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Present Capacity

Current Output
40000kg per month

Per Per Output time
Machine machine after (in mins)
Rated batch the for 1 8 hour
Machine NameNo Capacity size process cycle shift

Cleaner 1 200 200 192 15 1

Roaster 1 250 250 75 1
Winnower 1 450 250 185 60 1
Melangeur 1 115 115 75 2
Conches 2 1400 1400 2800 3600 3
Temper 1 200 140 140 60 2
Mold 1 140 140 60 2

After Roaster cool time was outside roaster; hence not included in roaster time
Conches take 40 to 60 hours. Used value 60hours

33600 is the production rate per month if conches are used at 60hr per batch
for 40000 let x be average time per batch (by linear approximation) for each conche

33600 x
40000 60 x=

Actual capacity for calculated production rate of conche

Per Per Output Process

Machine machine after time
Rated batch the (in mins) 8 hour
No Capacity size process for 1 cycle shift

Cleaner 1 200 200 192 15 1

Roaster 1 250 250 75 1
Winnower 1 450 250 185 60 1
Melangeur 1 115 115 75 2
Conches 2 1400 1400 2800 3024 3
Temper 1 200 140 140 60 2
Mold 1 140 140 60 2
Producti Producti
on on
Production (Per (Per
(per hour) Day) month)

768 6144 184320

200 1600 48000
185 1480 44400
92 1472 44160
46.66666667 1120 33600 Bottle Neck
140 2240 67200
140 2240 67200

roaster time

60hr per batch

on) for each conche

50.4 hours

rate of conche

Productio n
Production n (Per
(per hour) (Per Day) month)

768 6144 184320

200 1600 48000
185 1480 44400
92 1472 44160
55.55555556 1333.333 40000 Bottle Neck
140 2240 67200
140 2240 67200
Capacity with Ball Mill Add

Maximum Actual
Capacity batch size
Number of per per
Machine Machines machine machines

Cleaner 1 200 200

Roaster 1 250
Winnower 1 450 250
Melangeur 1 115
Ball Mill + Conches 2 1400 1400
Temper 1 200 140
Mold 1 140

Bottleneck in this process : Melangeur (44160 cap

Ball Mill + Conches together will take 15 hour (12hr+3h
Current capacity - 40000
Increased Product 10%
Other way of Increasing Capacity
1)Roster - Run one more shift
a.Run one more shift
b.Use to Maximum capacity by increasing load
3)Melangeur-Run one more shift
Colour codes
BY Working extra shift
BY Increasing load to max
Maximum Actual
Capacity batch size
Number of per per
Machine Machines machine machines

Cleaner 1 200 200

Roaster 1 250
Winnower 1 450 250
Winnower 1 450 450
Melangeur 1 115
Ball Mill + Conches 2 1400 1400
Temper 1 200 140
Mold 1 140

Bottleneck 66,240
Production Increas 66%
acity with Ball Mill Addition

Cycle Number Productio Productio Productio

time(in of 8 Hours n(Per n n
Output minutes) shift minutes) (per hour) (Per Day)

192 15 1 12.80 768 6144

250 75 1 3.33 200 1600
185 60 1 3.08 185 1480
115 75 2 1.53 92 1472
2800 900 3 3.11 186.6667 4480
140 60 2 2.33 140 2240
140 60 2 2.33 140 2240

Melangeur (44160 capacity/month)

l take 15 hour (12hr+3hr)

Y Working extra shift

Y Increasing load to maximum capacity

Cycle Number Productio Productio Productio

time(in of 8 Hours n(Per n n
Output minutes) shift minutes) (per hour) (Per Day)

192 15 1 12.8 768 6144

250 75 2 3.333333 200 3200
185 60 2 3.083333 185 2960
333 60 1 5.55 333 2664
115 75 3 1.533333 92 2208
2800 900 3 3.111111 186.6667 4480
140 60 2 2.333333 140 2240
140 60 2 2.333333 140 2240
(Per month)


(Per month)

66240 Bottle Neck
Capacity with Ball Mill and Melangeur addition

Maximum Actual Output Process

Capacity batch size after time
Machine Number of per per the (in mins) 8 hour
Name Machines machine machines process for 1 cycle shift

Cleaner 1 200 200 192 15 1

Roaster 1 250 250 75 2
Winnower 1 450 250 185 60 2
Winnower 1 450 450 333 60 1
Melangeur 2 115 230 75 2
Ball Mill + 2 1400 1400 2800 900 3
Temper 1 200 140 140 60 2
Mold 1 140 140 60 2

Production Inc 68%

roaster, winnower

To increase production further we need to run Temper and molding

Per Per Output Process

Machine machine after time
Rated batch the (in mins) 8 hour
No Capacity size process for 1 cycle shift

Cleaner 1 200 200 192 15 1

Roaster 1 250 250 75 2
Winnower 1 450 250 185 60 2
Winnower 1 450 450 333 60 1
Melangeur 2 115 230 75 2
Ball Mill + 2 1400 1400 2800 900 3
Temper 1 200 140 140 60 3
Mold 1 140 140 60 3
angeur addition

Productio Productio n
n n (Per
(per hour) (Per Day) month)

768 6144 184320

200 3200 96000
185 2960 88800 extra shift
333 2664 79920 more load
184 2944 88320 melangeur runs for 2 shifts
186.6667 4480 134400
140 2240 67200 Bottle Neck
140 2240 67200 Bottle Neck

n Temper and molding each for one more shift

Productio Productio n
n n (Per
(per hour) (Per Day) month)

768 6144 184320

200 3200 96000
185 2960 88800
333 2664 79920
184 2944 88320
186.6667 4480 134400
140 3360 100800
140 3360 100800

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