Case Digest - Insu P2

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Insu Cases

3. Eternal Gardens vs. Philam Life

Facts: Yes.
-Respondent Philam life entered into an agreement -As earlier stated, Philamlife and Eternal entered into an
denominated as Creditor Group Life Policy with petitioner agreement denominated as Creditor Group Life Policy
Eternal Gardens. - In the policy, it is provided that xxx The insurance of any
- Under the policy, the clients of Eternal who purchased eligible Lot Purchaser shall be effective on the date he
burial lots from it on installment basis would be insured by contracts a loan with the Assured. However, there shall be
Philamlife no insurance if the application of the Lot Purchaser is not
-The policy was to be effective for a period of one year, approved by the Company xxx
renewable on a yearly basis. -An examination of the above provision would show
-Eternal was required under the policy to submit to Philamlife ambiguity between its two sentences. The first sentence
a list of all new lot purchasers, together with a copy of the appears to state that the insurance coverage of the clients
application of each purchaser, and the amounts of the of Eternal already became effective upon contracting a
respective unpaid balances of all insured lot purchasers loan with Eternal while the second sentence appears to
-Eternal complied by submitting a letter dtd 12.29.1982 require Philamlife to approve the insurance contract
containing a list of insurable balances of its lot buyers for before the same can become effective.
10.1982 -It must be remembered that an insurance contract is a
- One of those included in the list as "new business" was a contract of adhesion which must be construed liberally in
certain John Chuang. On 8.2.1984 Chuang died. favor of the insured and strictly against the insurer
-Eternal sent a letter to Philamlife, which served as an -Clearly, the vague contractual provision, in Creditor
insurance claim for Chuangs death. Group Life Policy must be construed in favor of the
-In reply, Philamlife wrote Eternal a letter requiring Eternal to insured and in favor of the effectivity of the insurance
submit additional requirements which Eternal complied with. contract
-Eternal transmitted the documents which Philamlife -the mere inaction of the insurer on the insurance
received on 11.15.1984 application must not work to prejudice the insured; it
-After more than a year, Philamlife had not furnished Eternal cannot be interpreted as a termination of the insurance
with any reply to the latters insurance claim contract. The termination of the insurance contract by the
-This prompted Eternal to make a demand for payment which insurer must be explicit and unambiguous.
Philam life denied.
-Consequently, Eternal filed a case for collection against 4. Calanoc vs. CA
Issue: -Melencio Basilio was a watchman of the Manila Auto
May the inaction of the insurer on the insurance application Supply
be considered as an approval of the application? -He secured a life insurance policy from the Philam life to
which was attached a supplementary contract covering - Juan S. Biagtan was insured with defendant InsularLife
death by accident for 5k and under a a supplementary contract denominated
- he died of a gunshot wound on the occasion of a robbery "Accidental Benefit Clause" for additional sum of 5k if the
committed in the house of Atty. Ojeda death of the insured is a result of an accident.
- Virginia Calanoc, the widow, was paid the sum of P2,000, -However, the clause also provides that it would not apply
face value of the policy, but when she demanded the where the death resulted from an injury intentionally
payment of the additional sum representing the value of the afflicted by another party.
supplemental policy, the company refused alleging, as main -One night, while the insurance policy is still in effect, a
defense, that the deceased died because he was murdered band of robbers entered the house of the insured.
by a person who took part in the commission of the robbery - that in committing the robbery, the robbers, on reaching
and while making an arrest as an officer of the law which the staircase landing on the second floor they suddenly
contingencies were expressly excluded in the contract and met a person near the door of one of the rooms who
have the effect of exempting the company from liability turned out to be the insured who received thrusts from
their sharp-pointed instruments, causing wounds resulting
Issue: to his death.
WON Philam life, as insurer, is liable for the amount covered -Plaintiffs, as beneficiaries of the insured, filed a claim
by the supplemental contract under the policy
Ruling: -he insurance company paid the basic amount of
Yes. P5,000.00 but refused to pay the additional sum of
- While as a general rule "the parties may limit the coverage P5,000.00 under the accidental death benefit clause on
of the policy to certain particular accidents and risks or the ground that the insured's death resulted from injuries
causes of loss, and may expressly except other risks or intentionally inflicted by third parties and therefore was
causes of loss therefrom. not covered.
-however, it is to be desired that the terms and phraseology
of the exception clause be clearly expressed so as to be Issue:
within the easy grasp and understanding of the insured, for if WON the wounds inflicted on the insured, Juan Biagtan, at
the terms are doubtful or obscure the same must of the hands of the robbers were inflicted intentionally?
necessity be interpreted or resolved against the one who has
caused the obscurity. Ruling:
-the circumstances unfolded in the present case do not Yes.
warrant the finding that the death of the unfortunate victim -Nine wounds were inflicted upon the deceased, all by
comes within the purview of the exception clause of the means of thrusts with sharp-pointed instruments wielded
supplementary policy and, hence, do not exempt the by the robbers. This is a physical fact as to which there is
company from liability. no dispute. So is the fact that five of those wounds caused
the death of the insured.
5. Biagtan vs. Insular life - Whether the robbers had the intent to kill or merely to
scare the victim or to ward off any defense he might offer,
Facts: it cannot be denied that the act itself of inflicting the
injuries was intentional. however that there was no accident either.
-It should be noted that the exception in the accidental
benefit clause invoked by the appellant does not speak of Issue:
the purpose whether homicidal or not of a third party in WON the death of the insured is accidental to enable the
causing the injuries, but only of the fact that such injuries beneficiary to claim on the policy?
have been "intentionally" inflicted this obviously to
distinguish them from injuries which, although received at Ruling:
the hands of a third party, are purely accidental. Yes.
-But where a gang of robbers enter a house and coming face -An accident is an event which happens without any
to face with the owner, even if unexpectedly, stab him human agency or, if happening through human agency,
repeatedly, it is contrary to all reason and logic to say that an event which, under the circumstances, is unusual to
his injuries are not intentionally inflicted, regardless of and not expected by the person to whom it happens. It
whether they prove fatal or not. As it was, in the present has also been defined as an injury which happens by
case they did prove fatal, and the robbers have been reason of some violence or casualty to the injured without
accused and convicted of the crime of robbery with his design, consent, or voluntary co-operation.
homicide. -In light of these definitions, the Court is convinced that
-"intentional" implies the exercise of the reasoning faculties, the incident that resulted in Lim's death was indeed an
consciousness and volition. accident.
-Accident insurance policies were never intended to
reward the insured for his tendency to show off or for his
6. Sun Insu vs. CA miscalculations. They were intended to provide for
Facts: -To repeat, the parties agree that Lim did not commit
- Petitioner, Sun Insurance, issued Personal Accident Policy suicide. Nevertheless, the petitioner contends that the
to Felix Lim. insured willfully exposed himself to needless peril and
-At the night of insured's death, he was with his secretary. thus removed himself from the coverage of the insurance
-According to her, Lim was in a happy mood (but not drunk) policy.
and was playing with his handgun, from which he had -Lim was unquestionably negligent and that negligence
previously removed the magazine. cost him his own life. But it should not prevent his widow
-As she watched television, he stood in front of her and from recovering from the insurance policy he obtained
pointed the gun at her. She pushed it aside and said it might precisely against accident. There is nothing in the policy
he loaded. He assured her it was not and then pointed it to that relieves the insurer of the responsibility to pay the
his temple. indemnity agreed upon if the insured is shown to have
- The next moment there was an explosion and Lim slumped contributed to his own accident. Indeed, most accdents
to the floor. He was dead before he fell are caused by negligence.
-As beneficiary, his wife Nerissa Lim sought payment on the
policy but her claim was rejected.
-The petitioner agreed that there was no suicide. It argued, 7. Grepalife vs. CA & Ngo Hing
1. No.
Facts: -binding deposit receipt in question is merely an
-Ngo Hing filed an application with Grepalife for a twenty- acknowledgment, on behalf of the company, that the
year endownment policy on the life of his one-year old latters branch office had received from the applicant the
daughter Helen Go insurance premium and had accepted the application
-Respondent supplied data with Lapulapu Mondragon, subject for processing by the insurance company; and that
Branch Manager of Grepalife the latter will either approve or reject the same on the
-Ngo Hing paid the annual premium basis of whether or not the applicant is insurable on
- Upon the payment of the insurance premuim, the binding standard rates.
deposit receipt was issued - Grepalife disapproved the insurance application in
- petitioner Mondragon handwrote at the bottom of the back question on the ground that it is not offering the twenty-
page of the application form his strong recommendation for year endowment insurance policy to children less than
the approval of the insurance application seven years of age. What it offered instead is another plan
-Mondragon received a letter from Pacific Life disapproving known as the Juvenile Triple Action, which private
the insurance application respondent failed to accept.
- The letter stated that the said life insurance application for -We are not impressed with private respondent's
20-year endowment plan is not available for minors below contention that failure of petitioner Mondragon to
seven years old, but Pacific Life can consider the same under communicate to him the rejection of the insurance
the Juvenile Triple Action Plan application would not have any adverse effect on the
-The non-acceptance of the insurance plan by Pacific Life was allegedly perfected temporary contract
allegedly not communicated by petitioner Mondragon to
private respondent Ngo Hing 2. Yes.
- Mondragon wrote back Pacific Life again strongly -private respondent had deliberately concealed the state
recommending the approval of the 20-year endowment of health and physical condition of his daughter Helen Go.
insurance plan to children When private respondent supplied the required essential
- Helen Go died of influenza data for the insurance application form, he was fully
-private respondent sought the payment of the proceeds of aware that his one-year old daughter is typically a
the insurance, but having failed in his effort, he filed the mongoloid child. Such a congenital physical defect could
action for the recovery of the same never be ensconced nor disguised. Nonetheless, private
respondent, in apparent bad faith, withheld the fact
Issue: material to the risk to be assumed by the insurance
1. WON the binding deposit receipt constituted a temporary company. As an insurance agent of Pacific Life, he ought
contract of the life insurance to know, as he surely must have known, his duty and
2. WON Ngo Hing concealed the state of health and physical responsibility to supply such a material fact. Had he
condition of Helen Go divulged said significant fact in the insurance application
form. Pacific Life would have verified the same and would
Ruling: have had no choice but to disapprove the application
-An acceptance of an offer of insurance not actually or
constructively communicated to the proposer does not
8. Enriquez vs. Sunlife make a contract. Only the mailing of acceptance
completes the contract of insurance, as the locus
Facts: pnitenti is ended when the acceptance has passed
- Joaquin Herrer made application to the Sun Life for life beyond the control of the party.
annuity - When a letter or other mail matter is addressed and
- Two days later he paid to the manager and was given a mailed with postage prepaid there is a rebuttable
receipt presumption of fact that it was received by the addressee
- The application was immediately forwarded to the HO of as soon as it could have been transmitted to him in the
the company ordinary course of the mails. But if any one of these
- 11.26.1917 the head office gave notice of acceptance by elemental facts fails to appear, it is fatal to the
cable to Manila presumption
-12.4.1917 policy was issued at Montreal
-12.18.1917 attorney Aurelio A. Torres wrote to the Manila 9. DBP vs. CA
office of the company stating that Herrer desired to withdraw
his application. Facts:
-The following day the local office replied to Mr. Torres, - Juan B. Dans, together with his wife Candida, his son and
stating that the policy had been issued, and called attention daughter-in-law, applied for a loan with DBP
to the notification of 11.26.1917. - As the principal mortgagor, Dans, then 76 years of age,
-letter was received by Mr. Torres on the morning of was advised by DBP to obtain a mortgage redemption
12.21.1917. insurance (MRI) with DBP MRI Pool
-Mr. Herrer died on 12.20.1917 -The loan was approved and released by DBP
-Enriquez is the administrator of the estate of the deceased -From the proceeds DBP deducted the MRI premium
-Dans died of cardiac arrest.
Issue: -DBP, upon notice, relayed this information to the DBP MRI
WON the contract for life annuity was perfected Pool
-DBP MRI Pool notified DBP that Dans was not eligible for
Ruling: MRI coverage, being over the acceptance age limit of 60
No. years at the time of application
- In the Civil Code is found article 1262 providing that - DBP apprised Candida Dans of the disapproval of her late
"Consent is shown by the concurrence of offer and husband's MRI application
acceptance with respect to the thing and the consideration -DBP offered to refund the premium which the deceased
which are to constitute the contract. An acceptance made by paid but Candida Dans refused to accept the same,
letter shall not bind the person making the offer except from demanding payment of the face value of the MRI or an
the time it came to his knowledge. The contract, in such amount equivalent to the loa
case, is presumed to have been entered into at the place
where the offer was made." Issues:
1. WON there is a contract made between DBP MRI Pool and agent who acts as such is not personally liable to the
the late Juan Dans party with whom he contracts, unless he expressly binds
2. WON the DBP is liable himself or exceeds the limits of his authority without
giving such party sufficient notice of his powers."
Ruling: -The DBP is not authorized to accept applications for MRI
1. No. when its clients are more than 60 years of age
-Under the insurance contract, the MRI coverage shall take - Knowing all the while that Dans was ineligible for MRI
effect: (1) when the application shall be approved by the coverage because of his advanced age, DBP exceeded the
insurance pool; and (2) when the full premium is paid during scope of its authority when it accepted Dan's application
the continued good health of the applicant. These two for MRI by collecting the insurance premium, and
conditions, being joined conjunctively, must concur. deducting its agent's commission and service fee
- the power to approve MRI applications is lodged with the -The liability of an agent who exceeds the scope of his
DBP MRI Pool. The pool, however, did not approve the authority depends upon whether the third person is aware
application of Dans. There is also no showing that it of the limits of the agent's powers. There is no showing
accepted the sum of P1,476.00, which DBP credited to its that Dans knew of the limitation on DBP's authority to
account with full knowledge that it was payment for Dan's solicit applications for MRI.
premium. There was, as a result, no perfected contract of
insurance; hence, the DBP MRI Pool cannot be held liable on
a contract that does not exist. 10. Insular Life vs. Ebrado

2. Yes. Facts:
-It was DBP, as a matter of policy and practice, that required -Buenaventura Cristor Ebrado was issued by the Life
Dans, the borrower, to secure MRI coverage. Assurance with a rider for accidental death
- Instead of allowing Dans to look for his own insurance -He designated CarpionaT. Ebrado as the revocable
carrier or some other form of insurance policy, DBP beneficiary
compelled him to apply with the DBP MRI Pool for MRI -Buenaventura C. Ebrado died when he was hit by a
coverage failing branch of a tree
- When Dan's loan was released DBP already deducted from -Carponia T. Ebrado filed with the insurer a claim for the
the proceeds thereof the MRI premium proceeds of the Policy as the designated beneficiary
-In dealing with Dans, DBP was wearing two legal hats: the therein
first as a lender, and the second as an insurance agent. - she admits that she and the insured were merely living
-As an insurance agent, DBP made Dans go through the as husband and wife without the benefit of marriage
motion of applying for said insurance, thereby leading him -Pascuala Vda. de Ebrado also filed her claim as the widow
and his family to believe that they had already fulfilled all of the deceased insured.
the requirements for the MRI and that the issuance of their - She asserts that she is the one entitled to the insurance
policy was forthcoming. Apparently, DBP had full knowledge proceeds, not the common-law wife, Carponia T. Ebrado
that Dan's application was never going to be approved -in doubt to whom insurance shall be paid, Insular
-Under Article 1987 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, "the commence an action for interpleader
Vicenta Maramag, the legitimate wife
Issue: ----> Insular life: Eva's designation as beneficiary is
WON a common-law-wife named as a beneficiary can claim revoked due to the fact that she is the suspect in his
the proceeds of the insurance killing
----> Grepalife: Eva is disqualified because of concubinage
No. Issue:
- under Article 2012 of the same Code, "any person who is WON the illegitimate children can claim under the policies
forbidden from receiving any donation under Article 739
cannot be named beneficiary of a fife insurance policy by the Ruling:
person who cannot make a donation to him. 4 Common-law Yes.
spouses are, definitely, barred from receiving donations from - under Sec. 53 thereof that the insurance proceeds shall
each other be applied exclusively to the proper interest of the person
-In essence, a life insurance policy is no different from a civil in whose name or for whose benefit it is made, unless
donation insofar as the beneficiary is concerned. Both are otherwise specified in the policy.
founded upon the same consideration: liberality. -Since the defendants are the ones named as the primary
- As a consequence, the proscription in Article 739 of the beneficiary in the insurances taken by the deceased and
new Civil Code should equally operate in life insurance there is no showing that herein plaintiffs were also
contracts. included as beneficiary therein the insurance proceeds
-If legitimate relationship is circumscribed by these legal shall exclusively be paid to them. This is because the
disabilities, with more reason should an illicit relationship be beneficiary has a vested right to the indemnity, unless the
restricted by these disabilities. insured reserves the right to change the beneficiary
- proceeds of an insurance policy belong exclusively to the
beneficiary and not to the estate of the person whose life
11. Maramag vs. Maramag was insured, and that such proceeds are the separate and
individual property of the beneficiary and not of the heirs
Facts: of the person whose life was insured
-petitioners were the legitimate wife and children of Loreto -However, one of the named beneficiary in the insurances
Maramag, while respondents were Loretos illegitimate taken by the insured is his concubine Eva. Any person who
family is forbidden from receiving any donation under Article 739
-Loreto Maramag procured an insurance with Insular life and cannot be named beneficiary of a life insurance policy of
Grepa life the person who cannot make any donation to him. If a
-In both policies, he designated his common-law-wife Eva concubine is made the beneficiary, it is believed that the
Maramag and their illegitimate children as beneficiaries insurance contract will still remain valid, but the indemnity
-Upon his death, the beneficiaries claim for the proceeds of must go to the legal heirs and not to the concubine
the policy - the only persons entitled to claim the insurance
-Eva was also the suspect in the killing of Loreto proceeds are either the insured, if still alive; or the
-the designation of Eva and her children was contested by beneficiary, if the insured is already deceased, upon the
maturation of the policy. The exception to this rule is a - On the day that the lease contract was to expire, fire
situation where the insurance contract was intended to broke out inside the leased premises
benefit third persons who are not parties to the same in the -When CKS learned of the insurance earlier procured by
form of favorable stipulations or indemnity the Cha spouses it wrote the insurer a demand letter
-Petitioners are third parties to the insurance contracts with asking that the proceeds of the insurance contract be
Insular and Grepalife and, thus, are not entitled to the paid directly to CKS, based on its lease contract with the
proceeds thereof. Cha spouses
-Accordingly, respondents Insular and Grepalife have no -United refused to pay CKS. Hence, the latter filed a
legal obligation to turn over the insurance proceeds to complaint against the Cha spouses and United.
-The revocation of Eva as a beneficiary in one policy and her Issue:
disqualification as such in another are of no moment WON the lease contract eneterd into between Sps Cha
considering that the designation of the illegitimate children and CKS is valid insofar as it provides that any fire
as beneficiaries in Loretos insurance policies remains valid. insurance policy entered into by the lessee over the
-Because no legal proscription exists in naming as merchandise inside the lease premises is deemed
beneficiaries the children of illicit relationships by the assigned or transferred to the lessor if said policy is
insured, the shares of Eva in the insurance proceeds, obtained without the prior written consent of the latter
whether forfeited by the court in view of the prohibition on
donations under Article 739 of the Civil Code or by the
insurers themselves for reasons based on the insurance Ruling:
contracts, must be awarded to the said illegitimate children, No.
the designated beneficiaries, to the exclusion of petitioners. - basic in the law on contracts that the stipulations
contained in a contract cannot be contrary to law, morals,
good customs, public order or public policy
12. Sps. Cha vs. CA -A non-life insurance policy such as the fire insurance
policy taken by petitioner-spouses over their merchandise
Facts: is primarily a contract of indemnity
-Spouses Nilo Cha and Stella Uy-Cha, as lessees, entered into - Insurable interest in the property insured must exist at
a lease contract with private respondent CKS Devt the time the insurance takes effect and at the time the
Corporation for 1 yr with a stipulation not to insure against loss occurs
fire the chattels, merchandise, textiles, goods and effects -The basis of such requirement of insurable interest in
placed at any stall or store or space in the leased premises property insured is based on sound public policy: to
without first obtaining the written consent and approval of prevent a person from taking out an insurance policy on
the lessor property upon which he has no insurable interest and
- Notwithstanding the above stipulation in the lease contract, collecting the proceeds of said policy in case of loss of the
the Cha spouses insured against loss by fire the merchandise property.
inside the leased premises with United Insurance without -In the present case, it cannot be denied that CKS has no
the written consent of private respondent CKS insurable interest in the goods and merchandise inside the
leased premises policies were either attached pursuant to writs of
-Therefore, respondent CKS cannot, under the Insurance attachments/garnishments issued by various courts or
Code a special law be validly a beneficiary of the fire that the insurance proceeds were also claimed by other
insurance policy taken by the petitioner-spouses over their creditors of GOYU alleging better rights to the proceeds
merchandise than the insured
-This insurable interest over said merchandise remains with - GOYU filed a complaint for specific performance
the insured, the Cha spouses. -RCBC, one of GOYU's creditors, also filed with MICO its
-The automatic assignment of the policy to CKS under the formal claim over the proceeds of the insurance policies,
provision of the lease contract previously quoted is void for but said claims were also denied for the same reasons
being contrary to law and/or public policy. that MICO denied GOYU's claims

13. RCBC vs. CA and Goyu & Sons WON RCBC, as mortgagee, has any right over the
insurance policies taken by GOYU, the mortgagor, in case
Facts: of the occurrence of loss.
-GOYU applied for credit facilities and accommodations with
RCBC Ruling:
- After due evaluation, RCBC, thru its key officials
recommended the approval of its application -It is settled that a mortgagor and a mortgagee have
- A credit facility was initially granted separated and distinct insurable interests in the same
-As security for its credit facilities with RCBC, GOYU executed mortgaged property, such that each one of them may
two real estate mortgages and two chattel mortgages in insure the same property for his own sole benefit. There
favor of RCBC is no question that GOYU could insure the mortgaged
-Under each of these four mortgage contracts, GOYU property for its own exclusive benefit
committed itself to insure the mortgaged property with an -In the present case, although it appears that GOYU
insurance company approved by RCBC, and subsequently, to obtained the subject insurance policies naming itself as
endorse and deliver the insurance polices to RCBC. the sole payee, the intentions of the parties as shown by
-GOYU obtained in its name a total of ten insurance policies their contemporaneous acts, must be given due
from Malyan Insurance (MICO) consideration in order to better serve the interest of
- Alchester Insurance, the insurance agent where GOYU justice and equity.
obtained the Malayan insurance policies, issued nine -RCBC, in good faith, relied upon the endorsement
endorsements in favor of RCBC seemingly upon instructions documents sent to it as this was only pursuant to the
of GOYU stipulation in the mortgage contracts.
-Subsequently, one of GOYU's factory buildings was gutted -GOYU failed to seasonably repudiate the authority of the
by fire person or persons who prepared such endorsements. Over
- Consequently, GOYU submitted its claim for indemnity on and above this, GOYU continued, in the meantime, to
account of the loss insured against. enjoy the benefits of the credit facilities extended to it by
- MICO denied the claim on the ground that the insurance RCBC.
- If there had not been actually an implied ratification of said - petitioner's insured stock-in-trade were completely
endorsements by virtue of GOYU's inaction in this case, destroyed prompting him to file with the private
GOYU is at the very least estopped from assailing their respondent a claim under the policy
operative effects - private respondent denied the claim because it found
-To permit GOYU to capitalize on its non-confirmation of that at the time of the loss the petitioner's stocks-in-trade
these endorsements while it continued to enjoy the benefits were likewise covered by 2 fire insurance policies for 100k
of the credit facilities of RCBC which believed in good faith each issued by Phil First insurance Co (PFIC)
that there was due endorsement pursuant to their mortgage -these policies indicate that the insured was "Messrs.
contracts, is to countenance grave contravention of public Discount Mart (Mr. Armando Geagonia, Prop.)" with a
policy, fair dealing, good faith, and justice. mortgage clause reading:
MORTGAGE: Loss, if any shall be payable to Messrs.
14. Armando Geagonia vs. CA and Country Bakers Insurance Cebu Tesing Textiles,
Corp -The basis of the private respondent's denial was the
petitioner's alleged violation of Condition 3 of the policy.
Facts: -Insu Commissioner: petitioner did not violate condition 3
- petitioner is the owner of Norman's Mart located in the as he had no knowledge of the existence of the 2 fire
public market of San Francisco, Agusan del Sur insurance policies obtained from PFIC, that it was Cebu
- he obtained from the private respondent fire insurance for Tessing that procured the the PFIC policies without
100k covering stock-in-trade consisting principally of dry informing him or securing his consent.
goods such as RTW's -CA: reversed the decision of the Insurance Commission
- petitioner declared in the policy that Mercantile Insurance because it found that the petitioner knew of the existence
Co., Inc. was the co-insurer for 50k of the two other policies issued by the PFIC
-The policy contained the following condition:
(3) the insured shall give notice to the Company of Issue:
any insurance or insurances already affected, or which may WON the non-disclosure of other insurance policies violate
subsequently be effected, covering any of the property or condition 3 of the policy, so as to deny Geagonia from
properties consisting of stocks in trade, goods in process recovering on the policy
and/or inventories only hereby insured, and unless such
notice be given and the particulars of such insurance or Ruling:
insurances be stated therein or endorsed in this policy -We agree with the CA that the petitioner knew of the
pursuant to Section 50 of the Insurance Code, by or on prior policies issued by the PFIC
behalf of the Company before the occurrence of any loss or -His letter to the private respondent conclusively proves
damage, all benefits under this policy shall be deemed his knowledge
forfeited, provided however, that this condition shall not -Condition 3 of the private respondent's Policy is a
apply when the total insurance or insurances in force at the condition which is not proscribed by law.
time of the loss or damage is not more than P200,000.00. -its incorporation in the policy is allowed by Section 75 of
- fire of accidental origin broke out at around 7:30 p.m. at the Insurance Code which provides that "[a] policy may
the public market declare that a violation of specified provisions thereof
shall avoid it, otherwise the breach of an immaterial insurance.
provision does not avoid the policy." -With these principles in mind, we are of the opinion that
-It is commonly known as the additional or "other insurance" Condition 3 of the subject policy is not totally free from
clause and has been upheld as valid and as a warranty that ambiguity and must, perforce, be meticulously analyzed.
no other insurance exists. Its violation would thus avoid the Such analysis leads us to conclude that (a) the prohibition
policy. applies only to double insurance, and (b) the nullity of the
- However, in order to constitute a violation, the other policy shall only be to the extent exceeding P200,000.00
insurance must be upon same subject matter, the same of the total policies obtained.
interest therein, and the same risk -A double insurance exists where the same person is
-As to a mortgaged property, the mortgagor and the insured by several insurers separately in respect of the
mortgagee have each an independent insurable interest same subject and interest. As earlier stated, the insurable
therein and both interests may be one policy, or each may interests of a mortgagor and a mortgagee on the
take out a separate policy covering his interest, either at the mortgaged property are distinct and separate. Since the
same or at separate times. two policies of the PFIC do not cover the same interest as
-the mortgagor's insurable interest covers the full value of that covered by the policy of the private respondent, no
the mortgaged property, even though the mortgage debt is double insurance exists.
equivalent to the full value of the property. 19 The -The non-disclosure then of the former policies was not
mortgagee's insurable interest is to the extent of the debt, fatal to the petitioner's right to recover on the private
since the property is relied upon as security thereof, and in respondent's policy.
insuring he is not insuring the property but his interest or
lien thereon. His insurable interest is prima facie the value
mortgaged and extends only to the amount of the debt, not 15. Grepalife vs. CA and Medarda Leuterio
exceeding the value of the mortgaged property
-A mortgagor may, however, take out insurance for the Facts:
benefit of the mortgagee, which is the usual practice. The -A contract of group life insurance was executed between
mortgagee may be made the beneficial payee in several petitioner Grepalife abd DBP
ways - Grepalife agreed to insure the lives of eligible housing
-He may become the assignee of the policy with the consent loan mortgagors of DBP
of the insurer; or the mere pledgee without such consent; or -Dr. Wilfredo Leuterio, a physician and a housing debtor of
the original policy may contain a mortgage clause; DBP applied for membership in the group life insurance
-The fire insurance policies issued by the PFIC name the plan.
petitioner as the assured a simple loss payable clause, not a -in the application form, Dr. Leuterio answered "NO" to
standard mortgage clause. certain questions regarding his health
-It is a cardinal rule on insurance that a policy or insurance - Grepalife issued Certificate No. B-18558, as insurance
contract is to be interpreted liberally in favor of the insured coverage of Dr. Leuterio, to the extent of his DBP
and strictly against the company, the reason being, mortgage indebtedness
undoubtedly, to afford the greatest protection which the -Dr. Leuterio died due to "massive cerebral hemorrhage.
insured was endeavoring to secure when he applied for - Consequently, DBP submitted a death claim to Grepalife.
- Grepalife denied the claim alleging that Dr. Leuterio was mortgagors interest, and the mortgagor continues to be a
not physically healthy when he applied for an insurance party to the contract. In this type of policy insurance, the
coverage mortgagee is simply an appointee of the insurance fund,
- Grepalife insisted that Dr. Leuterio did not disclose he had such loss-payable clause does not make the mortgagee a
been suffering from hypertension, which caused his death party to the contract.
-Allegedly, such non-disclosure constituted concealment that -The insured private respondent did not cede to the
justified the denial of the claim. mortgagee all his rights or interests in the insurance, the
- the widow of the late Dr. Leuterio, respondent Medarda V. policy stating that: In the event of the debtors death
Leuterio, filed a complaint with the RTC against Grepalife for before his indebtedness with the Creditor [DBP] shall have
"Specific Performance with Damages." been fully paid, an amount to pay the outstanding
-TC rendered decision in favor of the widow and against indebtedness shall first be paid to the creditor and the
Grepalife balance of sum assured, if there is any, shall then be paid
-CA affirmed TC's decision to the beneficiary/ies designated by the debtor.
-When DBP submitted the insurance claim against
Isssues: petitioner, the latter denied payment thereof, interposing
1. WON DBP has insurable interest the defense of concealment committed by the insured.
2. WON Grepalife should be held liable Thereafter, DBP collected the debt from the mortgagor
and took the necessary action of foreclosure on the
Ruling: residential lot of private respondent.

1. Yes 2. Yes
-The rationale of a group insurance policy of mortgagors, -Petitioner claims that there was no evidence as to the
otherwise known as the "mortgage redemption insurance," is amount of Dr. Leuterios outstanding indebtedness to DBP
a device for the protection of both the mortgagee and the at the time of the mortgagors death. Hence, for private
mortgagor. respondents failure to establish the same, the action for
- On the part of the mortgagee, it has to enter into such form specific performance should be dismissed. Petitioners
of contract so that in the event of the unexpected demise of claim is without merit. A life insurance policy is a valued
the mortgagor during the subsistence of the mortgage policy. Unless the interest of a person insured is
contract, the proceeds from such insurance will be applied to susceptible of exact pecuniary measurement, the measure
the payment of the mortgage debt, thereby relieving the of indemnity under a policy of insurance upon life or
heirs of the mortgagor from paying the obligation health is the sum fixed in the policy.
-In a similar vein, ample protection is given to the mortgagor -Grepalife failed to establish that there was concealment
under such a concept so that in the event of death; the made by the insured, hence, it cannot refuse payment of
mortgage obligation will be extinguished by the application the claim
of the insurance proceeds to the mortgage indebtedness. -fraudulent intent on the part of the insured must be
-Consequently, where the mortgagor pays the insurance established to entitle the insurer to rescind the contract.
premium under the group insurance policy, making the loss Misrepresentation as a defense of the insurer to avoid
payable to the mortgagee, the insurance is on the liability is an affirmative defense and the duty to establish
such defense by satisfactory and convincing evidence rests washing has insurable interest on such clothes, because
upon the insurer destruction of the textiles will mean pecuniary loss to him
- In private respondents memorandum, she states that DBP as he will be deprived ofthe compensation he would be
foreclosed in 1995 their residential lot, in satisfaction of entitled to for dyeing the same, not to mention his
mortgagors outstanding loan. Considering this supervening pecuniary liabilityfor labour and expenses.
event, the insurance proceeds shall inure to the benefit of -A person who is interested in the safety and preservation
the heirs of the deceased person or his beneficiaries. Equity of materials in his possession belonging to third parties
dictates that DBP should not unjustly enrich itself at the because he stands either to benefit from their continued
expense of another (Nemo cum alterius detrimenio protest). existence or to be prejudiced by their destruction, has an
Hence, it cannot collect the insurance proceeds, after it insurable interest thereon which is not necessarily limited
already foreclosed on the mortgage. The proceeds now to the extent ofhis liability to the owners thereof.
rightly belong to Dr. Leuterios heirs represented by his -A person having mere right of possession of property may
widow, herein private respondent Medarda Leuterio. insure it to its full value and in his own name, even when
he is not responsible for its safekeeping.

16. Ang Ka Yu vs. Phoenix Assurance Ltd

17. Malayan insurance vs. Phil First Insurance Co. (PFIC)
Facts: and Reputable Forwarders Services
-Ang Ka Yu, herein petitioner, was engaged in the business of
dyeing and washing clothes. Facts:
-Thiswould require his clients to deliver and deposit to the -Wyeth Philippines and respondent Reputable Forwarder
petitioner such clothes that would require hisservice. Services had been annually executing a contract of
-He acquired from Phoenix Assurance Co. Ltd., herein carriage, whereby the latter undertook to transport and
respondent, a policy insuring theeffects of his business. deliver the formers products to its customers, dealers or
-When the clothes he had in his possession were lost, Ang Ka salesmen
Yu sought to recover from Phoenix Assurance. - Wyeth procured Marine Policy from respondent PFIC to
-However, the latter refused the claim and denied liability on secure its interest over its own products.
theground that the petitioner was a mere possessor of said - PFIC thereby insured Wyeths nutritional, pharmaceutical
items, andtherefore did not have anyinsurable interest to the and other products usual or incidental to the insureds
same. business while the same were being transported or
shipped in the Philippines
Issue: -The policy covers all risks of direct physical loss or
WON the petitioner, allegedly being a mere possessor, has damage from any external cause, if by land, and provides
an insurable interest in the property of concern a limit of 6M per any one land vehicle.
-on 12.1.1993, Wyeth executed its annual contract of
Ruling: carriage with Reputable. It turned out, however, that the
Yes. contract was not signed by Wyeths representative/s.
-A person to whom clothes are delivered for dyeing or -Nevertheless, it was admittedly signed by Reputables
representatives, the terms thereof faithfully observed by the latters Insurance Policy and that the SR Policy covered
parties the risk of robbery or hijacking
-Under the contract, Reputable undertook to answer for "all -Disclaiming any liability, Malayan argued, among others,
risks with respect to the goods and shall be liable to Wyeth that under Section 5 of the SR Policy, the insurance does
for the loss, destruction, or damage of the goods/products not cover any loss or damage to property which at the
due to any and all causes whatsoever, including theft, time of the happening of such loss or damage is insured
robbery, flood, storm, earthquakes, lightning, and other force by any marine policy and that the SR Policy expressly
majeure while the goods/products are in transit and until excluded third-party liability
actual delivery to the customers, salesmen, and dealers of -TC rendered decision finding Reputable liable to PFIC for
Wyeth the amount of indemnity it paid to Wyeth. In turn, Malayan
-The contract also required Reputable to secure an insurance is liable to Reputable to the extent of the policy coverage
policy on Wyeths goods
-Thus, Reputable signed a Special Risk Insurance Policy (SR Super digest of facts:
Policy) with petitioner Malayan for the amount of 1M. Wyeth contracted a contract of carriage with Reputable, a
- during the effectivity of the Marine Policy and SR Policy, common carrier for the transport of its goodsand product.
Reputable received from Wyeth 1,000 boxes of Promil infant Wyeth insured the goods with PFIC, while Reputable
formula to be delivered by Reputable to Mercury Drug insured the same goods with Malayan insurance. During
- Unfortunately, the truck carrying Wyeths products was transit, certain goods were lost due to hijacking of 10
hijacked by about 10 armed men armed men. PFIC paid the proceeds to Wyeth, subrogating
-PFIC after due investigation and adjustment, and pursuant the rights of Wyeth to PFIC which filed a claim against
to the Marine Policy, paid Wyeth as indemnity Reputable and Malayan as a 3rd party defendant.
-Philippines First then demanded reimbursement from Reputable and Malayan refusedt he claim of PFIC. Malayan
Reputable, having been subrogated to the rights of Wyeth by contended that there was double insurance and that the
virtue of the payment. The latter, however, ignored the first insurer, PFIC, should bear all the loss.
-PFIC instituted an action against Reputable Issue:
-PFIC stated tha tReputable is a private corporation engaged 1. WON Reputable is liable for the loss.
in the business of common carrier 2. WON there is double insurance
-Reputable claimed that it is a private carrier. It also claimed 3. WON Malayan is solidarily liable with Reputable
that it cannot be made liable under the contract of carriage
with Wyeth since the contract was not signed by Wyeth's Ruling:
representative and that the cause of the loss is not force 1. Yes
majeure. -Reputable is bound by the terms of the contract of
-Subsequently, Reputable impleaded Malayan as third-party carriage.
defendant in an effort to collect the amount covered in the -The extent of a private carriers obligation is dictated by
SR Policy the stipulations of a contract it entered into, provided its
- According to Reputable, "it was validly insured with stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions are not
Malayan for 1M with respect to the lost products under the contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or
public policy against liability to third persons, the liability of the insurer
-Thus, being a private carrier, the extent of Reputables is direct and such third persons can directly sue the
liability is fully governed by the stipulations of the contract insurer. The direct liability of the insurer under indemnity
of carriage, one of which is that it shall be liable to Wyeth for contracts against third party[- ]liability does not mean,
the loss of the goods/products due to any and all causes however, that the insurer can be held solidarily liable with
whatsoever, including theft, robbery and other force majeure the insured and/or the other parties found at fault, since
while the goods/products are in transit and until actual they are being held liable under different obligations. The
delivery to Wyeths customers, salesmen and dealers liability of the insured carrier or vehicle owner is based on
tort, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code;
while that of the insurer arises from contract, particularly,
2. No. the insurance policy
-double insurance exists where the same person is insured
by several insurers separately in respect to the same subject
and interest.
-In the present case, while it is true that the Marine Policy
and the SR Policy were both issued over the same subject
matter, i.e. goods belonging to Wyeth, and both covered the
same peril insured against, it is, however, beyond cavil that
the said policies were issued to two different persons or
-It is undisputed that Wyeth is the recognized insured of PFIC
under its Marine Policy, while Reputable is the recognized
insured of Malayan under the SR Policy.
-The fact that Reputable procured Malayans SR Policy over
the goods of Wyeth pursuant merely to the stipulated
requirement under its contract of carriage with the latter
does not make Reputable a mere agent of Wyeth in
obtaining the said SR Policy.
-The interest of Wyeth over the property subject matter of
both insurance contracts is also different and distinct from
that of Reputables.

3. No.
-Reputable is not solidarily liable with Malayan.
-There is solidary liability only when the obligation expressly
so states, when the law so provides or when the nature of
the obligation so requires
-Where the insurance contract provides for indemnity

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