Natural Gas Composition (Mol%)

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Cells for Input

Cells for Auto calcs

Natural Gas Composition (mol%)

Methane 91
Ethane 3
Propane 1.25
Butane 1
Nitrogen 2.75
Carbon dioxide 1
Total 100

Pressure 464
Temperature 120
Basis 100
Desired Production Rate 3000

On Stream Factor 345

Operating hours 8280

Max. Hydrocarbon conc. in Steam reformer outlet gas 0.50%

Steam to hydrocarbon ratio in Primary Reformer 3
ells for Input
ells for Auto calcs

lbmol/hr of Natural Gas Feed

Components Mol. Wt

Methane 16
Ethane 30
Propane 44
Butane 58
Nitrogen 28
Carbon dioxide 44
Carbon monoxide 28
Hydrogen 2
Oxygen 32
Steam 18
Potassium Carbonate 138
Primary Reformer

Temperature 727 C
Pressure 464 psig
Pressure Drop 10 psig
HC to Steam Ratio 3

Natural Gas 1


Reactions in Primary Reformer

Reaction 1 CH4 + H2O = CO + 3H2 75%
Reaction 2 C2H6 + 2H2O = 2CO + 5H2 100%
Reaction 3 C3H8 + 3H2O = 3CO + 7H2 100%
Reaction 4 C4H10 + 4H2O = 4CO + 9H2 100%
Reaction 5 CO+H2O = CO2 + H2 40%

Stream 1 (Natural Gas) Stream 2 (Steam

Components Mole Flow Mass Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol%
Methane 91 91 1456 -
Ethane 3 3 90 -
Propane 1.25 1.25 55 -
Butane 1 1 58 -
Nitrogen 2.75 2.75 77 -
Carbon dioxide 1 1 44 -
Carbon monoxide - - - -
Hydrogen - - - -
Oxygen - - - -
Steam - - - 100
Total 100 100 1780 100

Total Primary Reformer Inlet 6977.5 lb/hr

CO Production
Reaction 1 68.25 lbmol/hr
Reaction 2 6 lbmol/hr
Reaction 3 3.75 lbmol/hr
Reaction 4 4 lbmol/hr
Total 82 lbmol/hr

CO Consume
Reaction 5 32.8 lbmol/hr

CO2 Produced
Reaction 5 32.8 lbmol/hr

H2 Produced
Reaction 1 204.75 lbmol/hr
Reaction 2 15 lbmol/hr
Reaction 3 8.75 lbmol/hr
Reaction 4 9 lbmol/hr
Reaction 5 32.8 lbmol/hr
Total 270.3 lbmol/hr

Steam consumption
Reaction 1 68.25 lbmol/hr
Reaction 2 6 lbmol/hr
Reaction 3 3.75 lbmol/hr
Reaction 4 4 lbmol/hr
Reaction 5 32.8 lbmol/hr
Total 114.8 lbmol/hr
Secondary Reformer

Exit Temperature 1000

Pressure 454
Pressure Drop 10

3 5
Primary Reformer
4 Air

Reactions in Secondary Reform

based on CH4 Reaction 1 CH4 + H2O = CO + 3H2
based on C2H6 Reaction 2 CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O
based on C3H8 Reaction 3 2CO + O2 = 2CO2
based on C4H10 Reaction 4 CH4 + 2CO + 3O2 = 3CO2 + 2H2
based on CO

Stream 2 (Steam) Stream 3

Mole Flow Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
- - 4.12 22.75 364.00
- - 0.00 0.00 0.00
- - 0.00 0.00 0.00
- - 0.00 0.00 0.00
- - 0.50 2.75 77.00
- - 6.11 33.80 1487.20
- - 8.90 49.20 1377.60
- - 48.90 270.30 540.60
- - - - -
288.75 5197.5 31.47 173.95 3131.10
288.75 5197.5 100 552.75 6977.5

Total Secondary Reformer Inlet

Nitrogen in 112.63
Total air 142.56
O2 with Air 29.94

CH4 Consumption
Reaction 4 9.98
Reaction 1 10.85
CO Production
Reaction 1 10.85

CO Consumption
Reaction 4 19.96

CO2 Production
Reaction 4 29.94

H2 production
Reaction 1 32.56

Steam Consumption
Reaction 1 10.85

Steam Production
Reaction 4 19.96

Reactions in Secondary Reformer

CH4 + H2O = CO + 3H2 85% based on remaining CH4 after Reaction 4
CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O
2CO + O2 = 2CO2
CH4 + 2CO + 3O2 = 3CO2 + 2H2O 100% based on O2

Stream 4 (Air) Stream 5

Mole Flow Mass Flow Mole Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr)
- - - 0.27 1.92
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
79 112.63 3153.5 16.32 115.38
- - - 9.01 63.74
- - - 5.67 40.10
- - - 42.84 302.86
21 29.94 958.03 0.00 0.00
- - - 25.89 183.05
100 142.56 4111.53 100 707.04

11089.03 lb/hr







after Reaction 4

eam 5
Mass Flow
High Temperature Shift Converter

Temperature 400 C
Pressure 444 psig
Pressure Drop 10 psig

SR outlet stream

Reactions in HTS
Reaction 1 CO+H2O = CO2 + H2 80%

Stream 5 (SR outlet) Stream 6 (HTS ou

Components Mole Flow Mass Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol%
Methane 0.27 1.92 30.65 0.27
Nitrogen 16.32 115.38 3230.50 16.32
Carbon dioxide 9.01 63.74 2804.48 13.55
Carbon monoxide 5.67 40.10 1122.69 1.13
Hydrogen 42.84 302.86 605.73 47.37
Steam 25.89 183.05 3294.97 21.35
Total 100 707.0 11089.0 100

CO Consumed
Reaction 1 32.08 lbmol/hr
CO2 Produced
Reaction 1 32.08 lbmol/hr
H2 Produced
Reaction 1 32.08 lbmol/hr
Steam Consumed
Reaction 1 32.08 lbmol/hr
Low Temperature Shift converter

Exit Temperature 200

Pressure 434
Pressure Drop 10

6 7

Reactions in LTS
based on CO Reaction 1 CO+H2O = CO2 + H2

Stream 6 (HTS outlet) Stream 7 (LTS outlet)

Mole Flow Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
1.92 30.65 0.27 1.92 30.65
115.38 3230.50 16.32 115.38 3230.50
95.82 4215.87 14.46 102.23 4498.15
8.02 224.54 0.23 1.60 44.91
334.94 669.88 48.28 341.36 682.71
150.98 2717.59 20.45 144.56 2602.11
707.04 11089.03 100 707.04 11089.03

CO Consumed
Reaction 1 6.42 lbmol/hr
CO2 Produced
Reaction 1 6.42 lbmol/hr
H2 Produced
Reaction 1 6.42 lbmol/hr
Steam Consumed
Reaction 1 6.42 lbmol/hr

80% based on CO
Cooler Separator

Temperature 120 C
Pressure 424 psig LTS outlet stream
Pressure Drop 10 psig

Water Condensed 100%
CO2 Solubility in Water 0%

Stream 8 (LTS outlet)

Components Mole Flow Mass Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
Methane 0.27 1.92 30.65
Nitrogen 16.32 115.38 3230.50
Carbon dioxide 14.46 102.23 4498.15
Carbon monoxide 0.23 1.60 44.91
Hydrogen 48.28 341.36 682.71
Steam 20.45 144.56 2602.11
Total 100 707.0 11089.0

CO2 Removal

Temperature 120 C Stream from

Pressure 414 psig Cooler Separator
Pressure Drop 10 psig
Lean Solvent
Solvent Used K2CO3
Solvent Loading 2 lbmol of Acid gas /lbmol of pure solvent
Solution Strength 80% by weight

Stream 9 (Feed Gas)

Components Mole Flow Mass Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
Methane 0.34 1.92 30.65
Nitrogen 20.51 115.38 3230.50
Carbon dioxide 18.17 102.23 4498.15
Carbon monoxide 0.29 1.60 44.91
Hydrogen 60.69 341.36 682.71
Potassium Carbonate 0.00 0.00 0.00
Water 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100.00 562.5 8486.9
Total Mass in 17304.30 lb/hr
Total Mass out 17304.30 lb/hr
tlet stream 9
Cooler Condenser


Stream 9 Stream 10 (Condensed Water)

Mole Flow Mass Flow Mole Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr)
0.34 1.92 30.65 0.00 0.00
20.51 115.38 3230.50 0.00 0.00
18.17 102.23 4498.15 0.00 0.00
0.29 1.60 44.91 0.00 0.00
60.69 341.36 682.71 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 144.56
100 562.48 8486.92 100 144.56


9 12
Treated Gas
CO2 Removal
13 Rich Solvent

f pure solvent

Stream 11 (Lean Solvent) Stream 12 (Treated Gas)

Mole Flow Mass Flow Mole Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.92
0.00 0.00 0.00 25.07 115.38
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.60
0.00 0.00 0.00 74.17 341.36
34.29 51.12 7053.91 0.00 0.00
65.71 97.97 1763.48 0.00 0.00
100.00 149.09 8817.39 100 460.25
ondensed Water)
Mass Flow

(Treated Gas) Stream 13 (Rich Solvent)

Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
30.65 0.00 0.00 0.00
3230.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 40.68 102.23 4498.15
44.91 0.00 0.00 0.00
682.71 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 20.34 51.12 7053.91
0 38.98 97.97 1763.48
3988.77 100 251.32 13315.53

Temperature 400 C
Pressure 404 psig
Pressure Drop 10 psig

From CO2 Removal Unit


Reactions in Methanator
Reaction 1 CO+3H2 = CH4 +H2O 100%

Stream 12 (CO2 Removal outlet) Stream 14 (Methanato

Components Mole Flow Mass Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol%
Methane 0.42 1.92 30.65 0.77
Nitrogen 25.07 115.38 3230.50 25.24
Carbon monoxide 0.35 1.60 44.91 0.00
Hydrogen 74.17 341.36 682.71 73.64
Steam 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35
Total 100 460.3 3988.8 100

CO Consume
Reaction 1 1.60 lbmol/hr
H2 Consume
Reaction 1 4.81 lbmol/hr
CH4 Produced
Reaction 1 1.60 lbmol/hr
Steam Produced
Reaction 1 1.60 lbmol/hr
14 16
Cooler and

based on CO

Stream 14 (Methanator outlet) Stream 16

Mole Flow Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
3.52 56.31 0.77 3.52 56.31
115.38 3230.50 25.33 115.38 3230.50
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
336.55 673.09 73.89 336.55 673.09
1.60 28.87 0.00 0.00 0
457.04 3988.77 100 455.44 3959.90
Knock out water

Stream 15 (Knock out Water)

Mole Flow Mass Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
100.00 1.60 28.87
100 1.60 28.87
Ammonia Conversion Loop

Temperature 400 C
Pressure 404 psig
Pressure Drop 10 psig 21

From Methanator


Reactions in Ammonia Converter

Reaction 1 N2+3H2 = 2NH3 75%

Iteration No. 1
Stream 16 (Methanator Outlet)
Components Mol. Wt Mole Flow Mass Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
Methane 16 0.77 3.52 56.31
Nitrogen 28 25.33 115.38 3230.50
Hydrogen 2 73.89 336.55 673.09
Ammonia 17 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100 455.4 3959.9

H2 Consumed Calculations for Purge stream 20 Rate

Reaction 1 252.41 lbmol/hr Feed Stream Flow

N2 Consumed Feed Stream Inert
Reaction 1 84.14 lbmol/hr Required Inert Conc.
NH3 Produced Purge Stream 20 flow
Reaction 1 168.27 lbmol/hr Recycle Stream 21 Flow

Iteration No. 2
Stream 16 (Methanator Outlet)
Components Mol. Wt Mole Flow Mass Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
Methane 16 0.78 3.57 57.06
Nitrogen 28 25.34 115.79 3242.12
Hydrogen 2 73.88 337.66 675.33
Ammonia 17 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100 457.0 3974.5

H2 Consume Calculations for Purge stream 20 Rate

Reaction 1 253.25 lbmol/hr Feed Stream Flow

N2 Consume Feed Stream Inert
Reaction 1 84.42 lbmol/hr Required Inert Conc.
NH3 Produced Purge Stream 20 flow
Reaction 1 168.83 lbmol/hr Recycle Stream 21 Flow

Iteration No. 3
Stream 16 (Methanator Outlet)
Components Mol. Wt Mole Flow Mass Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
Methane 16 0.78 3.58 57.29
Nitrogen 28 25.34 115.92 3245.68
Hydrogen 2 73.88 338.01 676.01
Ammonia 17 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100 457.5 3979.0

H2 Consume Calculations for Purge stream 20 Rate

Reaction 1 253.50 lbmol/hr Feed Stream Flow

N2 Consume Feed Stream Inert
Reaction 1 84.50 lbmol/hr Required Inert Conc.
NH3 Produced Purge Stream 20 flow
Reaction 1 169.00 lbmol/hr Recycle Stream 21 Flow

Iteration No. 4
Stream 16 (Methanator Outlet)
Components Mol. Wt Mole Flow Mass Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
Methane 16 0.78 3.58 57.36
Nitrogen 28 25.34 115.95 3246.73
Hydrogen 2 73.88 338.11 676.21
Ammonia 17 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100 457.6 3980.3

H2 Consume Calculations for Purge stream 20 Rate

Reaction 1 253.58 lbmol/hr Feed Stream Flow

N2 Consume Feed Stream Inert
Reaction 1 84.53 lbmol/hr Required Inert Conc.
NH3 Produced Purge Stream 20 flow
Reaction 1 169.05 lbmol/hr Recycle Stream 21 Flow

Note: This indicates that at the start-up, until the system get stabilized, recycle is required after that all the stream sh
Scale up Factor Calculations
NH3 production based on 100 lbmol/hr of Natural Gas Feed
Scale up Factor

All the stream flow should be multiplied by this factor to get the desired production rate.
Recycle Stream

17 18
Cooler and

based on H2

Stream 17 (Converter outlet) Stream 18

Mole Flow Mass Flow Mole Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr)
1.23 3.52 56.31 2.96 3.52
10.88 31.24 874.68 26.27 31.24
29.30 84.14 168.27 70.77 84.14
58.60 168.27 2860.64 0.00 0.00
100 287.17 3959.90 100 118.89

stream 20 Rate Purge Stream 20

Mole Flow
455.4 lbmol/hr Mol% (mol/hr)
0.77 mol% Methane 2.96 3.47
3 mol% Nitrogen 26.27 30.82
117.31 lbmol/hr Hydrogen 70.77 83.02
1.58 lbmol/hr 100.00 117.31

Stream 17 (Converter outlet) Stream 18

Mole Flow Mass Flow Mole Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr)
1.24 3.57 57.06 2.99 3.57
10.89 31.37 878.48 26.29 31.37
29.29 84.42 168.83 70.73 84.42
58.58 168.83 2870.14 0.00 0.00
100 288.19 3974.51 100 119.36

stream 20 Rate Purge Stream 20

Mole Flow
457.0 lbmol/hr Mol% (mol/hr)
0.78 mol% Methane 2.99 3.55
3 mol% Nitrogen 26.29 31.25
118.87 lbmol/hr Hydrogen 70.73 84.07
0.48 lbmol/hr 100.00 118.87

Stream 17 (Converter outlet) Stream 18

Mole Flow Mass Flow Mole Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr)
1.24 3.58 57.29 3.00 3.58
10.89 31.42 879.64 26.29 31.42
29.29 84.50 169.00 70.71 84.50
58.58 169.00 2873.05 0.00 0.00
100 288.50 3978.98 100 119.50

stream 20 Rate Purge Stream 20

Mole Flow
457.5 lbmol/hr Mol% (mol/hr)
0.78 mol% Methane 3.00 3.58
3 mol% Nitrogen 26.29 31.38
119.35 lbmol/hr Hydrogen 70.71 84.40
0.14 lbmol/hr 100.00 119.35

Stream 17 (Converter outlet) Stream 18

Mole Flow Mass Flow Mole Flow
Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr)
1.24 3.58 57.36 3.00 3.58
10.89 31.43 879.99 26.29 31.43
29.29 84.53 169.05 70.71 84.53
58.58 169.05 2873.91 0.00 0.00
100 288.59 3980.31 100 119.54

stream 20 Rate Purge Stream 20

Mole Flow
457.6 lbmol/hr Mol% (mol/hr)
0.78 mol% Methane 3.00 3.58
3 mol% Nitrogen 26.29 31.42
119.50 lbmol/hr Hydrogen 70.71 84.50
0.04 lbmol/hr 100.00 119.50

d after that all the stream should be purged.

2873.91 lb/hr
31.3 Tonnes/day
he desired production rate.
Purge Stream

Liquid Ammonia

eam 18 Stream 19 (Liquid Ammonia)

Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
56.31 0.00 0.00 0.00
874.68 0.00 0.00 0.00
168.27 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 100.00 168.27 2860.64
1099.26 100 168.27 2860.64

Stream 20 Recycle Stream 21

Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
55.56 2.96 0.05 0.75
863.06 26.27 0.42 11.62
166.04 70.77 1.12 2.24
1084.65 100.00 1.58 14.61

eam 18 Stream 19 (Liquid Ammonia)

Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
57.06 0.00 0.00 0.00
878.48 0.00 0.00 0.00
168.83 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 100.00 168.83 2870.14
1104.37 100 168.83 2870.14

Stream 20 Recycle Stream 21

Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
56.83 2.99 0.01 0.23
874.92 26.29 0.13 3.55
168.15 70.73 0.34 0.68
1099.90 100.00 0.48 4.47

eam 18 Stream 19 (Liquid Ammonia)

Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
57.29 0.00 0.00 0.00
879.64 0.00 0.00 0.00
169.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 100.00 169.00 2873.05
1105.93 100 169.00 2873.05

Stream 20 Recycle Stream 21

Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
57.22 3.00 0.00 0.07
878.59 26.29 0.04 1.06
168.80 70.71 0.10 0.20
1104.61 100.00 0.14 1.33

eam 18 Stream 19 (Liquid Ammonia)

Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
57.36 0.00 0.00 0.00
879.99 0.00 0.00 0.00
169.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 100.00 169.05 2873.91
1106.40 100 169.05 2873.91

Stream 20 Recycle Stream 21

Mass Flow Mole Flow Mass Flow
(lb/hr) Mol% (mol/hr) (lb/hr)
57.34 3.00 0.00 0.02
879.68 26.29 0.01 0.31
168.99 70.71 0.03 0.06
1106.01 100.00 0.04 0.39


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