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South Coogee Public School

Appropriate Use of Information & Communications

Technology and Internet Services Policy
In educating students in a rapidly changing world it is important for them to learn how to use technology
constructively and responsibly. South Coogee Public School utilises a range of Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) resources to support and enhance quality learning programs for all
students. An extensive local area network allows students maximum access to computer technology on a
regular basis. The library and ICT room are set up with approximately 30 computers for whole class use
and each classroom has access to additional computers. The majority of classrooms are installed with an
interactive whiteboard which the teacher and students use for 21 century education. The school boasts
two connected classrooms equipped with video conference equipment to enable students to connect with
educational institutions around the world. All computers give staff and students access to a range of
software and the Internet. Other resources available include digital cameras and scanners. All other
computers and resources are available for use with teacher permission and supervision. Issues related to
the varied content of Internet resources, privacy and conduct when communicating with others can pose
risks for students, which need to be managed and monitored. Use of South Coogee Public Schools ICT
resources is shaped through this Acceptable Use of ICT and Internet Services Policy and Appropriate
Use of ICT and Internet Services agreement.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that:
School computer technology and Internet services are used by students in a safe, responsible and
constructive manner.
All students and staff are given equitable access to Department of Education and Training (DET)
computer and digital resources in a secure manner to enhance teaching and learning programs.
All students and staff will be given the opportunity to develop the necessary technology related skills
required for effective teaching and learning as outlined in the schools technology plan and teacher
professional learning plans.
Students, staff and parents have a clear understanding of the school code of conduct for using ICT

Guidelines for Use of Computer Technology and Internet Services

1) Appropriate Use of ICT Equipment and Code of Conduct

a) Permission for students to use school ICT hardware and software resources, internet and email
facilities is contingent on parents giving permission through the schools enrolment form.
b) It is the responsibility of all staff to comply with the appropriate use of ICT guidelines as outlined in
this document and Department of Education and Training (DET) policy.
c) Students and staff must log on to the computer network using their own login and password only
and log off at the end of each session to ensure their account cannot be used by any other person.
d) School ICT resources and Internet facilities must only be used by students and staff in an
educational context for the purposes of teaching, learning and school related activities.
e) Students and staff are to ensure computer configurations and settings are left as they are set and
must not interfere with the files or digital work of any other user.
f) Students must ensure that they do not take photographs or film other students or adults without the
express permission of the supervising teacher.
g) All students and staff will be made aware of the benefits and risks involved with the use of ICT
facilities and will also be made aware of the consequences that will be imposed in the event of
misuse of these facilities.

h) Students who infringe the guidelines in this document will have their access to ICT facilities
suspended and may be subject to serious disciplinary action in accordance with the schools
discipline policy.

2) Equity of Access

a) All students K-6 who have agreed to and signed the Appropriate Use of ICT and Internet Services
agreement will have access to the full range of school and DET software, hardware, Internet and
email facilities during planned class and library lessons, unless otherwise stated in writing by a
students parent or guardian.
b) Teachers have a responsibility to provide all students with planned, sequential learning experiences
across all Key Learning Areas in line with the school technology plan.
c) All staff have access to computers and other related technology, in their classroom, office
workspaces and the library. Staff also have access to laptops that may be removed from the school
premises overnight or on the weekend only. Computer equipment taken off school premises must
be signed out in the equipment register. Laptops must be available for face-to-face teaching at all
times and are to be on school premises during school hours.
d) Staff can access their email onsite and offsite with any Internet connection.
3) Workspace and Saving Work
a) On the local area network, work must be saved into the users individual home drive, a students
intranet web page or into a designated folder on the shared drives. Work is only to be saved to the
local disk on the instruction of the teacher.
b) It is the responsibility of all staff and students to manage their workspace efficiently and regularly
review saved work, ensuring unwanted files are deleted to preserve storage space on the server.
c) External storage devices (e.g. USB devices) should only be used to transfer school-related files to
and from home for further development. Students may only use these devices on school
computers with the express permission and supervision of teachers.
d) No programs are to be loaded onto the school systems without the approval of the Computer
Coordinator and/or Principal.
4) Internet and Email Access

a) The school only uses the DET Portal for accessing the Internet and subscribes to all site regulation
and blocking systems provided by the DET.
b) Students are only permitted to access Internet and email services on school premises with teacher
permission and supervision and must take full responsibility for their own actions when online.
Teacher instructions must be followed at all times.
c) Students may access their email offsite after agreeing to abide by the DET Acceptable Usage
Policy for students (i.e. by clicking I Agree when entering the student portal).
d) Access to the Internet and email services will be for educational and school related purposes only.
e) Students must request permission to download, save or print information from the Internet.
f) Students will participate in lessons and discussions related to ethical issues, safety and appropriate
conduct when using Internet and email facilities. All students will be familiar with the school internet
code of behaviour which will be displayed in all learning spaces.
g) Teachers will take an active role in editing and checking any information sent by students through
the Internet. Student written material in email and web pages must be monitored by teachers.
h) Students and staff are responsible for ensuring they do not engage in any of the following activities
when using internet and email facilities:

accessing or sending information not related to learning or school related activities;

sharing their own or another persons personal information, home address or phone number;
defaming, bullying or harassing another person in any way;
independently publishing material on a web page under the school name;
communicating using offensive or inappropriate language;
sending emails or browsing under another persons name;
illegal or profit making activities;
accessing inappropriate sites or logging onto chat rooms;

forward emails containing messages sent in confidence, chain letters or Spam.

5) Safety and Privacy of Students, Staff and other Internet users

a) Students and staff will access the school computer network and Internet facilities through the
secure DET portal by use of a personal login and password.
b) All students and staff are to ensure their access password is kept secure at all times, is not shared
with any other person and is changed regularly.
c) Students will provide only their first name, school and email address when communicating via the
d) Filtering and blocking of inappropriate sites on the Internet is implemented at DET level. However,
as no blocking software is completely effective, the school cannot guarantee that access will be
blocked to all inappropriate sites. In the instance that inappropriate language or content is
accessed, students are expected to immediately switch off the computer screen, not draw the
attention of any other student to the site and immediately report the occurrence to the supervising
teachers. Teachers are expected to report the occurrence to the DET and school computer
coordinator. Students should be counselled and their parents informed on the advice of the school
e) Students are to notify their teacher immediately if they receive or view any inappropriate material or
Spam, from a known or unknown source via email, and are not to reply.
f) The publishing of photographs of students on the Internet, such as the school website, will only
occur with parental permission and work will only be identified by a students first name.
g) Students and staff should be aware that all use of Internet and online communication services can
be audited, traced and monitored by designated DET personnel.

Legal Requirements and Copyright

a) Using the DET Internet, online and email systems to seek out, access or send any material of an
offensive, obscene, threatening, abusive or defamatory nature may result in disciplinary or legal
b) Copyright laws protect all printed information, pictures, photographs, music, software and pod
casts. Students must always acknowledge the source of information when re-producing it for
learning purposes and all current copy right provisions should be adhered to. Teachers are to
explain students obligations regarding copyright material found online and will encourage the use
of original content and correct research skills.

Implementation of this Policy

Teachers will discuss this policy with students to ensure they have a clear understanding of the
guidelines and procedures.
The community will be made aware of this policy through the weekly newsletter, at P&C meetings
and the policy will be posted on the schools website.
The policy will be made clear to all students and their parents seeking enrolment at South Coogee
Public School.

Ratification and Review

This policy was developed and ratified by the South Coogee PS school staff and community in
Term 3 2009
It was reviewed as part of the schools policy review cycle in Term 1 2010. It remains current with
the acquisition of hardware and changes in school management.


NSW Department of Education and Training Policies and Procedures - Online Communication
Servives:Acceptable Usage for School Students
NSW Department of Education and Training Policies and Procedures - Empoyer Communication
Devices Staff Use Policy


Appropriate Use of ICT and Internet Services agreement and Permission to Photograph form.

Andrew Fielding
February 2011

South Coogee Public School
Appropriate Use of ICT and Internet Services
Agreement and Permission to Photograph
Student Name: _______________________________ Class: ____________

I have read and/or discussed the South Coogee Public School Acceptable Use of ICT and
Internet Services Policy and agree to the following:

1) I will use school computers, the Internet and other equipment only with the permission and
supervision of a teacher and always for school related activities. I have the responsibility to
maintain computer facilities as they have been set up for me and will always save my work in
the appropriate place.
2) I will follow all instructions from teachers when using school computers, the Internet and email.
3) I will make sure that any email that I send or any work that I have published is polite and
carefully written. I will always have my work checked by a teacher before it is published or
4) I know that I am responsible for anything that happens to my e-learning account. I will not let
anybody else know what my password is and I will not log into another persons network or
email account. I will tell my teacher if I think someone has used my e-learning account. I have
the responsibility to respect the privacy of other peoples passwords.
5) I know that the school and the NSW Department of Education and Training can see anything
that I send or receive.
6) I will not put my family name or any other personal details in emails or anything that is to go
online. I will not tell anyone my address or phone number or the address or phone number of
anybody else.
7) If I use material in my work that I have found on the Internet, I will acknowledge where it comes
from and will always abide by copyright laws. I will ask my teachers permission before
downloading or saving anything from the Internet.
8) If I see any information on the computer that I think is inappropriate or makes me feel
uncomfortable I will turn the computer screen off and tell my teacher straight away. I will not
respond to any emails that make me feel uncomfortable and will tell my teacher straight away if
this happens.
9) I will not become involved any offensive, bullying or illegal behaviours while using the Internet.
10) I will not damage or disable the computers, computer systems or computer networks of the
school, the NSW Department of Education and Training or any other organisation.
11) I will only bring information form home on external storage devices (e.g. USB device) and use
it on school computers with my teachers permission and supervision.
12) I understand that failure to observe these rules will restrict my access to school computer and
Internet facilities and that other disciplinary action may be taken.

Student Name (print): __________________________

Signature: ___________________________________

Date: _______________________________________


Permission for Use of ICT and Internet Services

As a parent /guardian of _________________________________ I acknowledge that I have

read the South Coogee Public School Acceptable Use of ICT and Internet Services Policy
and have discussed it with my child. I understand that access to the school computer network
and Internet is designed and intended for educational purposes.
I give permission for my child to:

use the computer network and other technologies as part of their learning at South Coogee PS.

use the Internet and DET email service as part of their learning at South Coogee PS.

Permission to Photograph and for Publication

From time to time, staff at South Coogee PS will take photographs, including digital photographs
of students involved in lessons, school activities or performances. These images may be used
during school visual presentations, in publications such as the school newsletter and yearbook
or on the schools website. It is possible that some photographs may be taken by parents who
accompany staff.

I understand that children whose work and photos are published on the South Coogee Public
School Website or any other electronic means are only identified by first name and class/grade.

Please tick appropriate boxes below to indicate your wishes with regards to your childs
photograph being taken and work or photographs being published on the South Coogee Public
School website or in other publications.

I consent to my childs photograph being taken for school purposes as outlined.

I do not want my child to be photographed under any circumstances.

I give permission for my childs photograph to be published on the South Coogee PS

Website or in other digital publications.

I do not give permission for my childs photograph to be published on the South Coogee
PS Website or in other digital publications.

Please be aware that this consent form will be effective for the duration of your childs
schooling at South Coogee PS. If you would like to change this consent at any time, this must
be given in writing to the office, signed and dated by the students parent or guardian.

Parent Name (print): __________________________________

Parent Signature: ____________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________

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