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Goods & Services Tax DELOITTE

Make GST Work for you
Goods & Services Tax is expected to be introduced in India from 1 April 2017

Features of the proposed GST C hanges to M aster and Sourc ing from inc entive
T rans action rec ords area vendors
Proposed GST Structures Credit Methodology Sys tems design c hanges Bes t prac tices for invoicing Technical
for G ST c ompliance to maximis e tax c redits Skills
Inf ormation
CGST Suppliers
I G ST E ffec t on Systems
Intra-State C G ST SG ST
P ric ing modelling
SGST I nput Struc ture of offers /
I nput I G ST P ric ing

I nput SG ST Sales & financ ing

C G ST agains t s trategies
agains t - Market ing
IGST agains t I G ST I mpac t
Inter-State SG ST Strategies Customers Implementati
I G ST SG ST c urrent Wider on Experience
pipeline implications of
Proactive Approach for GST and GST
Finance I mpac t on cash
Strategy & flow
Overview A ssessment
A dminis I dentification
O verview as sessment of different bus iness func tions and operations in order to
be better prepared for trans ition
tration of G ST liability Multi
G ST impact on trans action. Disciplinary
on c orporate Internal C ompliances Approach
Impact A nalysis plans Legal / Human C anc ellation of
I dentifying potential impact including quantification of impac t, identifying Capital regis tration
affec ted bus iness func tions G ST impact potential
on c ontracts T raining and audit?
c ommunication
Fine tuning of operations
V alidation & fine- tuning the bus iness proc ess and func tions GetSeT Methodology Industry
Multi-disciplinary team working together to accelerate the delivery of services.
An integrated GetSeT approach that goes throughout the lifecycle of the GST rollout
Implementation implementation.
A s sistance in trans ition to new regime to the impac ted func tions

A ssessment Implementation
Post Global
Implementation Network
Automated Tools
Impact Plan Review GST
Overview Planning
GST A utopilot Tax A nalytics A nalysis Execution Rollout
GST Review Smart
Project Management Of f ice

Mult i-f unctional delivery capabilities to accelerate

One-click solution generated
delivery of services
Tax Consulting
Web based tool to assess
from ERP data sources.
Provides interactive
risks stemming from the
insights into tax
End-to-end data processing application of GST legislation T ec hnology & Bus iness C onsulting
functioning of an
with minimal manual on internal accounting
intervention. procedures and processes.
Assists tax function to Supply C hain Bus iness T ec hnology
Computation of GST Assists management to
operate more efficiently A dvisory
liabilities. O ptimization A dvisory
and provides inputs to identify and implement
Validation of tax credits progressive compliance
avoid potential tax risk.
Detailed impact analysis. solutions.
P rojec t
Bus iness
A nalytics
C ompliance
T raining M anagement Management
P roc ess P roc ess Capabilities
(G ST rollout)

Contact us at:

Ahmedabad Bangalore Chennai Delhi/Gurgaon

19th Floor, Shapath V Deloitte C entre, Anchorage II, No.52, Venkatanarayana Road, 7th Floor, Building 10,
S. G. Highway, 100/2, Richmond Road, ASV N Ramana Tower, Tower B, 7th Floor,
Ahmedabad 380015. Bangalore 560 025. T-Nagar, DLF C yber C ity,
Tel: + 91 (079) 66827300 Tel: +91 (080) 6627 6000 C hennai 600 017. Gurgaon 122 002
Fax: + 91 (079) 66827400 Fax: +91 (080) 6627 6010 Tel: +91 (044) 6688 5000 Tel: +91 (0124) 679 2000
Fax: +91 (044) 6688 5050 Fax: + 91 (0124) 679 2012

Hyderabad Kolkata Mumbai Pune

1-8-384 and 385, 3rd Floor, Bengal Intelligent Park Building Alpha, Indiabulls Finance Centre, 106, B-Wing, 7th Floor,
Gowra Grand S.P.Road, 1st floor, Block EP and GP Sector V, Salt Tower 3, 28th Floor, IC C Trade Tower,
Begumpet, Lake Electronics C omplex, Elphinstone Mill C ompound, Senapati Bapat Road,
Secunderabad 500 003. Kolkata - 700 091. Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone (W), Pune 411 016.
Tel: +91 (040) 6603 2600 Tel: + 91 (033) 6612 1000 Mumbai 400013 Tel: + 91 (020) 6624 4600
Fax:+91 (040) 6603 2714 Fax: + 91 (033) 6612 1001 Tel: + 91 (022) 6185 4000 Fax: +91 (020) 6624 4605
Fax: + 91 (022) 6185 4101

Deloitte ref ers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK priv ate company limited by guarantee (DTTL), its network of member f irms, and their related entities . DTTL and each of its member f irms are legally
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2016 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Priv ate Limited (U74140MH199 5PTC093339), a priv ate company limited by shares, was conv erted into Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP, a limited liability partnership (LLP Identif ication
No. AAE 8458),with ef f ect from October 1, 2015.

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