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One more experienced candidate vs someone who isn't a candidate

Health vs success

While the mythology of women as the virtuous sex is long and storied, this double standard

has very real consequences for women running for office today: If voters even perceive that a
woman has been dishonest or acted unethically, regardless of her actual actions, the cost is high
for the candidate. We saw that over and over in this presidential election: Clinton was unable to
change public perceptions regarding her honesty and trustworthiness, despite fact checks that
indicated she did tell the truth more than Trump did. Voters had already accepted the narrative
that supported Trumps moniker for Clinton, Crooked Hillary.

For voters, perception is reality.

This campaign season, highly public debates about the intersection of feminism, misogyny and
sexism have exposed a dark side of American politics and society.
He further explained that 90 percent of Drumpf supporters believe blacks should work harder,
and 92 percent believe blacks should build themselves up higher professionally without any
special treatment.

Goins stated that Hillary is a victim of sexism in which she is criticized for her lack of femininity
and inability to play her proper role as a woman. Hillary is often told that she is too aggressive,
and needs to be more soft.

Men often told Hillary that she should not be attending law school because she was taking up a
spot that a man could have filled, as a result Hillary became more tough and masculine to

A CNN poll found some 73% of all women disapprove of him, the highest gender opposition
ever seen for a major candidate.

Women supported Clinton over Drumpf by 54% to 42%.

The gender gap in presidential vote preference is among the widest in exit polls dating back to

The Access Hollywood tape of Trump telling Billy Bush he grabs women "by the *****"; the 15
women who came forward to accuse Trump of sexual assault; Trump calling Hillary Clinton a
nasty woman during the third debate. All this, after 18 months of demeaning remarks about
women and a host of minority groups along with an apparent lifetime of misogynistic behavior,
led to an assumption that women would go to the polls in droves to squash the man who belittles

According to initial exit polls, Trump got 53 percent of white womens votes; Clinton got 45
percent. Women of colors strong support of Clinton 94 percent of black women voted for her
along with 68 percent of Latina women tipped the women's vote in her favor, with a 12-point
advantage among all female voters, but it wasn't enough to win her the election.

The current wave, which grapples with the intersection of gender and race, equal pay for equal
work, a sexual harassment-free workplace, and sexual assault-free college campuses, is an
improvement on earlier waves, which centered on securing rights for white women.

We ought to learn whats going on in the life of a woman that leads her to vote for a man who
brags about sexual assault and figure out how to organize on the issues that matter to her. We
must also confront our white sisters on their racism. Every vote for Trump was an acceptance of
bigotry. As Samantha Bee said in her post-election rage, directed at white folks: If Muslims
have to take responsibility for every member of their community, so do we.

Clintons base looks like Americas future, while Trumps looks like the waning white face of
American power.

Women have always paired off with misogynist men and have always excused bad male
behavior, defending sexist men as simply old-school, shrugging off sexual assault as boys
being boys, concluding that because a man loves them, he must not hate women.

And make no mistake: A vote for Trump is a vote against women. He has bragged on video
about committing sexual assault, and nearly a dozen women have accused him of doing exactly
what he claimed, though he has denied those allegations. He evaluates women not on their
intelligence or good characters, but on a physical attribute scale of one to 10. Women he doesnt
like are pigs and dogs. He has said women who have abortions should face legal
punishment, and he is sure to appoint Supreme Court justices who would dismantle abortion
rights if given the opportunity. He has few women on his shortlists of appointments for Cabinet
positions or the Supreme Court.

If you werent a feminist before, or if you were an ambivalent or quiet supporter of womens
rights and the rights of minorities, nows the time to get loud. Because as much as we needed
you before, we need you now more than ever.

When Hillary Clinton started at Yale Law School in 1969, there was only one woman in the
United States Senate. It was legal for a man to rape his wife, but abortion was mostly outlawed.
Mrs. Clinton graduated as one of just 27 women in a class of 235, after being explicitly told that
if accepted into law school, she would take the rightful place of a man.

With his string of model or actress wives, his beautiful pageant girls on competitive parade and
his vulgar displays of wealth, Mr. Trump embodies a fantasy of masculine power reclaimed.
Mrs. Clinton, an unapologetically ambitious woman running to take the place of a trailblazing,
successful black man, symbolizes all the ways in which America has moved on and in her
promises to help alienated men catch up is the implicit expectation that they, too, must change.

As of early October, more than half of men believed that Mr. Trump respected women either
some or a lot. That poll was conducted after the Republican nominee was on record calling
women pigs and dogs, commenting about his own daughters sex appeal, and labeling a former
Miss Universe, Alicia Machado, Miss Eating Machine. At the same time, nearly two-thirds of
women said that Mr. Trump didnt respect them. While more men now agree that Mr. Trump
doesnt respect women after the vulgar Access Hollywood tape came to light, more than four
in 10 continue to say that Mr. Trump respects us. Which really makes you wonder what these
men think respecting women looks like.

Expanding roles and opportunities for women cannot usher in full gender equality unless men

prioritize the issues and continuing oppressive circumstances that women face every day,
whether this comes in the form of income inequality, womens health care, or encouraging
women to be scientists and engineers

1L Regina Gerhardt aptly notes, So much of the criticism Hillary Clinton receives is because
she is a woman. She is criticized when she shows too much emotion, and then criticized for not
showing enough emotion she is criticized for being too aggressive, even though in order to
be a successful woman in politics when she was starting, a woman had to make sure to
demonstrate how aggressive she was

Claudine-Annick Murphy asserts, The single most qualified candidate for President of the
United States, who is the most intelligent and well-versed person in politics, struggles to stay
ahead for no other reason than her immutable characteristic of being a woman.

Feminism is a fight for gender equality that includes a thoughtful consideration of how culture,
race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation weave into creating a global
community rooted in equality.

Mrs. Clinton: both trailblazers, both polarizing figures, and both attacked for actions, choices and
behavior that are broadly accepted even applauded when done by their male peers.

Counter Arguments

I truly thought [the video of Drumpf] was, as its been dubbed, locker-room talk. Having two
brothers, boyfriends, and a fiance, I can make an educated guess that all heterosexual men have
bragged about their exploits with women to another man at some point. It is a mistake to believe
a feminist must support someone because of their anatomy and not their actions. I thought the
sexual allegations were unsubstantiated and therefore equivalent to rumours and campaign
mudslinging. If these women had truly been assaulted why wait until one month before the
election to come forward to the press not the authorities. These women that came out about
Drumpf could have been hoping for media attention, or maybe just simply paid by Hillary to
make her criminal issues look smaller. Her responseeverybody should be believed at first
until they are disbelieved based on evidencestruck an expedient compromise between the
contemporary shibboleth always believe and the outdated assumption that many women lie
about sexual assault.
It is curious that Drumpf never specifies a period when America was great in his view. Did it
overlap with the womens rights, civil rights or gay rights movements? For whom was it great?

h ttp://
It sucks that he doesnt have a lot of respect for women. But he has respect for the
country as a whole and I think thats the bigger picture
Male 138,053,563 49.1

Female 143,368,343 50.9

The 2016 presidential election has not only been strenuous on minorities but women as
well. We have had to sit through the entire election full of Trumps misogynistic comments,
name calling, and locker room talk. Each aspect of his campaign has been a serious jab against
feminism and everything we stand for. Feminism is defined as the fight for gender equality that
includes how race, culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation weave into
creating global equality.
This election was an attack on many successful women all across the world, not just
Hillary Clinton. However, Clinton who is well versed in the political system and was referred to
by many as the most qualified candidate for President in the 2016 race who only struggled to
stay ahead for no other reason than the fact that she was a woman, suffered extreme character
assassination. (taking a good reputation and slandering it to the point of no return) Clinton has
faced sexism in all aspects of her life long before she was in the White House. When Hillary
Clinton attended Yale in 1969, the US Senate only had one female member. At the time it was
legal for a husband to rape his wife, and abortion was mostly outlawed. Clinton graduated one of
only 27 women in a class of 235, after being explicitly told that if she was accepted into law
school, she would take the rightful place of a man. Thus beginning the long thread of sexism
that Clinton was sure face in her life.
Many people argue that even though Trump doesn't respect women, he respects the
country and that's all that matters. A vote for Trump was a vote against Crooked Hillary.
RIGHT? However, a vote for Trump was a vote against women. He has bragged on video about
committing sexual assault, and nearly a dozen women have accused him of doing exactly that,
though he has denied all the allegations. He evaluates women not on their intelligence or good
characters, but on their physical appearance rating them from one to ten. When over half the
country is female, you'd think that the leader would have the common sense to appeal to the
masses and treat women with the respect we deserve, unfortunately that's not the case.
How would you feel if someone in your life was sexually assaulted, but because their
assaulter was liked and famous, their assault was taken as a joke and even bragged upon? This is
what happens to the majority of rape cases in the US alone, and this is what happened to 15
brave women who came forward and voiced their horror stories. Many men and women have
supported these victims, but the amount of hate overshadows the good.
I truly thought [the video of Trump] was locker-room talk. Having two brothers,
ex-boyfriends, and a fiance, I can make an educated guess that all straight men have bragged
about their exploits with women to other men at some point.
If these women had truly been assaulted why wait until a month before the election to
come forward and especially to the press not the authorities? These women that come forth
about Trump could have been hoping for media attention, or maybe they were paid by Hillary to
make her criminal issues look smaller. These are some thoughts shared by many women who
support Trump. Many people believe that women falsely accuse men of rape in order to ruin
their lives, but that is not true. Many women who are sexually assaulted actually dont report the
assault for many reasons. Survivors worry that people will not believe their stories. Just because
a woman didn't report an assault doesn't mean it never occurred . If you do not grant consent to
someone, and they still proceed, it's assault. Even if you flirted. Even if you were drinking. Even
if you were wearing a short skirt. Even if you said "yes" during a previous encounter. Even if
you said "yes" to doing the same thing with someone else. Women dont report sexual assault
because they fear that no one will believe them, they fear reprisal, they fear lack of evidence,
they fear being blamed, and they fear other people knowing. Recalling sexual assault is
traumatic for the victims and can even cause PTSD. But many men, including Trump, simply do
not understand this truth, they believe what they want to.
Clintons support looks like Americas future, while Trumps looks like the past white face of
American power. Not only does Clinton have the support of women but the minorities too. Even
though she didnt win the election, she sparked a flame in the eyes of young women hoping to be
successful like her one day. She provides women with the confidence and support that they are
definitely not getting from Trump. Trump uses his words to tear down women while Clinton uses
her words to build them back up and inspire many generations. Because of this election, we now
have hope that the next one will change everything. If we have learned anything from this
elections it's that every vote counts and you have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you.

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