenal
woman that lived through much turmoil in her youth then ended up becoming one of the
most powerful motivational and spiritual teachers in recent history.

Nothing is permanent.
Everything you have or aspire for, everyone whom you adore or hat, anything that you feel or
don't, all of this will cease to exist some day. So be 'alive' and sprinkle the joy around you!

Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
Forgiveness can be very difficult when someone has wronged you, but sometimes its
important to realize that the one youre affecting most by holding onto resentment is none but

Then again, the want for revenge has produced some pretty interesting results as well. The
Count of Monte Cristo came to mind.

You're not too good for anyone. Everybody deserves your kindness.

Nothing is true, Everything is permitted Assassins Creed

To say that nothing is true is to realize the foundations of society are fragile and that we must
be the shepherds of our own civilization.

To say that everything is permitted is to understand that we are the architects of our actions,
and that we must live with their consequences whether glorious or tragic.

Nothing is true:
The world around us is not an absolute reality. We as human beings are actually under
equipped to fully perceive our environment. What we experience is a small part of the
overall. Already, we were born missing something and as a result, our worldviews are
inherently skewed.

Everything is permitted:
In the absence of an absolute reality that we may or may not be able to perceive, we may pick
and choose what we want out of our lives. What someone values highly, you could very well
consider junk. And both of you would be right because it is subjective. One object ends up
being interpreted differently by different people.

Because your reality is subjective, what you see is your responsibility. Every one of your
choices in life is your responsibility. You might not like the hand life deals you, but you still
have the chance to play, walk away, etc. All you need to do is open your mind beyond the
possibilities that were directly presented before you.

Everything in your life is your responsibility. You have the freedom to see and hear what you
want to and no one can take that away from you. Live your life the way you wish to live it.
But if your lifestyle is ultimately discordant with your neighbors, expect ramifications.

You can achieve nearly anything in life if you learned how!

Want to get promoted and advance your career? Learn better leadership and management

Want to improve your business? Learn better product development, marketing skills, growth
hacking, etc.

Want to earn more through stocks and investing? Learn how to choose great companies, how
to invest for the long term, when to trade, etc.

If theres anything you want to become successful at, there are chances of having people
whove become successful at it already. Learn from them! Study their winning strategies
AND their mistakes which you should avoid then apply the lessons you learned in your
OWN life.

If the entire society was conscious of its duties, nobody would need to fight for their
individual rights. Since everybodys rights would be automatically taken care of through
someone elses duties. - The Immortals of Meluha from the Shiva Trilogy by Amish
Duty always conveys a sense of moral commitment or obligation to someone or something. It
has to be accepted and understood on the basis of one's foundation of sense and knowledge.
Therefore, duty and its manifestations vary with values from culture to culture.

On one hand duty may be seen as terms of reference, job description, or behavior - and it is
all of that ... but duty is not only about doing things right, it is about doing the right thing.
Hence, if everybody minded their business and carried out their share of duties efficiently,
the world would be a much better place to be in!

You are not your job, you are not how much money you have in the bank, you are not the
contents of your wallet, and you are not the car you drive. You are not your khakis.
You are the all singing all dancing crap of the world. Fight Club
Everybody in this world is busy setting up their perfect profile. Everybody is busy in
searching for jobs in companies like Google and Microsoft. Everyone is busy in setting up
their bank balance. Everyone is constantly upgrading their wardrobe with expensive shits
they dont really need. Everyone is struggling to ride a Lamborghini or Rolls Royce.

People in this world have become byproducts of lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty:
these things dont concern us, what concerns us is the release date of iphones and celebrity

Advertising has made us believe that our life is not joyful and they have the stuffs to make it

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

The majority of the worlds problems are caused by selfishness, or the inability to see how all
things are connected with oneself. This includes the environment, animals, and other people.
If more people lived by that, there would be no crimes, pollution, wars, poverty (or, at least,
much less of it).

If everyone loved everyone else as much as they love themselves, the world would be a much
better place.

To clarify, it does not mean treat everyone with niceties; it means to treat them with their best
interests in mind, to be unselfish, and to go out of your way for their benefit.

It also does not refer to the people who live in your circle. The word neighbor is supposed
to refer to all people, even your enemies.

The importance of this message is such that it is also the one we humans find the hardest.
Despite this it has been this message that has motivated some great changes in society at
different times in history, such as abolishment of slavery, the development of secure welfare
systems, healthcare across class boundaries, care for the disabled, care for abandoned
children, and even care for widows.

Unfortunately humans, despite knowing all this often fail this instruction and the result is
rarely good. If people followed it more often it would be Heaven on Earth.
Understand the human mind, be unique, practice love and compassion,
and never stop building your knowledge and wisdom.
Understanding one another is the first step towards world peace.

Uniqueness leads to innovation and creativity.

Love and compassion would leads to huge reduction of mass human suffering.

Intelligence and wisdom would become like the connective glue that allows the entire world
to be prosperous.

Treat every person you meet as if they are you. - Joe Rogan
This of course is an iteration of the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have done
unto you.

But it sounds a bit better the way Rogan lays it out. Anyway, for modern times to imagine
that we are all connected to one consciousness is very sobering.

We are all on the same floating rock, flying through space together. So we are a part of
each others existence.
This one liner will make you think about your decision to give to the homeless guy on the
corner. What if that dirty fellow is you, in another meat vessel?

Weird but what if its true?

Wouldnt you like to be treated decently if you were the one asking for some money for

There is no action without consequence.

Its famously known as The law of KARMA.

If one begins to understand and follow it in ones life, the world will change through
quantum leaps in individual lives because before one acts they shall carefully consider the set
of choices of the actions they are about to take depending upon their knowledge of the causal
chain of effects.

Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.

That is to say that:
o If you want others to Love you, you first Love others.
o If you want others to help you, then help others first.
o If you want all to respect you, first respect all.
o If you want others to forgive your mistakes, first forgive theirs.
o If you want others to smile at you, then smile first.
o If you want others to give you gifts, first gift others and so the list goes on.

But we should do all the above without expectation, because the same though guaranteed by
nature in return may not be immediately possible as nature waits for the most opportune
moment when it will be most appreciated/needed by you.

This is the sum and substance of all the answers following which makes this a world better
even if 10 were to follow it!

Love and Mercy for all beings recognizing that all are humans or beings similar to oneself is
the root of all religions which requires that we treat others as we want them to treat us.

Who are you to judge what you do not understand and who are you to hate when
youve never been where he stands; who are you to curse these books if you never tried
to read them, and who are you to lock me in, just cause you dont want your freedom?
o Or: Respect the fact that people are different, and love them for their differences.
o Or: Briers turn to roses, and ships at harbor sink; dont judge someone before
knowing him - people arent always what you think.

I dont know.
The wise man said this is the hardest sentence for human beings to utter. If people brought
the requisite amount of skepticism, of humility, to the things they are tempted to believe, the
world would tremble.

Judge not that ye be not judged. - Christian Gospel attributed to Jesus

Two people can look at the same issue and reach different conclusions. This means that when
you pass a judgment, you say as much about yourself as about the thing you are judging.

So in short - you yourself can be judged by the judgments that you make.

In the rush to judgment - sympathy and understanding often get overlooked.

You only live once. (YOLO)

Neither money pays, nor name pays, nor fame, nor learning. It is Character that cleaves
through adamantine walls of difference. Swami Vivekanand

You make the world a better place by making yourself a better person. Marie Curie
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each
of us must work for our own improvement and, at the same time, share a general
responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we
can be most useful.
Lokah samastah sukhino bhavatu.
Translation - May all live happily.

The definition of all is what matters the most.

If you want peace / harmony / happiness in this world, why do you only want humans to be

Why dont you want animals to be happy?

Why do you only want humans to not live in fear? Why not animals?

Why does your all end with you, or your family, or friends, or country? Why does your all
not mean ALL?

A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves thousand moments of

Lots of incidents happen when we say something bitter in a moment of anger to completely
destroy the relations and left with lot of regret. If everyone stays calm and patient in moment
of heated talks, lot of unwanted things can be avoided.

Start by doing what is necessary; then do what is possible and suddenly you are doing
what is impossible Francis of Assisi

Change your thoughts and you can change your world.

Shoot towards the moon and even if you don't make it, you'll still be amongst the stars.
One should always try to be the best in what he does, and even if you don't make it he is still
amongst the best.

A journey of 10,000 miles starts with a single step.

Everyone was once in the beginning and had to take their first step, let today be yours.

There are three gates to this self-destructive hell lust, anger, and greed. Renounce
these three.

It is better to perform ones own duties imperfectly than to master the duties of another.

Sabke sath achche se rehna, apni side se achcha hi karna. Almost all the mothers
Please be good to everyone and do well to everybody from your side.
These golden rules helps everyone throughout in the relationship be it personal or
professional. Implementing over this not only one could evolve as a good human being but
could overcome through many atrocities prevailing in almost everywhere. Those who abide
by this saying never have guilt of being wrong or unjustified. Overall, one becomes always
happy that he/she is good and honest in his/her efforts.

Only thing that is permanent: everything is temporary.

Nothing is permanent in this world. You can change, I can change and everything around you
can change. Change is inevitable, we just have to upgrade our thinking to suit the new world
and stop blaming. Everything happens for a reason with you and you alone can be both the
cause and effect of it.

Try to see the world as if you are the reason for everything that has been happening around
you and change yourself to change everything. Its never too late to be who you might have


You got a dream, you gotta protect it.

If this sentence is lived by everyone then everyone would be happy.
Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working. - Pablo Picasso
There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong, the amount of work is
the same.
On the difficult days, when the world's on your shoulders, remember that diamonds are
made under the weight of the mountains.
A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.
If you don't build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs.

It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. Epictetus

Humanity is inbred.
Every single human being on Earth shares a common ancestor. Were all one big
dysfunctional family floating uncontrollably through space on a big rock orbiting a massive
ball of fire. Hopefully this can put things into perspective for most.

We should therefore learn to live with each other.

Before you assume, try asking.

Most of the problems in the world or in an individuals life arise as a result of assumptions,
and more often than not the assumptions are wrong.
Next time -
Dont assume that your crush does not like you. Ask.
Dont assume that people will hear your problems. Go and confront.
Dont think the airline would upgrade you. Ask for the upgrade.
Want to play as a striker. Ask.
Want that vacant corner office. Ask.
Want a pay hike. Ask.

Even if asking for something may not provide intended outcomes, it would still keep you
away from delusions.

Its very rare that assumptions turn into facts.

Help others as you would have them help you. Help others because ultimately it would
benefit you. How? Like the meaning of life, it is too abstract
Any act of altruism is ultimately self interested; if nothing, Altruists get a sense of
satisfaction. People often dont know this and end up not helping others, not because they
dont want to help but because they are unaware of their interest in it. It is as if this is
selfishness is so innate property of man that, if not observed by anybody else, we are
unaware of it.

However if people know that their acts of altruism would ultimately help them, they would
readily help each other. Like for atheist, gift deed is an exchange for the support from god,
for altruists, helping is an exchange of some self interest.

People will much more willingly help if they know how it affects them, after all, humans
are reasonable beings; emotion is just a convolution.

Stop saying that little positive impact of yours wont change the world, just care about
something with all your heart and soul and make a damn impact in your community.
Playing the numbers game a little, if every human being would live by this sentence, and then
+/- 7billion people would try to make some small but tangible positive change in their
community. 7 billion people making a positive change from trying to cure cancer to
spending a few hours a week tutoring less fortunate kids would be one heck of a better
world to live in.

Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind;
and the third is to be kind. Henry James.
Many people oversee kindness as that quality that is only worth a dime in fairytales. Dont
see it as a quality; see it as something everyone should have at the tip of their fingers
everyday of their lives, toward loved ones as much as toward strangers or acquaintances. Not
only because it is an obvious attitude to have, but also because it is one of the most beautiful
things human is given to do: being considerate and generous toward one another. There is
nothing more powerful than people lifting each other up. Many people already follow this
precept but I am convinced that a good bunch of the worlds population is on average more
bent towards cynicism. If more people believed in the simple power of kindness, Im sure it
would definitely change things a great deal.

Respect/love every living creature. It is a part of the God

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,
Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - Preamble to the Constitution.
If every person lived by this, it would create the most upright, prosperous, clean, and moral

Life is too short to deny yourself the simple pleasures of human existence.
It inspires to live every moment to the fullest, and to find happiness in the small things we
usually ignore in the attempt to get the bigger picture.

If it scares and excited you at the same time, it might be a good thing to try.

If you want to change your life than start concentrating on your own life.

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you
might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default. J. K. Rowling.
This is probably something that would apply more to the individual, and to how that
individual can become a better and a happier person. Every individual has a role to play in
changing the world because change starts with you.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop

Before you give a person a hard time, pause a moment to remember that chances are
good that they are already having a hard time.

"With guns you can kill terrorists, with education you can kill terrorism - Malala
While it doesnt always seem to apply to life (Im not in the government after all), it holds a
deeply true message. With force, we can stop a problem temporarily, but with a more humane
solution, we can work at the root of a problem.

Especially now, in the current political climate, we need to remember that there will continue
to be terrorism until we work at the cause of this hatred. It doesnt come from Islam or any
other religion. It comes from ignorance and fear. If we can show these people the light, that
we can coexist, that my power does not always take away from your power, than the world
can be a peaceful place. It does not negate arguments or different points of view; it shows us
how to talk about our problems in a way that avoids bloodshed and loss.

Use your words. Hitting doesnt solve anything.

Do only the acceptable in the worlds eye.

Off the top of my head, this basically means Dont do anything that is unacceptable to
everyone the world over. Now, I like to think I know the crowd - certainly what I see from
the general public of, say, Great Britain, is simple rationality. And extending this to everyone
on the planet means that if favorable opinions or beliefs should be quenched to the highest
extent, i.e. Killing is great. It should definitely be legal would be a favorable opinion/belief,
to which I know would not be a statement acceptable in the worlds eye.

By worlds eye, I mean the majority belief or opinion held by the population of the world
without any influence from any third party. Imagine (if you will) every person on earth in
their own cubicle, where there is no communication in or out, save the choice, decision or
action at hand to be decided on. What the individual in the hypothetical cubicle would decide
to do upon seeing the choice, decision or action at hand would be that choice, decision or
action in their eye.

Of course, there are lots of things that are left unexplained by the statement alone, such as
what if the individual changes their mind? To that, I would logically say that the way they
see the choice, decision or action has changed, so this new decision must be considered in the
very least. But to be honest, the instinctive view taken on anything is usually entirely
reflective of the overall opinion or belief of that individual, and so I would regard it as the
opinion or belief to go with;

Never compare yourself with others.

You are unique. There is no one like you out there. You have got your own talents, your own
advantages, your own setbacks. Try to defeat yourself everyday rather than obsessing with
someone elses ability of doing things in a better way.

If every human would live by it then the world surely would be a nicer and advanced place to
live in.

In a gentle way, you can shake the world- Mahatma Gandhi

Good people disobey bad laws - Henry David Thoureau

Anything that we can destroy but are unable to make is, in a sense sacred, and all our
'explanations' of it do not really explain anything - E. F. Schumacher
"Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves
to impart purpose and direction to their lives - Rudolf Steiner

"If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he
were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be" -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

This too shall pass

The beauty lies in ambiguity of this sentence. Nothing is permanent, Joy or sorrow, love or
hatred basically anything at all. So be present at the moment and enjoy it. As it won't come
back no matter how hard you try.

Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans needs, but not to satisfy every mans

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know the peace.
Jimi Hendrix.
In a world where we have terrorists, corrupt politicians, dishonest and greedy humans, love
would probably stop us all from being so inhuman. If each individual realizes that at the end
of it all, true happiness is achieved by loving people around you and helping humanity move
forward, rather than trying to satisfy one by living a materialistic and megalomaniacal life,
the world will definitely know peace.
Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should
become a universal law.

Never expect anything in return when you help someone.

Never be too attached to anyone because at last, you have only yourself. Don't lose
yourself when you believe someone.

Have faith in things you do at risky times. Because intuitions affect us a lot.

Have positive people around you. You can turn the impossibilities as possibilities with
their motivation.

Success is optional, trying is not.

Perform your duty and dont worry about the outcome.

Outcomes are not in your control; the only thing under your control is what you can do.

Love others.
If you love the other individual you will never or nobody will ever think of harming
someone else.
If people genuinely care or love others they will never let someone suffer alone.
Terrorism and other inhuman acts will stop automatically when this love others will
come into picture.

I take responsibility of my actions, my emotions and my feelings.

This one line can actually change the world. People will complain less or even stop
complaining about the things happening in their life and would rather act in a different way
than they do right now.

Not only this, they would be happier amidst all the situations. No one could shake them off
balance. It will make them feel more empowered.

Your level of Happiness is in direct proportion with Your level of Expectation.

If somehow we can stay between 4 and 6 on the emotional scale, most of the time we are
fairly well-balanced. It seems to be between 1 and 3 or between 7 and 10 is the killer.

The highest of 710: Were elated for the moment, but the physical law of gravity quickly
kicks in. The longer we stay at this level, the faster we will plunge to a painful bottom. We
evolve from I have arrived, just look at me; to God please help me, look what Ive done.

The lows of 13: it is like mulling around in quicksand; it appears painfully slow & arduous
to get out of. We have been known to bring friends along sometimes; pity, remorse,
depression, self-absorption, and despair.

Thus, the goal is to stay balanced; between 4 and 6 which leads to another one line statement.

There is none else besides Him.

There is none else besides the Creator. This means that everything is attributed to Him: every
desire, every thought, every action, and every event. As we come closer and closer to this
understanding, a question naturally arises: If this is so, then where is me; where is my free
choice? It turns out that by searching for an answer to this question, one discovers and
becomes adhered to Himmeaning, one becomes similar to the attribute of love and

Do you feel this to be the case? Probably not because if you did you would have no
complaints against anyone or anything! Its only the Creator who determines everything. And
then, you would turn to Him. This is why if we would live by this principle, it would change
the world and make it goodincredibly, good!

Always Be Honest.
Seems not too good? Well, think again. People do things that they might regret, because their
intentions are well kept secret. Just imagine if the intention will also be transparent. Most
things people do, tend to hide their true intention or motivation, if the actions are
questionable. However, if nothing can hide your intention, you will be showing your original
color because there is no skin to protect it.

People will feel ashamed of bad actions based on bad intentions and so each and every one of
the bad intention will be gone for good. An honest world cannot harvest anything bad.

Actions can not affect the well-being of an individual

Any action that you take, you have to consider the well being of yourself and others. If the
consequences of your actions lead to physical harm of you or other individuals, this action
cannot be taken as it would go against human rights. However, if everyone that will be
effected agrees on some action to be taken, you cannot stop them as it is their individual right
to do what they please. But the consequences must only affect on those who agreed and not

Freedom of speech doesn't physically touch anyone, which is why it has no boundaries.

Personally the highest moral standard one should have is physically considering the well
being of others.

An evil person shall always be evil, no matter how many scriptures you make them read.
Wiping your anus thousand times a day doesnt make them equal to mouth. Chanakya

Never judge another based on your values.

Before going on a trek of revenge against another, dig two graves. Confucius.

If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?
Steve Jobs.
For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today
were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? And whenever
the answer has been No for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that Ill be dead soon is the most important tool Ive ever encountered to help
me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything all external expectations, all
pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure these things just fall away in the face of death,
leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I
know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There
is no reason not to follow your heart. - Steve Jobs

Change the world for the better.

That which you find hateful, do not do to another. Hillel.

Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person
of any other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end. -
Kants categorical imperative.

Challenge your assumptions.

There is no substitute for hardwork and there are no shortcuts for success
Smartwork is result of hardwork that one puts at some or the other stage!

If you dont want it to happen to you, why are you doing it to somebody else?

If you dont care about taking the credit, you tend to give a lot more to the world.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!

Understanding is worth more than all the knowledge in the world.

Virtues, especially traditional ones are what set us apart from animals.

Honor is a fools prize; for glory is of no use to the dead. -Darth Bane

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees

Not everyone is equal, some are better at cards, others at strategy than others. - Darth

You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play it better than anyone
else. - Albert Einstein.

Live in the present moment.

Let go of the pasts, what people do to you and the regrets that comes from things done or left
undone. Make your present more beautiful, meaningful and wiser. Smile and make others

Do what you say youre going to do, when you say youre going to do it.

You are the only person you have to spend your whole life with and if you are not fine
with yourself, there is a problem.
Nobody asked our life to deal us with these bullshit hands were dealt, we gotta take these
cards ourselves and flip them, dont expect no help Eminem

A dream without work is just a wish.

For you it may be an earthquake, end of the world, your ultimate darkness, but for
others, its just a clich, the world keeps going, so must you.

If you cant build with them, dont shill with them.

Dont be inconsiderate of others. If something that youre doing is troubling someone,

stop doing it. I dont mean not getting a job because it is going to affect someone. That
is your piece of the pie to have and you shouldnt hesitate. I mean cutting in a queue,
hurting someone/something just for the heck of it, intentionally being a prick.

You may delay, but time will not. Benjamin Franklin

This one is about the unrelenting nature of time. You can keep delaying everything, but the
time youve lost will never come back.

Good news is that : Nothing lasts forever

And the bad news is that: Nothing lasts forever.

How can something be good news and a bad news?

Well thats the beauty of life.

The ecstasy you are feeling now wont last.
The sadness you feel now wont last.
The void you feel now wont last.
The melancholy you are feeling now wont last.
The euphoria you are feeling now wont last.
You are feeling nothing now? It wont last.
You are feeling worthless now? It too wont last.

You are feeling contented reading this? It too wont last forever because nothing lasts

Love your Fate. Armor Fati.

Think of nothing more powerful than each of us owning and loving the good and the bad that
comes our way.

What could be more empowering than giving yourself the gift to change the things that are
within your control and let go of the things we simply cannot change? Think how much
wasted time is spent thinking/complaining versus actually accepting and doing or just letting

Hate is the root of all evil.

If everyone began to become more accepting and less retaliating of one other, the world
would eventually become a better place. Not perfect but certainly better. If no one had hated
or had been racist in the first place, the world wouldnt be suffering as it is. We need to find
love within our own hate to move on. This can start with forgiveness and hope.

When you have hope, you become one step closer to your own personal freedom.
We have to find hope and forgiveness in our hate for religions, people, ethnicities and this
will change the world.

Learn everything you can about the moving parts that make up the world, but focus
your time/energy only the things you can control.

We get so caught up in what we did and what we should or want to do in the future,
sometimes we don't relish the moment. However, if we become complacent with the present,
we might never do what we really want to do.

Its delicate balance, living in the moment but planning for the future. No matter what is
going on in your life, once in a while, even if life is complete shit at the moment, make
yourself focus on the now. Look at your surroundings; close your eyes and listen to the
sounds; breathe in all the scents; feel weather if you're outside. Even in the midst of chaos,
we can find a moment in which we can really become aware, and appreciate life at that exact

Let it go.
A famous Beatles song which can be reduced even further, Let go.

This has saved relationships, jobs, traffic accidents and road rage, marriages, even stress,
depression and anxieties and of course, war. It really means forgiveness - of yourself as well
as others. Sometimes its the issues we hold onto which make us do things we regret. It can
eat away at us; even cause cancer. Letting go makes life flow better.

Similar to Go Lightly or Tread Lightly. Take life lightly and let it go.

There is more to knowledge than simply being correct.- Buddha

It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who
loveth the whole world. The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens . From
Tablets of Bahullh, Lawh-i-Maqsd.
Everybody makes the best decision they can, given the information available to them.
As soon as we realize that everyone is just trying to make the best decisions they can (Bad
decisions are normally due to a lack of information/realization of consequences rather than a
desire to make stupid choices.) you realize that everyone is deserving of your understanding
even if you think they are wrong.

Today I will be the man my daughter already thinks I am.

Young children view their father (their parents) as unfaultable hero(s) who can knows all and
can do anything, whilst this is unfortunately untrue as we will spend every day trying to live
up to our childrens expectations so that when we fall short we will hopefully still land in the
territory of a great dad (or parent).

In every interaction you have with people, you are showing your daughter how she
should expect to be treated.
This should always be very clear to you since you first bring your daughter (or son) home, if
a man is ever disrespectful to his wife then his daughter will accept that from a future
husband and the son will repeat the same to his wife in future. Your spouse might not be
awesome but he/she fully deserves the massive respect. Keep these in mind when tensions
can get elevated. Likewise if you talk down to waiting staff then your children will accept
that from others if he/she is ever in that situation etc Children learn from their parents and
siblings first and then from the surroundings.

Love God above everything else and your neighbor like you love yourself.

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action---
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. Rabindranath Tagore.

Respect begets respect.

Be yourself and let me be me. (a.k.a. You do you, Stay in your lane, and Mind your own

Everything is a matter of perspective.

Looking at things differently can reframe everything. There is no absolute happiness or
sadness, win or lose situation or anything at all.
There is the very well known example about perspective in relation to a glass of water; if you
are a pessimist then you see the glass half empty; if you are an optimist then you see the glass
half full; and third perspective may be that there is water up to a certain line or the glass is
twice the size it needs to be. All are a matter of perspective.

Being able to see things from multiple perspectives also gives us the ability to have more
empathy. We see things as we are.

Jag me bairi koi nahi, Jo man sheetal hoy

Apana aapa dar de daya kare sab koy. Sant Kabir.
It means that youll have no enemy if you are cool at mind. Just leave the ego and everyone
will merciful to you.

Humble and grateful heart toward God is happy heart or person.

We get birth, food, friends and all things from God so we should be grateful to Him because
He is the sole proprietor of everything including us, we should be humble. Then we will also
do well to other living entity as they are our brothers being God as he Supreme father.

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a
different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far
away. - Henry David Thoreau

Do. Or do not. There is no try. -Yoda

Often of not many people dont fully commit, therefore they dont really get stuff done. But
if everyone lived by this quote, instead of people just trying, we would actually do it or not.
There is no maybe.

So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about
their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your
life, perfect your life, and beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and
its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you
go over the great divide.

Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger,
when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none.

When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see
no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and nothing, for
abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision.

When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of
death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their
lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.
- Tecumseh

Comparison is an act of violence against the self. - Iyanla Vanzant

The moment this world stops comparing, it can see a new light, countries comparing oil
reserves will stop looting/attacking others, people will start reducing their materialistic
possessions, etc

No anger, no comparison, just peace

Be good to people no matter how bad they are.

Be good to people because they sometimes need it.
Be good in a place full of ugliness.
The goodness inside you would make massive changes.

Every [human] life has equal value. - Bill & Melinda Gates (Foundation).

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

However unwillingly a person who has a strong opinion may admit the possibility that his
opinion may be false, he ought to be moved by the consideration that, however true it may
be, if it is not fully, frequently, & and fearlessly discussed, it will be held as a dead dogma,
not a living truth.

You can do whatever you like as long as it doesn't harm anyone, including yourself.

There is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. From The Kite Runner.
The explanation, as given by the author Khaled Hosseini:-
Every other sin is a variation of theft... When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his
wife's right to a husband; rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal
someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness.

Strength is Life, Weakness is Death. - Swami Vivekananda

It encompasses hope, struggle, spirit, hard work, commitment, dreams etc.

Strength signifies everything that drives life whereas weakness (like fear, depression,
worries) signifies death. Hence I personally think that this one liner is something that will
help people everywhere in any situation, hence will hopefully change the world too!

When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. -
Elon Musk.
You either commit yourself as a professional racing driver that's designed to win races or
you come second or you come third or fifth and I am not design to come third, fourth or
fifth, I race to win. - Aryton Senna.

We are, each of us, a multitude. Within us is a little universe. - Carl Sagan.

Happiness is all about Serotonin, Oxytocin and Dopamine! - Yuval Noah Harari.

Theres nothing to fear but fear itself.

Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more
profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies;
nothing you desire can compare with her. - King Solomon.

The best-perhaps even the only-way to predict the future is to create it!

Fear of defeat is losing the battle.

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and

Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.

The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

This quote means that revenge is a waste of time and a blinding experience that hides our
eyes from what really matters- love and respect.

Have courage and be kind.

It's never too early to give up.

A few harmless flakes working together with minimal guidance can unleash an
avalanche of destruction.

Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.
Let the end of your life find you climbing a new mountain, not sliding down an old one.

I will do today what others won't, so I can live tomorrow like others don't.

Life is like a camera lens. Focus only on what's important & you'll capture it perfectly.

Remember when someone says "You've Changed" it usually just means you have
stopped living life their way.

A bad attitude is like a flat tyre. You can't go anywhere unless you change it.

Holding onto anger is like holding onto a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at
someone; you are the one who gets burned.

I need to change myself before pointing out others mistake.

The change which I am seeking for resides inside me.

In three words, I can sum up everything Ive learned about life: It goes on.

Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back and reasons to stay.

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it will achieve.

There is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that is less capable of

The best way to do something is begin.

We live this life to never have whatever we want and wish for, we are meant to miss
having things - things we want so badly and things we might never ever have! Although
we should live it the way it-is. We should not give up that someday we will enjoy having
at least one thing of our dream list.

Don't ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what,
no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've
been, ever, for any reason whatsoever." - From Michael Scott to David Wallace.

Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, Would an idiot do that? - Advice from
Dwight Schrute.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
NO matter what you have, you will keep willing to have the same as the others.

Decide to accept that life isnt going to give you everything that you want but will give you
whats the best for you provided you stay true in your deeds, and you should accept your life
no matter how bad it might seem to be.
If you think of something it will happen to you no matter what. - Law of attraction

You're here by choice not by chance.

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around - Vanilla Sky.
All extreme positions are wrong. - Rons first law.

Be grateful with what you have, be content and deal with it.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barry.

You dont have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things. You can be just an ordinary
chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals. Edmund Hillary.

When nothing seems to help, I would go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his
rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred
and first blow it would split in two. And I knew it was not that blow that did it, but all that
had gone before. Jacob A. Riis.

The Ancient One: Arrogance and fear will keep you from learning the simplest and most
significant lesson of all.

Dr. Strange: Which is?

The Ancient One: Its not about you. From the Marvel Movie Doctor Strange.

"Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the
following test - recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have
seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him.
Mahatma Gandhi.

You are Worth the Love you with hold from yourself.

Be kinder, because you never know when your simple smile might save someones life.
Its only awkward if you let it be.

People hear what they want to hear. Dont be people

This is quite well known and observed, either you have seen people judge you no matter how
many explanations you give or you might have judged someone without hearing their story.

The thing is all of us judge everyone else all the time with all the stereotypes and prejudices
of our small mind.

Everybody has a reason.

Everybody has a story; just try to hear with an open mind and clear eyes.

Dont be people.

Imagine that world.

Life will give us challenges; the only way to overcome them is to work together.
The most important thing we need in the world right now is to be together. Countries are
divided, communities are divided, families are divided, and religions are divided. This
hinders our progress as humankind.

You are free to do anything, as long as you dont impinge upon someone elses freedom
to do anything.

An it harm none, do what you will. - Made-up law of witchcraft, as adapted by Aleister
Crowley into his Law of Thelema.
It isnt meant as permission to do whatever you like. It is a warning to carefully consider
what you choose to intend and then follow through. It commands not allows. The harm
none element is to remind you that your choices can cause harm to others.
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no
one can imagine. The Imitation Game.
Believe in yourself; chase your dream regardless of the gossip. Remember that no one can
ever stop you from realizing your dream. As long as you have faith in yourself no matter how
hard the situation is, you will become the one you wanna be one day.

Apne pratyek nirnay se purva swayam apne hriday se ye prashna avashya puchh lena
ki ye nirnay swaarth se janma hai, ya dharm se.

Today is Hard, Tomorrow will be Worse, But the Day After Tomorrow will be Sunshine -
Ma Yun (Mr. Jack Ma, the genius behind the oldest E-Commerce website, Alibaba)
The problem with todays generation is that they give up or switch their attention towards
something else by tomorrow evening. Perseverance definitely gives you a fitting reward.
Keep working for your goal and youll definitely achieve more than you ever imagined.

"One going to take a pointed stick to pinch a baby bird should first try it on himself to feel
how it hurts."- Yoruba Proverb (Nigeria).

"Do not do unto others what angers you if done to you by others."- Socrates 436-338

"We should behave toward friends as we would wish friends to behave toward us." -
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.).

"He sought for others the good he desired for himself. Let him pass." - Egyptian Book of
the Dead (1580-1350 B.C.).

"Do not kill or injure your neighbor, for it is not him that you injure, you injure yourself.
But do good to him, therefore add to his days of happiness as you add to your own. Do not
wrong or hate your neighbor, for it is not him that you wrong, you wrong yourself. But
love him, for Moneto loves him also as he loves you." - Shawnees Indians.

"Now this is the command: Do to the doer to make him do." - Ancient Egypt (c. 2040 c.
1650 BC; Golden Rule or law of reciprocity).

"That which you hate to be done to you, do not do to another." - Ancient Egypt (c. 664 BC
323 BC; Golden Rule or law of reciprocity).

"Avoid doing what you would blame others for doing." Thales (Ancient Greece, c. 624 BC
c. 546 BC; Golden Rule or law of reciprocity).

"What you do not want to happen to you, do not do it yourself either." Sextus the

"Do not do to others that which angers you when they do it to you." Isocrates (436338

"Whatever is disagreeable to yourself do not do unto others." - Ancient Persia (c. 300 BC
1000 AD).

"Treat your inferior as you would wish your superior to treat you." - Seneca the Younger (c.
4 BC65 AD).
You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk. Love your neighbor as
yourself: I am the LORD. - Leviticus 19:18 (Torah verse).

What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the
explanation; go and learn. Shabbath folio: 31a.

Aheb li akheek ma tuhibu li nafsik. Quran

Translation: "Wish for your brother, what you wish for yourself" or "Love for your brother what you
love for yourself".
"...and you should forgive And overlook: Do you not like God to forgive you? And Allah is
The Merciful Forgiving." Quran (Surah 24, "The Light", v. 22).

Prophet Muhammad said: "As you would have people do to you, do to them; and what
you dislike to be done to you, don't do to them. Now let the stirrup go! [This maxim is
enough for you; go and act in accordance with it!]" Kitab al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 146.

"Just as I am so are they, just as they are so am I," he should neither kill nor cause others
to kill. Buddha.

Nothing which breathes, which exists, which lives, or which has essence or potential of
life, should be destroyed or ruled over, or subjugated, or harmed, or denied of its
essence or potential.

In support of this Truth, I ask you a question "Is sorrow or pain desirable to you?" If you
say "yes it is", it would be a lie. If you say, "No, It is not" you will be expressing the truth.
Just as sorrow or pain is not desirable to you, so it is to all which breathe, exist, live or
have any essence of life. To you and all, it is undesirable, and painful, and repugnant.
A man should wander about treating all creatures as he himself would be treated.
Sutrakritanga, 1.11.33

In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, we should regard all creatures as we regard
our own self. Lord Mahavira, 24th Tirthankara.

Precious like jewels are the minds of all. To hurt them is not at all good. If thou desires
thy Beloved, then hurt thou not anyone's heart. Guru Arjan Dev Ji 259, Guru Granth
o If you want others to Love you, you first Love others.
o If you want others to help you, then help others first.
o If you want all to respect you, first respect all.
o If you want others to forgive your mistakes, first forgive their's.
o If you want others to smile at you, then smile first.
o If you want others to give you gifts, first gift others and so the list goes on.
But we should do all the above without expectation, because the same though guaranteed by
nature in return may not be immediately possible as nature waits for the most opportune
moment when it will be most appreciated/needed by us.
This is the sum and substance of all the answers following which makes this a world better
even if 10 were to follow it!
Love and Mercy for all beings recognizing that all are humans or beings similar to oneself
is the root of all religions which requires that we empathize with others and treat them as we
want them to treat us.

Were all made of atoms.

Just think were all made of the same material. We breathe the same air. We walk on the same
Earth. We all go through the same process of being born, living, and dying. Yet, we are made
out of the same stuff that we want to get rid of when were cleaning our houses. So what can
we take from this sentence?
o We all come from the same roots. Discriminating and judging each other is like
disrespecting ourselves. We must come to respect one another and the differences that we
see between people. No matter what skin color, sexuality, religion, etc. one person is,
he/she is inherently similar to everyone else. By acknowledging this, we can come to love
and be at peace with one another.
o We have no right to be self-righteous. We are made of the same atoms and molecules
that comprise of the rest of the world. In this sense, we arent special. What gives us the
right to say that were superior? We must humble ourselves and realize that life doesnt
owe us anything. Even if we work hard for what we desire, we were originally given the
gift to have the ability to work hard and the chance to become successful through hard
o We all have the power to grow. Our brains contain neurons, and connecting these
neurons are dendrites. As we learn more, the number of dendrites connecting our neurons
increases. We have the power to increase the number of dendrites we have in our brains.
We must have a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset when learning new things. We
all have the power to change and grow. Chemical reactions would not occur without the
ability to change. Atoms are not fixed. They exist in bonds, and actively restructure these
bonds based on the different circumstances that they encounter. If atoms can change their
structures, so can we humans, who are made out of atoms to begin with.
o We all live in an uncertain life. Think of it as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of
Life. We cant always be certain in our predictions. Unexpected possibilities can happen.
In another sense, as atoms can immediately restructure themselves in chemical reactions,
it is unknown whether the atoms that keep us together will last in their present form
together. Just remember: life is fragile. We dont know when well die, so its best that we
take full advantage of what life has to offer. Additionally, we must put in our full effort to
not make our lives selfish, meaningless existences.
o Were much more capable than we think. Atoms are both the simplest and most
powerful things in this universe. Just think: this gigantic, wondrous, majestic world is all
made of these simple, extremely tiny things that we dont even fully understand today.
From the extremely simple comes the extremely marvelous. Well that escalated
quickly. Yes indeed, for atoms. Similarly, we must never judge a book by its cover. This
goes for both ourselves and our perceptions of others. We are able to achieve so much
more than we think; we just need to set our minds to it. We also shouldnt be surprised of
dark horses. They can come, and they can certainly pack a punch out of nowhere.

Face your fears and doubts and new worlds will open to you.
This saying encourages us to be optimistic in life even when you are not progressing. Instead of
feeling frustrated about what you cant get right, use those situations as lessons to learn from. Take
mental notes of the mistakes youve made and improve. The minute you give up is the minute you
stop improving.
Aatmvat sarvabhooteshu.
Translation: Everyone just like the self
Imagine a world where everyone sees others just like one sees oneself and no amount of irrationality
could make them harm someone else. This would definitely be a better world without the shackles of
creed, class, race or language.

He vishvachi maze ghar. Dnyaneshwar.

Translation: Whole world is my home.
We keep our home clean, we care for each other, we respect each other, we don't make big
mess out of petty issues, we love each other, we don't discriminate, we stay united, and we
help each other in our daily pursuits.
We need this today. What we see everywhere is hatred, jealousy, nepotism, favoritism. We
don't need this. We need peaceful coexistence'. That's why we need to remember that 'this
whole world is our home'.

Your perception is your reality.

Imagine we all understood life to be to each of us how we look at things, there wont be

We hate and discriminate and judge others for their actions and views without understanding
that they do things based on how they view life which in most cases - due to our
individualistic tendencies - happen to be quite different from ours.

Most disagreements would cease to exist if only we could listen and pay attention more than
we talk and act. If only were able to understand others and things rather than judge them,
thatd be Heaven on Earth.

There is beauty in diversity.

One of the oldest sayings is that the world has sworn never to adhere to. But to get an idea of
how terrible life on Earth would be without diversity, imagine this:

Blue is a lovely color, right? Imagine all things being Blue. You love Blue and everyone
else on Earth loves Blue. Houses are painted Blue all over. Our cars are Blue. Our electric
lights are Blue. Our roads are painted Blue. Even the things we cant make them to be
truly Blue we adorn them in Blue materials, like our cats and dogs. We even wear Blue
from our inner wears to the outer ones, even our shoes, wristwatches, sunglasses etc are
all blue. Our HD TVs show Blue colors and even our cell phones.

Crazy, right? That is what a world where everyone loves only Blue would look like.
Now, put that in a larger perspective and imagine a world where everyone agrees only to the
same things.
Imagine that.

Everyone thinks that Whites are racist or that Blacks are violent. Everyone thinks that a
particular religion is the one true faith. Everyone thinks that all types of alcohol should be
banned. Everyone thinks that being married is a must and that divorce should never be
allowed. Everyone thinks that Toyota is the only good car manufacturer. Everyone thinks
that fat people are ugly. Everyone thinks that getting old is something shameful. Everyone
thinks that abortion should never be allowed. Everyone thinks that their own country is
the best so they never visit other countries.
Keep the imaginations going, from the serious to the comical and you will appreciate the
beauty of human diversities.

There should be no boundaries to human endeavor. We are all different. However bad life
may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While theres life, there is hope.
The Theory of Everything.

Treat every person as if its their birthday.

Whatever you are, be a good one. - Abraham Lincoln.

We all have different strengths, and we should work with them. Don't be someone you're not, and
don't pursue that which you are not passionate about.

Whenever you feel like criticizing any one...just remember that all the people in this
world haven't had the advantages that you've had. - F. Scott Fitzgerald.
The main humility of human kind to start living in a more sustainable environment is
Empathy, i.e., putting you in someone elses shoes.

We are living a time where social media empowered people to expose to the world their
thoughts, feelings, fears. We became the leading figure in our timelines, and I do like this
freedom and how it allowed us to build our image of self. But it also exponentiated rage of
the different, gave voices to the cowards that anonymously shout intolerances.

Nobody is really listening to the other anymore. Maybe all these craziness and wars that is
happening around the world wouldn't happen if individuals, communities and the whole
nation would empathize to one another.
Life is better when you pay attention. Dont get lost in a fog of distractions. - Nam Myoho
Renge Kyo.
You are unique, and so is every other being. - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

You are an aspect of everything, and so is every other being. - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

Some know quite a bit. Some know very little, and some are in love with the bits they know. -
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

Causes produce effects, for all of us. Sometimes the effects are not obvious. - Nam Myoho
Renge Kyo.
Lives change, Yet, Life goes on. - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful. - From the song Scars to your
Beautiful by Alessia Cara.
o The birthmark on her face.
o The bald spot on his head.
o The burn marks on her neck.
o His prosthetic leg.
o Her double chin.
o His Aspergers syndrome.
o Her dyslexic mind.
Why do you want to change?
Yes Im talking to you-
o with your iridescent skin color
o with your lyrical accent
o with your enchanting eyes
o with your charming smile
o with your vibrant laugh
o with your unique dressing sense
Each and every one of you out there, you are beautiful.

Stop torturing yourself by trying to fit into the societies so called standards of beauty.
Perfection is a relative term. What is perfect to you may not be perfect to someone else and
vice versa. So, open your arms and embrace your imperfect, chaotically messier and
gorgeous self, because this is who you truly are and this is who you should be.

You are incandescently beautiful (mind, body and soul) and dont let anyone else tell you
Generate self love.

It is what it is. Justin Bernard

Mental handicaps aside, all conflict in the world is the result of someone who has become
angry, frustrated, annoyed, jealous, sad, depressed, etc, and has let these emotions be in
control of their actions. If everyone were able to control their emotions instead of letting their
emotions control them, we might have the possibility of a world where people constantly
work towards improving themselves and finding solutions, rather than waste their time
complaining and being moody.
It is what it is isnt a solution on its own, but it is the beginning step for the conditioning
of ones mind to be able to handle most any hardship that one might experience in a way that
doesnt negatively impact yourself or anyone around you. In other words, it will help you
control your emotions, and more specifically, it will help you to think first, about everything,
before you react to any given situation. Its another way of saying accept it and move on.
Ive been practicing this way of thinking using It is what it is for many years, and its
turned me into a person that is basically never hurt or brought down by anything. Its like the
saying stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, except
multiplied several times over in effectiveness because it applies to nearly everything in life.
Whenever something bad happens in life, you just think to yourself, It is what it is, and
move on to deciding what you can do about it / what you can do to make your situation
better. I do understand, that this is easier said than done, and, that there are a multitude of
situations out there that one may find themselves experiencing where, the hardship, the
struggle, the emotion, etc, cannot be simply ignored via this way of thinking. I get that,
however, most of the time, people are whining, complaining and crying over nothing and
their time and energy would be better spent trying to fix the problem.
Now, its easy to misunderstand this phrase as something that asks you to always lay low and
just take whatever life throws at you, to never involve yourself in conflict, or to just accept
the situation when people walk over/take advantage of you - no, thats not what this is about.
What its about, at the most basic level, is accepting that a thing happened, and that you cant
do anything to change it. Thats literally it. Its not Hey that guy stole my wallet! Oh well
it is what it is, and letting them get away with it, its Hey that guy stole my wallet!
accepting that it happened, and then deciding what to do about it.
Why is accepting that it happened such a big deal? Well, for most people, its a big deal
because this is where they get held up on their attempt to deal with an issue - they end up
focusing too strongly on the thing that happened and wasting time reacting to it in whatever
way is natural to them (usually crying, complaining, etc) rather than focusing on how to
move on and make it better. In accepting that something happened, you allow yourself to not
waste time (or energy) sulking or being upset about it, and rather, allow yourself to dedicate
that time and energy towards a solution.
What this all boils down to, is that most people are needlessly becoming
upset/mad/frustrated/annoyed/etc about something that happened in the past and cant be
changed. Ask yourself, Whats the point? Whats the point in being upset about something
that I cant change? How is being upset benefiting me right now? More than likely, it isnt
benefiting you, its making it worse, for you, and others around you. Misery Loves
Company, after all! And why would one continue to do something that they know isnt
helping improve the situation? Thats just stupid Most people will respond that I cant
help it! I feel what I feel, my emotions are what they are and I understand, because I used
to think that way, but in time, and with significant effort, I discovered that you CAN help it,
and CAN control your emotions, and your reactions, but no good thing ever comes easily, or
Get control of your emotions, and youll have control of your life, and your happiness. All
bad things that come your way will pass right on through you like dust in the wind. Youll see
every moment of struggle as an opportunity to learn and to improve, rather than a burden of
frustration and hopelessness. There is obviously so much more to this concept and state of
mind than I can put into words here, but the sooner one puts it into practice, the sooner youll
be to living a happier, more accomplished, stress-free life.

karat karat abhyaas ke, jadmati hoth Sujaan

rasri aavat jaat hai, sil par karat nisaan'
English translation: Persistence makes even a dumb man intelligent, just like (even) a soft
rope, when rubbed continuously on stone, makes a mark on it.

Let me mind my own business.

Right from big countries to your own family, the world will be a much more peaceful place if
we all can mind our own business. Minding your own business doesnt mean evading
responsibility or ignoring the world around you. It simply means knowing when its best to
avoid interfering.
o Knowing when to step back
o Respect boundaries
o Don't offer unsolicited advice
o Avoid judging others
o Avoid gossiping

Seek first to understand rather than to be understood.

This sentence has the ability to end almost all conflicts and induce a better understanding
between humans.
We often tend to blame and point out others for something which goes wrong ignoring all the
background reasons of it.
If we put ourselves in that person's shoes and look through their perspective we will see the
real cause of it.
It can make the world a better place to live in.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. - Haruki Murakami.

Sometimes taking time is actually a shortcut. - Haruki Murakami.

Nobody's going to win all the time. On the highway of life you can't always be in the
fast lane. - Haruki Murakami.

Man needs difficulties in life because they are necessary to enjoy the success. Dr.
APJ Abdul Kalam.
Difficulties are part of life and until unless you face them; you really can't feel the success.
Don't feel shattered and demotivated when difficulties comes in life because Once you reach
the objective of your life by overcoming these constrains, then only you will realize that
these difficulties provided the way for your success.

So keep working hard to achieve your goal!!!!!!

People arent against you; they are for themselves.

Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.

You learn more from failure than from success; dont let it stop you. Failure builds character.
The most dangerous risk of all The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the
bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.

Go where youre celebrated, not where youre tolerated.

The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so you better try to
make yourself as interesting as possible.

If you accept your limitations you go beyond them.

People often say that motivation doesnt last. Well, neither does bathing thats why we
recommend it daily.

Everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something.

Comfort is the enemy of achievement.

Whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it very important that you do it. Because nobody
else will - from Remember Me by Gandhi.
The quote is so humble and it reflects so much deeper understanding of the world.

A normal member of Civil Disobedience Movement might have met Gandhi by chance, so he
asked Gandhi, You know, whatever I do for the movement will be insignificant, my
contribution to the movement would be very negligible. Even if I stop, nobody cares nor the
movement will stop?

Gandhi said, Thats true, but you have to do it. The universe is so big and we are bound by
time, even what I do is insignificant and will be forgotten at some point of time. What are we
compared to the Eons of time and History, we are just a speck of dust within the galaxy. But
it is very important that you do it, because nobody will do it. Be humble for there is
something larger (purpose) going on within the universe, we are part of it, and be satisfied
that you are part of it
It seems like we are not as great as we would like to think. Maybe being humble makes us
more humane than any other thing

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.

We all are broken, thats how the light gets in - Ernest Hemingway.

Expectation leads to unhappiness, while detachment brings peace - kill your Ego.

Do not give something more importance than it deserves.

This statement is presented in the negative, but the corollary statement is also very important, i.e.,
give something the due importance it deserves.

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice!

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you cant help them, at least dont hurt
them - Dalai Lama.

Do not judge, you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive,
and you will be forgiven. - Luke 6:37 (bible verse).

Train your mind to see the positive in every situation.

There are a lot of wonderful things that surrounds us everyday yet only a few of us can see the
positive things in life because majority of us focus more on the negative side. However, if we try
to have a positive outlook in life, well learn how to appreciate even the littlest of things. Well
then realize how blessed and how special we all are despite of all the problems were facing.

Dont let your problems get in your way. Always look on the bright side.

Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can
imagine. - From movie The Imitation Game.
It teaches us to never underestimate or discriminate anyone on the basis of caste; creed,
gender or religion because once given the right opportunityanyone can do wonders!! If we
abide by this then world can become better place to live in!!
Well each and every individual is a masterpiece of God.
Being respectful and kind to each human being would change how the world looks at things.
Generosity of the human spirit is what also helps to make people smile a bit.

Generosity of the human spirit is what also helps to make people smile a bit.

Without going out-of-doors, one may know all under heaven;

Without peering through windows, one may know the Way of heaven.
The farther one goes, the less one knows.
For this reason, the sage knows without journeying, understands without looking,
accomplishes without acting. - From the song The Inner Light by The Beatles (entire
song is actually a passage from the Tao Te Ching, re-worded and set to music).

Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as ever you
can. - Hillary Clinton
The basis for this quote is the very ancient, yet still relevant concept of Karma. Karma is
mentioned in some form or the other in almost all established religions. Be it the old
Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam or the more ancient Asian religions
like Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Karmas origins are rooted in Sanskrit, and it literally
means action, word or deed. it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where
intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect).
Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent
and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering.

A famous example of this concept being practiced was during Indias freedom struggle in the
early 1940s. At the time, World War 2 was also taking place. Subhash Chandra Bose was
getting impatient with the slow progress of the freedom struggle. He discussed with Gandhi
about joining Adolf Hitler and contributing Indian soldiers to the Nazi cause, in order to
undermine British imperial regime in India. Gandhi refused, saying the plan would not work
and cause bad Karma. The path of the freedom struggle should be righteous and doing deals
with evil, would undermine everything they worked for. Unfortunately, Subhash Chandra
Bose went ahead with his plan. The results can be seen in the records of history. Britain won
the Second World War and conducted the trials for all those who had committed war crimes
during the Nuremberg War tribunal. Subhash Chandra Bose died a tragic death in a plane
crash. His body was never recovered. Many conspiracy theorists claim that he faked his
death, to avoid trouble for taking sides with the Germans, and lived out his days as a Sanyasi
in a cave. He had to forsake his family in Germany and any chance of a normal life. In stark
contrast, Gandhi spent his remaining days with his family and followers. He was assassinated
and buried honorably. He is remembered even today all over India and the world as Bapu or
Father of the Nation.

One fantasy is more powerful than a thousand realties.

Imagination can achieve the impossible.

Every person in this world is here for a reason and so it is not for us to judge.
We people are affected by each other so much in both in a positive manner and often not, that
we are forced to come to different conclusions of how we are going to perceive them
thereafter. It isnt thought over much before we judge them and rather do so by intuition or
nature. It is a day to day thing but do you think it is fair?
They are very likely to act as we perceived them to even after weve made those conclusions,
but don't you think it is a nobler thing to accept the person the way they are.

We are all blessed in some way or the other, life seems so much happier when we learn not
just to be content but thrive in those limitations.

Zara sa rafu kar ke dekhiye na,

Fir se nayi si lagegi,

Zinadagi hi to hai...! Gulzaar

Just apply a little patch,
It'll seem all over new again,

Life's just like that.

Don't judge a person because they sin differently than you.

Doing the right thing is never easy, no matter how logical it is. That is why so many people dont
do the right thing at point or another.

Everything changes! - Suzuki Roshi.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke.

When you were born you cried while the world rejoiced live your life in such a way that when you
die the world cries while you rejoice. From Who will cry when you die by Robin Sharma.

Everything can be but also it doesn't have to

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it will elude you but if you turn
your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.

Expect Less & Accept More.

When we expect a lot from our friends, our families, our job, our relationship etc. we
indirectly are putting ourselves in a compromising situation. Eventually we end up
undermining the value of the people around us and begin our never ending hunt for the better,
best and bestest. Thus, it is sometimes (not always) better to be content with what one has
achieved in life because life isnt a Walt Disney Movie.
Living with an acceptance mindset, you tend to listen well to the people around you. You
need not always approve of what others say, but generally you would be willing to hear their
perspectives and viewpoints on various issues and topics. When you accept everyone, you are
in way treating everyone equally irrespective of their backgrounds. Overall, this approach
imbibes good vibes in conversations and keeps humanity intact. So lets live peacefully and
bring out the best in each other.
Be nice first and always after someone has been cruel to you, you don't need to fall down to
their level and it will annoy them even more. More importantly others who witness your
behavior can follow in your example.

I wont look into my neighbors plate unless I want to make sure that they have enough and I
wont let my mate go back to bed with a slightest of pain in his heart.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood. - Stephen R. Covey.

Keep your glass half empty so it hurts less when it all spills over.

"You can, you will, you're strong, you're confident, you're brave, you're smart, you're you and
nothing can break you down past what you can fight through." From You Can You Will by Joel
Tell yourself this every time you second guess myself, every time you don't think youre good
enough, every time life tries to break you down and tell you that you are not as strong as you think,
youre not going to succeed, or youre not going to become who you want to be or do what you want
to do. Stand up to those fears of failure and not being good enough because you know you won't fail
and you know youre good enough. Now if everyone would tell themselves this every time they
second guess themselves or even just to boost their day tell yourself in the morning that one sentence
and change your life. Become who you want to become and don't die a copy of an insecure person
who didn't get to live the life they should've or the life they wanted. Bring a new outlook to this
generation... change the world. Tell yourself that you have one life and you will succeed with what
you want. We only live one life so believe in yourself.

Being mean is just the worst thing you can do to someone.

There is nothing greater than helping someone and nothing as bad as hurting someone.

Know yourself.

Its not what people know that hurts them - its what they do know that aint so. - Mark Twain.

Everything is impermanent.

Be true to yourself.

Be grateful to what you have.

Greed kills! Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can.

Happiness is finding Happiness in someone Elses Happiness.

Redefine your feeling with a new way of living.

Stop saying that your little positive impact wont change the world, just care about something
with all your heart and soul and make a damn impact in your community.
Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going, because a straight line even in E. C. G.
means we are not alive. Ratan Tata.

Use your brain and question all your actions, even those that seem utterly obvious!
If people start thinking why they are doing what they are doing, half of the world's conflicts and
problems would cease to exist.

The strongest among you is the one who controls his anger. - Prophet Muhammad
Anger is an acid which can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than anything on which it
is poured.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. - Albert Einstein.

It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the
good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent; but
silence is better than idle words. - Prophet Muhammad pbuh.
People around you define you. Make friends wisely. One good and wise friend is equal to a library.

Do the right thing, even if no one is watching.

Your beliefs dont make you a better person. Your behaviour does.

Wisdom requires a flexible mind.

There are no poisons, only poisonous doses.

Be aware of the rooster that takes credit for the sunrise.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act -

attributed to George Orwell.

When a wise man points at the moon, the imbecile examines the
finger Confucius.

A mans character is his fate Heraclites.

A day without laughter is a day wasted - Charlie Chaplin.

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are
full of doubt. -Bertrand Russell.

Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. - Oscar

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. - George


Because, you can't know; You can't ever really know the meaning of your life,
and you don't need to. Just know that your life has a meaning. Every life has a
meaning; whether it lasts one-hundred years or one-hundred seconds. Every life
and every death changes the world in its own way. Gandhi knew this. He knew
his life would mean something to someone, somewhere, somehow. And he knew
with as much certainty that he could never know that meaning. He understood
that enjoying life should be of much greater concern than understanding it. And
so do I. You can't know. So don't take it for granted; but don't take it too
seriously. Don't postpone what you want. Don't leave anything misunderstood.
Make sure the people you care about know. Make sure they know how you really
feel. Because just like that it could end. Will Fetters (Remember Me

Every day in every way im getting better and better. Emile Coue.
The affirmation that saved lives and got people out of depressions

The beauty of this phrase is that it implies that:

o there are improvements taking place in your life right now,

o that these will continue to take place into the future,

o and that these improvements will happen in every area of your life.

Now if you mumble this phrase to yourself half-heartedly a few times its pretty obvious it
will do nothing for you.

But if you concentrate on really meaning it. If you focus completely on the affirmation and
say it with real feeling and conviction for 10 minutes then you will start to notice an effect.

In fact the best approach is to do this for 10 minutes every evening before you go to bed. If
you do this for two weeks then youll be raving about how awesome it is.

I try to be an open-minded skeptic when it comes to these things, and rather than take
someone elses word for it I tested this out for myself.
I was stunned at how this effected me when I did it. I was feeling a bit tired and run down
physically at the time and, perhaps ignorantly, I thought that if it was going to work then that
would be an obvious area where there was room for some improvements.

But what I found was that it effected the way I was thinking. And it did this in a way I could
never have anticipated. It is something that has to be experienced to be believed.

My experiences with this have utterly convinced me of the tremendous power of the mind.
Sometimes the way we use our minds ends up having a negative impact on how we feel. But
this affirmation is a really potent way of using your mind to help yourself in a very positive
and uplifting way.

But I will reiterate: it wont work unless you give it a really good go. You have to really do
it as well as you possibly can. You dont have to shout it out at that top of your voice, but you
should say it with conviction and sincerity.

It will probably feel a bit weird at first but its definitely worth it!

The only time Success comes before Work is in the dictionary Harvey Specter.

This sums up almost everything everyone should be aware of.

Doesn't matter what field you belong to, what problem you're going through, how many
obstacles need to be faced and certainly how many sacrifices you have to make. You can't
succeed unless you do it.

Every time you feel like this is too much, remind yourself about this.

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip
toe if you must, but take the step.

If everyone felt the pain of loss as keenly as ones closest friends and family, there would be a
whole lot less war. - paraphrased from Commander William T. Riker from Star Trek:
The Next Generation.

It takes two to argue.

You cannot have a rational conversation with an irrational person.

You cannot have a sane conversation with an insane mind.

You cannot have a logical conversation with an illogical mind.

Never argue with someone who has issues, theyll drag you down to their level
and beat you with their experience.
Do no harm to another either in thoughts, words or deeds, and love and respect
all living things.

Know the weight of your actions and decisions and assume full responsibility for

Learn to accept everyone as they are, not as you would have them be.

Above all else value truth, love and compassion over wealth and power.

When your only tool is a hammer, all problems start looking like nails.

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