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TEAM MEMBERS: Ada Mo, Akkshana, Emily Zhou, Frances Yu, Vicky Chen

Statement of the Problem

In todays classrooms, there are many factors which affect students concentration and
performance. The temperature of the classroom is often either too cold or too hot, with
studies showing that students perform better in colder temperatures as opposed to warmer
temperatures. This is due to the fact that when the temperature is outside of the comfort zone,
the student is constantly distracted since the brain continually sends out signals to alert the
person of the discomfort. The lighting is also usually fluorescent, which affects a students
ability to read as the light is reflected off the surface, while also decreasing the score of
students in a classroom by 25% when compared to full spectrum or natural light. In addition
to this, studies have shown that dimly light classrooms affect the brains ability to gather data
Background noises such as traffic or planes flying overhead can also provide further
distractions for students. Noise level should be kept minimal to provide quality learning for
Todays classrooms are also mostly set up systemically in rows and columns, where such set
out discourages interactive learning and working in groups is difficult. They lack the
motivation needed for students and fail to provide the ideal environment for students to learn
Consequently, through our project we aim to better this situation and implement a classroom
where quality learning is prevalent among all students.

This project is to benefit the students of North Sydney Girls High School by providing them
with an environment that caters to their wide variety of learning styles. It could ultimately
cater for schools across the state if the predicted success is demonstrated.
Our proposed design allows teachers to successfully engage students in class discussions as
well as providing them with enough space for individual work. We wish to help students
reach their full potential academically through the removal of hindering factors, such as
fluorescent lights, bright colours and warm temperatures and instead implementing the most
suitable set out and factors to allow individuals to achieve the skills needed for life beyond

Our aim is to redesign the rooms CTL, MMR AND CTN to create a learning space which
meets the needs of future NSGs.
To create such learning space, we have defined quality learning as the concept of students
acquiring and understanding knowledge and skills that would aid them in life beyond high
school, otherwise known as the necessary 21st century skills needed for workplace scenarios.
To implement an environment where such skills are achievable, we acknowledge that there
are limits to what classroom designs can implement so we have decided to measure and
assess our success by how well we have implemented three major chosen skills that we as a
group believe are the most significant to workplace and future environments through our
classroom design.
1. Ability to use technology effectively
2. Communication/Teamwork and Collaboration
3. Creative and Flexible Thinking

1. Ability to use technology effectively

We define this skill as having confidence in using technology to aid them in completing their
work i.e. collaboration on google docs, and knowing how and what to search in order for
them to obtain precise results i.e. keywords.
To achieve this skill in the learning environment we will modify the classroom design by
implementing easily accessible technology which is readily available for work, while also
administering power points effectively around the classroom.
We also acknowledge that students can often get side-tracked when interacting with
technology, which is why we believe in motivating the students rather than monitoring their
learning. As research have shown an individuals success is impacted by a range of factors
including internal motivation. To improve such motivation, studies have shown that
classroom design and set out have a profound impact.
We will modify the atmosphere:

o Natural light (Statistics: students in a classroom with natural lighting scored

higher than other students by 25%) -Fluorescent lighting lighting affects a
students ability to read as the light reflects off the surface (e.g. paper,
chalkboard etc.) and therefore their academic performance is lowered

o Brightly lit classrooms (Dim light affects the brains ability to gather data

o Warm Colours (blue, green, beige)

o Temperature within comfort zone (studies have shown that students perform
better in colder temperatures than warmer temperatures) when the temperature
is outside of the comfort zone, the student is constantly distracted as the brain
continually sends out signals to alert the person of the discomfort

o Noise levels should be minimal e.g. aeroplanes passing overhead may cause

Also the classroom set out to suite the level of engagement, interaction and needs of each
subject/course undertaken in the classroom:

Verb Classroom Node Classroom Learn Lab

Easily integrate Ideal for small group Group content
between group work content within larger groups
and individual work

Good for More free space

Smaller groups presentations to the within the classroom
easier to class
communicate with
when completing
collaborative work
Good utilisation of Whiteboards and
- the space within the projectors across the
entire classroom room can
Communication accommodate for all
with the people near students at
them on other tables whichever angle
More independent they are seated at
work for individual
Easy physical access
around the
Teachers can place
themselves wherever
they would like to

Negatives Students at the back

Hard to Students towards the half of the room may
communicate with back of the be less engaged
all the peers in the classroom or are not
classroom harder facing the direction
to achieve a class of the teacher are
discussion between prone to lack
students concentration and
study less

Students towards the

back are more prone Less interaction in
to learn less and larger groups within
have less motivation the classroom

Harder for group


2. Communication/Teamwork and Collaboration

We define this skill of effective communication as the ability of relaying information that
successfully gets a point across by verbal speech or other methods, while effective
collaboration is the act of working together, sharing knowledge, workloads and learning from
one another.
In order to achieve this, we will modify the classroom set out as mentioned above where
discussions such as in a learn lab classroom are promoted, providing students with the perfect
environment to acquire the skill through giving them the quality environment for constructive
In terms of classroom design, we will administer flexible furniture which can be used in
different ways to suit different types of engagement and needs, space for students to share
ideas (whiteboards for students to use) and also study rooms for group and individual use.

3. Creative and Flexible Thinking

We define creative and flexible thinking as the ability for students to think outside the box,
apply the knowledge learnt in classrooms to the contemporary context as opposed to just
memorising it and also the ability to make it your own, go deeper as opposed to just
following the basic guidelines provided.
To create such environment where this skill is developed, we have decided to implement
whiteboards and corkboards on all side of the classroom for student use rather than teacher
use. We have also provided extra private study rooms for students to use, with a whiteboard
in each room. This provides space for student to express their ideas. Inspiration posters are on
all sides of the room to encourage student to do their own thinking and motivates them to

We have also implemented different environments for students to study in, as everyone works
in different environments. A relaxation room is a room with bean bags and comfortable
chairs, for student to use to relax or to do self-study. In this room, there will also be puzzles
and things for student to do in their own time, and encourages students to take a break every
now and then form studying.
In addition to this, through modifying the atmosphere of the environment and level of
engagement between students through classroom set out, we aim to promote creativity, as
creativity flourishes in a congenial environment/ socially supportive atmosphere as stated by
research Csikszentmihalyi.


Current and future students of NSGHS will be affected by the outcomes of this project, as
well as teachers. Parents of students at NSG may also be interested to know what kind of
classroom their daughter(s) is learning in and the positive impact it has upon their education.
Other schools may also find this type of classroom effective and decide to use the layout to
subsequently enhance the learning of an even larger proportion of students across the state.

As we defined classroom as a structured environment where students gain behavioural, social
and academic success, we aim to see improvements in these aspects. This would be done
through the management of the mini thresholds such as lighting, set out, temperature and
noise whose effects combined together ultimately creates a classroom design where good
learning is achievable.

- Funding (which can be resolved through funding and P and C donations, which could
be possible once they see the effects of a possible trial classroom)
- Need to stick to fitting 30 students into one classroom (smaller classes would be
- The social and economic background of individuals (which is a factor that affects an
individuals success, and is a factor that cant be controlled through classroom design)
- The capabilities of individuals and their reactions to rules and activities constructed
within these learning environments (outliers- no improvement of particular students)

Success Criteria
We acknowledge that there are limits to what classroom design can implement, so we have
decided to measure and assess our success by how well we have implemented our 3 chosen
skills. We can do so by:
- Handing out feedback surveys at the end of each semester regarding the classroom
atmosphere, setout, teaching, level of happiness regarding the current classroom
design, level of student engagement and any suggested improvements
- For more systematic subjects like math, success can be measured through academic
- Implementing creative projects and assessing the level of the students final products.

Risk Management Plan

Risk Impact Precaution

1. Students could be M Remodel classrooms
harmed by materials during school
and equipment holidays.
2. Insufficient funding L Fundraise and make
a proposal to the

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